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Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 28/32 - 11/04/09 08:31 PM
FDK goes here smile .

And then I shall hide behind a wall and wait for the tomatoes.


Wow - full of action! I was really afraid for Clark - things didn't look good.

And then you threw a joker in the deck by bringing back Trask! Of course he'd try to kill the Kryptonians! Makes total sense.

I love Henderson - he has that intelligence and dry wit, and he's not afraid to make the tough decision. The perfect guy to be at the crime scene.

Eagerly awaiting more!

BTW, you have the same title to the FDK thread as to the fic post, and you're using the blue arrow on both. Confusing.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 28/32 - 11/04/09 08:58 PM
Fixed thanks smile .

Will leave the rest for later wink .
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 28/32 - 11/04/09 11:49 PM
That was great! smile1

So, do we get some sloppy now that the NK's are handled?
Abby in forensics? A nod to NCIS, maybe?

Good wrap-up. It does indeed make sense that Trask was the gunman with the green K ammo. I wonder if Zod transported Zara and her cohorts with or without the box of kryptonite that Lois had?

A thought occurred to me. Since green K is a crystal in the L&C universe, and since crystals don't react well to sudden stresses (like being shot out of a rifle), the green K bullet would have to be laced with kryptonite and not made with it exclusively.

Of course, Arianna Carlin's green K bullets looked like pure kryptonite, so maybe the laws of physics and mineralogy don't work quite the same way as in the "real" world.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 28/32 - 11/05/09 08:45 AM
Terry.... Shhhhhhh

she's I'm completely uh original. Yeah. That's it wink .
I can't believe I misread the last line of part 27 blush

You know, I never expected to see Trask again. Or some stowed-away Kryptonite notworthy And he got his shot at an evil Kryptonian. He must be so happy. It's almost like the conditioning they did on Jimmy and the two other kids.

Perhaps we could send Lois to get it.

Lois, Perry and a number of other members of the Daily Planet staff were held hostage but have overtaken their captors and tied them up.
I am sorry, Henderson.
Clark must be really upset to slip like this. Good thing that only Henderson was close enough to hear the familiar addresses. blush

Contact Abby in forensics as soon as you can?
Hmm... So, this is Henderson?
[Linked Image]

And that's Zymack?
[Linked Image]

Michael, who's had a great morning thanks to waking up backwards.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 28/32 - 11/09/09 01:47 PM
LOL Michael!

Thanks guys - look for more momentarily!
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