Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: smileyem A Bitter Pill to Swallow 2/? - 10/20/09 03:24 PM
Well, here's Part 2.

This part is very long. I knew where I wanted it to finish, it just took a little longer than expected getting there! I hope you bear with me. I feel the build-up is necessary to create the context.

This story is based on the Lois and Clark episode ‘Resurrection,’ written by Gene Miller and Karen Kavner, and includes some directly quoted dialogue. There are also some quotes taken and references made to previous Lois and Clark episodes, which I am sure you will recognise! wink

The characters involved are, of course, not mine and belong to Warner Brothers. I am just borrowing them for fun and not for profit etc.

Anyway, on with the story. I hope you enjoy and would really, really love to know what you think.

I have read a few PG fic versions of my favourite nfic stories and have tried to follow their lead in making it suitable for this folder. I hope that I have managed to achieve this.

Text between < > indicates a character’s thoughts and text between // \\ indicates a memory.

Emma smile

Part Two

Mayson’s funeral was very distressing for Clark. Her friends and family were grieving and, as far as he was concerned, he was partly responsible. He had to look them in the eye, be polite, and offer condolence, all the while fighting the overwhelming feeling of blame he held inside.

Clark also knew he was still being cold towards Lois; he didn’t want to be, but it was as if a wall had gone up inside of him, keeping him from letting her get too close and (heaven forbid) perhaps even helping him. His conscience was telling him he still had to suffer.

It was obvious Lois was making an effort to give him the time and space he needed, and he loved her for it. He only hoped he wouldn’t end up losing her as a result. He knew it must be tough for her to hold back, and by now she must really want to scream at him. She was showing remarkable patience and restraint, particularly for Lois.


Lois had found the funeral pretty uncomfortable herself. She and Mayson were far from the best of friends, but her death had really shocked and saddened Lois. They were a similar age, did similarly dangerous jobs and had worked on some of the same investigations, during which Lois had often used underhand tactics in order to obtain information from her. The jealousy she had held towards Mayson due to her ‘friendship’ with Clark made Lois feel incredibly petty now. What made it worse, was that at this moment she was still feeling some of that jealousy, due to the extent of Clark’s grieving.

He was so distant, obviously keeping everything he was feeling bottled up inside. He hardly spoke during the funeral, or afterwards. Lois tried to offer support, but she wasn’t really sure if her being there for him had helped at all.

Then, while giving Clark a few moments alone at Mayson’s graveside, Lois had seen a corpse seemingly come back to life, or, as she accepted was more likely, a corpse that wasn’t actually a corpse at all. Although she screamed for Clark’s help and pleaded with the gravediggers, she was scoffed at for her suggestions and witnessed the body being buried ‘alive.’ She was so certain she hadn’t imagined it.

Clark had tried not to ridicule her, but he did think that she was seeing things. The only plus side was that he held her while the gravediggers shovelled dirt onto the coffin. It was their first physical contact since their kiss, and momentarily he seemed like his old self, being there for her however crazy she appeared to be. It mattered less than usual that ultimately he didn’t believe her.


Clark was still trying to rationalise with Lois when they arrived at The Planet. He had x-rayed the coffin and didn’t see anything to support her claims.

“After a death it’s not uncommon for a body to have involuntary movements Lois.”

<At least he’s talking to me> she thought <even if he doesn’t believe me.>

“Fine, it never happened.” Lois muttered as she sat down at her desk. She still felt sickened by what she had seen.

Clark continued to his desk. He hoped this wasn’t the effect his recent behaviour was having on her. Was he making her crazy? Clark felt to blame for just about everything at the moment. However, knowing Lois, there wasn’t often smoke without fire. She was very rarely wrong. Perhaps he shouldn’t have dismissed her out of hand.

Jimmy, who had also been at the funeral, rushed over to where Lois was sitting excitedly.

“Lois, my car’s in the shop and I was wondering if I could borrow your car tonight? I met this incredible girl this morning.”

“This morning,” replied Lois in disbelief, “at Mayson’s funeral! That’s so tacky.”

“It didn’t start out that way honestly, it just happened.”

“I thought Angela was the love of your life.”

“Yesterday’s news.”

“That didn’t take long.” Lois was a little saddened.

“I’m young, I’m single, I gotta keep my options open Lois.”

Lois glared at Jimmy, unsettled by his easy dismissal of his past love. Jimmy seemed to sense her derision.

“She left me for a guy with a Ferrari, you happy? Can I borrow the car, please?”

“I tell you what, I’ll lend you my car if you call ‘Perpetual Pines’ and find out who they just buried in Plot 29B.”

“Deal. 29B?”

Jimmy bounded away, happy that he was now able to impress his date. His words repeated in Lois’ head.

//”Yesterday’s news.”\\

The flippant comment had really struck a chord with her. She knew she was being overly-emotional at the moment and it was driving her mad.

Was she yesterday’s news in Clark’s eyes? Was he just taking the untimely death of a close friend really hard, or did he regret their kiss, or both? She had to know, before it actually did make her insane. Had he changed his mind about dating her, or was he just being the sensitive, caring guy she knew him to be? After all, the Clark she knew would be deeply affected by the sudden death of a friend.

She was so tired of all the questions replaying in her mind. Enough was enough. She could scarcely function like this. She didn’t want to put pressure on Clark, but she really didn’t think she could go on not knowing whether there was still something between them. Not when she was so completely in love with him.


Lois suddenly became aware that she had expressed her frustration out loud. She had known deep down for months that she was in love with Clark, but it felt so clear now, which was just typical of her luck as his feelings appeared to have cooled.

“You ok Lois?” Jimmy called from his desk.

Lois immediately looked over at Clark, but he was staring down at whatever he was reading. Thankfully he hadn’t noticed.

“Yeah Jimmy, I’m fine. It’s nothing, really. I just thought of something. Don’t worry about it.”

Lois knew she didn’t sound very convincing. Her mind was made up. She had to grit her teeth, be strong, and ask Clark outright how he felt, so that she could figure out how to move forward.

Either way, it was clear that Clark was still suffering. She wanted desperately to help in some way, even if it was only by getting a lead in catching Mayson’s killer. Just then, Lois noticed Perry walk over to Clark’s desk. She glanced over and listened in.

“How you doing son?” Perry asked. Clark appeared to be miles away. “Clark?”

“Huh? Oh, er, ok I guess,” was his hazy response.

“How’s the story coming?”

“Slow. I can’t seem to get a handle on it Chief. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“You need a couple of days off, you let me know, ok?” Perry patted Clark’s shoulder in the fatherly manner he adopted when showing his caring side. “Oh, a Federal DEA Agent is coming down here this afternoon. He’s looking into Mayson’s death. Maybe he can help you with your investigation.”

“Why’s the DEA involved?” Lois piped up.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe they think it’s mob-related. You know Mayson had a lot of enemies in the Intergang.”

“If I could get into her office, take a look at her files…..” Clark was clearly listening but still appeared distracted.

“Nah, the police have got it cordoned off. Well, but then when’s a little police tape ever stopped you two, huh?”

Perry patted Clark’s shoulder again before walking away. Lois made eye-contact with Clark at Perry’s final words and raised an eyebrow. She was certain they’d be able to figure out a way to get in there. Clark was right; it was definitely the best place to find a lead. If she hadn’t been so distracted, she was sure she would have suggested it before.

Clark seemed so fragile at the moment; she wished she could just hold him and make everything ok. She wasn’t sure how he would react if she did try to touch him. He had behaved this past week as if he didn’t want to be near her at all, without actually saying as much. Lois knew she had to find some way to help him, even if it was just as a partner and friend.

A few minutes later, Lois walked over to Clark’s desk, armed with a steaming mug of coffee. As she approached, she noticed what he had been looking at since they got back to the office; copies of The Daily Planet from the past few days. He was just staring, she doubted he was actually reading, he’d probably read them a hundred times before anyway. The headlines read, ‘District Attorney Killed By Bomb,’ Police No Closer To Finding DA’s Killer,’ and ‘Tragic DA’s Funeral Today.’

Lois called out softly, “Clark.”

Clark didn’t respond. She gently put her hand on his shoulder.


This time he lifted his head. He had felt her touch before he heard her speak and warmth spread throughout his body. He turned to look at her.


“I brought you a coffee.” Lois tried to keep her tone light. “Cream and four sugars, thought you looked like you could use it.” She smiled at him warmly.

“Thanks Lois.”

Clark gave a half-smile and took the coffee from her. Lois felt like she’d had a minor breakthrough.

“Hey, why don’t we go down there, to Mayson’s office?” Lois ventured. “Perry was right, we’ll figure out a way in. Come on, we can do this, work out why Mayson was killed; you know we can, Lane and Kent. Not for the awards or accolades, for justice for Mayson, so that her death wasn’t completely in vain.”

Lois still had her hand on Clark’s shoulder and rubbed it gently. She felt ever so slightly closer to him than she had all week, as if his defences were melting just a little, at least she hoped so.

“The last thing she said to me was ‘resurrection.’ What was she trying to tell me?”

He was almost pleading for an answer he knew she couldn’t give. Lois pulled on his arm as if to help him up.

“C’mon partner, let’s go find out.”


Clark smiled at Lois again. She was amazing, supporting him like this even though he had frozen her out lately. He had been nothing like a partner, or friend, never mind anything else. He decided that he had to talk to her, tell her how much he appreciated her, and explain his recent behaviour as best he could. He just wasn’t sure that he had the words yet; he was still so confused himself.

Clark was about to leave his desk when he noticed the coffee Lois had just brought him. He picked up the mug and gulped it down quickly. Lois looked at him, shocked.

“My God Clark, how did you swallow that?! It must have still been boiling hot! You’ll regret it; it’ll drive you crazy for days having a burnt mouth.”

“It’s fine Lois, honestly. It wasn’t that hot.” Clark replied, inwardly berating himself for being so careless.

Lois looked at him bemused and shook her head. “Come on.”


Lois and Clark arrived at Mayson’s office dressed in overalls and pushing a cleaning cart. The disguise was Lois’ idea. Although Clark was a little wary of them getting caught, he was pleased to at last be doing something constructive. Lois walked ahead of him and arrived at the door to the office first. She picked the lock with ease.

“I could get into any door in this city.”

She turned to look back at Clark with a proud smile on her face.

“I know, now that worries me.”

Clark playfully wagged his finger, gave her a mildly teasing smile and shook his head. There was also a slight laugh in his voice. Although Lois’ ability to break into almost anywhere often got her in trouble, she did always do it for the right reasons, and her audacious spirit was one of the many things he loved about her.

As Lois entered the office, she continued to smile, loving seeing the merest hint of the old Clark, in whatever form.

“See if you can find something connected to Intergang, or what she meant by ‘resurrection.’ I guess it will be something she was working on recently.” Clark said quietly, keen to find some kind of a clue and get out of there as soon as possible.

Lois rooted around Mayson’s desk.

“Here’s something she received the day before she died. It’s a file on someone named Stanley Gables.”

“Anything on Intergang or Resurrection?”

“No,” sighed Lois.

“Keep looking.”

“How’s this for recent, it’s still warm.” Lois picked up a sandwich wrapped in white paper and waved it in Clark’s direction.

“A meatball sandwich?”

“Molanaro’s, best in the city.”

Clark’s question had been answered by another voice. They were both shocked to see a man jump down through a panel in the ceiling, holding a gun. He spoke again in a fairly light-hearted manner.

“Go ahead, take a bite. It’s got a million peppers that will knock your socks off.”

“Who are you?” Clark asked, with a hint of irritation. Lois looked stunned.

“The cleaning man, who are you?”

“The cleaning woman.”

Lois found her voice and tried to sound breezy and casual. Clark smiled anxiously next to her, also trying to appear relaxed.

“How’s that for a coincidence,” she continued, “we’re all cleaners, guess the Agency overbooked.”

Lois turned to leave with her hand on Clark’s arm, preparing to make a quick exit before any more questions were asked.

“You know,” the man adjusted the clip on his gun and pointed it directly at Lois and Clark, who froze, “I’m a very sensitive guy. I just hate it when people lie to me.”

“But you don’t mind lying yourself.” Lois quipped back defiantly, still trying to seem unfazed.

“Touché, but I’ve got the gun so my lie takes precedence.”

As the man spoke, Clark (who had until that point remained slightly behind Lois) began to step forward, anxious to be able to protect her if necessary.

“Unless you’re Superman, I wouldn’t recommend it.”

The man held eye-contact with Clark, who backed away slightly.

A few moments later, Lois and Clark had been tied up together by the mystery man, each sitting on a chair, facing away from one another. He then continued to speak in a jovial manner, while looking around Mayson’s desk and putting various items into his pockets.

“Please don’t get the wrong impression; I really am a fun guy. You should see me at parties.” He turned to look at Lois. “You know, you have the most incredible eyes.”

Lois rolled her eyes, but was flattered all the same, particularly as Clark’s recent behaviour hadn’t done much for her self-esteem.

The man still carried on speaking. His demeanour was very bright and friendly for someone who had just tied them up.

“Well, it’s been real, and don’t forget to check out Molanaro’s, when you’re not so tied up.”

He disappeared out of the window. Within seconds, Clark had broken the rope that was holding them and unravelled it from around Lois.

“Guess he was never a Boy Scout.”


Walking back from the office building, Clark was very quiet. He had retreated back into the shell he had been in since Mayson’s death.

“Are you ok?” Lois ventured.

Clark lifted his head and turned to look at her, aware he had been in a world of his own.

“Yeah, no, I’m just frustrated that we didn’t get a chance to find anything in Mayson’s office after managing to get in there.”

“Me too.”

“And that guy, what right did he have tying us up like that?” Clark’s tone had turned angry.

“I don’t know Clark, we were kind of trespassing.”

“And he wasn’t I suppose?! Lois, he was pointing a gun at us, would you say that’s normal behaviour? If he was a good guy, he would have said who he was – and he took things from her desk, things we probably need to see if we’re gonna get anywhere.”

“Well, we’re just gonna have to find out who he is then, aren’t we.”

Lois put her hand on Clark’s back as they reached The Daily Planet’s entrance, guiding him through ahead, as he had done so many times for her. Clark felt heat course through his body at her touch, even though it was so slight.

Riding up in the elevator, Clark was quiet again. He seemed deep in thought. Lois was pleased that he was talking to her a little more and starting to let her in. In a working capacity at least, things were getting easier.

She still had no idea where she stood on the romance front though. She knew it was unfair to put pressure on Clark at the moment, but the uncertainty was really affecting her, and if the dreams she had been having all week continued, getting longer and more passion-filled each time, followed by the agony of waking up confused and alone, she may just go insane.

Lois decided she needed to arrange some time with Clark, in more private surroundings, in the hope that then the subject may naturally crop up. He began talking again as they exited the elevator.

“The more I think about it, the more I’m certain he must be involved.” Clearly his mind was still on the mystery man they encountered. “I bet he was trying to claim back whatever information Mayson had on him and the people he’s working with. He was too laid-back, all that joking around, it was to throw us off suspecting him as a bad guy.”

“He did a very bad job of not appearing suspicious Clark,” Lois countered. “Entering the room through the ceiling and leaving via the window drew attention to him in itself. He was too obvious. Let’s face it, he made himself pretty memorable for somebody trying to be inconspicuous, and besides, he knew we would escape eventually and be able to identify him.”

“Hmm,” was Clark’s only response.

He didn’t get the chance to say anything else as Perry called over to the two of them.

“Lois! Clark! In my office, now!”

They hurried over, and were completely staggered to discover who else was waiting for them inside; the mystery man from Mayson’s office! Perry made an introduction.

“Agent Scardino, this is Lois Lane and Clark Kent.”

“You?!” Lois and Clark both responded at the same time and in the same incredulous manner.

“Small world.” Agent Scardino replied with a slight wink and the same cocky smile he had been wearing during their first encounter.

Clark was not amused in the slightest.

“You all know each other?” Perry commented, clearly feeling out of the loop.

“Agent Scardino?”

“Oh, please, call me Daniel.”

Clark made no pretence of his disbelief. Scardino was wearing a garish Hawaiian shirt with a leather jacket on top. Clark ordinarily tried not to judge people on appearances, but due to the circumstances, he wasn’t feeling much like giving the benefit of the doubt. There was something about this guy that was shifty and smug, definitely smug. He didn’t look like a DEA Agent; not a legitimate, trustworthy one anyway, and it would take some serious convincing for Clark to believe him.

“Do you always leave by the window?” Lois asked, folding her arms.

She was pleased to be on equal terms and able to pose questions, as opposed to being tied up. She couldn’t help but be intrigued, and finding out more about this guy could only help their investigation one way or another.

“I left my macaroni salad on the roof.” Scardino answered with a cheeky smile.

“Why didn’t you identify yourself in Mayson’s office?”

Clark refused to be drawn into light-hearted bantering; he wanted a lot more answers. His tone was very serious.

“What, and spoil all our fun?” Scardino appeared unfazed. “Come to think of it Kent, I don’t remember you or Miss Lane here whipping out any press credentials either.”

Lois looked down, feeling a little uncomfortable. He had a point there, but Clark wasn’t going to like it, not the mood he was in.

“Ah, obviously I’ve missed something here,” Perry interjected. “Is there a problem?”

“There is if Agent Scardino is Washington’s idea of solving Mayson’s murder.”

Again, Clark’s tone was cutting.

“Washington had nothing to do with this; in fact, they sorta suggested that I keep my distance. They have this crazy idea that I’m some kind of loose cannon.”

“Gee, I wonder where they would get such a crazy idea like that.” Clark retorted sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and walked across the room.

“Well, if you’re not here officially, why are you here?”

Lois tried to divert the conversation a little away from Clark, before he maybe pushed it a bit too far.

“Because I know who designed the bomb that killed Mayson Drake, a con by the name of Sean Macarthy.”

Clark’s ears pricked up.

“That guy who was responsible for that series of drug-related bombings in ’89?” Perry managed to get a word in.

“The same, I lost someone very close to me in one of those bombings.”

Scardino dropped his cheery exterior for a moment. Lois could see sadness in his eyes. She knew Clark wouldn’t, but she was starting to believe he was sincere.

“I thought that Macarthy died in prison three weeks ago.”

Clark was still firing the questions.

“So they say, hit on the DA says otherwise.” Scardino was altogether more serious. “I know Macarthy’s m.o. like the back of my hand. I was the one that put him in prison. Somehow he’s out there again.”

“So your idea of solving Mayson’s murder is looking for a dead man?” Clark asked scornfully.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He seemed to brighten up again. “So, if you come across any information that might help, I’d appreciate you letting me know. I’m staying at the Bristol.” Scardino got up to leave, pausing in front of Lois. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but are those eyelashes real?”

Clark rolled his eyes. Lois wasn’t too sure how to react.

“Of course they’re real.”

“Boy, they’re pretty.”

Lois smiled at the compliment. Clark felt anger well up inside of him. He didn’t trust Scardino, but his anger was much more directed at himself. Lois didn’t normally respond too well to compliments, but she was probably feeling very unwanted by him at the moment and was therefore grateful of someone showing her the appreciation she deserved.

He hadn’t been fair to her this past week, since their first kiss. What must she be thinking? Maybe she no longer cared, although she certainly wasn’t acting as if that were the case. Clark desperately wanted to show her how much she meant to him, he just didn’t know how to right now.

“Agent Scardino let me show you the way out of here.”

Perry ushered Scardino out of his office.

“Just show him to a window Chief, I’m sure he’ll climb out.” Clark called after them. He turned to Lois. “Can you believe that guy? Who does he think he is, Mel Gibson?”

“I don’t know, I think he’s kind of cute.”

She didn’t really know why she made that comment to Clark. She knew it would irritate him. She almost wanted it to.

“Give me a break.”

Clark shook his head and turned his attention to Perry’s computer.

“So what are you looking for?”

“Sean Macarthy’s obituary, since he’s the only lead we have.” He scrolled down the computer screen. “Here it is. He died of natural causes. He’s survived by his mother, Colleen Macarthy.”

As Clark spoke, Lois glanced out of the door at Perry and Scardino walking away. She smiled to herself, then turned back towards Clark, with a slightly guilty look on her face. Was it so wrong for her to be flattered by attention when she was feeling so neglected, even if there was a good reason for the neglect? She really did feel like she was going crazy, constantly analysing herself and her every thought, word and action.


Following the only lead they had took Lois and Clark to the home of Sean Macarthy’s mother. She was happy to talk about her (apparently dead) son and showed them photographs. Lois asked whether Sean had any friends, and was informed that he did have a penpal – as in they met in the ‘pen!’

Mrs Macarthy also let Lois see letters he had written to her from prison. A line from one in particular caught Lois’ attention, and she read it to Clark while Mrs Macarthy went to fetch them some tea.

“This is probably the last letter I will be sending you from prison. If you don’t hear from me, don’t worry; just know that I’m in a far better place.”

“Sounds like a man who knew he was gonna die,” Clark agreed, before becoming alarmed by a ticking sound.

While Lois still studied the letters, he sped into his Superman costume and grabbed a bomb that had been placed underneath the house.

Moments later, he returned dressed as Clark, to be told someone had tried to burn down the building. Mrs Macarthy looked very shaken.

Lois and Clark said their goodbyes, in order to allow her to rest, but before leaving Lois asked if she could keep the letters.

As they walked to her car, Lois took the opportunity to suggest to Clark that they spend some time alone, although she didn’t exactly want to put it like that.

“Clark, you must be really tired. How about we finish up at the office early tonight and work at my place instead. I can organise some food.”

“Yeah, fine, sounds good,” Clark answered distantly, still very much wondering why somebody wanted to burn down Mrs Macarthy’s place. Was it an attempt to keep her quiet, just as seemed to be the case with Mayson?


That evening, Lois busied herself preparing for Clark’s arrival. She had cooked, which she knew was a bold move, but she really wanted to make an effort. It was very important to her to achieve a breakthrough with Clark tonight, or to at least gain a little clarity on where she stood.

Ideally, she would like another kiss, but she knew that was a little too much to hope for if Clark’s recent actions, or lack thereof, were anything to go by.

She had also bought a nice bottle of wine. She knew the idea was to work, but it might just take the edge off a little bit, relax Clark, and remove some of the tension. Clark knocked at the door.


“It’s open Clark.”

Clark walked into the apartment with his arms full of books.

“I’ve picked up some books from the library, ‘Bartlett’s Quotations,’ ‘Jung’s Collective Unconscious,’ Tolstoy. Anything with any reference to resurrection.”

He was still dressed in his work clothes and definitely appeared to be in work-mode, not that this really surprised Lois. She was quite happy to do some work on the case, as long as they had chance to talk as well. She carried a plate of the rumaki she had made over to the coffee table.

“I hope you’re hungry.”

“Did you get anything from the letters?” Clark remained focused on the investigation.

“No, not yet, but I’m only half way through them.” Lois tried to divert from the subject once again. “You probably haven’t eaten all day, here.” She popped a piece of rumaki into Clark’s mouth. “I made these,” she said proudly, wanting Clark to realise she had gone to some trouble.

He began to cough, Lois was dismayed.

“Too much curry, I knew it. Do you want some wine?”

She rushed over to fetch the wine and poured them each a glass, she really needed it now.

“Lois, is there any reason that we’re not getting down to work here?”

Lois sat down next to Clark and took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Actually, there is. I wanted to ask you something.” She took another deep breath. “I need to know if I’m yesterday’s news.”

She was relieved that she had at least got the words out.


Clark struggled to understand at first.

“You know, stale, old.” Lois clarified. “I mean it’s been a week since our first date and our first kiss. You haven’t said a word about it, it’s like it never happened.”

Lois looked at Clark expectantly. He shook his head, once again angry with himself. He had suspected he was making her feel that way, but it was so much worse hearing her say it. He now had to try to explain.

“Lois, I’m sorry if it seems like I’ve been ignoring you lately, but….”

He was halted by a knock at Lois’ door.

“Just a sec.”

Lois patted Clark’s leg just above his knee and got up to answer the door. Clark, once again, was instantly filled with desire at her touch.

Lois opened the door to see Scardino standing on the other side, looking bright and cheerful as always and still wearing that awful shirt.


“Agent Scardino!”

Lois was surprised he knew where she lived, even though he was a DEA agent.

Clark sighed, he couldn’t think at that moment of anyone he would have less liked it to be behind the door, except maybe Lex Luthor, but he was even doubtful of that.

“Please, call me Daniel. May I come in?”


Scardino came in without waiting for a response. Lois just followed him bewildered, and a little annoyed that she had finally plucked up courage to ask Clark where they stood, only to be interrupted.

“Sorry to drop in on you like this, but I was thinking maybe if we work together…” He looked over at Clark as he sat down on the opposite couch. “Look who’s here, if it isn’t ‘the man with the smouldering eyes.’”

“What are you talking about?”

“Mayson’s diary; pretty steamy stuff. Reads like an Emily Bronte novel.”

“You read Emily Bronte?” Lois asked, slightly impressed, though she wasn’t sure why.

“Well, what can I say, I’m a hopeless romantic.” Scardino stared directly at Lois as he spoke. She felt a little embarrassed. “Oh, rumaki, my favourite.” He picked some up and put it into his mouth.

“Too much curry.” Lois tried to warn him quickly. She didn’t want another man nearly choking in her living room as a result of her cooking.

“No, it’s perfect. I like it spicy.”

Lois and Scardino exchanged a glance. Clark noticed and felt uncomfortable, again angry with himself more than Scardino, although the guy was exceptionally irritating. He played with his glasses and pretended to be unaffected.

“Anyway, Kent, she wrote some really passionate purple prose, mainly about you, and you said you were just friends. You holding out on me Kent?”

Lois looked a little upset, hoping that what Mayson had written was fiction and that nothing had actually happened between her and Clark beyond what Clark had told her. It certainly had always seemed that Mayson was the one doing the chasing, with little success. She had to believe that, at least until she got the chance to ask Clark outright. Lois was the one to answer Scardino’s question.

“Well, you have to understand, Clark was probably the only person in Metropolis that didn’t know that Mayson was madly in love with him.”

“Mmm hmm.” Scardino was clearly sceptical.

“Who’s holding out on who Scardino?” Clark was back in accusatory mode. “You took the diary.”

“I’m willing to share. You work with me, I’ll work with you.” He passed the diary to Clark. “Now, what have you got for me?”

“Well, the last word Mayson said before she died was ‘resurrection’.” Lois offered.

“The last entry in her diary was resurrection equals Macarthy with a question mark.” Scardino replied. “Well, on that note, I’d better get going. Keep in touch; let me know what you find out. Great to be working with you.” He popped another piece of rumaki into his mouth before walking to the door. “Mmm fantastic, you’re a great cook Lois. It’s been a pleasure.”

Clark rolled his eyes again. He loved Lois, including all her flaws, but that last remark was not true, by any stretch of the imagination. And the way the guy looked at her….

Scardino nodded in Clark’s direction just before he left.



Lois closed the door behind him and walked back over to Clark.

“I know that wasn’t great timing, and it’s obvious you’re not keen on him, but you must be pleased that at least one piece of the puzzle is in place now. You have to admit, it is kind of down to Agent Scardino.”

“I guess,” Clark replied somewhat nonchalantly. “Yeah, of course I’m pleased we may be getting somewhere, but we would have found this diary if we hadn’t been interrupted by him in Mayson’s office.”

Lois tried not to smile at Clark’s absolute refusal to see any merit in Scardino. She had to admit, she liked the fact that he seemed to be a little jealous, and it helped reassure her that his feelings for her did still exist. She couldn’t let him get away with dismissing her point entirely though.

“We wouldn’t have known Macarthy meant Sean Macarthy would we?”

“Ok, no, not as yet,” Clark finally conceded.


Lois prepared to ask the scary question again. She so badly wanted to know what his response was going to be before Scardino had dropped by unannounced.

Clark, however, was distracted from what Lois was about to say by a cry for help.

<Not now>

He knew he had no choice but to leave her. He wasn’t going to let anybody else’s death be on his conscience because he was too busy with his love life.

“Lois, I’m sorry, but I’m really, really tired,” Clark blurted out hurriedly. “I don’t think I can concentrate on anymore of this tonight. I’ll take these just in case I can’t sleep,” he grabbed the books he brought with him and Mayson’s diary, “and try to get an early night.”

“Oh, ok,” replied Lois, disappointed. She barely had chance to say anything else as Clark was practically at the door. “Sleep well, see you tomorrow.”

As he left, Lois sunk down on her couch, cursing the fact that it wasn’t more comfortable. She didn’t think Clark was telling the whole truth. He did often disappear in a hurry though, that in itself wasn’t particularly unusual, but it was incredibly frustrating. She hoped she hadn’t scared him off.

“Another day of not knowing then,” she sighed to herself.

Lois walked to her freezer and grabbed a big tub of chocolate ice-cream. After a couple of spoonfuls she put it back, even ice-cream wasn’t helping! How did this happen? How had she become so completely obsessed with whether a guy liked her that she could hardly function?

Her second option was a nice long, hot, soak in the bath and then to bed. At least in her dreams she was likely to be close to Clark, very close, and by the way things were going it would be a long time before she got any closer in reality.


Later that evening, Clark sat on the sofa in his living room, reading Mayson’s diary. He doubted there would be much more information of any use in it, otherwise ‘Agent’ Scardino would have kept it, but he wanted to be sure.

Not long after he had opened the diary and started to read, Clark began to wish he hadn’t. It was a very personal diary really, rather than a work one. It focused predominantly on him and on Mayson’s feelings for him. Clark didn’t think he could feel much worse about that particular subject and his cowardly treatment of her, but it turned out he could. He dwelled on her words.

‘Met the most incredibly intelligent, gorgeous, kind, honest and brave guy today; Clark Kent, reporter for The Daily Planet. He’s willing to testify against ‘Baby Rage,’ a criminal I’m certain has links to Intergang, but of course everybody’s too afraid to try to prove it. Everyone so far that is, until Clark. He thought nothing of it. Clark has the most amazing killer smile, his entire face lights up and you feel as though the smile is especially for you, at least I do. He also has incredibly sexy, smouldering, come-to-bed eyes….’

A few pages later, Mayson wrote about her late-night visit to Clark’s apartment.

‘I called in on Clark on my way home from work to ‘discuss the case.’ I’m not going to pretend I wasn’t hoping we might do more than that, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight when he opened the door – he was shirtless! I have never seen anything close to such a perfect body. His chest was so smooth, his muscles so incredibly defined and his six-pack – wow! I also noticed he had an intriguing line of hair below his belly-button leading down to….well; I didn’t get the chance to find out. I hope I do someday soon! He’s single, it’s unbelievable, there has to be something wrong with him, something I haven’t discovered yet, because he seems completely perfect.’

<Oh yeah, perfect. I really am perfect. I wasn’t so perfect when I let you down and let you die was I Mayson?>

Clark put his head in his hands, before torturing himself by reading more.

‘As I stepped inside his place, Clark said he was just going to 'throw on a shirt' then he’d be right with me. I wanted to say ‘how about you just take everything off, I don’t mind!’ I managed to control myself, but I did end up rambling something about it being very warm, before taking off my jacket. What must he have thought of me? I didn’t stay long, but managed to somehow sneak a kiss before I left. I admit the kiss was pretty much all me, I kind of attacked him, but it was worth it.’

Clark sat shaking his head. She completely idolised him, or so it seemed. All he ever did to her was string her along, too gutless to tell her he was in love with someone else. It was as if he had been keeping his options open in case Lois rejected him. How could he do that?

Still Clark read on. He eventually came to when he had avoided giving Mayson an answer as to whether he wanted to spend a weekend with her at a cabin in the mountains.

‘I can’t believe I asked Clark to come on a ‘dirty weekend’ with me. That’s how it must have seemed. How deluded was I to think he would actually show up? I’ve probably scared him off forever. It wasn’t as if he accepted my offer, I just assumed. Give up Mayson, why can’t you just give up?’

<Why couldn’t you just give her a straight answer?>

Clark continued to scold himself. What kind of a man was he? He had tried to be kind to Mayson, not to hurt her feelings, but instead he had done the exact opposite, and then came the final indignity, kissing Lois when he should have been saving Mayson’s life.

Clark finally realised he had to stop reading the diary. He quickly skimmed the rest, but found no other clues than those Scardino had mentioned – Scardino! He had read the diary. He had read the entire intimate, or not so intimate, details of his non-relationship with Mayson. This realisation made Clark feel even worse.

He decided to do a patrol of the city in an attempt to stop him from obsessing. As he flew, his thoughts began to drift, as they always did eventually, to Lois.

// “I need to know if I’m yesterday’s news?”

“You know stale, old.”\\

How could she think that? Was that really what his behaviour had led her to believe? He was treating Lois no better than he had treated Mayson, and he had left her tonight without setting her straight.

Landing back at his apartment, Clark spun into jeans and a black t-shirt. He saw Mayson’s diary on the table and picked it up again. Everything was such a mess. He couldn’t fix things with Mayson, but maybe he could with Lois. He needed to talk to her, to at last explain how he had been feeling and, most importantly, to let her know she was anything but yesterday’s news, even if he was completely messed up.

He walked out of his front door and headed in the direction of Lois’ apartment, not really giving a thought to how late it was. He decided to walk rather than fly to give himself some thinking time. He still wasn’t sure if he was clear enough to put what had happened this past week into words, particularly words Lois would understand. Thinking turned out to be a bad idea, as his mind became a muddled mixture of Mayson and Lois once more.

//“Clark, this isn’t easy, but I’m sure it’s obvious from the way I’ve been throwing myself at you that I have feelings for you.”

“This is when you’re supposed to say ‘I have feelings for you too Mayson.’”\\

// “I need to know if I’m yesterday’s news?”\\

Clark rubbed his forehead as he reached the steps leading up to Lois’ apartment building. Why had he come here? What was he going to say? One thing was for sure, he needed to be with Lois.


Lois stepped out of her bath and put on her blue satin robe. She opted for the satin one, rather than her faithful, comfy, towelling one, as for some reason she wanted to feel sexy. She had filled the bath to the brim with lavender bubbles in the hope that she would be soothed, sleepy and relaxed when she got out. It had worked a little, but she knew she was still a long way from sleep. She wished she had kept some of the books Clark had taken with him when he left, and then at least she could get stuck into some research.

Her mind drifted to the diary Scardino had brought over tonight, and Mayson’s apparently racy comments about Clark. Nothing had actually happened between them, not like that, had it? Lois quickly reprimanded herself for being jealous of a woman whose funeral she attended that morning.

She wandered into the kitchen, contemplating making herself some tea or maybe a hot chocolate, but was startled by a knock at the door.

<Not Scardino again?! Clark? No, hardly likely.>

She felt decidedly underdressed; who could it be at this hour? She glanced at the clock and, realising it wasn’t actually that late at all, made her way to the door.

A quick check through the peephole identified her visitor – Clark! Lois was suddenly very glad she’d chosen the satin robe, but at the same time she was annoyed with herself for caring. She never used to be bothered what she was wearing when Clark came over, before they started dating. These days, she felt more like she used to when Superman dropped by unexpectedly; shy and self-conscious, yet excited at the same time. Her heart was racing and her stomach was filled with butterflies.

After taking a deep breath, she undid her numerous locks and opened the door.

“Clark! Hey, what are you doing back?”

He looked really drained and sad, though she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. His voice was hesitant when he spoke.

“I’m sorry Lois, I just…..I needed to talk.” He noted her attire. “Oh, I’m sorry, were you in bed?”

Lois was shocked to realise Clark’s eyes were glistening with a thin veil of tears. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him cry.

“No, it’s fine. I just had a bath that’s all.” She put her arm on his shoulder and guided him in. “I take it you couldn’t sleep?”

“No, not a chance.”

Clark walked towards the couch, with Lois closely following. When she touched him, he had smelled whatever she had been bathing in - lavender. She smelled divine, and she looked beautiful too, although Clark couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t thought that of Lois. Her hair was loosely swept back and she was wearing a thin robe. It reminded him very much of when he visited her as Superman a few weeks back, after she saved him from the kryptonite-powered cyborg.

As they sat down, Lois noticed Clark was holding Mayson’s diary. That explained him looking even more troubled than he did earlier.

“You been reading that?”

“Yeah, a little. It feels weird though, like an invasion of her privacy. I mean, I’m certain she never intended me to read it.”

“Is there a lot about you in it?” Lois immediately regretted her question; could she not just let it go? “I’m sorry, I mean, if you are…sorry.”

“It’s ok. Yeah, there’s a good lot about me.”

Clark stared vacantly at the diary. Lois was anxious to change the subject.

“Would you like some tea? I’ve got some oolong. Do you like oolong? I know you like all kinds of weird types. I’ve got some in from when Sup…” She suddenly thought twice about ending that sentence. Clark didn’t appear to be listening anyway. “Or I could get some coffee. No, maybe that’s not a good…..”

Clark cut her off.

“You’re not yesterday’s news Lois, you’re so much more.” He turned to look at her. “That kiss was……I’ve been a complete mess this past week. I still am.” Clark paused a moment, trying to find the right words. “I just feel like I let Mayson down so much. She’d only just gotten through telling me how she felt about me that day, and I rejected her for you, not that I made it particularly clear to her, coward that I was. Then while you and I were kissing, late for an appointment with her, she was killed.” He looked away again, shaking his head. “I should have been there…..I should’ve…..”

Lois was certain now that Clark was crying. She wasn’t too sure what to do. It was so often the other way around, him comforting her. Clark was normally so together.

“Oh Clark.”

She stroked his hair.

“I held her as she died. I should have gotten there sooner. I should’ve…..”

“Clark, you can’t do this to yourself, put yourself through all this blame and torture. Sooner or later she would have got in the car, even if we’d made that meeting. It is awful what happened, and I know you’re hurting because you two were close, but you couldn’t have done anything more.” She continued to stroke his hair. “Life is full of what-ifs Clark. You could just as easily say it was my fault. If I hadn’t slammed the door in your face the night before, we wouldn’t have been having that conversation at that time. We probably would have had our first kiss sooner, or maybe we still would have been kissing at that moment, who can say? Either way, you are not responsible. The only people to blame for Mayson’s death are the ones who planted that bomb, and we are gonna catch them.”

Clark knew Lois was doing everything she could to convince him he wasn’t at fault, and he was very grateful. She was helping, a little. Of course, what she didn’t realise was that he was Superman, and therefore he could have saved Mayson if he’d got there only seconds earlier; the seconds it took for him to become aware of what was happening as he had been too lost in kissing Lois. Then there was the second part of his guilt; his treatment of Mayson, highlighted all too clearly by the diary.

“I wasn’t straight with her Lois. I hate to think that I hurt her, especially when she had so little time left.”

“You weren’t to know that Clark.”

He just sat, staring forward, shaking his head. Lois knew he was trying to stop her from seeing that he was crying. She was beginning to run out of things to say to convince him he couldn’t be to blame. She grabbed his chin and tilted his head towards her.

“Clark look at me, look at me!” She was right about the tears. “Having a good friend pass away in your arms must be heartbreaking. I know how I felt seeing her lying there and we weren’t really close at all. Somehow though, you have to find the strength to carry on. I know you’re a strong person Clark; you’ve helped me through loads of difficult times.” She gently stroked her thumb along his cheek. “I’m here for you, I always will be. I want to help you if you’ll let me.”

Clark placed his hand on Lois’ resting against his chin.

“Oh Lois, I am so sorry I’ve been shutting you out. I am so, so sorry.” Clark’s emotions began to flood out.

“It’s ok,” Lois reassured him. She had tears in her eyes now too, mainly at seeing Clark that way. She kissed his forearm. “It’s ok.” Then she kissed his arm again, a little further up. “It’s ok.” Lois then looked Clark in the eye and kissed the hand that was still clutching hers.

They gazed at each other, both teary-eyed. Lois caressed the tiny mole on his upper lip softly with her thumb, before kissing his hand again.

In a matter of seconds, they were kissing, urgently and hungrily.

After the longest seven days of Lois’ life, finally they were kissing again.

Clark felt the tension that had dominated his body and mind all week dissipate. It was replaced by a different kind of tension, lower down his body. He pulled her closer to him as their tongues entwined. It was exquisite. He wanted more, a lot more. He was becoming intoxicated by the taste, smell and sound of her.

Clark knew drowning his sorrows in this way was wrong, but at the same time nothing had ever come close to feeling so right.

The kiss had already lasted around ten times as long as any they had previously shared, and it was much more powerful, with an added ingredient – raw passion. The one thing Clark didn’t doubt was that this was the woman he was totally in love with, and the way she was kissing him seemed to suggest that Lois felt the same way.

Lois eventually broke the kiss, probably for some air Clark realised a little guiltily. She held her hands either side of his face and looked at him hazily.

“Wow!” she uttered with a smile.

She then eagerly resumed kissing him, aware that this was far beyond her wildest hopes and expectations for the evening. Instead, it much more closely resembled her recent dreams. The thought of those dreams, combined with the feel of Clark’s tongue caressing hers, caused a warm shiver to pass over Lois.

Clark revelled in Lois’ one-word assessment of their situation, loving the fact that she was enjoying it too.

The kissing continued to build in intensity, as Lois and Clark’s hands began to wander. Their position on Lois’ rather impractical couch was becoming a little awkward and uncomfortable. In a split-second decision, Lois moved to straddle Clark’s lap in a kneeling position, barely removing her lips from his.

Clark was taken aback, but in a very pleasant way. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He tried to display a little self-control and caution.

“Lois, should we be……..? I mean, are you sure?”

“Sssh, it’s ok, relax, kiss me……mmm…….kiss me.” Lois breathed.

Clark was only too happy to oblige.


Lois threw the cushions off the back of sofa in order that Clark could lean back. He was so sexy, how did she not appreciate it from the first moment she met him?

<Because Cat Grant thought it and you liked to think you were bigger than that>.

She had always known on some level. The attraction had just gradually grown and intensified.

This was Clark, the guy she worked with every day, the guy she ate pizza and watched movies with, the guy who (despite how she used to treat him) was always there for her, the kind, polite, sometimes naïve guy from Kansas that she had grown to respect and love. That same guy was now trapped underneath her kissing her, carressing her. This was a massive turning point in their friendship/relationship.

<Are we actually going to have sex?!>

Lois was nervous, but not in a way that meant she didn’t want to – far from it! The idea sent goosebumps to cover every inch of her skin. Oh, she definitely wanted to!

Lois pressed her body further into his and Clark was no longer able to process the concept of slowing down. This was Lois – Lois! She was straddling him, kissing him, gliding her hands over his torso. She wanted him too! Clark fought a losing battle with himself to regain a clear head and some shred of control.

Lois paused their kissing briefly and looked intensely into Clark's eyes, as if to check that he wanted the same thing.

“Oh Clark, I need you.”

Any flicker of uncertainty long forgotten, Clark responded.

“Lois, I need you too, I want you so much…..I lov…..”

Before Clark could finish, his words were swallowed up by another hungry kiss from Lois. All rational thought was gone. He felt his love for Lois overwhelm him even more than ever. He had to make sure he let her know just exactly what this meant to him.


Completely dazed, Lois eased herself from Clark's lap and flopped weakly against the side of the couch. Her eyelids were closed, her cheeks flushed and her lips slightly parted. Clark bowed down to kiss her, intending to carry her beautiful, sated body to the bedroom, when he heard…

“Help, please help! The kids, we can’t get them out!”

<Oh no, this can’t be happening!>
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