Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MissyG Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 10:50 AM

This was absolutely delightful! You had me smiling and in stitches the whole time I was reading!

I loved Lois ogling and then denying her feelings everytime she saw Clark in a handsome outfit. Loved that she bought him coffee and justified that also.

It was a great save on Clark's part to send Lois shopping when she almost trapped into the haircut. LOL!!! And the best part is now we have a dinner to look forward too! YAY!!!!!

Great stuff, Wendy!!

More soon!!!

Missy (who is still drooling over Clark in those black jeans smile1 )
Posted By: KathyB Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 10:53 AM
LOL, Missy beat me to it ... I almost did what she did, but decided to write my comments in an email first so I wouldn't be starting a second thread. <g>

Wendy, this was hilarious! I loved Clark's realization that Lois isn't as "all business" as she's trying to appear, and especially the way that he's taking advantage of the situation -- stripping off his shirt in front of her, indeed! LOL and go Clark!

This, though, was just priceless:

She leaned against the wall outside the fitting rooms, forcing herself to recite the names of past winners of the Kerth investigative journalism award. She’d got back to 1984 when she heard her name being called.
I don't think we've ever seen Lois having to use this method of distraction before in a story -- ROTFL!

This whole section was very fun. My only question is what else is on the agenda for this afternoon ... surely Clark needs more than just two new suits for work? I had expected Lois to insist on at least a few sports jackets to go with those new chinos of his, or other similar outfits appropriate for work. His poor credit card might be begging for mercy, but I don't think Lois has finished her job yet. <g>

Come on, Lois, now that you're in the real mall, let's do some more damage to that credit limit. <g>

Can't wait for part 5!

Kathy (hoping Clark has been studying some hair style magazines so he doesn't come back to the mall with something just as bad as he has now. goofy )
Posted By: Laurach Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 11:01 AM
This is great Wendy. I l oved Lois's reaction to Clarks body and Clark did a great job getting rid of her so he could get his hair cut. I sure hope he knows what the heck he is doing LOL! I can't wait for the dinner and her reaction to the NEW improved Clark Kent. <g> (Way to go Martha) I also want to know what Martha thinks about Lois's changeing of her son, so I hope you put some of that in there too. Laura
Posted By: Saskia Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 11:18 AM
Great part, Wendy. I'm with Missy, I kept on laughing while I was reading. From Lois drooling over Clark's body's, the coffee talk, her Kerth method to the 'date' and the hair conversation. I especially liked the Starbucks comment, but that's a whole other story. <g>

I'm looking forward to more shopping and the dinner.

Posted By: gerry Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 12:14 PM
That was definitely one of the best shopping expeditions I've ever been on.

And just when Clark is beginning to enjoy it (the black polo shirt hit the right spot, blush Lois has arranged a haircut for him. rotflol

What more can she do to him?

Posted By: kb Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 01:06 PM
Really great story,I can't wait for the next part.Please post soon.
I'm checking the board's eagerly every day now, hoping quite optimistically that you might post a day or two early. smile smile

"Huh? Calvin Klein? Lois! I am not letting you choose my underwear" laugh

"And the little CK initials logo on the front would be a nice touch for you" wink

(Greetings from Norway)

Great part. smile1
Posted By: daneel Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 01:28 PM
Posted By: Kaethel Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 02:53 PM
I'm catching up on the last couple of parts, so my comments refer to both parts 3 and 4.

I'm still loving every line of course. I've always admired your talent for introspection, as you know, but now you're adding more and more wit to your dialogue, and the result is getting more and more splendid. goofy

And of course I'm delighted that he found a way to invite her to dinner. wink Can't wait to see how that turns out!!

Another fantastic section, Wendy! More!

Kaethel smile
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 03:43 PM
Wendy, I'm distracted lately -- obsessing on my own story -- and haven't even been reading the boards as much as I normally do, let alone commenting... but I am reading this one, and I'm enjoying it. Don't find it hilarious, I confess, but it's still fun smile Keep posting!

Very nice, Wendy. Being as shopping obsessed as I am, I am slightly surprised that Lois took Clark into Abercrombe and AEO. And TJ Maxx? It just sort of seems like a strange combination of stores. It could be that I am prejudiced against TJ Maxx, though wink . If Lois really is as snobbish as she is acting in this story, I doubt she would take Clark into TJ Maxx. And I think AF and AEO are too young? preppy? for Lois and Clark. We never saw Lois wearing those types of clothes . . . even when she was dressed casually. And I think Clark is almost more likely than Lois to wear those clothes . . . but I still can't see either wearing those clothes.

Regardless of my own shopping nit picks, I am really enjoying this story.

Posted By: Tank Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/14/03 05:53 PM

Who could possibly care what Clark looks like in jeans and a T-shirt. Lois dragging him to all these places may seem like fun to someone, but I can't imagine who.

I did wonder how you were going to get Clark out of the 'haircut' that Lois was going to insist on.

Now we should get to see some of Lois' own choices for herself for the big 'non-date' tonight. And, fair is fair, if Clark has to get a haircut to satisfy Lois and their impromtue tete-te-tete, by rights Lois should have to also.

Tank (who is looking forward to Lois' haircut)
WENDY! This is absolutely hilarious! I can't accurately describe how awesome this story is! As per usual you've got everyone on the literal edges of our seats whining for more. clap

At any rate, Wendy, I expect great things from you, my friend, and I have no doubts that you will deliver in spades, or if that cliché doesn't work, then "...deliver ten-fold".

Posted By: lynnm Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/15/03 08:32 AM
Hey Wendy -

OK, I was holding my sides laughing. The thought of Lois sitting there with her mouth dropped open at the sight of Clark half dressed! Too good.
I am not attracted to Clark Kent! she told her hormones furiously, breaking eye contact with him to take a sip of her coffee.
A little sidebar: I do kind of agree with Laura re: TJMaxx. That kind of pulled me out of the story a little bit because I generally think of TJMaxx as kind of a lower-end outlet and couldn't imagine Lois rifling through the messy racks. Especially after the personal service with his suits, I had a hard time picturing her there. Just my two cents.

But then, I was right back into the story with the whole haircut thing. Yikes! Poor Clark.
Loved Lois's comment:

“Clark, your hair is a disgrace,” Lois said impatiently. “It’s down below your collar at the back, and it keeps flopping over your glasses in front. You need a haircut - a decent cut, not one where your mother puts a bowl over your head. And I’ve booked one for you. Now. Here.”
But I'm SCARED TO DEATH about what kind of haircut Clark is going to give himself. eek

Looking forward to part 5!
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/16/03 01:16 AM

WOW! A wonderful part! smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Hazel Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/16/03 02:02 AM
Argh, had my whole response typed out, and accidently closed the window! razz

I foresee some typical Wendy angst coming in the near future. Clark guesses that Lois is giving his makeover because she's fallen for him. How will he react to discovering that it's Martha who instigated this? That has to rank right up there with "I just consider you a good friend."

LOL at the haircut fiasco. I know it's becoming a regular (and a bit tiresome) in-joke among FOLCs, but here, not only does it fit perfectly into the story, but it offer a real dilemma and some very clever and fast thinking on Clark's part in getting out of it. I *do* want to see how he manages, in the space of an hour, to learn hairstyling well enough to feel Lois into thinking he caught the appointment! goofy

Posted By: RL Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/16/03 03:00 AM
Hmm. I have to go with Tank on this one. I just don't see the fascination with Clark in t-shirt and jeans or tight pants. Though it would be interesting, OTOH, to see what Lois is doing in Victoria's Secret. Perhaps you could arrange for Clark to go looking for her and catch her trying on lingerie or something like that. I'm sure Tank would agree with me there.

As for the haircut, I do have to disagree with Tank there. Clark needs the haircut while Lois needs to let it go to, maybe, shoulder-length. That should do it. Wonder if Clark has any GQ magazines lying around his house so he can see what kind of haircut he ought to be getting for himself? Nice way to get him out of the haircut appointment, of course giving us the opportunity to see Lois shopping, too, to give Clark some equal opportunity ogling time. That was your intention, right?

It was rather amusing to see Lois losing it when it came to keeping her hormones under control. She can lie to them, but I'm confident they'll convince her conscious mind that they're right this time.

And an almost-date, too. This could get very interesting.

More, and soon please!
Posted By: Gabriele Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/16/03 06:52 AM
Ditto others. Really hilarious.

I still want to argue that Clark should let Lois choose his underwear. It would be a lot of fun. And what a way to make her reveal if she's truly attracted to him! But all right, it would be embarrassing for Clark as well, I suppose.
I suggest that Clark buys new underwears and tells Lois he has done so - it will give Lois somethink to think about...

Hope Clark has some good plans for the date - er thank-you-dinner.
Posted By: Gabriele Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/16/03 10:29 AM
I like this very much.

However, concerning Clark's thought that

So maybe she was trying to smarten him up because she would find him even more attractive if he dressed more appropriately, more in conformity with her preferences?
if Lois thought like this, she would be a person who judges a man according to his position, wealth, clothes etc., not according to his character and heart. Would Clark really love such a woman?

Moreover, fun as this is, if a woman regularly commands a man how to dress, a man looks like an incompetent person (and a woman looks like a mother of a child). I suggest Clark shops something by himself and gives Lois a pleasant surprise!
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Date by Arrangement - part 4 commennts - 11/16/03 10:50 AM
Hey guys - again, thank you so much for all your comments on this section! I'm delighted that you're still enjoying the shopping expedition - it was a lot of fun writing that part. smile

Kathy, thank you for picking out the Kerth winners line! That was one of those rare lines which I really liked myself, but I wasn't sure that anyone else would find it funny. So you made my day! smile1

KB, I notice that this is your first post - I'm very, very flattered that you delurked on my story. Thank you! goofy

Thanks so much, all of you, for your kind and wonderful comments. You've made my weekend!!

Part 5 coming up soon...

Wendy smile
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