Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 05:46 AM
Do I get to be first? laugh

Ann, this was a beautifully waffy ending to your story. Just adorable.

Some very nice introspection to start us out with and then that waffy revelation and conversation. /me melts into a puddle of happy waffy goo.

I loved the detail you used in describing the restaurant - that kind of thing makes a story special for me and it was lyrically done.

clap clap

Thanks for sharing this lovely story with us - hoping to see lots more from you here on the mbs (and on the Archive too of course laugh ) soon!

LabRat smile
Posted By: daneel Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 07:07 AM
Wooo!!! smile1

Cute!! blush

the next? wink

Jose wave
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 07:24 AM
Oh, I loved this! I've not been reading much lately, so I only just now read both parts... This is good writing -- good descriptions -- I loved the mental picture you painted of Superman smiling in her kitching -- good insight into Lois, too. And just for once I didn't mind the inclusion of songs in a story goofy You did that very well with the hold music, and humming, and all... And then the dinner just seemed kinda magical. Lovely, all the way through. smile

Write more, post more!

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 07:55 AM
Sweet, warm and WAFFY..what's not to like?

Nice story Ann, made my day! thumbsup

Posted By: KathyB Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 10:28 AM
Wow, I am really impressed! Ann, this was a marvelous conclusion to an equally delightful set-up, so consider me very happy. smile

When she first discovered his secret, her planning had been predicated by love: he was Superman, therefore she loved him, and she had to show him as much. The more she thought about it, the more that she discovered that she cared for Clark a lot more than she had ever let herself realize. She loved the way he talked to her, worked with her, played around with her. It was kind of exciting to put her respect and, yes, love, for those parts of Clark together with all the qualities that she loved about Superman to make a complete person.
Thank you for getting this in there so early. I'd been a little worried (though not too much considering it was only a two part story smile ) that she'd only reach the first stage -- seeing him as Superman and trying to figure out how she could use Clark's crush on her to seduce him -- so this was very nice to see.

And you did a nice job, too, of acknowledging that Lois has suspected all along that Clark had a romantic interest in her. I've always felt this to be the case, that Lois knew from the beginning about his crush, and in fact, found it flattering, even if she didn't want it to go anywhere.

“I like it when you smile,” Lois said. Clark’s eyes went almost imperceptibly wider, then snapped to her face. His cool, smiling outside gave away the shock that he felt at those words, and at the tenderness with which they had been said.

“Do you?” he asked, heavily.
I think my heart flip-flopped as much as Clark's did. <g>

All of a sudden, a mask seemed to go over Clark’s face. He bore an expression that she knew well from both of his guises, one of polite distancing. He picked up her wine glass and twirled it around, bringing it up to his nose and taking a deep breath. “Are you sure you should be having any more of this?” he asked. “What kind of perfume are you wearing? You might be...”
And if I didn't love him before, I sure do now. Oh, gosh, what a sweet guy ... the strength and the vulnerability. You just want to hug him. (/me elbows Lois, hint, hint)

“I once told myself that hearing those words from you, directed at myself, would be the sure sign of the apocalypse. Surely the icecaps would melt first. Surely pigs would start shooting across the sky first. Surely...”
Can I kiss him as well as just hug him? wink

Lois stared at him, her heart pumping slowly, deliberately. She had never realized... The tone of his voice was so deep and sincere. And so full of pain from a long year of suffering. She had no idea how he felt, and faced with it, she didn’t know what to say. “Oh, Clark,” she said. At her words, he took her hand in his and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it gently.
I'm falling ... falling ...

“All I expect of you is to not break my heart,” she said finally, coaxing a smile from him. “I know that I have a lot to learn about you, and you have a lot to learn about me. But tell me you love me –“

“I love you,” he said eagerly, almost giddily.
Clunk. smile

Awesome story, Ann! I absolutely loved it. smile

Please don't be a stranger ... we'd love to suck you in and keep you writing for us. smile

Posted By: Gabriele Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 11:31 AM
Lovely story. An original idea, too.

This is so Lois:

Lois let out a frustrated whine, flopped onto her other side and pulled the blanket over her head. The L word was something that was not to be tossed around cavalierly. Lois Lane would not even so much as THINK of telling a man that she loved him without some sort of guarantee, preferably in writing, that he would return that love, and would promise to honor and cherish her, as well, for as long as they both shall live. Clark might be great, and Superman might be, well, super, but neither had proven that they wouldn’t break her heart.
And yet she dared:

But being cautious, taking an all-or-nothing approach, sure didn’t lend itself to very many happy relationships. Maybe the problem was that she had chosen the wrong people to love in the past. Certainly being cautious would tend to discourage all but the truly tenacious from courting her. But what if, hypothetically, the person that she was interested was worth throwing a little caution to the wind?
Posted By: Hazel Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 12:18 PM
Very sweet, Ann! I liked how Lois took the time to consider and recognize the special Clarkness of Clark as a whole. smile

Now that you've written your first complete fic, of course, you're stuck. We will hound you mercilessly until you give us more! goofy

Hazel, adding another great new author to the list smile
Posted By: Xanabee Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 01:33 PM
Ann, this was very sweet. smile

Thanks for sharing. I'll be looking forward to more stories from you.

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 02:07 PM

Cute story. thumbsup

MAF laugh
Posted By: Laurach Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 05:15 PM
Awww....sigh. Very sweet. Laura
Posted By: merry Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/13/03 05:34 PM
just caught up - read 1&2
sweet and waffy
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/14/03 01:27 AM

This is wonderful. smile1
I look forward to reading your next venture.

Tricia cool
Posted By: Ann Nonymous Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/14/03 10:44 PM
Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. I'm glad you enjoyed my story. With any luck, I'll find the time to write another one. smile

It's great to be a part of your fandom and its storied history of fic writing.

Posted By: Penny Barnabedian Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/15/03 07:54 AM

This was lovely. More, please? laugh

Posted By: lynnm Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/15/03 08:20 AM
Ann -

What a wonderful story. Really enjoyed the introspection, and the way Lois handled her revelation to Clark about his revalation was so classy - no screaming or tears. Just acceptance.

Gave me a big WAFFy sigh to start my day! Thanks for sharing. smile

Posted By: Wendymr Re: Smile 2/2 - Comments - 11/15/03 09:42 AM
Very nice part 2, Ann - very WAFFy. goofy but you're very welcome. And if, as I suspected when I read Part 1, you're someone we know but writing under a pseudonym, I hope you'll introduce yourself properly to us in due course. Regardless, I hope you'll post more!

Wendy smile
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