Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 7/? - 08/05/09 03:23 PM
FDK goes here smile .

Tomorrow probably about this time.

Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 7/? - 08/05/09 03:37 PM
I don't know, you've almost gotten me to believe you forgot how to write angst altogether...that or you've turned a corner and left your life of crime behind. wink

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 7/? - 08/05/09 08:32 PM
The ringing in my ears...gasp! It's not tinnitus! It's really the angst bomb ticking...j/k :p

Great part. I love Martha!
Yes, this part was entirely so WAFFy and sweet that I'm expecting a bomb in the next chapter.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 7/? - 08/06/09 02:56 PM
You guys crack me up!

I can totally write WAFF! Thank you very much!

Now, I've finished reading/editing OTOH [yes, again - even though a GE already has it - what can I say? I got sucked in again and noticed a few things...]

Now, hopefully, back to BIII [then editing UP [again] and hopefully writing a couple of short things and SED].

More momentarily!
That's a good point my pre-posters bring up. Is this going to be like one of those super-volcanos that build up the magma over hundred thousands of years only to erupt in explosions that cause a new ice age, mass extinction and general end of the world?

Oh well, I'll take what i can get and prepare for the nuclear winter that's about to befall us all laugh

"I thought Clark was the only one with superspeed," her dad commented, earning a glare from Lois.

"I think they're anxious to get back home," Martha whispered to him. "Though why they decided to stay and have dinner with us if they flew off to get married is beyond me."
priceless help
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