Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 5/? - 07/31/09 02:33 PM
FDK goes here.

As I mentioned yesterday, between a busy weekend and a beta who is moving [and therefore running out of buffer :p ], I probably won't post until Monday smile .

clap SQUEE!! clap
I wasn't sure if it was going to be a real one or not, but I'm glad that there's not much to making it legal. I know that it will most likely come up, so who witnessed them sleeping together? I'm pretty sure that Martha did. Did either Jonathan or Sam? I can't remember. I'll have to go back and reread.
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 5/? - 07/31/09 03:02 PM
Catching up on the feedback thread--

Carol said no NK in II. But this is III. thumbsup
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 5/? - 07/31/09 06:26 PM
Ah, that was just dripping with awesome. If you have to skip a weekend, way to end on a wedding day!

Great part,
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 5/? - 07/31/09 11:10 PM
Awww, he's so sweet!

I get the feeling things are just starting to get interesting...

IRS agent showed up one day and said that we filed our taxes wrong because we'd registered as a married couple last weekend?
Hmm... I think there was a story once about this actually happening to a pair of reporters watching weapons dealers from a hotel suite... wink

"Okay, kids," Joe said, interrupting the moment. "Let's make this official."

nonononononononononoooooooooooooooooooo whinging

Carol, I do start sensing a recurring theme.
* Lois and Clark being married off without them realizing it.
* Lois and Clark signing in as a married couple and being married by default. Twice.
* Lois and Clark marrying to safe Lois from very nefarious fate.
* Lois and Clark marrying to help Lois out.
* Lois and Clark sleeping in the same bed and ending up being married.
* Lois and Clark marrying just because it is opportune.
* Lois and Clark marrying before bad stuff happens and the marriage helps them set things right.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things. Wonder what reason for them getting married you will come up next devil

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 5/? - 08/03/09 08:41 AM
Hey guys!

Weekend was insane but good smile . Lots of fun with friends. Not nearly enough sleep. Kids would have slept in the last 3 mornings, but alas, we had to be out the door by 830 all of them...


Mel - I honestly didn't mean for it to be realwhen I worte it, but it was too fun to pass up.

HG - /whistles/

JD - awe - dripping with awesome?! Seriously?! Thanks smile .

Amber - I thought it was sweet of him... wink

Michael - was there? /innocent eyes/ recurring theme? Whatever do you mean?

More coming later today... smile .

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