Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/15/09 02:43 PM
You are *not* going to leave it there!

You *must* tell us what happens with Lois and Superman [yes, I should have known [Wink] ] and Lois and Clark - does she realize Clark is Kryptoboy or just hoping that if she's 'damaged' or 'used' or 'not pure' or whatever Kryptoboy will want nothing to do with her...

/me glares

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/15/09 03:17 PM

Only one response possible...

wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Now. And I don't think Lois knows that her alien is the man she's sort of in lust for. Oh boy. this could be so easy. Or so complicated.

Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/15/09 05:05 PM
What if Lois became a bit xenophobic from that betrothal?

Mary, you're both funny and mysterious. That's hard to pull off.
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/15/09 09:07 PM
I did not see Jimmy coming! Hilarious!

And you really cannot leave it there. Where is the rest?!? This universe is fascinating!


Oh, and thanks, this was great! smile

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/15/09 09:31 PM
I have to leave my $0.02 along with everyone else. YOU CAN'T LEAVE IT THERE! AARGH!

But: It's a really good and really fun story right now. And Jimmy Interruptus apparently is transuniversal.
Posted By: Annalina19 Re: FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/16/09 12:15 PM
It is very good !
Once again Lois & Clark are interrupted.

I agree with the others, you can't leave the story there ! We want a suite ! Please !
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Lois Lane: Betrothed - 07/16/09 12:51 PM
<Father, I don't know what to; Roji-Senpai thinks her friend has been killed by Yakuza. I--I just want to tell her I'm alive, and that everything will be okay...>

<No, my son! You can't afford to let people find out that you're different. Remember: The nail that sticks up gets pounded down!>
Great beginning! I can't wait to read the rest of this one!

Wait - what's this? The story included here doesn't follow the initial setup! Oh, Mary, please write this one! I want to know if Faithful Son can convince Concerned Father that Roji-Senpai needs to know that he's okay! And there are some other great setups here, too! Please, please write them!

I'd take a swing at one, but it would take me too long. People would look at it and ask, "What the heck is this thing? I don't recognize anything here!" So you'll have to do it.

Please? With strawberries and bananas and chocolate ice cream on the side? (Virtually speaking, that is.)
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