Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Friends or Lovers Part 9/13 - 05/24/09 11:47 PM
Friends or Lovers?
Part 9

Lois was taken aback by Clark’s question. She had never heard him be so direct when it came to their relationship. He had always taken a back seat and given her the control of setting the pace. The decision was hers. Did she want to take a chance on her and Clark and possibly lose the friendship they had been developing over the last few years or did she want to go back to just being his friend?

One look at him and she knew that would never be possible. Every kiss they had shared had ignited something within her she didn’t even know existed before. The night before things had gotten out of control, but she’d discovered the passion she felt for him was not one-sided. She had never felt this way about any other man. He was gorgeous, strong, gentle, caring, and the best person she knew and he wanted her.

Immediately, she knew her answer. “Yes.”

A megawatt smile spread across his face. He leaned in and kissed her, gently at first, but then, when he sensed she was craving more, he deepened the kiss. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear, then captured her mouth once more.

Lois moaned against his mouth. Her hands roamed up and down his chest, feeling the hard, taut muscles beneath his cotton dress shirt. Her arms circled around his neck, pulling him closer. The anxiety she had felt over their budding relationship was long gone.

He released her mouth, resting his forehead against hers. It amazed her to see Clark so vulnerable in her arms. “You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he finally managed.

“Good.” She captured his mouth once more and smiled as he moaned in pleasure against her lips. The light rumble of his voice tickled her lips. She laughed in spite of herself as she leaned back into the couch, pulling Clark on top of her.

“God, you are so beautiful,” he murmured as he planted a trail of butterfly kisses along her neck. She laughed when he found one of her more sensitive spots. “I love everything about you.”
He planted another kiss on her neck.

“Even my temper?” she asked joking with him.

“Mmm hmm,” He planted a kiss on her collarbone.

“Mmm,” Lois moaned as she felt his body press up against her as his mouth began an exploration of her body, caressing her neck with feather light kisses. She tightened her grip around him. “Oh, Clark,”

He looked down at her and smiled, “You like that?”

“Oh, God,” she gasped out as she nodded her head in agreement.

He smiled and captured her mouth once more. He boldly slid his hands up the back of her tank top, caressing her back. She arched her back slightly, encouraging the exploration of her body. She frantically rubbed her palms up and down his chest, tugging his dress shirt out of his pants. He murmured his agreement as he felt her warm hands begin to caress his perfect six pack. The memory of how he had felt pressed up against her a few nights ago still haunted her. If Clark hadn’t stopped she wouldn’t have put an end to their activities. But he had stopped. He had known they weren’t ready to take that next step yet. Were they ready now?

The feeling of his body pressed up against hers felt so right. Was she ready for this? She wrapped her arms more securely around him, pulling him close. She sought out his touch, whimpering against him as she reached for the buttons to his shirt.

He pulled away from her, understanding the predicament, and rolled them over so that she was straddling him. Lois smiled at her newfound position. “You always said you like to be on top.” He winked at her conspiratorially.

She leaned in to kiss him and proceeded to unbutton his dress shirt with one hand while her other hand moved lower…

“Are…are…are you sure we’re not going too fast?” He broke off the kiss slightly.

Lois looked down at him incredulously. “I told you I wanted to know you. I want to know all of you, Clark.”

“I know. But we don’t have to take this step right away...”

He was cut off by Lois capturing his mouth once more. “Enough talking,” she said simply. Clark didn’t put up a fight anymore. Once the last button had been released from its hole Lois shed him of his shirt and threw it across the room. When she returned her attention to Clark he had pulled away, slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Lois, I love you more than anything, but I really don’t want to rush into anything….I-”


“Well, I-I’m different,”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, I –I’m really not sure what we’re doing here…”

She smiled impishly at him, “You didn’t have any problems figuring it out before….” she purred seductively running her fingers down his chest, resting at the waistband of his slacks.

“But I stopped,” he pointed out.

“But what if I don’t want you to stop now?” Lois noticed the apprehension in his eyes and pulled away, “What’s wrong?”

“Lois, I know this is a bit hard to believe, but I’ve never...”

“You’ve never what?” She asked.

“This…the other night-” he gestured to her body and their position, “is about as far as I’ve ever gotten.”

Realization dawned on her, “Oh, Clark,” Lois kissed him soundly. “I didn’t mean to pressure you,”

Clark laughed, “You’re not pressuring me into anything, Lois.”

“Good.” She was tired of talking. She captured his mouth once more intent on pursuing their earlier activities.

“Mmm.” He moaned into her mouth.


Outside Lois’ apartment, a man stood on the fire escape, peeping into the apartment. The shadowy figure knocked on the window. There was no response. He knocked again. Still no response. He’d have to make an entrance. CRASH!!! The glass shattered all over the living room.


Lois and Clark’s heads shot up, breaking them from their reverie. “Oh, my.”

“What the — ?” Clark got up from the couch to investigate, ignoring his own state of undress. Lois slipped Clark’s dress shirt on, following him over to the window.

Lois approached Clark and found him holding Agent Scardino by the collar, up against the wall. “Dan? What are you doing here?”

“I was worried about you.”

“You’re worried about her, so you break in?” Clark angrily inquired.

“Don’t you know how to use a door?” Lois snapped.

“I wasn’t sure if you would answer.”

“Yeah, that’s breaking and entering,” Clark said.

“Would you mind letting go of my neck, Kent? I’m having trouble breathing,” Scardino wheezed out.

Clark looked at Scardino for a moment, then seemed to register the fact that he still had Scardino in his grip. He roughly threw Scardino to the ground.

“Thanks.” Scardino brushed himself off and stood up. He took in the state of undress Lois and Clark were in and had the decency to look embarrassed. “Whoa! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“Agent Scardino, you need to leave,” Lois said firmly.

“Hey, I was just worried about you.”

“Do the words ‘I Don’t Need You To Protect Me’ mean anything to you? You are not welcome here at all. Do you have any idea how invasive and … UGH! You broke my window!” Lois noticed the broken glass scattered around the carpet and a hole in the window that opened up to the fire escape of her apartment.

“I’ll pay for it.”

“Do boundaries mean anything to you, Scardino?” Clark asked.

“Okay, obviously everyone is very upset because of my intrusion on your … uh, extracurricular activities. For that I apologize, but I’m not going to apologize for trying to look out for you.”

“She doesn’t need your protection, Scardino. Were you not listening two seconds ago?”

“I already lost someone to McCarthy before. I didn’t want to see the same thing happen to you too.”

“Who was she?” Lois asked, noticing the tone Dan had assumed.

“Jenna, my partner. A little mouthy, but I’m not exactly a monk.”

“I’m sorry. We didn’t know,” Clark said quietly.

“It’s fine.”

“I understand WHY you’re being so – overprotective — but understand this. I don’t need your help and you need to leave me and Clark alone.”

“I get it. I get it. Three’s a crowd, huh?” He got up to leave. “I’ll be around.”

Lois shut the door behind him. “Can you believe that guy?”

Clark shook his head in disbelief. “He doesn’t know when to stop.”

“Hmmm. Well, enough about Scardino … “ Lois flung her arms around Clark’s neck and pulled him towards her in a passionate kiss.

“Mmm … “ he moaned.

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