Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Friends or Lovers Part 5/13 - 05/21/09 08:18 PM
Friends or Lovers?
Part 5


Albie opened the door to a luxurious office where Stanley Gables was sitting reading the newspaper in disgust. He looked around nervously.
“Mr. Gables?”

“What is it, Albie?” Stanley Gables gestured to the article he was reading.

“Look at this, Albie. A scientist invents a new diet pill at STAR Labs. I guess they’ll give him a new office or a blue ribbon. All they ever gave me was a pink slip.”

“Uh, Mister — “

“You can’t make progress by following all the rules. They should know that. Instead of taking responsibility for the pain they caused me, they booted me out the door.”


“Well, I tried the legal system, and it failed me. So now I will use my own methods of revenge on Metropolis. What is it, Albie?”

“Metropolis, sir? I thought you were just going after STAR Labs?”

“If I wanted to destroy STAR labs I would have burned it to the ground. Nobody cares about my pain, so I don’t care about theirs.”

“I … I care, Mr. Gables.”

“Oh, yes, you do, Albie. What was it you wanted to tell me?”

“The letters weren’t destroyed as anticipated, Mr. Gables. Superman showed up at the last minute.”

“Albie, this isn’t good.” Stanley turned to his desk and hit a buzzer.

“I know, Mr. Gables. Please don’t stress about this. It’s not good for you. Maybe you should rethink this.”

“Albie, I don’t need to rethink my plan. I just need to revise it a bit.”

Sean McCarthy appeared in the doorway. “You needed something, Mr. Gables?”

“Yes, we need to proceed to phase two of our plan.”


Lois looked through the letters on the coffee table, sifting through them, one by one. Her gaze shifted from the letters to a picture of herself with Clark at the Kerth Awards earlier that year. She looked at it wistfully before slamming the picture face down on the coffee table.

“This is all your fault,” she muttered. She took another sip of her wine and continued to sulk when a knock came at the door. Lois got up to see who it was.

Clark stood hesitantly in her doorway. “Hi. Can I come in?”

“Uh, yeah.” She gestured for him to enter and closed the door behind him. “I...I’ve been going through those letters ... “

“Lois … “

Maybe if she just kept things professional she wouldn’t have to think about how much he’d hurt her. “ — I haven’t really found a whole lot yet, but just give me some time. Have you found anything?”

“I’m not here to talk about the case.”

Lois crossed her arms in defiance. “Then why are you here?”

“Because we need to talk.”

“Oh, now you want to talk?” Lois accused bitterly. Two years he’d had to talk and he hadn’t told her the truth. “Clark, I don’t know if I’m ready to for ... “

Her lips were silenced when his mouth came crashing down on hers. God, he was good at that. Her anger and resentment disappeared for a moment, as she lost herself in his arms. His arms encircled her waist, pulling her towards him as the kiss deepened. There was no way she would ask him to stop.

She whimpered in protest when he pulled away from her, stepping out of her embrace. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I just -- ”

Lois looked up at him through her eyelashes. He was struggling to catch his breath. He was just as affected by their embrace as she was. She shifted her gaze up and down his body for a moment before launching herself into his arms. She was hurting, but right now all she wanted to do was lose herself in his arms.

She moaned in pleasure as she explored the feeling of his body against hers. Two years of fantasies fueled her exploration of his body. She gasped as she felt the living room wall against her back. “Oh, God…” she sighed against him. He felt so much better than any fantasy.

His lips never left hers as she helped him shrug off his jacket. She tugged at the knot of his tie, attempting to loosen it. His hands rested at the hem of her blouse, unmoving as he concentrated on kissing her. She moaned in frustration at his Boy Scout behavior.

She hissed in delight as he nibbled at her earlobe, tugging at it with his teeth. She linked her arms around his neck for support as she felt her knees getting weak. She linked her right leg around him, steadying herself.

“Lois…” he moaned. He lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs securely around his waist, encouraging the contact of his body pressed up against hers. She was pinned against the wall as his hands roamed up and down her thighs, hiking her skirt further and further up.

“Oh, God, Clark…” she murmured, raking her hands up and down his chest. He recaptured her mouth, eliciting another moan of pleasure from her. She popped open the buttons of his dress shirt, desperate to feel his skin against hers.

“Lois…” His hands had stopped moving again, resting at her hips once more.

“Clark, please…” she whimpered, arching her back against him. Why was he stopping? She wanted more. She fumbled with the buttons to her blouse until it hung loosely off her shoulders, revealing her white lace covered chest to him.

He lowered his mouth to the valley in between her breasts. “Oh, God…” she moaned. He seemed hesitant for a moment, “Clark…” She whimpered, tugging him down further. She gasped in pleasure when she felt his tongue slip in-between the valley of her breasts. She melted against him, reveling in the feeling of being in his arms. Her fantasies didn’t come close to the reality of being in his arms as he continued the pleasurable assault on her body. “Oh, God, yes,” she moaned, raking a hand through his hair. She had dreamed of this countless times, first with Superman, then with Clark.


Too fast. They were moving way too fast. What had just happened? He could still feel her chest against his as he held her in his arms. How had she gone from being angry with him to wanting to make love to him? Was she testing him? Trying to fulfill some kind of fantasy?

“Clark,” she murmured against him when he withdrew the heat of his body from hers. It was his name she moaned. Every time he tried to get her to slow down, she did something to push them further and further into that intimacy threshold.

It was obvious what she wanted, but he wasn’t ready to give it to her. Not until they’d resolved their issues. He readjusted her in his arms, pulling away from her slightly. They had to slow down.

“Please,” she pleaded.

Was that what she wanted? They’d only had one date. That one date had ended with her insecurities getting the best of her and her slamming the door in his face. There was no way he could take advantage of her like this, even if she was encouraging him all the way. “Lois…” he whispered against her lips. “We have to stop…” he rasped out, “or I won’t be able to.”

Lois looked up at him incredulously. She was throwing herself at him and he was still trying to be a boy scout. She suddenly felt very cold. She looked down at herself and noticed her reddened chest exposed. Clark had already buttoned his shirt back up and was now sitting on the couch, as far away from her as possible.

She began buttoning her blouse back up and adjusting her clothing. What had just happened? She had lost herself in his arms again. Why had he stopped?

She took a seat next to him on the far end of the couch, leaving plenty of space between them. “Clark....”

At the same time, Clark turned to her. “Lois....”

Lois couldn’t help but smile at that. They had this knack for being able to read one another’s thoughts. The closer they’d gotten over the past few months, the more often it occurred.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to let things get so...out of control,” he whispered.

Why was he apologizing? She’d been the one encouraging him, all along. “I wasn’t exactly trying to beat you off of me,” Lois said.

“I never meant to hurt you, Lois. I was going to tell you, but everything just kept getting so complicated.” He raked a hand through his hair.

Lois sighed and nodded in agreement. “I guess my swooning over Superman for a year didn’t help things.”

Clark shook his head. “I never should have gotten involved with you without telling you. That was the stupidest thing I could have done. I trust you more than anyone … “

Lois brushed a few stray tears that had escaped from the corners of her eyes as he spoke. “Then why? Why didn’t you tell me? If you trusted me, then why the lies and the secrets?”

“Because I love you,” he whispered solemnly. “I didn’t want to lose you.”

Love? He loved her? Of course, he’d been lying that day in front of the Planet when Mr. Stern had announced they were back in business. He’d told her he didn’t love her. She had spent months trying to convince herself that she only cared about him as a friend. “You lied.”

“Yeah, I’ve lied a lot, but only about where I was.” He moved closer to her, holding one of her hands in his palm. “Lois, I never wanted to hurt you and I know that I did; I’m sorry for that.”

Why did he insist on talking about this now? At least when she’d been in his arms she didn’t have to think about how he’d hurt her, how she’d been so easily fooled. The world famous investigative reporter had been duped by a change of hairstyle and a pair of glasses.

“That’s not what I was talking about,” she retorted bitterly. “That day in front of the Planet after Mr. Stern announced the reopening … you lied.”

“Oh.” Clark seemed to register what she was referring to. “I thought it would be easier on you not to deal with anything else … “

“Who are you to decide what I can or can’t deal with?” Lois snapped. “You decided I can’t deal with you being in love with me, so you snatch that away. You also decided I couldn’t deal with you being Superman … “

“That’s not true … “

“Isn’t it?” Lois challenged. “When were you planning on telling me?”

“I don’t know. I needed to know that you loved me - Clark - not Superman or his powers … just me.”

“That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” Lois snapped. “You ARE Superman. So why is it so hard for you to deal with someone liking YOU???”

“No, Superman is what I can do; Clark is who I am,” Clark reasoned.

“Do you always talk about yourself in the third person?” she asked inquisitively.

“It helps me sort things out in my head,” he explained with a wry smile.

“Oy,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. He made no sense whatsoever. “So, let me get this straight, Clark is who you are, correct?”


“Then why do you get upset when Superman has to deal with Intergang coming after him?”

“Well, I … “

“I heard you defend Superman countless times to Mayson. Why?”

“Because … “

“Because she didn’t get that Superman was a part of you too.” Lois gave a light laugh. “I still can’t believe it took me so long to figure it out. You knew things about the other you shouldn’t have. Those lame excuses … “ She wiped away a few tears on her cheek. “You know what really hurts the most is the fact that you lied to me, Clark. I mean, you’re the one person I thought I could trust and now that’s gone. Shattered.”

“Lois … “

“I need some stability here. I need to know you won’t lie to me in some attempt to try and protect me again,” Lois began to ramble.

“I won’t,” Clark whispered. “I have hated keeping this from you. You know me better than anyone; it killed me having to keep so many things from you.”

“Like when Capone shot you?” Lois asked, recalling how much it had hurt when she’d thought he was dead.

“I was going to tell you,” Clark stammered. “Lois, I just reacted … I didn’t know what else to do.”

“You made me think you were dead.” Lois stared back at him coldly.

“I know.” Clark hung his head shamefully.

“When were you going to tell me?”

“I was going to tell you everything after I got Capone put away. I was kinda afraid of telling you.”

“I’m not talking about Capone, Clark. I’m talking about now. If I hadn’t figured it out the other night, when were you going to tell me?”

“Oh.” Clark caught on by the expression on her face. “I figured once we started actually dating … “

“We were.”

“I know. My timing hasn’t exactly been the best lately, but … “

Lois noticed the forlorn look in his eyes and reached up to caress his cheek. “Clark, you can’t blame yourself.”

“I missed her by a few seconds, Lois.”

“I know.” Lois looked into his eyes sadly. “I didn’t want to go off on you like that, Clark. I was waiting for you to tell me, but you kept lying to me, then in the elevator you kept pressing me … so, I blew up. I know that was the last thing you needed right now. I’m sorry. I should have handled it better.”

“Hey, we both kinda screwed up, Lois.” Clark captured her mouth gingerly, conveying the love he felt for her. “Does this mean we’ve made up?”

At that moment there was a knock at the door.

“Great. That’s probably Jimmy. Perfect timing as always,” she muttered, lifting herself off the couch to answer the door.


Clark stood up to follow behind her, slightly ticked at the intrusion. If he didn’t know any better he could swear Lois was trying to avoid answering his question. “Agent Scardino? What are you doing here?” Lois asked, opening the door.

“Please. Call me, Daniel. May I come in?” Agent Scardino sauntered in without even waiting for Lois’ response. He examined her up and down a moment and winked at her. “Did I come at a bad time?”

Lois flushed at the remark’s implications. Clark interjected, “What are you doing here, Scardino?”

“Well, well,” Scardino grinned mischievously. “If it isn’t the man with the smoldering eyes.”

“What are you talking about?” Lois asked as she sat down on the couch next to Clark.

Scardino pulled out a small book from his jacket pocket and laid it on the table before them. “Mayson’s diary reads like an Emily Bronte novel.”

“You read Emily Bronte?” Lois’ head shot up at that comment.

“What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic at heart.” Scardino shrugged then turned to Clark, “I thought you said Mayson was just a friend. She wrote some pretty steamy stuff in there, mainly about you. You holdin’ out on me, Kent?”

At Clark’s solemn look Lois interjected, “Agent Scardino, you have to understand Clark was probably the only one in Metropolis that didn’t know that Mayson was madly in love with him.”

Clark was quick to change the subject. “Who’s holding out on whom? You took the diary.”

“Ah, touché.” Scardino wagged his finger in Clark’s direction. “But, I am willing to work together on this. I figure it’ll be easier if we work together rather than apart. Share information, so to speak.”

Clark continued to glare at Scardino. He didn’t like the man one bit. Working with him was out of the question. He really didn’t like the way Scardino kept eyeing Lois either.


Lois caught the glare and decided it was time for her to interject. “Clark, can I see you in the kitchen? I think the ramaki is burning.”

“Ramaki? But you’re not — “ He immediately cut himself off at her glare. “Uh, right. Excuse us.” He followed her into the kitchen. “What is it?”

“I think he has a point,” Lois began.

“You have got to be kidding. The man is seriously unhinged. Inspector Gadget would be more help than him.”

“Clark, do you trust me?”

“Yes,” he sighed.

“Then trust my instincts.” She patted him reassuringly on the chest. “It’ll be easier if he’s working with us.”

“But, Lois — “

She cut him off by leaning up to kiss him. All protests died on his lips as he concentrated on her rather than their uninvited guest in the other room.


“Just trust me,” she whispered, pulling away from him. With that she walked out of the kitchen, not giving Clark a chance to respond. He sighed and raked his hand through his hair. This was not going to be easy. He could tell the only reason Agent Scardino wanted to work together was to get to Lois, and he was not about to let that happen.

Scardino smiled as he saw Lois enter the room again. His face fell slightly when Clark entered behind her. “So, do we have a deal?”

“Sure. What have you got?” Lois asked.

“Not so fast. I gave you the diary. Your turn.”

“Fine,” Lois conceded. “The last thing Mayson said was ‘Resurrection’.”

“The last entry in her diary was ‘Resurrection equals McCarthy’ with a question mark,” Scardino said.

Lois and Clark exchanged a look. They were definitely getting somewhere.


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