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Posted By: anonpip FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/26/09 08:21 PM
Comments welcome. Encouraged even. blush
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/26/09 09:00 PM
i don't think i'm handling this new turn of events well. actually, i know i'm not. AHHHHHHHHHHH!
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/27/09 02:16 AM
For whatever reason you clearly dislike the Clark Kent falls for Lois Lane at first sight idea.

So for some period of time they are going to circle the drain.

wildguy DRAT wildguy
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/27/09 01:01 PM
Oooh, verrrry entertaining part. Clark and Maddie, huh? clap And I so enjoy Star. You know, she's always been pretty explicit about her predictions. Nothing that could be misunderstood. She just didn't get the context. So LnC will end up half naked. We just don't know when wildguy

Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/27/09 02:05 PM
I love Star! And she's great in this story!

Surprisingly (to me), I don't have a problem with a Clark and Maddie dating...as long as it stays casual! I have this feeling that it's going to make a prickly Lois even pricklier, though.

This story is great - I can't wait to see where it goes!
Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/27/09 02:26 PM
Yay, you're writing again. How did I miss this fic when you first started? I love Star. Aside from Lucy, Star's the only female friend Lois has. Please tell me Star's vision comes true.

Will post more feedback later when I'm not as feverish and this flu bug goes away. smile Can we get more though? I am sick after all... laugh
Posted By: GamesAway Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/29/09 03:41 PM
Oh dear, Clark and *Maddie*? Well, I wasn't expecting that! Actually I don't mind too much, Maddie seems nice, *and* she seems to really like Clark too. I agree that this is *not* going to make Lois any less prickly heehee.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/29/09 08:04 PM
Thanks for all the comments! I just wanted to log on quickly to apologize. Things at work have been as busy as I feared and RL has been much busier than I expected. So, I know I said I'd try to post the next chapter last night and didn't, and won't have time to do so today (or reply to this feedback in the detail it deserves).

I hope to get to this tomorrow night, but can't be sure since I now need to blow off work for most of the day to take care of RL things I hadn't planned on. So, that's probably not going to make my evening any less busy. But I'll try...
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 04/29/09 08:55 PM
"The course of true love ne'er did run smooth..."

And you are putting obstacles in the way of our favorite couple! That's the fun.

Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 05/04/09 09:35 AM
I know responding to these is almost silly at this point, but I do feel badly that you all are so good at leaving feedback and I've been bad at responding.

Sorry, Sarah! Hopefully the Clark/Maddie stuff is not too painful to read.

Patrick - You know, you're right. Except in stories where they are already together, I rarely get Lois and Clark together early in a story. Although, Clark did fall for Lois immediately in Triangle, it just took a long time for her to fall for him.

In this particular case, I think over time it will become clear that at least in my head, Lois and Clark aren't ready for each other yet. But they will get together long before the end of this tale. (Not that I've gotten there yet, but at some point.)

Michael - Yes, LnC will definitely be half naked at some point in this story. Given that this story is not on the nfic side, don't expect to see much of it, but Star's predictions are pretty reliable.

Thanks, Amber. I'm trying to find ways to weave Star into the story more. I don't really like her being part of the little group Lois and Clark hang out in so she keeps fading to the background, but I really like her, too. Maybe in the second half of the story I'll be able to draw her character out more. She needs to do more than make predictions if I want her to keep appearing.

Grinch - I hope you're feeling better!!

GamesAway - I'm very happy with your take away of Maddie. It was basically the description I gave to Carol before I decided - I said I needed Clark to have a relationship with someone besides Lois who was not "Lana-like". Basically someone nice who really cared about Clark. I think this Clark needs this to be ready for Lois. Well, at least to grow up and I think he needs to do that to be ready for Lois.

IolantheAlias - Very true. And even when Lois and Clark get together, I have no intention of things running smoothly. laugh
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 05/04/09 11:59 AM
Originally posted by anonpip:
Michael - Yes, LnC will definitely be half naked at some point in this story. Given that this story is not on the nfic side, don't expect to see much of it, but Star's predictions are pretty reliable.
Actually I was just going for the gfic version of it - you know, Lois & Clark = couple laugh

Michael angel-devil
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (6/?) - 05/05/09 01:16 PM
I figured, but wanted to be sure to set proper expectations. smile
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