Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/15/09 10:21 AM
Tis about freaking time!

I have no idea how you're going to get this web undone. If, in fact, it gets undone.

My head is spinning - in a good way.

Poor all of them. All wanting each other but it's not really right even though... never mind. My head is spinning again.

And two more parts? That's it?

I want to know what FLois is going to say to Plark's proposal!

If you make us wait this long again, so help me, I'll...

Send Ice Pick after you!

Or beg. One of the two!

More now would be good!

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/15/09 11:38 AM
Wow... this is so *good* and yet so sad.... is this going to end up being two separate timelines?? Or are they going to switch back and remember everything? Or switch back and *not* remember everything... no, that wouldn't work. Would it? I hope not... but I really have no idea how you're going to end this, Sue.

Part 9, soonest!!!

Just my two cents.

I don't think they're going back to their own timelines. I think they're stuck where they are, and I think Wells did this because of some dastardly scheme Tempus came up with and this radical idea was the only way to "fix" the problem, whatever it is. It's a little tragic for both Loises, less so for Clark, but if it preserves Utopia, what's the problem?

It isn't neat, it isn't pretty, but unless Sue has some dynamite plot twist coming up, I don't see any other way to end this epic tragedy. After all, if you redirect your past, you risk bending your future so far away that you can't get back to it.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/15/09 08:51 PM
This is so poignant and so beautiful. I almost didn't dare to breathe when Plois kissed Flark. You built it all so slowly and carefully that I was slowly asphyxiating for lack of air because I didn't dare to breathe in case I disturbed this amazingly delicate sort-of first kiss and this oh-so-fragile budding relationship. You weave such spells, Sue. And then my heart broke as Flark drew back. Mind you, I know why he did it. It's because he wanted his Lois back. And because he couldn't bear the thought that the agonizing waiting they had done was for naught. And because he didn't want Lois to different than she had been on their wedding night.

As for the Flois and Plark part, the most breathtaking moment was when Plark proposed, of course. But the most significant moment may have been when Flois told Plark that she wondered if the correct timelines could ever be restored. Maybe, indeed, Flois and Plark are stuck with each other, as are Plois and Flark.

I have the utmost confidence in you as a writer, so I don't doubt that you can bring back the more-or-less original timelines if you want to. I find myself hoping, however, that you don't quite want to pull that trick on us. I think that I myself would feel ever so slightly cheated if you did. It wouldn't be as bad as when Bobby Ewing stepped out of that shower as a way of returning from the dead - not even nearly as bad, not nearly on the same scale or magnitude - but it would be ever so slightly cheating-ish. Of course, I have to admit that it would be hugely interesting to see Flois and Flark and Plois and Plark meet again after Lois's time travel. You have to wonder what they would say to each other and what they would suspect each other of. Had they "cheated" on their spouse? And if they did make love, was it indeed cheating under the circumstances?

Questions, questions! I hope you post again soon, Sue!

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/15/09 10:09 PM
Clark...uh, you proposed? Really? I know she's been stuck in the past for a while, but...I've been racking my brain all day over this, and I'm just stymied. But I guess it's because i don't expect them to be stuck in their wrong times forever, so when Clark proposed to his future wife, well I get a serious brain crunch every time I think about it.

Great part,
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/15/09 11:18 PM
WoW! That was a surprise. More soon!
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 04:01 AM

Looking forward to where each of them or with whom each of them end up.

Brilliant writing... I keep oscillating between (1) considering the future and past selves as separate individuals and (2)treating them as parts of the same whole.

So one moment, I'm like isn't the kissing close to cheating, and then I'm like hey, it's just their future/past spouse.

Currently I'm leaning toward scenario # 2.

Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 07:18 AM
Sue! dance /does little 'happy dance'. I am so happy to see this!

I still can't get my mind to wrap around the concept that the 'me' of three years ago is anyone else but the 'me' of today. (And I will *still* be 'me' three years from now.) So, completely unhindered as I am by any thoughts of 'adultery', I am thoroughly enjoying watching our time-crossed couple try to cope with their predicament, past and future.

Will they stay as they are? Will Lois finally get back to where she belongs, when she belongs there? If so, will she remember her time travel escapades? Flois and Flark still have memories of the original time line - will they eventually 'remember' that they got married in 1995? Did the universe split in two? Aaarg!

I can't wait to see what happens next.
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 09:32 AM
Hey all! I promise that parts 9 and 10 will be posted in a much more timely fashion. I'm thinking to post 9 next Wednesday and 10 the following week.

Carol - You have been soooooo supportive (some might say "nagging") during my bouts of self-doubt on this story. Thank you so much for the pokes, the nudges, and then the glee when I finally gave up dithering and posted. thumbsup

Vicki - Ah, Vicki, it's like you're reading my mind! I, too, feel that the me from three years ago is still essentially the me of today - and I don't foresee any major personality twists in the next three years that would alter me so completely that, were I to go backwards or forwards, I could still be "me" and no one would really be any the wiser. Then again, if I were to wake up tomorrow and discover that I'm three years in the future and married to one of my co-workers, yeah, I might wig out a little, but (dependant on which co-worker it was), I'm sure I'd chill soon enough.

Thank you so much for sticking with me, guys. I'm truly grateful for all the praise and questions you've directed at this story. And now it's time to go start drinking in preparation for the binge I'm going to feel compelled to go on once the next part is posted. shock
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 12:27 PM
Another amazing part...so glad to hear the rest of the story will be quickly forthcoming!

Posted By: Kathryn84 Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 02:29 PM
Yay Sue posted notworthy please
I have absolutely no clue as to what to make of those two dead men walking. But it sure was nice meeting them before they got a free trip into the stratosphere laugh

"Lois? Will you marry me?"
shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock

So, um, you're not going to post part 9 before Carol is going to post part 3 of Falling slowly, are you?

Posted By: bellarase Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 03:34 PM
Oh i LOVE IT!!! Beautiful, beautiful chapter. I actually hope they are stuck where they are - they get to appreciate each other more.

As usual, your writing is incredible. THANK YOU
Posted By: Rona V. Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 07:03 PM
So delightful, Sue!!! I love how you write the characters - you show their emotions and vulnerabilities in such a human way that is easy to relate to. I was definitely surprised by the proposal, and I can't wait to see what else you have in store. I can't wait for this story to end because I want to know how you're going to solve (or not solve) the switch, but I don't want it to ever end because your writing is so wonderful.
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 09:51 PM
Oooh, more FDK! Time to break out the happy dance. smile1
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 10:58 PM
so uh, you have another story in the works? that little mention at the end, you know, i'm so excited now! oh yeah, love this story too!
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/16/09 11:34 PM
Another wonderful part.

I love how the two relationships run parallel to each other - the same, but different.

I have no idea whether the Loises will swap back, but I suspect none of the four would have too many problems if they didn't. I'd feel a bit for Plois though - she never gets to experience the wedding/honeymoon.

I'm looking forward to the next part.
Yeah, I guess I can get a bit cryptic on occasion peep but I'm glad you got a good laugh out of it smile

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/17/09 05:02 AM
Sue, I LOVE this story. smile1 I can barely wait for the next part. It's like there're two stories running on parallel and both of them are great. I don't know what you're planning to fix (or not fix) this situation, but I'm sure whatever you're cooking up will be excellent. wink

You have another story in the works! [Linked Image] /me makes a happy dance. [Linked Image]

Andreia cool
Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/17/09 06:48 AM
Yay, another post. This was such a wonderful surprise this morning, you made my day! That was before I read the chapter... smile Now, I'm wondering if I should save my heart the trouble and wait till this things all done, cause the cliffhangers you leave us on are giving me chest pains wink

I'm stuck with what Vicki mentioned though and I'm reverting back to my concerns of infidelity.

We know that Lois went through quite a personal development from S1 Lois to S4 Lois. Part of this transformation was her exposure to Clark, and part of it, I think was simply maturation. But, if pLois considers herself to be a different 'person' then fLois, then I'm still leaning towards the fact that Flark committed adultery in this chapter. Yes, Clark loves all versions of Lois. But, I would think it would hurt fLois to know that her husband kissed her younger self and that things almost went too far. It'd be interesting to see the conversation between the future couple when things go back to normal (which they will, right?)

That analysis aside, I loved Scar and Ice Pick! Two completely minor characters that you brought to life.

I'm not even going to touch the Plark proposal to fLois. She's a married women already. She can't get married again, that would be bigamy. What do you think would happen if pLois walked into a police station and said, I have two husbands, but one is a future version of the other. wink

More soon, pretty please?
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/17/09 03:54 PM
Of course, Clark proposed. It only took him so long the first time because he was so insecure first about telling her about his alter-ego and second about the actual proposal part. But now he has this assurance in advance, Lois is essentially a sure thing. (Which sounds a bit rude, but isn't intended to be so.)

I can't imagine how upset Lois must have been to be threatened by thugs she was supposed to know but didn't for doing things she was supposed to know not to do but didn't. How reassuring to know that her future self found them disquieting, as well.

Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/17/09 04:15 PM
I'm not even going to touch the Plark proposal to fLois. She's a married women already. She can't get married again, that would be bigamy.
I have to admit, I never even considered this. It's an interesting variation on the "If a tree falls in a forest..." riddle. If a woman remembers a marrige that hasn't happened, is she still married? Interesting. To be honest, I had just assumed that, if the switch is not reversed, Flois and Plark would naturally marry. It never occurred to me to consider this bigamy. dizzy

Edited to add: Maybe Lois could consider it a "renewal of her vows" ceremony?
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/17/09 05:28 PM
Feeeeeedbaaaaaaaack! Woot! dance

sarahg - I actually have three stories in various stages of doneness. Until recently, though, I was less than inspired to keep going. But your enthusiasm has definitely re-stoked that fire. notworthy

Female Hawk - Thanks for the comment on the parallel storylines. smile Having them experiencing almost the same things (particularly since that gives us the funhouse mirror effect) was one of the funnest parts of writing this story for me.

Michael - Nah, not cryptic. I was just slow. :p I suspect you would have got a bigger laugh out of watching me sit there and mutter, "two dead men walking, two dead men walking, two dead men walking…" until the brain fart ended.

Andreia - There you are! <insert happy dance> I'm glad that you're enjoying this story and looking forward to the next. I hope I can "fix" things to your satisfaction. laugh

grinch - Ooooh! It never even occurred to me that, if Flois were to accept Plark, she'd be committing bigamy. She's not married to two different men - he's the same exact guy, after all. For that same reason, I can't see Flois getting upset over Flark kissing Plois - it's still her. I'm glad you liked Sal and Ice Pick (but I fear you may not like them as much in their original story).

Vicki - I swear you're hacking into my hard drive! I would think that Flois marrying Plark would be a re-commitment ceremony for her. But that's assuming she says "yes". Wanna divine that one? wink

Thanks again for all the comments. You guys are starting to make me itchy to post the next part sooner. <must resist… must resist…> devil
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/17/09 05:55 PM
Um, why must you resist?

POST! Dang it! POST!
laugh wink and I second Carol's plea grovel

Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/18/09 06:46 AM
Then I guess the motion carries. laugh
Posted By: Kathryn84 Re: FDK: Richochet 8 or OMG! SUE POSTED! - 04/25/09 03:38 PM
Sue - great part! Although I really begin to wonder who caused this mess. clap
I have no idea how this could be solved in the following two parts... but I'm sure you'll find a way laugh
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