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Posted By: HappyGirl FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/03/09 10:07 AM
Don't shoot me! You'll have the sequel next week! What? You thought she really had lost her memory? Sorry. I wasn't trying to pull a fast one. I figured that as soon as I said "John Doe" everyone would know it was really time travel. I just didn't want Lois or Clark to know that.

Oh! And I have to say that the inscriptions on the rings were shamelessly stolen from "First Comes Marriage" by ML Thompson.
Posted By: AmyPrime Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/03/09 04:18 PM
I love it! I was pleased to see Mad Dog Lane finally make an appearance at the end there.

Foreshadowing, Flashback, and... I can't come up with an f-word for "in the here and now," but I like your theme.
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/03/09 06:02 PM
Forward. (No, not Foreword)
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/03/09 09:02 PM
It would be much more fun if Tempus had switched Lois[es] from two different 'Verses. Perhaps a Lois from a "Verse where Clark has never become Superman and never come to Metropolis.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/03/09 10:11 PM
I love it just as it is. It is a great start to a thrilling series! Oh please add an nfic bit just for me LOl. Thanks, I'll stay tuned!
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 12:20 AM
Just wanted to chime in that I've been reading and am looking forward to the next part in the series!

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 07:20 AM
Wonderful story. Caught up with it in one day. You know, it was very devious to show Lois what she was going to have only to yank it away at the last minute. Poor girl is going to be scarred for life confused

So, is part two about how future Lois is going to fare in her past? Still assuming, of course, that they just switched minds, not universes, too.

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 07:44 AM
It's been a fun ride watching a first season Lois trying to grapple with all that her life will become in ten years.

For some of us, we might hardly notice any difference besides the aging, but this was a period of extreme change for Lois due to the addition of Clark Kent.

Now we will see the more matured and centered trying to deal with being thrust back into her lonely defensive days. The future Lois will be able to 'intellectually' deal with the change easier just because she's had so many 'weird' experiences to draw from. Her biggest problem will be how to 'deal' with Clark at arms length.
Clark is going to be one confused guy.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Tank (who was disappointed that past Lois didn't cut her hair as a comfort level thing)
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 08:05 AM
I am channeling Sally Fields here. They like it! They really like it!

Yes, we get to see the other end of the switch next. All I'll say about that is "Poor Clark!"

Tank, I should have known that all that talk about Lois's hair would catch your attention! laugh I'll see what I can come up with for the epilogue.
Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 08:28 AM
Loved it and I love it even more that we have a two sequels to look forward to.

I think it should be much easier for future Lois to travel back in time. She knows the future, and how things turn out, so she's much more open to Clark and exploring her feelings. But, as you say, poor Clark. He's going to have a Lois who loves him completely, only for her to be taken away shortly thereafter.

Can't wait for next week. One point for suggestion, in part 8, I would add a bit more spaces in between your paragraphs. It might make for an easier read.

Posted By: fuzzy Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 08:38 AM
I loved it too!

Time travel and Tempus go better together than amnesia or erasing the memory, in my opinion.

Looking forward to the promised sequels!
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 12:51 PM
Hi HappyGirl wave

This was a lot of fun. I feel embarrassed that I didn’t figure out what was really happening until Clark told me. After the fact when I went back and looked more carefully I could see the clues.

I felt sad when Lois had the “I’m not his wife” anxiety attack. I thought that Clark should have picked up on her distress and immediately stepped in to remind her that she is always loved. First by him in the past and then by him now because she *is* Lois.

Now, as for the rest of the story. I see a lot of possibilities but unless someone really does have a mind-wipe device or does sore really fancy time traveling, there will be some serious disruptions to the time line. If this Lois goes back with what she knows, she’ll never do many of the things that she did before and I imaging she’ll be much more interested in Clark.

I look forward to the next part.

Edit: Just an idea... This would be a good way to split a time-line and open up a new universe. smile

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/04/09 04:28 PM
I'm with Bob - what I keep thinking about is what Lois will be like when she goes back. She can't behave the same way towards Clark given her reaction to finding out that she's not actually married to him yet.

I can't wait for the next part.
Posted By: bellarase Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/05/09 10:41 PM
Great story you have here!! I love how awesomely 'Clark' Clark is in this fic - so tender and attentive. *sighs dreamily*

Looking forward to the next part!
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/06/09 03:33 AM
I loved this story and am looking forward to Flashback.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/06/09 07:09 AM
It's starting to sound like "Flashback" is the story of future-Lois being dropped into her ten-year-younger body and having to deal with all the weirdness that will naturally ensue. Not only will she have to deal with a younger Clark (who is not her husband), she'll have to change how she deals with a younger and flakier Jimmy, a crazy Lucy, and a different (but much the same) Perry.

On a side note, I recently looked at an ep from season one and one from season four. Lane White was in both of them, and I was struck by how quickly he seemed to age in three years. It makes me wonder if he wasn't feeling the effects of some illness even then. And he did such a wonderful job in the role that I didn't spot the changes until I did a side-by-side comparison.

Okay, back to this story. I was actually a little let down when I found out that it was Tempus playing "switch-the-Lois" games instead of an actual memory loss. I'm ready to hear the explanation of how Lois' personas were swapped without the attached bodies being exchanged with them.

And I'm ready for the next installment. Bring it on as soon as it's ready!
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/06/09 09:03 AM
Hi Terry,

I'm figuring that if Wells can drop Lois's mind into Loisette's body then he can do it two ways to switch a younger and an older Lois. I'm assuming that Tempus stole a soul-tracker from Wells, or from whoever gave one to Wells in the first place.

I could see pretty quickly that I wasn't heading quite where you thought I was, but I hope it's been fun anyway. Having you think out loud here about what comes next is helping me along the way.
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/06/09 09:04 AM
Edit: Sorry, this got posted twice. Would one of you lovely forum leaders like to delete it?

Hi Terry,

I'm figuring that if Wells can drop Lois's mind into Loisette's body then he can do it two ways to switch a younger and an older Lois. I'm assuming that Tempus stole a soul-tracker from Wells, or from whoever gave one to Wells in the first place.

I could see pretty quickly that I wasn't heading quite where you thought I was, but I hope it's been fun anyway. Having you think out loud here about what comes next is helping me along the way.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 9 - 04/09/09 06:37 PM
That was totally not an ending, but I suppose you already know that. And of course, you're already forgiven since you've started posting the next story already.

Clark's amusement at Lois' Mad Dog babble must have been totally infuriating to Lois, even if it was sweet for the readers. It's a good thing he was saved by the bell, or in this case the time travel window.

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