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Posted By: HappyGirl FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 04:24 PM
Well, I see that my italics aren't transfering from Microsoft Word to the forum when I copy and paste. But I don't think it's too confusing where parenthetical thoughts come. I think you can get that from the context.

Thanks for the generous encouragment. I have more done but I need the pressure to finish the last 15 % or so. Then there's the second story. We do want to know what our older Lois is up to in her past, don't we? Patience, patience...
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 04:33 PM
To get italics put [ i ] in front of the text and [ / i ] after the text [without the spaces then it looks like this]. They also won't translate to the archive so you might consider offsetting them with <> or something as well.

Still very interesting smile . Looking forward to part 3...

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 05:14 PM
And the mystery thickens... Too bad none of the objects in her purse tell her who she's married to. This Lois is from where exactly? I guess sometime right after Superman has appeared, right? So she isn't best friends with Clark yet, or even knows who Martha / Jonathan are... Very clever of Tempus.

So how frequently would you post? Looking fwd to the next post!

Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 06:38 PM
How frequently would I post? Well, I've got probably 20 pages done. This story is almost one big in-joke for us and one drawn-out revelation for poor young Lois. But this is only Story # 1. Story # 2 deals with what older Lois is going through stuck back in her younger days. My premise there is that it's not as easy as you might think to try to be your younger self again. I've got that maybe 50% done. The third story, which I haven't even started yet, will involve the question of what to do when good ol' Herb proposes to send everyone back far enough to erase all their memories of all this. My premise there is that Lois' response will be less sneaky and more "The hell you will!" I'm thinking we need to get all four of them together (our two Loises and their respective Clarks) and let them hash it out.

So, how often will I post? I'm trying to drag it out a little so that you don't have to wait too long when I get to the part I haven't finished yet. So, with all your lovely encouragement, hopefully I'll have at least this story finished by the time I get to that point in the posting. How about part 3 tomorrow?

By the way, I'm not that interested in Tempus. He's just a plot device to stick Lois in this situation. When I get toward the end, I may be asking for ideas for how to wrap him up. The reason I've got Lois thinking that she's got amnesia is because I think Clark will act differently with his supposedly amnesiac wife than he would with a time traveler.

And, yes, you'll get some clues soon as to where (or when) this Lois is from.

Off to try to write some more of the end.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 06:56 PM
Could you write faster? I'd like part 3 now, please.

JK - I know how hard it is to write, particularly as I'm currently suffering from writer's block. But frequent posts sound good - this is very interesting.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 08:57 PM
I have to agree with anonpip. It's great to read the parts quickly! And you've got an excellent start.
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 09:35 PM
You're all very inspiring. I got another part done tonight (about part 16, I think). Another one or two parts should do it for this one, but I've got to figure out where to leave this one hanging to jump over to our older Lois before coming back to wrap it all up.

I'm tickled pink to see feedback from some of my favorite archive authors.

More tomorrow, I promise.
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 10:03 PM
Interesting so far. I think you could put the first two chapters together as one. It reads smoother, just a suggestion.

Looking forward to more.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/30/09 10:54 PM
Oh I am liking it so far. count me in for fast posts! Laura
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/31/09 01:19 AM
There's no inscription in her ring? e.g. CK - LL? Might be a clue!
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/31/09 01:46 AM
Hey there,

I admire you to come out of the closet and to start posting your story. Mine never got past chapter 2 which is why none of them can be found anywhere! ;-P

I liked the start you presented just as much as the others and am incredibly curious as to see young-Lois struggling to figure her life out.

Keep going and keep feeding us part after part to keep us happy!

~Sira - incredibly irregular feedback giver who promises she'll read all of the story even if she won't comment each part seperately.
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/31/09 06:35 AM

Well, I need her not to figure that out yet, so I maintain that, never having been married herself, she just didn't think to check. I also maintain that, being from the days before camera phones, she also didn't realize that there are pictures of her whole family stored on her phone ;-)
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 03/31/09 06:42 AM
Cp33, I agree that the first two parts could be one. I don't have it broken into chapters in my original, but I wasn't sure how long to make the posts here. I went through it last night to look for logical breaks, so hopefully it will read a big smoother now.
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 04/07/09 09:57 AM
Just starting this after busy Kerth season. This is a really great story and well written. Please keep it coming. I like the references to the LA Times, since I read it daily. (This is a general response since I read all the parts together)
Clark is a really thoughtful guy and a seasoned time traveler.
Love your tag line!
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK - Foreshadowing, Part 2 - 04/08/09 07:31 AM
I like how thoughtfully and thoroughly Lois investigates herself. She doesn't panic, but just goes to work. That's our gal!

PS It's interesting that Clark is listed separately from ICE. Of course, Lois doesn't know what ICE is from so she doesn't call there first.
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