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I have absolutely no time since I'm supposed to be getting ready for work right now, but I couldn't resist reading this. And then I couldn't speed read through it because I was completely sucked in. It seemed impossible that no one had yet started a thread, so I'm starting one with the promise that I'll come back at lunchtime and lavish the praise and adoration that the story deserves then. (And that will give me time to consider the ending wink )

Until then, this will have to suffice: jawdrop

[Just adding part no. to header - LabRat]
When I read the title and the name of the author, my first thought was "Oh no". And sure enough, you didn't disappoint. Though I do hope that Superman came to save her from the brink of death, as usual. Please?
Oh Tank, You know how we want it to end. What would really be funny is if she was only trapped by her hair. Then you could have her cut it to get herself free. But really, we need good ole Superman to show up right about now.
Tank, you must really be desperate to offer up a "Tank/?" challenge.

So, is the 'retired author' coming out from behind the saxophone again?

Tank, it's my birthday! You can't kill Lois!

But it's a great story so far.

My vote? Superman rescues Lois as she is drifting off to her last sleep. But even though she sees Superman's bright costume and knows he's ripping her Jeep apart to get her free, she hears Clark's voice comforting her, feels Clark's arms cradle her, feels Clark fly her to the hospital.

Two days later - because her doctors have kept her sedated due to the extent of her injuries - Clark arrives to take her home and she starts putting the pieces together as he tells her how desperately Superman was searching for her. She figures "it" out but doesn't tell him she knows, then spends the rest of the day figuring out how to tell him.

And end it there, awaiting the followup challenge completion.

Unless there's another Lois from some other dimension waiting in the wings, you can't kill her off. Clark would be bereft forever. He might even seek some meager comfort in Mayson's arms (since this is after TOGOM but apparently before "Resurrection"), and wouldn't that just upset the universe's applecart?
You're evil.

Don't deny it.

Everyone says I'm evil but no. You are.

Though I must say that the muse is interested - which is good as I haven' written a word in almost a week...

You simply cannot kill off Lois - Superman WILL save her! I love that she leaves the Jeep to Jimmy. I also love Terry's "sequel", it becomes a Revelation story, AND Clark will at long last know that Lois loves him. (I have got to have the happy ending!) smile1

Who in their right mind would vote for the tiger?

Lois annoys me in this one, though. She doesn't fight the way she normally does. Yes, she knows that it would take the jaws of life to free her, but she still doesn't try as much as I would expect her to. She doesn't honk the horn. She doesn't yell for Superman. She doesn't try opening a back window for cleaner air. She doesn't shut the engine off once an adequate amount of heat has been reached. She doesn't try very hard at all.

It was a nice will, but since she has inexplicably lost her will it doesn't balance out.

who normally enjoys the bass players work
I don't want Lois to die!!!

LOVE the ficcie, btw. I was laughing at Lois' last will and testament - too funny!

please have Superman (or Clark) save her! PLeeeeeeeeeze!
For the record, here's my vote:

My preference would be for Lois to live.

My distant second is to leave the vignette as is.

Ix-nay on a part II dealing with Clark's or anyone else's reaction to Lois's death.

FDK: Very nicely written. I enjoyed reading this. thumbsup thumbsup
I don't remember hearing a "Help Superman"!!!!

Please don't kill Lois. But her realization of how she feels toward Clark, especially under these circumstances, presents some interesting opportunities.

Clark should rescue her!

I have to admit that Elizabeth brought up some interesting points. Upon reflection, I agree that Lois seems a bit passive. Of course, anyone who has experienced extreme cold will tell you that you don't function very well. You have a hard time thinking about anything except how cold you are.

Still, I have added a few paragraphs and sentences that address some of Elizabeth's concerns.

I have incased them in @paragraph@.

It isn't much, but I think it does give Lois back a little of her personality.

Tank (who is old, but never too old to 'steal' a good idea)
Well if Tank won't write it I vote for Terry to continue his idea. I saw pretty much the same thing as Terry.

Someone keep going with this storyline!
Aww, Tank, you're killing me! Of course I want Lois to live!

Erm, well, I have about 9 pages done... We'll see if it ever makes the light of day...

Carol [who everyone thinks is evil so doubts anyone will want to read it wink ]

[Edit: Tis off to beta... Nancy read most of it already but it wasn't quite done when I sent it and I knew she'd be headed to bed soon so I sent it anyway. Will see when she's done with it and will post...]
Aargh! How can you leave Lois like that! (Of course, we know you love to put her in situations.)

Right now I don't think I could bear it if she died. Face it, Tank, I'm a hopeless romantic and I really want Superman to come and save the day.

Sorry if I'm raining on your angst parade. wink
Ok, I think you addressed Elisabeth's concerns.

Can't wait to read CarolM's non-evil solution...

Thank you. You are also right that cold tends to numb one's thinking processes, even though her "will" seems well thought out.

I wonder which you plan on voting for, Tank? The lady or the tiger?

Another Tank-challenge. I'm glad Carol went to fix this smile The will was inspired clap

Thanks to all the gentle readers who commented on this little ficlet. I haven't been very motivated to do much writing in recent years, but every once in a while I get the urge.

My orginal plan was never to 'kill off' Lois. (Remember, I like Lois). The purpose was to merely present a situation where Lois would have to confront her 'true' feelings and leave the outcome up to the gentle readers. It would be up to them to give the thumbs up or down.

Once the will of the fandom had been established then either myself or someone else would take up the reins and give this little scenario a 'proper' denoument.

Once again, thanks for giving a tired old man a little encouragement.

Tank (who did have a hard time writing Jimmy as not a total loser, but as someone said, it was supposed to be Lois' point of view)
Out of town today, so I didn't get to this earlier.
I have to admit that Elizabeth brought up some interesting points. Upon reflection, I agree that Lois seems a bit passive. Of course, anyone who has experienced extreme cold will tell you that you don't function very well. You have a hard time thinking about anything except how cold you are.
Spoken like a true Minnesotan. That's why my family left. We don't like cold.
Aha! I wondered what the @@ were!
So on the drive today, I composed my answer, so I'll go a read what Carol did. I liked Terry's ideas by the way.
Tank (who did have a hard time writing Jimmy as not a total loser, but as someone said, it was supposed to be Lois' point of view)
Ah! I was wondering about that. I actually commented on it, but accidentally lost what I'd written before I posted. When I re-wrote my post, I forgot to mention Jimmy, and how surprised I was that you treated him so well.
Oh, Tank! I apologize. I meant to come back that same afternoon and reply but one thing piled onto another and I haven't been back to my keyboard (other than for work) until today.

This story, though, has been in my head for days.

Like others have mentioned, I wondered why Lois didn't try harder, but I agree with you that extreme cold will do all sorts of weird things to your ability to think clearly. I found her "will" and the intentions behind each of her bequests to be perfectly Lois (most especially that first season Lois, who was the Lois I found brilliantly flawed and believable as a RL person). I felt and understood her bitterness to her parents and her affection for Lucy, Perry and Jimmy. I was thrilled that, *finally*, she was able to recognize her feelings for Clark went beyond mere partnership.

And then I was torn, because I love an angst-ridden, soul-twisting fic on occasion and the idea that Clark/Superman would get there just a little too late and read her will was a drama-o-rama of immense potential. Still, as fun as the tiger would be… I'm a romantic at heart and I want her to live long enough to cringe at how maudlin she had been and try to convince both herself and Clark that she only wrote that in extremis. laugh

This was amazing, Tank. Absolutely amazing. It's simple and yet it's layered. It's a story that sticks with you long after you read it. And, best of all, because you left it open-ended, it's a story I can write the ending to in my head in any number of ways. And each time I do, I bow once again to the genius who gave me that gift. notworthy
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