Lois & Clark Forums

Lex Wins! A Really Evil Vignette in honor of Halloween.
by Tank

Lois Lane sat at her desk at the Daily Planet busily working on her latest page one story, and wondering where her partner had gotten off to this time. She wanted his input on the final touches she was putting on their story. It was ironic that, not too many months ago she had been appalled at being teamed up with a 'hack from Nowheresville', and now she not only expected, but welcomed, his contributions. She gave a mental shrug. Lois was no fool. They made a good reporting team.

The ding of the elevator bell drew her attention to the spot where the doors disgorged their passengers. Could this be Clark, finally? Lois' eyes opened wider, in surprise, as she saw who stepped out into the bullpen.
It wasn't Clark, but it was someone she recognized. The gentleman made his way toward Lois like a man who knew his goal. Looking neither right nor left, he moved directly to her desk and stood waiting for her to acknowledge him.

Lois turned her chair so that she was facing him. "Nigel, what can I - er, what are you doing here?"

The elder Englishman inclined his head ever so slightly. "Ms. Lane, I've been sent by Mr. Luthor to escort you to his penthouse."

Lois looked shocked. "What? I can't leave now. I'm in the middle of something here." She shook her head. "Tell Lex, I'll be over as soon as I can. I have a story to finish here."

Nigel allowed himself a slight sigh. "I'm afraid Mr. Luthor was quite insistent. He instructed me to tell you that it is very important that you come. He has something he wishes to show you." Nigel paused, like an actor doing it for dramatic effect. "I believe it has something to do with... Superman."

Lois quickly shut down her computer and was out of her chair in moments. "Just let me grab my coat out of the cloakroom. I'll meet you at the elevator."


"Lois, my love, do come in."

Lois entered the sumptuous penthouse of Lex Luthor and took his extended hand. She glanced around, as if expecting to see something. "Lex? What is this all about? Nigel said something about - Superman?"

Lex gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Yes, well, we'll get to that shortly, but there is something that I want to show you."

Lois pulled back from his grasp and eyed the billionaire. "Lex, this doesn't have anything to do with my answer to your proposal, does it?"

A look of annoyance flashed on Lex's features, but was gone as quickly as it came. He pasted his insincere smile back firmly on his face. "I admit that I was - disappointed with your answer, but this isn't about that."

Lois nodded warily. "Well, good. I just want to reinforce that my refusal had nothing to do with you. It was all me. I just am not ready for marriage yet. My job is just too important to me right now. I don't feel I could give anyone the attention they would deserve in a marriage." Lois blushed. "Besides, you know about my parents. I'm still not that sure about marriage in general."

Lex patted Lois' hand. "Let's not discuss that now. As I said, I've something to show you." His grin was almost frightening. "I think you'll find it interesting."

Soon Lois found herself riding an elevator, that she hadn't know existed, down toward some unknown destination. He couldn't be taking her back to his underground fortress again, could he? No, she shook off that thought. She'd already seen Lex's 'Ark', and she was certain that this was going to be something different. But what, she couldn't begin to guess.

The trip took longer than she expected, but finally the small, elegantly paneled car came to a stop. The doors parted silently, opening to a plushly carpeted hall. Lex extended his hand, indicating that Lois should disembark. Shrugging, Lois stepped out into the hall and waited for Lex to do likewise.

Lex led the way down the hall a short distance then stopped in front of a simple, unadorned door. "Lois, welcome to my trophy room." With a dramatic flourish, he swung the door open and allowed her to enter.

At first glance the room had the appearance of a well appointed den, or study. Highly polished walnut paneling graced the walls. Overstuffed fine leather furniture sat on a luxuriant carpet. A huge fireplace took up most of the far wall. It was an elegant marble edifice, but that wasn't what captured one's attention. It was what hung above the wall that drew Lois' shocked gaze. Hanging on the wall, mounted on carved wooden shields like some hunter's trophies, were what appeared to be the heads of three young women.

Lois gave Lex a troubled look. Whoever had done the work had done an amazing job. Lois recognized one of the women as Miranda, the woman behind the pheromone disaster of a few months ago, and the mounted head looked just like her.

Lois shuddered. "This is down right creepy, Lex. What is this?"

Lex sauntered over to the wall and pointed to the head of a pretty young girl with long blonde hair. "This is Melanie. She was my college sweetheart." He next indicated an attractive dark haired woman, who looked vaguely familiar to Lois. "This is my first wife, Aryan Carlin. And, of course, you recognize Miranda, who was one of my first business partners."

Ariana Carlin! Lois recognized the name now. She was a noted pop psychologist whose self-help column had been carried in papers around the country and had published several books until her sudden disappearance a year or so ago. She had been married to Lex?

"I don't understand, Lex," Lois said. "I appreciate that these three women were somehow special in your life, but to hang a representation of their heads on your wall like... like big game trophies seems sort of sick."

"Really?" Lex's voice held a note of disappointment. "I suppose it would be considered more conventional, and mundane, to merely have busts of these women, but there is something about having them mounted and hanging on the wall that seems to add a sporting nature to it." Lex shrugged. "I guess you might say that I consider them conquests, in a way."

Lois continued to shake her head in disbelief. "I have to say the the artist who fashioned these heads was indeed, masterful. Still you have to admit that this is weird."

Lex fastened Lois with a steely gaze from his flint grey eyes. "Does that mean that you don't wish to join these lovely ladies?"


Lex grabbed Lois by the arm and literally dragged her from the room. "I think you need to see what I have in this next room."

Lois tried to pull herself away, but his grip was too tight. "Ow. Lex you're hurting me."

The pair was soon back out in the hall and Lex opened a door a few feet away that Lois hadn't remembered seeing before. With a forceful shove, Lex propelled her into the room.

Tumbling to the floor, Lois didn't take in the spartan appointments of the room. Instead her attention was immediately drawn to the other occupant in there with her.

"Superman!" Lois rushed over to the super hero who lay curled in a near fetal position in the far corner. He didn't appear to hear her or see her. His breathing was ragged, and pain etched hard lines into his face as he moaned continually. He was nearly unconscious. Lois was frantic. She could see the reason for her hero's pain. Wrapped tightly around his waist was a chain which glowed in a cruel, yet familiar green. Kryptonite!

Suddenly she noticed Lex standing over her. She twisted her head around and looked up at him from her position crouching next to the Man of Steel. "Lex, what is the meaning of this?" she asked, tears streaming down her face. "You're killing him!"

Lex's smile was feral. "I imagine that could happen, but I'm not killing Superman, you are."

Lois swiped haphazardly at her tears with the back of one hand, her puzzlement clearly evident. "What?"

Lex gestured toward the other side of the sterile looking room. Lois gasped as she saw what could only be a guillotine ominously sitting there.

"You see, Lois, I do intend to have you join my little collection of 'special' women. But you were incorrect when you assumed that those heads were merely an artist's recreation."

Lois' eyes grew wide as she realized the import of what Luthor was saying. Her gaze was riveted on the sinister contraption as she spoke in a near whisper. "You're insane."

Lex chuckled. "Maybe so, but then I prefer to think of it as being eccentric. That is the providence of the rich." St. John entered the room. "Ah, Nigel, if you would be so good as to escort Ms. Lane to our little trophy maker."

Lois struggled but Nigel's grip was quite strong, even if he looked like an elder butler. She soon found herself bent over the stock, and her head locked down.

Lois pushed down her fear and let her anger over Superman's treatment come to the fore. It steadied her voice. "So, what now? You just kill me? Chop off my head and mount it on the wall in the next room? Are you that sick and depraved?"

Lex strolled over and patted Lois on the cheek. "Oh no, my dear. I'm not going to 'chop off your head' as you so colorfully put it. Where is the fun in that?" Lex strolled back over to hover over the Man of Steel. "I'm going to offer you a choice."

"A choice?"

"Yes." A big, toothy smile spread across Luthor's face. "I know you have feelings for this... alien. You can save his life."

Lois knew that Lex was up to something cruel, but she had to ask anyway. "How?"

Lex pointed to the side of the apparatus of doom which held her in check. "The blade release lever is right there. Within easy reach of your left hand. Here's the deal. You pull that lever and provide me with the prize I desire and Superman goes free. If you don't, we wait here until the vaunted Hero of Metropolis expires, then you will be released from the guillotine."

Lois' eyes blazed with anger and fear. "I don't believe you. If I kill myself, you won't let Superman go. He'll come back and hunt you down for what you did."

Lex shook his head. "No, he was surprised and never saw who it was who threw the kryptonite chain around him." Luthor gave the prone body a kick. "And as you can see, he's been pretty much out of it this whole time. You do what I ask and I'll have Nigel dump Superman in some alley where he will eventually wake up without any real knowledge of who or what happened to him." Lex spread his hands in supplication. "I give you my word."

Lois frowned. "And if I choose to not pull the lever? Somehow I don't think you are going to let me go. I will go directly to the police and bring them back here."

Lex's smile returned. "True, so I'm afraid I would have to keep you around as an honored guest. You would be wanting for nothing, except your freedom, but you would be alive." Lex's grin widened. "You'd be alive to plot your vengeance and concoct endless escape attempts. It could be fun."

Lois couldn't believe the situation she was trapped in. She didn't really believe Lex, but what choice did she have. If she didn't pull the lever, she'd be his prisoner, but she'd be alive, and like he said, she could possibly find a way to eventually bring Lex down. But Superman would be dead. On the other hand, if she did pull the lever and allowed the heavy blade to chop her head off, she'd be dead, and Lex could just let Superman die anyway.

Lex made a show of checking his watch and placing his fingers against Superman's neck as if taking his pulse. "I'm afraid you'll have to make your decision soon, Lois. I don't think the Man of Steel has too much time left." He saw her biting her lip. "I know you don't trust me, and frankly, I don't blame you under the circumstances. But all I can give you is my word that I'll let Superman go. At least you can go to your eternal reward believing that you saved his life. The other choice is a guaranteed death for your hero." Lex sighed. "What'll be, Lois?"

Lois' thoughts were in a turmoil. She didn't know what to believe. She didn't know what to do. Her left hand crept slowly toward the lever.


Lex Luthor leaned back in the leather covered chair, puffing on an expensive Havana cigar. He was in his special private study. A blaze crackled in the large marble fireplace. His gaze drifted to the wall above the mantel. A smile found its way onto his face as he stared at the beautiful addition to his trophies. Two blondes, and now, two brunettes, all very attractive women; it provided a nice balance.

Suddenly the door opened and St. John stepped into the room. Lex looked up expectantly. "Is it ready?" Nigel nodded. "Excellent, bring him in."

Nigel disappeared for a few moments, then returned pushing a large figure, dressed in blue and red spandex, which was fastened to a wide wooden base.

"Any problems?" Lex asked.

"No sir. The taxidermist who performed the service has been dealt with."

Lex nodded as he moved toward his other new prize. He thumped the brilliant red S with his forefinger. "I always said that I'd end up the winner in our little contest, Mister Super Hero." Lex glanced back at the head of Lois Lane adorning his wall. "I am a little disappointed in you, my dear. Your feelings for this alien creature must have scrambled your intelligence more than I thought. Imagine, thinking that I would actually pass up an opportunity to have my very own Man of Steel, stuffed and standing guard over my personal study." Lex took another puff of his cigar.

Lex dismissed Nigel with a jerk of his head. After his aide de camp left, he moved back to the big leather chair which faced the fire. Leaning back, he blew several smoke rings. "It's good to be the King."

(BOO! Happy Halloween)
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