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Posted By: TOC FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 30/35ish - 03/01/09 02:29 AM
This was a very beautiful chapter, but also very, very sad. I love how you bring out how much Lois and Chad once loved each other, and how much they still love each other. But precisely because they love each other so much, they have to go their separate ways. Because they can't live together in a way that makes both of them happy any more.

Very nicely written chapters! From my perspective, it's a bit too quick to be discussing divorce already as I still think there are things that both Lois and Chad could do to try to save their marriage. But, I can feel the love these two have, and how this decision, although best, is difficult.

It'll be weird if Lois and Clark do end up together eventually. I would think they'd never want to come to Smallville to visit Martha and Jonathan. Could you imagine the dinner table conversation with Lana and Pete, Rachel and Chad, and Lois and Clark all as couples? It'd be the Smallville version of "Friends?" smile

I know that this is Lois' story and her perspective, but I would like to see Clark be more than a chauffeur or a delivery guy. Every single time he enters this story, he's either flying Lois somewhere or bringing in food. wink
Got to read 29 and 30 in one read so I have no idea what went where but the whole splitting up thing and yet still living each other... Those poor guys dizzy huh

Oh this is so sad frown As much as I've been pulling for the break up in a 'how can Lois and Clark NOT be together?' kind of way, I'm not so sure I want that anymore! Even though it may be all for the best in the long run, it's just so heart wrenching. Kudos to you though anonpip for writing it so well you've made me question nearly 15 years of L&C obsession!

Great job!

Frequent Flyer.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 30/35ish - 03/07/09 12:16 PM
Thanks for the comments! I had hoped to respond to them early in the week, but then I got sick again - not sure why I seem to be getting sick weekly recently. And so last night was the first night I didn't go to sleep early and I decided to work all night so I could have the weekend off.

Ann - I know - the last chapter was pretty sad (and I haven't looked at the next one yet, but I wouldn't expect it to be much better). It's interesting - I'm not sure I would have chosen to write this story if I had really thought through how unhappy Lois would be through much of it. Somehow, until I was in the middle of this, I didn't realize how depressing this story was going to be.

But as you said, I felt it was necessary - unless either Lois or Chad turn out to be not who they have been up until now, this can't be an easy decision, so Lois can't be anything but sad.

Grinch - I do sort of agree with you - there are other things they could try before divorce, but I didn't see them really helping. I did have them discuss other options before Lois moved to Smallvile to show this a little. I just couldn't see anyone, including me, being up for several chapters of Lois and Chad trying things that had no hope of succeeding.

Well, I don't really see this turning into "Friends" - that would be very weird. But I hope that Lois and Chad remain friends regardless of what happens with Lois and Clark.

I can't recall when (I think the next chapter might be more of Lois moving out of Smallville), but once Lois moves back to Metropolis, Clark will stop showing up just to run little errands. I promise.

Yeah, Michael. I agree. I am not at all envious of Lois and Chad right now. Writing this story has made me feel much more appreciative of my husband who seems to be happy to live where I want for the past several years, even though I know this is not his favorite place to live.

Frequent flyer - I'm glad you're not sure you want a break up. Both as I was sort of hoping to convince everyone that Lois was indeed happily married to someone other than Clark and this means I convinced you, and because there is still more story left and Chad is still very much a part of Lois' life...

I'll be posting the next part within the next hour, I hope.
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