Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BJ FDK - Fic-a-thon: Love is in the Err Part 2/4 - 02/20/09 11:37 AM
Lovely to see this back, James. I really enjoy how you write Tempus - he's such an easy villian to hate.

The character of Lady Jela-Nor is very interesting. rotflol at her lack of super-breath. It's not one of the gifts that people normally think of when they think of Superman, but *this* is what keeps her out of the elite ranks?

I have to admit that she creeps me out a little (not entirely sure why) and I can't help but wonder if her lineage and her jealousy of the elite world protectors won't lead her into temptation.
Never before had time experienced a Blue level ripple. Blue was reserved for near-disastrous level changes, like threats to the House of El. Lady Jela-Nor calmly reached over and activated her PTS (Personal Temporal Stabilizer).
You have some great technobabble in this chapter. Also, I was thinking that it's a good thing that FoLCs don't have PTSes, otherwise there's a lot of good fiction out there that would be rendered obsolete... laugh
Wells' was crushed. He had destroyed Utopia!
Poor Herb.
This is an interesting conflict you've set up.

I, too, am a little worried about someone from the House of Nor being in charge of this.

And what's with Tempus having a "Lane" in his real name?

Looking forward to more!
Bravo! i do confess to confusion over the Nor in the house and Lane as Templar's last name.
Lane? LANE!?! Oh, crap, that was supposed to be his middle name, not last name... wallbash

I will edit...

James, who wanted Templar to be decended from Lucy's side of the family.

Isn't it more ironic that a decendent of Lois Lane's sister is trying to kill Superman?

And, Jela-Nor has a lot of family history to live down, as you will see in the next part.
I'm glad you posted. I enjoy it when you throw around little words like "somewhen."

Ooh, I totally missed this when I was on the boards last week. Glad you posted!

Jela-Nor opened her eyes, turned to Wells, and nodded. One error fixed--Mazik wouldn't get his hands on the diary.
Whoa-huh? NOT get his hands on the diary?!

I can't decide whether that's a good thing, or a bad thing--after all, the diary is the catalyst for Lois figuring out the secret.

I enjoy it when you throw around little words like "somewhen."
I agree with Elisabeth--"somewhen" is a rather nifty word.

For now, I like Jela-Nor. The debate is still on about whether or not I think she's actually going to "live down" her family's history though. On the one hand, you've painted her somewhat sympathetically here.

But on the other, she does seem to brag a lot about being more powerful than Superman (except for the breath thing), and she's actually working to prevent the diary from coming to Jason Mazik--and thereby to Clark, who destroys it.

It looks like the Nor family just can't beat out those pesky Els. :p
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