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Posted By: TOC FDK: Don't Fall - 02/12/09 06:40 PM
I have very little time, so this is going to be short.

I love your way of writing first person Lois. I adored your description of the schoolboys who had had a crush on her - well, really it had only been Brad who had had a crush on her, because Michael had only regarded her as a fall-back girl. (Snort!) But Michael's girl, Brinna, came back to him, because she couldn't stand seeing Micahel with Lois! That's so funny!

Granola, eh? I love how you so often use a distinctive kind of food in your fics to, literally, 'flavor' them. I had to look granola up, by the way. I think I would have preferred Michael's cupcakes.

And then poor Scott, who just tried to be friendly, but the poor guy was from Iowa! Surely he couldn't expect Lois to take an interest in him when he was from Iowa, right?

By the way, statistics. At the school where I teach a lot of the students hate math, but they really like statistics. That's because during the statistics course they are allowed to ask the other students in their class about something they want to know, and then they use statistics to present the answers, and to judge how reliable their results are, and what the uncertainty is. They ask each other if they smoke, if they'd rather have a dog or a cat or no pets at all, if they believe in love at first sight and so on, and they really have a whale of a time!

To return to the main theme of your story, I thought it was so much fun that there had been two farm boys before Clark who had had absolute crushes on Lois, and it was so much fun that Lois rejected them pretty much out of hand because they were farm boys! No wonder Lois told Clark not to fall for her, because she didn't have time for it! I just talked about dogs here, and haven't you noticed that there are dogs who know when you don't like them, and they just won't leave you in peace, as if they had to convince you that they are really, honestly very nice?

The ending was very nice, too. Surely you can't help loving a man who helps you laugh at yourself, right? Even if he is a farmboy. (And of, course, if he has dancing brown eyes and all the rest...) wink

That's a very sweet story, Nancy!

Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/12/09 09:34 PM
This was just sooooo wonderful. clap

I love the insight into the background into why Lois would be so instantly dismissive of Clark with the "Don't fall for me" line.

I just loved the story, especially the end. sloppy love

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/13/09 10:34 PM
Adorable story. Laura
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/14/09 03:19 AM
Absolutely cute laugh

Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/14/09 08:00 PM
While farm boys do seem to have an affinity for me, I still don’t think I have one for them. Not unless they have dancing brown eyes and a smile that can light up a room. Not unless they are persistent beyond all reason. Not unless they are not just polite to a fault from growing up in a small town, but still able to hold their own in an argument. Not unless they can make me laugh on the worst day – sometimes even laugh at myself. Not unless they worm their way into my heart until they are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep. Not unless their name is Clark Kent.
I loved this whole paragraph, but particularly the persistent bit, the polite bit and the laughter bit.

Great succinct summary of the attractions of Clark Kent.

Very nice story.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/15/09 03:30 PM
I love how you've softened Lois' rejection.

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/16/09 10:18 AM
Thanks for the reviews! (And sorry I took so long to respond. I've been insanely busy and low on energy - a bad combination.)

Ann - Sorry - I should have considered the fact that granola might not be common outside the states. It's pretty good, by the way, but nothing at all like a cupcake and I think most people would prefer the latter.

I love the way they teach statistics at your school! That sounds like such a great way to get kids interested. Being a math person myself, I never had Lois' attitude towards math clases (since I majored in math, this would have been a poor choice), but I did a lot of tutoring and teaching of math while in college and certainly came across a lot of kids who did. I think I was pretty good at making it seem easier to them, but I wish I had thought of ideas like this that would have actually made it fun.

Thanks, Bob, Laura, and Michael!

Female Hawk - I think in the show Clark is shown to be someone that lots of people find attractive, but I saw his persistence and his ability to stand up to her in a fight as the traits that made him win over Lois, so I thought those were the things she would ruminate on later as the important ways in which he was special. Glad they struck you as appropriate as well.

Thanks, Elisabeth! Although I'm not sure Clark would think Lois' rejection was soft. wink
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/16/09 12:04 PM
Nice insight into Lois and I loved the ending.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Don't Fall - 02/16/09 08:20 PM
Thanks, cp33!
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