Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/13/09 06:39 AM
FDK goes here.

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Wednesday, 10-noon ET

Chapter 9 Preview
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him before kissing me – long and slow and undemanding.

A nearly perfect kiss.

"Good night," he whispered when he pulled away.

"It's been a great night."

He gave me another soft kiss before letting me go. "We should do this again sometime."

I nodded. "Definitely."

One more kiss and he was gone.
Thanks smile !

Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/13/09 07:06 AM
Hey Carol, the forum has been temperamental with me lately... and I can't figure out why... (times I seem to get stuck there are other people posting...) but I haven't been FDKing as much...

But I loved the last few chapters, =) I especially liked that they told Sam... and his reaction to it. And the conversation between Bernie and Clark about PDA was cute in this chapter...

And yay Lois is 'moved in' again, =P
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/13/09 11:24 AM
Carol, I loved the moving in bit. Tough guess, huh? smile1

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/13/09 01:02 PM
I'm glad Sam knows the truth. It'll make things easier for all of them. smile

This Sam is the most likable Sam I've read in fanfic. wink He's great! thumbsup

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/13/09 02:36 PM
Quick flyby...

Lieta - it's been doing that to me too for several days now...

I tend to blame DH's computer but I really don't know wink .

Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/13/09 03:33 PM
Carol! I've been lacking in the posting feedback area as of late, only because I haven't had time to play lately. When I was on deadline for the Ficathon, I wouldn't allow myself to read (even though I really, really wanted to) because I would have willingly lost myself in your ficiverse than my own. Excuses aside, I'm back!

I've enjoyed UP so far, with Van becoming more involved with Clark and with more people getting let in on the secret. I was really happy with the fact that we spent the first 5 or so chapters just with Lois and Clark while they reconnected. I'm looking forward to finding out some more about Van and Krypton. I agree that Ashley is going to get tired of those Kryptonian anti-PDA tendencies pretty soon.

Everything has been so smooth and blissful thus far. Should I be worried that the other shoe is bound to drop? Something tells me that Clark's debut may happen before he's quite ready. Will the appearance of another super pique the interest of a secret government agency? Will we ever find out for *sure* that Christopher is Clark's son so we can stop with the subtle looks and careful sentences? RAFO!

Thanks for sharing yet another facinating ride with us.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Unanswered Prayers, 8/? - 01/14/09 07:22 AM

Flying by again but this time it's because I've got a sick 7yo because the boards seem to be working better...

Glad you're enjoying and Sonia - that's the reason why I didn't jump into the 'main' plot - thought we could all use some nice waffy L/C together.

More of that coming right up!
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