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Posted By: Darth Michael FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 12/29/08 06:57 AM
Hey, I get to be first wave

Sara, the way you showed both CJ and Rachel reflecting on their teenage years was quite interesting. CJ, thinking he has a girlfriend, even if they're not making out like Clana; Rachel thinking it's nothing more than an uncommitted best friend from early childhood days not interesting in something deeper laugh And then *bam*

You know, I sort of expected the *bond* to also signify them becoming lovers, until you spelled it out. Of course, now this means Lois will start hearing voices sometime soon(er), yes? Please? Pretty please?

And Rachel is suspecting something about her dismissal. And I still stand by my assumption on why she was kicked out. The whole thing is just way too fishy.

So, what's up with Charlie King and what guilt-complex is CJ carrying around? Is he the bad apple in the family. And would Jimmy be proud to have him as a mentor in the computer-ways?

Michael blush
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 12/29/08 11:14 AM
I loved getting some insight into CJ here. And I'm very interested in what Charles King has to do with any of this.

Also, has Clark had an opportunity to be Superman in public yet? It sounds like CJ has done all the work so far. I have serious doubts that CJ will last as Superman, so I do want to see Clark do some stuff soon.

This is a great story, and I'm still loving it!
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 12/29/08 01:21 PM
Great part. I love seeing the relationship between Clark and Lois develop early without all the angst of the series
Posted By: Kathryn84 Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 12/29/08 03:28 PM
I loved getting some insight into CJ here. And I'm very interested in what Charles King has to do with any of this.
Me too ... What did he do that he still tries to fix it with being Superman even if he doesn't like it.

It was interesting to see another view of Clarks childhood and teenage years someone who not only knows his secret but "shares his fate" clap

And like Michael I also think there is something fishy with Rachels job.

If he was an alien... how did he look so human? It flat out wasn’t possible... and if he was some Cold War science project... why weren’t there more like him and Clark? That theory didn’t fit either... what government would have thrown away two ‘super’-babies... or would have given up the project afterwards.
That one caught my attention, too. Somehow I thought they knew about their origins ... who will find out about the globe, and how will the Bureau 39 incident happen?

Hope to get some answers soon (please) laugh
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 12/29/08 06:47 PM
I like that this chapter was about CJ and Rachel.

This is a dangerous place to be.
<You need to talk to Clark...>

<No!> CJ scowled at the sun.

<But CJ...>
If this continues I see problems.

I'm looking forward to seeing Clark interacting with Lois when he's wearing the suit instead of CJ. smile1

The whole Charles King thing sounds very interesting! :rolleyes:

And *this* observation by Rachel was great!
Seeing Clark with his co-worker had been eye opening.

Clark had found his *one* woman... just like CJ had always told her he had.
Much fun! clap Keep it coming.

Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 12/29/08 08:10 PM
Micheal: I'm glad you liked how differently they viewed their high school relationship... I think I like Clark's version of the fight the best (but that won't appear for awhile) As for when or if Lois starts hearing voices... =X As for the rest... well... one of your issues will come up again soon...

Beth: I'm glad you liked getting to know CJ better =) I'm keeping my mouth shut on Charlie... but Clark has been in the suit a bit. He mentions stopping a mugging when he and CJ were messing around and it was Clark who confronted Luthor in part 10. Also, in times we don't see I would say they may both have shown up. But Lois has yet to encounter him in the suit. Finally, at the very end of part 10 you start to see what will become their coordination of who responds, =)

robinson: Glad you're liking it =)

Kathryn84: I'm glad you like these snippets of their childhood... there are some more spiced through this fic. And my viewing was always that Clark knew about his ship but he knew nothing at all about Krypton until he found the globe in Strange Visitor... and then just the name of his planet until Foundling, which is how I'm keeping it here.

Bob: I'm glad you liked it =) These in between parts (which actually have their own names in my original draft) have some of my favorite scenes.

This part and most of part 12 were called "Reflections" ~.^

As for posting early... we'll see... I'm trying not to catch myself as I edit my original version into chapters. I haven't had much time to work on it over the holidays.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 02/06/09 09:35 AM
I'm just catching up on old stuff, but I found an important part of this segment confusing. I couldn't figure out if Jay was Charlie King or if Clark was Charlie King. I realize this was meant to be mysterious, but it wasn't quite clear--at least to my muddled brain.

I also wasn't sure what Charlie King had to do with Superman, either. If Jay was the one who messed up Charlie, why would he want the opportunity to mess up Superman?

Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Both Sides of the Coin (11/50+) - 02/08/09 07:22 AM
Hello, Elisabeth, I'll try and clear up your confusion without spoiling the next 3/4 chapters. 'Charlie King' was CJ, this part was all from CJ and Rachel's point of view. As for why Charlie was important. It is a blemish in CJ's past that makes him more leery of exposure as Superman, but the circumstances are different. I won't go in to how exactly they are different, but Charlie King was a mess... but a mess that wouldn't have any direct parallel to Superman, if that makes sense. Exactly what Charlie did was part of Strange Visitor's plotline, so it's in chapter 13 or 14.
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