Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sara K M FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/17/08 10:42 AM
I hope you guys had tissues handy for that one!

Okay first of all, the line I was referring to is "Baring a miricle, Kiley was going to die..."
(Although like I said, whoever wrote it was talking about Lois instead of Kiley.)

I thought it was Wendy Richards's "24 Hours." But I looked for it last night in that fic, and I couldn't find it. Of course, that doesn't mean it wasn't that fic. I have been known to overlook things, even when I am looking for them.

But anyway whether it was Wendy's line or someone else, I give credit to you for such a fabolous sentence that I think really describes the situation.

Second of all, please understand I do not think radiation would be an acceptable treatment for anthrax in our world.
But this is the LNC world. A society, I will remind you that could clone human beings, bring people back from the dead, change from one body to another, and occording to my universe, alter human/Kryptonian DNA to achieve reproduction. (Not to mention a man and his children who defy grafity everyday! smile )
And I did check this idea out with some science people, and they thought it sounded plasible for the reasons Dr. Klein explained in the fic.
And it was important to me to see if I could find a treatment for Kiley that would not involve the drugs, because I think it makes the situation a lot more emotional.

Finally, I am nervous about doing this chapter justice because it's so far away from my expriences. This chapter is about a man who has to watch his daughter die through most of it.
EDIT: I have read about it, so it's not like I think my ideas are out in left field. And I have a pretty good handle on how Clark thinks. (Or how I think he thinks, anyway)

But,since I am a woman with no kids, I don't know if I can make this work. And this chapter is very important in making the whole story come together. Furthermore, I think, with such an emotional topic, if I am going to put in the story I need to do it justice.
I am not knocking rkn's betaing. On the contrary, I think she did a fabolous job helping me with this story. But, unfortunately, this chapter is pretty far away from her expriences as well. And I specifically told her I didn't want to put too much pressure on her for this chapter.

To solve this problem, I have a VERY big favor to ask those of you who are reading this story who do have children. I have to ask a VERY hard quetion. If it's one that hits to close to home for any of you, or is just to tough to answer, don't worry about it.
But I hope some of you will consider it. Will you tell me what you would think/how you would react if you had to watch one of your children die?
I am specifically interesting in hearing from any fathers, if there are any reading this fic. After all, it is common knowledge that men tend to react differently to these situations than women do.
But I would love to hear from mother's as well. Particularly about Lois's reaction. Of course, since this chapter is written from Clark's POV, I concentrate on his thoughts/reactions. But I am a little worried that I put Lois TOO MUCH in the background.

Because this tends to be a busy time in RL, particularly for parents, I understand if some of you are unable to answer right now.
With that in mind, I intend to wait until a least January before I try sending this to the achieve.
So you have plenty of time to give me some advice.
I also know that there are often people who read stories, but are too shy/nervous to post replies.
Trust me, I've been there, so I know how it feels. But I REALLY need help for this part, so I would appreciate your response, assuming it's not to much to handle, emotionally.
If you are still uncomfortable with public posting, I also welcome PMs.

Finally, as always, I appreciate feedback from all readers. So don't feel left out just because you're not a parent. Feel free to give me a response to this chapter, or any advice you may have to make it better.
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/17/08 04:19 PM
Well, I don't have kids so I can't help on that front... one thing that occurred to me though was that you had Clark recollect on Home is Where the Hurt is... but what about Top Copy? That episode used nuclear radiation as a treatment for his Kryptonite poisoning... and it's kinda ironic to compare the three... Kryptonite was the cure for Clark's virus, radiation cured him of Kryptonite ingestion and here radiation cures his daughter of a virus that can't be treated normally since she is immune to Kryptonite...
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/17/08 04:41 PM
Hi, Lieta.

The reason why I thought "Home is Where the Hurt is" was so important, was because Lois was important to his recovery with the "stronger than me alone" speech.

Larry is important to Kiley's recovery because of the "two halves of the same whole" speech. (And I have to thank rkn for helping me come up with that!) This is what ulitimately allows Clark to put his issues with Larry behind him.

But you do raise some good points about "Top Copy." Maybe I'll take a look at that one, too.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/17/08 04:44 PM
IMHO I don't think anyone knows how they would respond to that situation until they're faced with it. Even so, if it happened twice I would think that the same person could respond differently the second time around. The loss of a child is that unique.

Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/17/08 04:55 PM
Thanks, Elisabeth. I hope my question didn't make you feel too uncomfortable.
Two thoughts on this - one is that if she has anthrax the CDC ought to be all over Star Labs, it's taken very seriously; and she may have been spreading it wherever she goes! Larry is especially at risk, I think. The other is that we still don't know how she was exposed to the disease - I somehow doubt that Larry is the source, but presumably she's picked it up somewhere.

Someone who knows more about anthrax than I do may be able to shed more light on this.
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/18/08 11:52 AM
Thanks, Marcus.

You will learn more about where she got the anthrax in the next chapter.

As for Kiley "spreading it", particularly to Larry, I did some research on that, and it's not possible. Inhaled anthrax can only be spread from point of orginial contact.

In other words, Kiley got it because someone let it lose in a room somehow. Her, and anyone else who was in the room, now have anthrax.

But Kiley and the others can't spread it by personal contact, even kissing, etc.

I figured the others were to worried about Kiley to worry about themselves catching it.
Although, it's probably something Dr. Klein would look into, so maybe he should tell them, when he explains the rest of the disease.

As for COD, that might be true, but as you will see, I think they already KNEW it was at STAR labs.
And Dr. Klein isn't going to go telling others that Superwoman is sick. They don't want the general public to know she can catch disease. (Too much people wondering about her parentage.)

Once again, thanks.
The Anthrax caught me out of the left field. And now I wonder where she's got it. I actually thought it was a Kryptonian virus to be killed by green-K. But no...

Liked it. Looking forward to the conclusion.

Showing my ignorance of anthrax - I thought it spread by exhaled spored.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/19/08 01:47 PM
Sorry for the late review.

I don't have any children so can't comment too much on how Clark would feel, but what you did show was very well written.

I liked how you showed Clark getting past his prejudice against Larry.

Now, I can't wait to see where the anthrax came from...
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (22/23) - 12/19/08 04:05 PM
Hello. Thanks for the feedback.

Michael - I'm glad I caught you off gaurd with her illness.

Marcus - Don't worry about your "igorance" concerning athrax. I didn't know that myself untill I started looking for information, and that was something I had been concerned about. Thank you for reminding me other readers would be concerned about as well.

Like I said, it's something Dr. Klein really should have addressed, and I have fixed it accordingly.

Nancy - That's okay. I'm glad you liked how Clark got over his prejudice over Larry. Out of the whole story, I think my favorite part is when Clark starts calling Larry "Larry", instead of "Luthor." smile
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