Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lieta FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (16/30ish) - 12/16/08 05:31 PM
The Smallville stuff was cute... but I get the feeling we missed something between Clark and Rachel...
I agree with Lieta....could Clark and Rachel have broken up?
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (16/30ish) - 12/16/08 08:08 PM
Well, this was sad. Wonder what is going on between Clark and Rachel?

Thanks for including pictures of the kites! The winner of the traditional kites was just lovely. Except I don't see how that could be a traditional kite. It looked more than 'tricky' to me! goofy

Sweet stuff. Clark and Rachel broke up, didn't they? frown

Okay, you have me warily reading along. So far your story is pleasant, but I have to say that I'm more than a bit put off by the title. I just don't enjoy break-up and divorce stories. So far your story hasn't been that way, but the title doesn't bide well for the future.

Loved the story so far.. but I'm no longer sure just what is going on here... hehe wink goofy thumbsup Looking fwd to more...

Or... you did say, we're going to see more of Smallville, so maybe the differences between Lois & Chad and what each of them wants out of life, will start to come out..??
I'm sorry again for the lack of replying to this at all. Not only does RL continue to be busy, but starting on Wednesday, my job, which had been part time to non-existent for the past several months leaving me free time during the day, has suddenly turned into a full time job again. (This is a good thing, as I was pretty bored at work, but I wasn't expecting it until after the holidays, so it caught me by surprise.)

And while I'm mentioning it, I want to say that I'm getting a little nervous about my time to write after the holidays. It is looking like my job is going to not only be full-time again, but more than a little busy meaning longer hours than I've worked in the past year. As I'm not sure how much RL is going to slow up, this may really put a crimp into my writing time. And regardless, I may slow posting down after the holidays if I continue to have trouble getting online. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get lots of writing done between now and then (I'm on vacation, but it's not clear how much I'll be around) particularly as I haven't written much of anything in the past week which means I've fallen behind again.

Anyway, despite my slow response, I do really appreciate the feedback!

I'm glad everyone liked the Smallville stuff. While I haven't finalized today's post, I'm pretty sure it will clear up the Clark/Rachel question.

Elisabeth - I'm glad you're reading, but I won't be upset if you drop out. While I sort of landed randomly on the title, it's not unrelated to the story.

AnKS - While I'm not giving away where this is going, I will say I'm glad that Lois and Chad seem to be made for each other. That is intentional.
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