Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lieta Both Sides of the Coin (5/50+) - 12/12/08 04:32 AM
Next post will be Monday.

Thank you again Nancy (anonpip) and Rel

Both Sides of the Coin
Part 5

As the party dissipated Lois and Clark exited the building with CJ and Rachel. Clark introduced the two women, “Lois... this is my sister-in-law: Rachel Kent, Rach? This is Lois Lane...”

Lois smiled, “Nice to meet you...” she turned to Clark, “Clark? We need to talk about what we saw tonight...”

Clark nodded, “Yeah... but Jay at least should come too...”

Lois raised a brow, “Why?”

CJ turned wide eyes to his twin, “Are you going to take advantage of me, Clark?”

Rachel rolled her eyes and clamped a hand over her husband’s mouth, “Are you sure you want him, Clark?” turning to Lois she smiled, “I’m assuming Clark wants to pick CJ’s brain... CJ has a physics BS, a masters in aerospace engineering and a doctorate in cosmology... if you two can put up with his antics...”

Lois blinked, “Wow... yeah... that could be helpful...” she considered Rachel, “So with all of that what do you do?”

Rachel smiled, “I always wanted to take over for my Dad as Sheriff... but best laid plans... CJ got a job at Met U so I’m trying to get one with the MPD...” she shrugged, “I’ve reached field training so I’m following one of the detectives around... we’ll see how it goes...”

Lois stared at them, “A physicist and a cop?”

Rachel giggled, “Yeah... and a reporter if you include Clark here... and we all come from a small farm town in Kansas...” she looked at CJ, “But I need to get home... I have to be at the station early again...”

CJ nodded then looked at Clark, “I’ll drop by the Planet tomorrow before I need to head off to the observatory, does that sound good?”

Clark nodded, “Perfect... we can ask you your opinion on certain details...” <Like just how long it takes to design a space station...>

<I bet...> CJ looked towards the sky, “At least it looks like the rain is finally letting up...” <I was hoping to take Rach up to see the stars...>

Clark grinned, “Yeah... I hope we’ll be able to stay dry on the way home...” <You two have fun...> “If I don’t see you two later, good night.”

Rachel smothered a yawn, “’Night Clark...” she leaned into CJ’s arm as he led her off.

<Is she ok?>

<Just tired out from the new job...>

<Ok, I’ll ‘yell’ if I need anything...>

<Feel free to stay out late...>

<Jay, I don’t need those kinds of hints...>

Clark heard CJ chuckle in his head before he turned back to Lois.

Lois was frowning, “You’ll see them later?”

Clark nodded, “I’m staying with them until I can find an apartment.”

Lois’ frown cleared, “Ah... well, farmboy, let’s find a cab...”

Once they found a taxi, Lois directed the driver to her apartment. Both reporters sat silently, contemplating the events of the evening.

When they arrived Lois dragged Clark quickly up to her apartment. He watched as she struggled to unlock all her locks. When they finally gave she motioned him through the door. A young woman in casual clothes looked up as Lois entered and her eyes widened when she noticed Clark. “Um, hi! I’m Lucy, who’re you?”

Clark blinked, “I’m Clark Kent...”

“Oh... the new guy Lois was ranting about earlier...” she suddenly broke off as she noticed Lois’ glare. “...I think I’m going to go run to the store.” She rushed out of the apartment.

Clark turned towards Lois with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s not important right now, Kent.” Clark looked at her expectantly, “Okay, okay, *Clark*... we need to talk about what we saw tonight.”

Clark nodded and moved towards one of Lois’ loveseats. After casting it a dubious glance he sat down. It was just as uncomfortable as he had guessed it would be.

Lois began to pace in front of him. “Luthor’s actions just didn’t make sense tonight... I mean... he had a sword at your *throat*!”

Clark grimaced, remembering the moment and his twin’s worries, “I know, he also obviously didn’t like us being there...”

Lois ignored him, focused solely on her own thoughts, “And his comments on the balcony were... intimidating somehow...”

Clark watched her pace, enjoying watching her work, “Then there is his space station... CJ will be able to help us with exactly how long it takes to put something like that together... but it still would take years...”

Lois finally looked at him, “...true...”

Clark’s eyes widened in remembrance, “Oh! And I noticed a model of it on his desk as we left...”

“Really? Wish we knew when that model was made...”

“...and with Prometheus gone he would make a huge profit...”

“Clark? Are we actually going where I think we’re going?”

“If someone sabotaged the Messenger... he certainly seems to have motive...”

“But he’s squeaky clean... not even a hint against him...”

“But you’re the one who told me to be suspicious of everyone...”

“Glad you actually listened to me...”

“However... if he’s dirty...”

“He’s dangerous.”


“So we need to go carefully...”

“Did you just say we?”

Lois froze, and met Clark’s eyes, “Yeah... I did... Clark? I’ve never been able to work with a partner... but this story is too big to take on alone...”

Clark smiled at her, “If you’re asking if I want to help you, you can bet I do.”

Lois smiled slowly but then frowned, “I think we need to get Platt’s report sorted out.”

Clark nodded, “Jay might just be able to help us out with that too... at least he would be able to read it and have a shot at understanding it.”

Lois grimaced, “Is that how you were able to understand some of Platt’s babbling earlier?”

Clark grinned, “Something like that...” He grabbed a pen from his pocket and a slip of paper before scribbling down a number, “Here’s Jay and Rach’s number... in case anything comes up or you get an epiphany...” he handed her the paper then rose to his feet, “And now I think we both need to get some rest, and start on this in the morning.” He watched Lois for a long moment then leaned over and placed a feather-light kiss on her cheek.

Lois stared at him and he smiled reassuringly before he headed for the door just as Lucy returned. “...the store was closed.”

Clark grinned at her, “I’m leaving anyway. See you tomorrow Lois, nice meeting you Lucy.”

Clark headed out the door, hearing Lucy exclaim, “My god Lois... you never said you’re new co-worker was *hot*!”

Clark chuckled and headed for the street. Once outside he decided to go return his tux before heading for his brother’s home. He wanted to be sure he wouldn’t interrupt something when he arrived.


Clark awakened to the ringing of the phone. After waiting a few minutes he realized he was alone in the house. He frowned before heading downstairs in a flash and answering the phone groggily, “Hello? This is Clark...” <Jay... where are you?>

<Buying groceries...>

“Clark? It’s Lois...”

Clark rubbed at his eyes, “Lois? What time is it?”

“I don’t know, but can you meet me at EPRAD?”


“I want to get a closer look at the wreckage.”

“All right... I’ll meet you in 15 minutes?”

“Where’s your family’s place?”

“Near the Metropolis University campus...”

“Ha! Make it thirty, you aren’t used to Metropolis traffic yet are you?”

<What in the world did I miss?>

<A lot...>

<That helps...>


Clark was waiting by a corner as Lois arrived; she frowned at him for a moment before motioning for him to follow her. They approached the building and were let in. Dr. Baines was nowhere to be found and the young man on duty fell over himself to show Lois the wreckage. Soon, however, an irate Dr. Baines arrived and Clark quickly distracted her with an eloquent and long-winded apology.

By the time they were thrown out, they both had gotten a look at the wreckage and Lois had even snagged a few pictures.

As they returned to the Planet, Lois grinned at Clark. “You know what? We actually make a good team.”

Clark grinned back, “Thank you, Lois.”



“I’m sorry I called you a hack in the newsroom yesterday... even if I didn’t mean it...”

Clark’s eyes widened, but he decided to keep the mood light, “just for the ‘hack’? What about ‘from Nowheresville’?” he said teasingly.

Lois’ grin widened, “*That* was truth... I’m not apologizing for the truth!”

They both began to laugh but were interrupted by an explosion. They whirled towards the sound. Smoke was emerging from a manhole nearby. Lois rushed forward as screams began to sound.

<Don’t even think it, Clark.>

A man rushed forward, “There’s a man down there! Call the fire department!”


Ignoring his twin, Clark slipped away into another manhole and freed the man, lifting him to the onlookers before returning to Lois’ side.

<...I had to...>

As he reached Lois the coughing worker looked around, and suddenly froze, his wide eyes focused on Clark. He pointed, “That man... he... he saved me...”

<Clark... you *idiot*!>

Clark froze as Lois turned toward him, wide eyed. His clothes were ruined, Clark quickly stammered, “I... he... he must be delirious!”

Lois watched him for a long moment, “Obviously...” she said slowly, then wrinkled her nose, “You’re a mess... from now on do what I do: bring a change of clothes to work...”

Clark opened his mouth to thank her for the suggestion and then froze.

<Clark! You cannot do that again!>

<...that’s it...>

<Do you realize how close you just were to getting caught?>

<...that’s *it,* Jay...>

<That man pointed you out in a crowd! That... wait... what’s it?>

<A change of clothes... a *disguise*...>


<What if... I helped... in disguise...>

<...like Zorro...>

<You know...>

<...that just might work...>

<Mom could make it...>

<...on her sewing machine...>

“Clark!” Clark snapped out of his trance and refocused on Lois, “Are you coming or not?”

<Mind making a trip to Smallville to talk to Mom and Dad, Jay?>

<I can go tomorrow... but it would be better if we both went.>

<I agree... we’ll see if I’m able to get away...>

As they entered the newsroom, Lois grabbed Jimmy’s attention. “Jimmy! Can you go pick up Platt’s report for me? Clark, can you get us some coffee, I need to talk to Perry, meet me in the conference room.”

Jimmy rushed to obey Lois, then paused, eying Clark’s suit, “What happened CK?”

“...don’t ask. Oh wait, Jimmy, can you see that these photos get developed? Lois and I took them this morning.”

Jimmy nodded, “I can do that, I don’t want to be anywhere near Lois when she sees that report... when Platt called he said he *hoped* we could read it... I’m also taking a copy to Star Labs though...”

“Can you make that two copies? We have someone coming by to look at it later and he might want to take a copy with him...”

“Will do, CK!” Jimmy rushed off and Clark approached the coffee table. As he turned away he found Cat in his path.

“’Morning, handsome.”

Clark pasted an oblivious expression on his face, “Oh, hi, Cat... if you’ll excuse me...”

“No, I don’t think I will excuse you...” she pouted at him, latching onto his jacket, “I’ve asked you to have dinner with me twice,” she reached out and ran a finger up his chest before straightening his tie, “that’s two more times than I’ve *ever* had to ask a man for *anything*...”

“Thanks for my coffee, Clark, let’s get to work in the conference room.”

“Sorry, I’ll talk to you later Cat,” Clark rushed in Lois’ wake, “thanks,” he murmured to her.

Then he cringed as he heard Cat whisper, “I love it when they play hard to get...”

As they enter the conference room Lois turned to Clark, “I let Perry know that I still need you for this story... we’ll see what develops, if we can’t connect it to Luthor we’ll have to arrange to partner for that one too.”

Clark smiled and nodded, “I gave Jimmy your film... you find anything?”

She sighed, “I have a list of ex-employees to call who all worked with Platt...”

“So we call them up and see whether they agree with Baines...”

“Exactly, here’s your half.” She slapped a sheet of paper in front of him.

The two reporters started in on their calls. An hour later Lois groaned in frustration as Clark hung up on his last call. “Nothing... you?”

“Same... most had absolutely nothing to say... they didn’t even confirm Baines... just... nothing!” Lois was obviously disheartened. “...maybe I was wrong about Platt...”

“Too many pieces seem to fit... for the sabotage at least...”

“I guess... we need to sort through Platt’s report... if we can... and see if we can prove Baines got a copy of it... then see if we can find any evidence of Platt’s theory... I hope you didn’t make any dinner plans...”

Clark grimaced, “With who, Cat?”

Lois grinned, “I guess not... what about your family?”

Clark returned her grin and leaned on a divider on the desk, “They’ll be happy to escape their guest for awhile... I am all yours!”

Lois’ grin grew, “You wish, Kent!” she smacked his shoulder.

<Oh goody... I’ll tell Rach... too bad I’m working the evening again...>

They were interrupted as Jimmy walked into the room with a cardboard box, “Here’s Platt’s report... I already made a copy for Star Labs... give me a minute to breath and I’ll start on those photos...” his eyes widened, “CK?! But...”

A chuckle sounded from the doorway, “Hello, Clark, Ms. Lane...”

Clark looked up at his twin, “You didn’t correct him?”

CJ shrugged, “I’m here to help you... I figured he knew where I should be...”

Clark rolled his eyes, “Jimmy, this is my twin, CJ... physics nerd, computer geek, and now astronomy professor at Metropolis University.”

CJ glared at his twin, “Nice glowing description there, Clark, why am I helping you again?”

Jimmy looked between the twins, “I think I’ll go develop that film...”

“Thanks Jimmy, you’ve been a big help...”

Jimmy froze on his way out the door before turning to stare at Lois, “Um... thanks... Lois...”

<What did you do to her, Clark?>

<Shut up, Jay...>

Clark silently handed CJ a stack of copied papers.

CJ flipped through the papers in his hands, “Ugh... this is a scientific report? It’ll take hours to get through this... mind if I work on it at the observatory?”

Lois shrugged, “Fine with me...”

Clark grinned, “At least you won’t get *bored* that way...”

<You wish.>

CJ sat next to his twin, “What about those questions you had for me?”

Lois leaned back in her hair, “Mostly time tables for how long it would take to design a space station...”

“Years... listening to Luthor’s speech last night I wouldn’t be surprised if he was already building components... but most people don’t know what kind of work goes in to designing and building a machine like a space station... his response is too quick... though I would bet, if you looked, that he may have put in a bid before... the Congress of Nations has been firm on keeping space travel and research out of the private sector...”

Lois nodded, “It’s still awfully convenient...”

CJ sighed, “But convenience isn’t proof... anyway, I need to head over to the observatory now...” he looked at Clark, “I’ll call you if I get anything significant together on that report.”

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