Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/10/08 09:59 AM
Just beautiful. I love the way you tied up all the ends and the kiss at the end was very sweet. Nice job. Laura
Posted By: XX-Lizz-XX Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/10/08 01:54 PM
Hee DJ. Wonderful writing! Why does it have to end?? :p No, but serious I was really enjoying all the nine parts of the story!! smile
But.. I was wondering how clark would (re)act if he meets Claude. If he sees every thing in him Lois told him once..
I hope you'll soon come up with a new story! lol
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/10/08 02:10 PM
I concur this was a beautiful story. I love how Lois came to Clark for her future and didn't let her career take over her life.

This really showed her growth. Before Clark, Lois would have done anything to prove to Claude that she was the best.

Please come back with something else. Tell the muse to get her butt in gear we miss you and your work!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/10/08 08:00 PM
What a sweet story. It's good to have Lois back where she belongs, in Metropolis, with Clark!

And it has been so nice to have you here too, DJ! sloppy

(But, hey - don't you think Lois will miss Paris?)

[Linked Image]

Posted By: SJH Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/11/08 03:59 AM
By Jacques. Miss you already frown
Oh, yeah, you too, DJ.
Sweet ending, DJ smile I do seem to remember having a sense of doom after part 8 and yet here you turned things around like that cool

Hope your Muse gets some good rest and back with a vengeance smile

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/11/08 12:17 PM
Thanks for writing, DJ! Every time I think we've said everything about the fall of Luthor, someone comes back with a new twist and some more interesting thoughts on Superman! Fab story, and welcome to the One Story a Year Club. We'd have tshirts if our muses would cooperate and make one...

Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/11/08 03:50 PM
DJ, this was a cute story--awesome, as always from you. For a moment, I thought that Lois would stay in Paris and not forgive Clark. And poor Clark was willing to move to Paris, grovel, whatever--just to be with Lois. I was also afraid that Lois might get disillusioned by Claude. Oh and by the way, this Claude is very believable. He's not the prick that we've all envisioned him as being. It was nice to give him a different persona. I guess he had to be halfway decent so that Lois's decision would not be so easy. She had to trust him--a little.

I've worked her pretty hard this year in other fandoms and on my own personal creations. So I'm letting her take a break. But I'm sure I'll be back again one day... if you'll have me... I still have one or two unfinished LnC stories on my hard drive. So this isn't goodbye, but merely a see you later. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed coming back and posting this.
What exactly is that supposed to mean? You know we'll have you! We have no self dignity--we'll lower ourselves to beg you to stay. At least I will! peep Don't go too far too long.


Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/11/08 04:30 PM
I loved this story! The end was great, keeping the reader in suspense along with Clark. A sequel would, of course, be great, but I agree that this was a good place to end it.

Thanks for the story!

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/11/08 05:15 PM
No time for feedback, but I wanted to say that this was another delightful story. I hope there are more to come.

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/11/08 05:27 PM
All right, DJ, you can't write something like this and just disappear. Please, ma'am, I want some more! smile1

This was a really nice story.

I loved the way you brought the right characters in to make both Lois and Clark realise where they needed to end up.

The roller coaster ride you had us on was fun!

I hope you don't abandon the fandom... please keep writing!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/12/08 06:50 AM
Awww... *sniffle* What sweet comments! blush

Hi Laura! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for all your comments. smile

Hi there Lizzy. I know, darn it, I always hate when a story has to come to an end. Glad to know you liked it that much. Hmmm... and I almost had Clark meet up with Claude, but then the characters dug their heels in and went a different direction. Don't worry, I'm sure my muse isn't done yet... just recooperating. smile Thanks!

Hello cp33! Thanks so much. I agree with you about Lois. Oh, and my muse says she has no butt left right now to get in gear, she worked it off - lol - but thank you.

Hi Ann! Isn't it? That's always where she should be in my book. smile Awww, thank you, Ann. And LOL at your picture. If gargoyle was my fondest memory of Paris, I might not miss it if I was Lois... thankfully she has that kiss at the Eiffel Tower to think about. smile

LOL SJH! Thanks! And thanks for all your fun fdk. smile

Hi Michael. Thank you. Sometimes its fun to see how far gone you can take something before you bring it back. Heh - I'll put the muse on strict bed rest with plenty of hot chocolate and soft pillows... and maybe some DVD's of Lois & Clark and then see what happens. wink Thanks for all your fdk.

Hi there Jen! Awww, what a sweet thing for you to say. Thank you. When I write a story, I try very hard to think of something that, at least I, haven't seen done. I know how much we all love to pick on Claude, but since we really didn't have more than one sentence about him "canon" on the show, I thought.... what if he really wasn't THAT bad and there was more to the story? Heh. So I'm glad you enjoyed it. LOL - I'll get right on that t-shirt idea. I mean if we're going to have a club then we should really do it up proper. rotflol At least a button or something. LOL.

Hi Sheila! Again, I'm so glad you enjoyed this different take on Claude. I'm glad to know that he was "believable". Growing up my dad used to always tell me - remember there are ALWAYS two sides to every story. Don't pass judgment until you've heard both sides. smile So I thought it would be fun to explore Claude's side of it. Heh. Awww, and thank you! LOL. No begging necessary, I assure you, just some patience. But thank you so much. You know how to make a girl feel welcome.

Hi amberlea. Thanks and thanks for all your fdk along the way. I'm glad you enjoyed it. No sequels planned but you just never know. smile

Hello Elisabeth. Thank you, and I'm sure there will be.

Nan! Awww.... *sniffle* What a sweet thing to say. You know I probably wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you. Remember back to my very first LnC story (going on 3 years ago) when I was desperately looking for a beta and too afraid to post without someone looking it over first? Nan - my hero. smile Thank you!

Hi Lisa! Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the supporting characters. I had fun with all of them - Claude, Cat... and Jacques. smile Glad you enjoyed the ride. You may not remove your safety restraints and exit from the vehicle to your left. LOL. smile I'll never abandon the fandom... you might not see me for a while, but I'm sure to be back. Thanks!

Thanks again, everyone! It was so so so much fun.

-- DJ
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/13/08 01:00 PM
I am so sorry to be late in feedback.

I just loved the whole story and the ending was marvelous! I was worried where this was leading when Lois got to Paris. Between Jacques and Claude she was in dangerous territory. However, it was navigated most masterfully. thumbsup

Again, it was a wonderful piece. clap

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/16/08 07:48 AM
Hi Bob! Awww, thank you so much. What lovely praise. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for taking the time to tell me.

-- DJ
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/18/08 02:35 AM
Loved the story immensely ... and hope you come back again soon... thumbsup cool
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/18/08 03:58 AM
DJ, sorry I didn't leave FDK earlier. I hadn't time to write FDK right away, but I read this chapter as soon as you posted it. This story was a wonderful reading and I was hooked from the beginning. I didn't know how this story could work with them in opposite sides of the world, but you did it. grumble /glares at Babbles. Get her all the L&C DVDs as a Christmas gift and put her to watch them during the holidays. It must get her inspired to start the year with new ideas. laugh If it doesn't bring her back we'll have to send a mob after her. [Linked Image]

I hope you stick around, DJ. We're not above begging, you know. wink

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK Forget Paris - 9/9 (Final Part) - 12/20/08 05:55 PM
Ooooh, lookie! More fdk! smile Yay!

Hi AnKS! Thank you so much, and I'll try to make sure I come back soon. smile

Hi Andreia! I was missing your fdk. I'm glad to know that I hadn't lost you as a reader though. smile Thanks so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Yes, Babbles is being quite uncooperative. smile Thank you for the fdk.

Again, thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments and fdk. smile C-ya around.

-- DJ
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