Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 06:26 AM
FDK goes here smile .

Next scheduled posting:
Wednesday, 10am-noon ET


Chapter 104

He started the episode before hitting pause. "Are you really okay?"

I shrugged as I opened my laptop. "I'm a bit better today and should keep getting better if Christopher was any indication."

"That's not what I meant."

I looked up. "What did you mean then?"
Chapter 105

Lois glanced at me but I couldn't read her look.

Thirty minutes later, we were headed to the Daily Planet.

"What was with the questions about how big I am?" she asked from the passenger seat of the truck.

I shrugged. "Just trying to figure out half-Kryptonian pregnancies."
Thanks smile .
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 07:13 AM
Awwww!! *sniffle*

stay with me and the boys
The boys? Did I miss something or does Lois magically know?

I know you didn't asking for votes on posting, but I'll just mention anyway that given the choice, I'd choose one chapter a day vs. two chapters every other day. Gotta have my fix! smile
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 09:53 AM
Got to echo Lisa here:

stay with me and the boys
Does Lois already know that her second child is a boy?

Anyway, sweet chapters. The dancing was bittersweet. All those wonderful love songs, but Lois and Clark couldn't enjoy the words as they should. I loved that Clark felt that 'Everything I do, I do it for you' described his relationship with Lois. I'm not disagreeing.

Loved this, too, although I sort of forgot it momentarily because I was distracted by 'the boys':

"You were right, you know," he said softly.

"About what?"

"That Dad and Chris never put an expiration date on being my dad *or* on their marriages to my mom. I have thought about that and I'm not sure what the solution or answer or whatever is, but you *were* right."
Of course she was right about that.

Out of nowhere, he stopped and looked at me intently with his big brown eyes. "Wuv 'ou, Daddy."

I wasn't sure why, but for some reason it caught me off-guard and my eyes welled up.

"I love you, too, little man. I love you, too."
And he is still convinced that in a few years' time, he will tell Christopher that Mama and Daddy can't be together anymore, so Daddy will move away from Mama and Christopher and baby, or Mama will move away from Daddy and Christopher and baby.

I think Clark has a good reason to cry.

Posted By: sheilah Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 09:59 AM
I loved the scene with Christopher. That "Love you, Daddy," at the end just about tore me up because Clark is still thinking that he's going to leave at the end of 5 years. No matter what he thinks, leaving home means leaving the kids.

I'm also glad the Clark recognized that he loves Lois, just that he's not in love with her. Actually, I'm not worried about that. I know that that's the big deal in romance novels, but in real life, what keeps a couple together through every up and down of life isn't being "in love"; it's loving each other.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 10:52 AM
Sheila said:

I'm also glad the Clark recognized that he loves Lois, just that he's not in love with her. Actually, I'm not worried about that. I know that that's the big deal in romance novels, but in real life, what keeps a couple together through every up and down of life isn't being "in love"; it's loving each other.
I agree. Anyway, being in love usually has to do with wanting to make love to someone. And we know this about Clark, he finds it 'super' to make love to Lois. So he is happy to take care of her, and he loves making love to her, and he loves the children he has with her, and he generally loves her, but he doesn't consider himself to be 'in love' with her. The question is, will he come to the conclusion that he doesn't have to be 'in love' with Lois to be happy to stay with her?

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 11:25 AM

The boys thing is a typo. I went back and forth about whether they were having a boy or girl and I would imagine this was when I was in a boy phase...

Should be kids...

More later.
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 11:43 AM
Cool parts. I especially loved Clark and Lois' "Love you" and "Love you too," I don't know if it was because of the first person thing or just the tone of that part, I could literally feel the difference between Lois and Clark's 'love' smile1 dance
I figured she was just saying boys because it was easier in this context smile1

And for some reason I had the picture of Lois in my mind, sitting there with a big, fluffy teddy bear holding a heart with "Love Me" written on it huh And I actually went looking for one in google but didn't find a picture that fit blush

Michael, who voted for one part each day if push comes to shove
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 12:28 PM
I like the posting schedule just like it is. Maybe more if any changes. peep

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 12:43 PM
Kinda waffy and squishy which we haven't had...ever? LOL? Clark and Lois are both being really mature about each other's feelings and taking care of each other...that's good enough for me for now!

Ann said this:
And he is still convinced that in a few years' time, he will tell Christopher that Mama and Daddy can't be together anymore, so Daddy will move away from Mama and Christopher and baby, or Mama will move away from Daddy and Christopher and baby.
This makes me wonder if he'll really be able to walk away. I actually have hope that they could turn into this stable happy family, and kind of tying into what Sheila said about love vs. being "in love"...so we'll see how long this lasts or if somebody turns back into a dolt LOL.

Great parts,
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 08:04 PM
I'm wondering what it will take for Clark to change his mind about how he feels about Lois.

When I started reading the marriage part of this story, I thougt it would be a matter of realizing he and Lana COULDN'T get backt together. (as apposed to realizing it's unlikely, which as I have stated before, he already knows.) We've already seen how much he still hoped that, so it made sense to me.
Something like realizing Lana has a problem with aliens. Or another big "hurdle" they couldn't get past.

But I'm not so sure that's the case, anymore.
No, I knew I wasn’t the same person I had been growing up – the same person I had been when I'd married Lois.

I was a father.

I was a husband – a better one on some days than I was on others.

I knew what it was like to make love to a beautiful woman.

All of those things combined to make me a different person than I had been two years ago as I tried to plan the perfect proposal for Lana.

So, I was different and Lana was different. Could we be different together? Could we work that way?

It wasn't like we'd been together and grown and changed to the point where we were different, but still together. Where the early foundation of our relationship was enough when we didn't have as much in common anymore.
Clark has already acknowledged that it is unlikely that he and Lana will be able to get back together. But here, it sounds to me like he is wondering, even if just for a moment, if it's worth it to try.

He also says he's more likely to look for ANOTHER woman after Lois if he can't make it work with Lana.

So ending things with Lana doesn't sound like the asnwer.

So what will change? The quote, "love isn't who you want to live with, it's who you can't live without" is repeated several times in this story. Almost like a reaccuring theme.
And I remember in Canon LNC it was the possiblity of losing Clark that forced Lois to examine her deeper feelings for him.

First was her "marriage" to Lex Luthor. She didn't really "lose" him here, but she rarely saw him in the time since she was engaged until after the wedding. And she knew she probably wouldn't see him at all if she DID get married. And I think she realized she missed Clark more than Superman even though it was Superman she was supposed to have romantic feelings for.

Second was, of coure TOGOM, where she really DID believe she lost Clark.

So I wonder if Clark is going to face the possiblity of losing Lois (and I'm not talking about the end of the five years.). Will that make him realize he can't live without her?

Or is it something else? I refer to my personal history quite frequently when discussing this fic.
What made me fall in love with the man who loved me and was one of my best friends? (He's my husband now, so it worked out well.)

It wasn't one specific thing, although I will say I was willing to admit I had romnatic feelings for him even though I wasn't in love with him.
I haven't seen Clark admit that. However, the fact that when they had sex the most recent time, his mind was ONLY on Lois and how he could please her, certainly proves to me that he DOES.

But in my case, I was constantly wondering when I was going to fall in love with my boyfriend. "Which day will it be?" I asked myself over and over. (Double-edged guilt there, like I said before. I wished I could love him, but I didn't want to BELIEVE it was love when it really wasn't.) And when I finally stopped looking for it, that's when it happened. I had to let go of my "double-edged guilt."

Clark certainly isn't looking for signs that he loves Lois or has romantic feelings for her. But I wonder if denying what is tenically there is his versioin of "double-edged guilt."
Clark certainly isn't looking for signs that he loves Lois or has romantic feelings for her. But I wonder if denying what is tenically there is his versioin of "double-edged guilt."
Sara I couldn't said it better. I agree. hail hail
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/09/08 09:44 PM
I think this is the first time we hear Clark talking about divorce. Usually he just "mm hmm"s his way through conversations that Lois initiates. Yet here they're having this bizarre conversation juxtaposed between somber WAFFyness.

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 102 and 103/? - 12/10/08 07:38 AM
Thanks everyone.

Lisa - I will keep that in mind if I do have to adjust the posting schedule. I jumped ahead a bit last night so while one event ended up taking 4 more chapters than planned, I skipped 4 others [they weren't well planned out or anything just 'internship stuff' or something in my notes] because that's the way the characters took me. We'll see if the betas think it's too much of a jump... And the next stuff should be easier to write for a variety of reasons.

Ann - Sorry about that 'boys' thing. And of course Lois was right - she's like Martha wink .

Sheliah - I think he's realizing that but he's also realized that he and Lois won't want to stay together just for the sake of the kids - they both want that forever love or whatever and, right now at least, he doesn't see that happening with Lois.

AnKS - Superman? Who's that? There *will* be flying about in a suit before the story's over...

Michael - if push comes to shove, I'll remember that. Am hoping not too [see Lisa above]. And thanks. When I saw that two years was cotton, I knew he had to officially give her his John Deere shirt...

Sheila - hehe. Right now, I run out of buffer on Sunday and then there would be days of nothing and I'd hate to do that to any of us... Once it's done I might be persuaded to post more often... We'll see how much is left v. UP v. end of the year...

JD - waffy and squishy? Will have to rectify that in the next parts wink .

Sara - you've raised some interesting points. I think both I and Lois want Clark to choose Lois for Lois not because Lana's married or is Trask's xenophobic female counterpart or whatever. Does that make sense? Interesting comparison to the show. Will have to ponder that...

Lovesuper - hehe.

Elisabeth - you're right. I hadn't realized that and I had to go back and look at it to see what you're talking about.

Look for 104/5 shortly...

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