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Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 07:37 AM
FDK goes here smile .

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Tuesday, 1-3pm ET


Chapter 102

"I haven't told you that you do look beautiful tonight," I finally said. I hoped that was okay.

"Thank you. You look pretty great yourself."

I smiled slightly. That was always nice to hear. There was something else I'd been thinking about all day. I hesitated before I spoke again. "I've been thinking a lot about what you said last night and I wanted you to know something."

"What's that?"
Chapter 103

The next day saw a Saturday shift at the paper.

The newsroom was fairly quiet. I'd been staring at Perry's office off and on all morning.

He walked through the pit, stopping at my desk. "Lois, can I see you in my office when you have a minute?"

I looked up from the research I was doing. "Be right there."
Thanks smile .
Just a short question for now:
Maybe that guy who was in the 90210 eps Lois liked so much.
Does that refer to Dean Cain? As far as I know, he did have a guest appearance in this series (as stated on one of the S1 DVDs)...
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 08:21 AM
Short answer:
Yes. wink
Yay! They are still talkin! What a relief! <g>

I can only imagine how awkward they are feeling right now but I am grateful that they are both trying to act normal. Go Clark for asking her to dance!!! He is being a lot more attentive, proving that he wants to be there for her. thumbsup

As for the "don't see myself falling in love with my wife" part, all I can say: Clark, you never saw yourself making love to your wife either and well, we all know how that turned out. laugh

I am excited. Their relationship is progressing and THEY ARE STILL TALKING. That alone deserves a lot of clap


PS. Thanks for reminding me of Clark's Kryptonian brother, I had forgotten about him.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 09:18 AM
rambling on and on for eighteen pages – front and back –
Nice Friends reference!

Still reading, still addicted! smile
party party and thats all i can do right now. Btw my baby (my man) loves this story. He calls me at work and telling me about what's going on and what he thinks. This story is so amazing.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 09:45 AM
I'm with Natascha, I'm so glad they are still talking!

I think it was really, really good for Clark to be told that Lois was in love with him. He hadn't realized that before. I'm also glad that he could see that some of the bad things she imagined about her future had to do with her depression. And I loved that he was committed to taking care of her! hyper hyper hyper

Of course, the night they had wasn't all that good. They need to get back to cuddling and spooning. Both of them sleep so wonderfully well when they hold on to each other - and the cuddling may bring other benefits as well.... laugh

the equivalent of rambling on and on for eighteen pages &#8211; front and back &#8211;
Was that a Friends reference? Goes to show how little I watch TV. It was great anyway - vintage Lois babbling! clap

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 10:07 AM
For a brief instant, part of me wished Lana would meet some accidental fate and that he'd decide that giving us a *real* try might be worth a shot. No, accident wouldn’t work – he'd just mourn her. Move on and get married – maybe.

But I didn't want to be second choice. I didn't want to 'win' by default.
This made me giggle just a bit--it's not the first time I've read Lois' thoughts on death as "winning by default." goofy

Clark say something interesting here:
wouldn't I know by now if it was Lois?
I think he'd know by now if the circumstances were a lot different...but that's apples and oranges.

Great parts,
I'm glad Lois fessed up. And I'm glad she told him she doesn't want him to change, to feel weird, or suddenly declare his undying love for her. (Although I don't know how much good that will do, since he's already acting weird.) I also understand why she'd want to rebuild those walls around her heart. She's only trying to defend herself, not to frustrate or cut herself off from Clark. It's not only natural, I can't think of any other way for her to remain mentally healthy in this kind of marriage.

But while it is true that people cannot decide beforehand those to whom they will be attracted, we can decide whom we will love. Lois had decided to love Clark because of the kind of person he is, not because he's good in bed or because he helps her make cute babies.

Love isn't a feeling. Being "in love" is, and it's a wonderful feeling. I don't know anything that can beat it, although becoming a parent is pretty close to being even. But we can't live our lives on our feelings or our emotions, and that's what Clark has been trying to do. He's tried to keep his feelings for Lana alive as time has gone by, and he's close to learning that his love for Lana was never the grow-old-with-and-die-holding-your-hand kind of love. It was always about the feelings and reactions they elicited in each other, and never the patient, kind, tender, forgiving or the other's failures, no scorekeeping of wrongs done, no recounting of flaws kind of love. I doubt that Lana, despite her stated desires and intentions, could have stayed married to Clark for very long, even if he had been able to hide his powers from her. She would eventually have insisted that certain things (career, lifestyle, location of home) go her way.

He's been showing that kind of love for Lois lately. The backrubs and foot massages, the touches of heat judiciously applied, his assurance that he'll protect her and their children, his care for her mental and emotional state, all point to a love for Lois in Clark's heart.

Mind you, he's not where he should be. He's still not to the "forsaking all others till death do us part" point. He hasn't decided to let go of Lana yet (although I think he's close), and he absolutely has to do that. And, most importantly, he mustn't expect any of those "benefits" unless Lois initiates the occasion, and she's even less likely to do that now than before. Clark, I suggest that you buy some locking steel boxers to wear to bed. Just make sure you warm them up before you cuddle close to Lois.

Maybe now he'll stop thinking about leaving after the five years are up. Maybe now he'll tell Lois he doesn't plan to divorce her. Maybe he'll promise to stay with her no matter how many blonds throw themselves at his feet in the future. And maybe Lois' depression will ease a bit if she knows he's not leaving just because a time frame has expired.

And maybe my foot is in my mouth or my finger is in my ear, too. You know I'm reading, Carol, or I wouldn't be commenting. Keep them coming! (The chapters, I mean.)
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 10:48 AM
I don't know why you need me around to make comments when you already have a Terry. I do think it's unfair why a person rips the thoughts out of your brain before you think them though. Definately unfair.

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 11:05 AM
That was a beautiful post, Terry. I think you are saying that Clark is in fact showing the agape kind of love for Lois here, at least up until he divorces her. It's just the eros aspect of his love that is missing, the sort of love that binds young lovers together. Maybe Clark needs to make love to Lois more often to get his eros love going along with his agape?

Carol, I really enjoyed these parts. Only now I'm feeling sort of depressed. I want to scream and stuff at them for being so dumb, but I can't. They're honest. They're sensible. And they're still frustrating. That's so mean smile1
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 12:53 PM
Well,there goes my no talking= touching =baby. On the other hand, they are talking but not touching- so that's progress? Where are Barry White or Marvin Gaye when you need 'em?
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 01:53 PM
Well that was what I feared would happen--the non-cuddling, I mean. There's no way Clark can hear all of that and Lois can say all of that without them going through a period of awkwardness. I hope that it's only a period though. They need to reconnect... I just don't know how they will breach the divide.

I'm glad that Clark was still able to tease her and still willing to help out where he can, but I'm sure that he's going to have the 'is this sending the wrong message' and 'I don't want to hurt her emotionally' thoughts flying around all the time. I like that Lois confessed to not believing him at the end of 100. It alludes to me that Clark is going to have some major proving of himself to do when he *does* come around to consciously loving her.

I think that if Clark stops putting so much energy into denying his love for Lois, he may surprise himself. He has stubbornly held to his emotional commitment to Lana for so long, that I wonder if he's not surprised by who he is once he releases that hold. He can't make himself love Lois, he *shouldn't* make himself love her, and what I would like most is to see him fall in love with her little by little (methinks he could be halfway there already). Ultimately, Clark isn't going to want to lead Lois on, so how in the world are they going to be able to move on from here? RAFO!

Will we ever get to know why Ma & Pa love Lois and only *like* Lana? That would be an interesting eye opener...

Did I mention that I enjoy the complications you've stirred up?

I'll take another plate, please. wink
Posted By: Seme Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 02:37 PM
great story carolm. I love the honesty between them, it's refreshing
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 06:43 PM
I can hear the "love languages" portrayed in this chapter. (Thanks for letting us see that, Elisabeth.)

What's important to Lois and what SHE sees Clark stopping is the "physical touch."
I could see him bending over backwards not to give me the wrong idea – the wrong impression – and 'encouraging' me. What I wanted was to enjoy this a bit longer – dancing with him, having him hold me at night, foot rubs, back rubs, letting me take care of him when he needed it – after Pop Pop died, after the Kryptonite – but I didn't see that happening.
Yet, Clark is far more likely to disappear because of the "akwardiness" than stop touching Lois. Actually, Lois does acknowldedge this.
I hadn't expected him to declare his undying love. To be honest, I'd expected him to avoid me at all costs for a few days.
Yet, even though Clark ISNT in love with Lois right now, (actually he says he's a lot more likely to find someone else BESIDES Lana when the five years are up)he's still wants to spend time with her. "Awkwardiness" to him is not talking and not spending time together.

I wasn't sure I bought the 'nothing's changed' bit and I wasn't sure I really wanted to hang out with him all day – not if he was going to be weird. So far he didn't seem to be but...

I sighed.


I shook my head. "Nothing," I said as I ate another bite of French Toast. "Just thinking," I mumbled around the food.

He stopped eating and leaned towards me. "You know, if you don't want me to be weird, you can't be weird either."

I took another bite so I wouldn't have to respond vocally, but I nodded.

"I mean it, Lois. I don’t want this to be weird any more than you do, but you have to be okay with it too."

"I know."
"Um, listen, before we go..." I hesitated.

"What?" she asked expectantly.

"Would you like to dance?"
Certainly, he's worried about Lois and wants to do something she would like, here. But I see this as a way to spend time with her as well. Which for Clark, is what's most important.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/08/08 07:14 PM
Wow, Carol...I'm so sorry for Lois. She is so depressed. This is breaking my heart! Please hurry up and fix this!

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/09/08 04:58 AM
So sorry.. haven't been leaving feedback lately... but am thoroughly enjoying it and all the new developments... yay!!

We have crossed the 100-part mark and Clark isn't in love with Lois...yet... eek laugh

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 100 and 101/? - 12/09/08 05:42 AM
Hey guys smile .

A bit of unexpected time this AM - I think. If I can I'll post in the next hour or so, if not, early this afternoon.

Thanks to everyone for the FDK. Glad you're glad they're still talking wink .

[who really hopes she won't have to slow down the posting schedule...]
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