Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lieta Both Sides of the Coin (2/50+) - 12/03/08 06:14 AM
Enjoy... =)
Thank you again Nancy (anonpip) and Rel

Both Sides of the Coin
Part 2

Clark frowned and placed his suitcase on the floor before he started to scan the house. But even as he lowered his glasses he heard, “Clark!”

A moment later a small woman threw herself into his arms. Her shoulder length sandy blond hair curled outward at the ends and her light brown eyes twinkled with delight. Clark grinned and swung her around before letting her pull away. “Hey Rach! You look great!”

Rachel grinned and cried, “Flatterer!” as she swatted at his shoulder.

Clark laughed, “Where’s...”

“Monopolizing my wife again, Kent?”

Clark turned to the new voice, “Greeting my *sister,* Jay...”

Rachel turned as well, “Behave CJ! Stop teasing your brother!”

The man facing them was Clark’s double, from his height and coloration to the mole on his upper lip. However, his hair was shorter and professionally styled and his glasses were thin silver frames. “But Rach... I live to torment my twin!”

Rachel jabbed a finger into his chest, “Charles Joseph Kent... behave!”

CJ grimaced and whined, “I hate the name Charles...”

Clark and Rachel said in unison, “We know.”

Rachel turned back to Clark, “Well Clark... how did your interview go?”

“It didn’t,” the twins answered as one.

Clark rolled his eyes, “Even better than getting turned down... Jay was shadowing me the whole time...”

Rachel frowned, “CJ... Clark’s asked you to stop that...”

CJ rolled his eyes, “I was bored... and I wanted to offer... moral support...”

<No... you wanted to spy one me...>

<I really was worried about that job, Cal...>

<I know... but you were still spying...>

CJ suddenly grinned, “And anyway... Clarkie-boy may have gotten something better than a job...”

Rachel frowned, “Better than a job?”

“Yeah... he was drooling over the Planet’s ace... you’ve read Lois Lane’s articles, right, Sweetie?”

Rachel grabbed Clark’s arm, “You’ve met Lois Lane? She incredibly active in the women’s lib organizations around here from what I’ve heard... I would love to meet her!”

Clark peaked at his twin and burst into laughter at the look on his face.

Rachel looked between the two, “Am I missing something?”

Clark grinned, “I think CJ was a little put off by her...”

CJ grimaced, “She was bossy and pushy... and...”

“Brilliant, assertive and... amazing...”

Rachel turned wide eyes to Clark, “You really did fall for her, didn’t you?”

Clark shrugged, “Time will tell... she gave me the firm impression that she wasn’t looking for a relationship... though she acted more like it was in self-defense than in an honest lack of interest...”

“Oh she was interested Clark... and it terrified her...”

Rachel frowned slightly, “She must have been hurt before...”

Clark nodded, “Badly...”

CJ sighed, “Well whatever happens in that direction... you need to let Mom and Dad know you aren’t staying in some flea pit...”

Clark grinned, “I looked at one cheap place...”

Rachel cut in, “Clark... you know you can stay here however long you want to...”

Clark nodded, “I know Rach... but I have to tell you two about this the place... I think it was called the Apollo... there was a *pay phone* in the room....”

CJ handed Clark a phone with a raised brow, “A pay phone?”

Clark smiled, “Yeah...” he dialed a number, “Um, hi Mom, it’s Clark.”

“Hi Clark! Jonathan, Clark’s on the phone!”

CJ picked up another phone, “Hey Mom! Clark’s over here and Rach’s and my...”

“CJ! Good, I’m glad he has somewhere to stay... how’s Rachel?”

CJ grinned and handed his phone to his wife, “Hi Martha... how are things in Smallville?”

“Hello Rachel, well I saw your father the other day, he said he hoped to hear from you and CJ soon...”

Rachel smiled, “Well... I’m sure CJ and I will make it over there soon... this Friday is out though... CJ has some orientation thing at the observatory...”

“That’s right... how is he liking being ‘Dr. Kent’?”

CJ leaned into the phone, “I like it Mom... much better than being a TA back at Midwest Uni...”

Rachel shoved him aside, “As you can see... the eavesdropper is still in force...”

Martha chuckled on the other end, “Oh! Here comes Jonathan... let him get on the extension... Clark, are you still there?”

Rachel smiled, “I’m hanging up so you two can talk to Clark...”

Clark smiled into the phone, “I’m here Mom...” he heard a small click, “Hi Dad...”

“Hi Clark, how did the interview go? Do you need any money?”

Clark sighed, “I’m fine Dad...”

“Are you sure, honey?”

“Mom, I’m fine... I can stay with Jay and Rach as long as I need to... as for the interview... it didn’t go very well, but I’m sure I’ll find something.”

“I’ll wire you some cash.”

Clark rolled his eyes at CJ and Rachel, “Dad, I’m fine, really.”

“Are you going to make it here Friday?”

“Would I miss your home cooking?”

“What home cooking? I haven’t had a home cooked meal in...”

“Clark, you’re being careful, aren’t you?” Clark winced.

<No mom, I single handedly stopped a bus this morning in the middle of a busy street and was seen doing it...>

<I don’t need your help, Jay!>

“Sure... other than the bus incident...”

<Glossing over things never works... you know that.>

“Bus incident... Clark...”

<Told you...>

<Jay, if you want to say something say it to everyone!>

“Metropolis isn’t the outback, son. People in the city are always looking for a quick buck. If they see you...”

<Oh no, not the frog thing...>

“They’ll dissect me like a frog, I know Dad...”

<Does he have to say that? It’s disgusting... there’s a reason I’m in the more theoretical sciences and not biology... fear of dissection and all that...>

“...I’m trying, but I can’t just sit there and do nothing if I can help... look, I’ll see you both in a few days...”

“Ok, Clark. Good luck. Tell Rachel bye for us, CJ.”

“Goodbye boys, Rachel... and Clark, I’ll send you that cash.”

CJ grinned at Rachel, “Mom and Dad say goodbye...”

Rachel rolled her eyes, “Martha caught you, I assume...”

Clark ignored the byplay, “Dad...”

<Let him help you if he wants to Cal...>

“...thanks, I’ll pay you back. Bye.”

<You and your pride...>

Clark glared at his twin, “Shut up, Jay!”

Rachel raised a brow at her husband, “Were you bugging him?”

Clark rolled his eyes, “He was giving me a running commentary...”

Rachel sighed, “Well, boys... let’s figure out what we’re going to eat... we have two black holes to fill instead of one...”

Clark and CJ grinned at one another before following Rachel into the kitchen.


After dinner the trio gathered on the house’s small back porch.

Rachel sighed as she scanned the sky, “I miss the stars...”

CJ drew her into his arms and said, “We can go see them whenever you want, Sweetheart...”

Clark sighed, “I just hope...” he trailed off.

Rachel looked at him, “You got any back up plans, Clark?”

Clark frowned, “Well... Ms. Lane gave me a big tip...”

“Yeah it was weird... in the interview she barged in and didn’t even look at him when they were introduced...”

“CJ... you were shadowing him that long?”

CJ assumed an innocent air, “Who, me?”

Clark shook his head, “Anyway... she ended up tailing me out of the Planet... she grilled me on why I was applying to the Planet...”

“And then you scared her off...”

“Jay? Can I finish the story on my own?”

“Whatever you say, Clark...”

“Anyway... I stupidly flirted a bit... and that annoyed her enough that she headed for the elevators... I did not *scare* her off...”

CJ shrugged, “She got mad in defense, Clark...”

Rachel placed a hand over her husband’s mouth, “Let your brother finish...”

Clark grinned at her, “Thanks Sis... after she left I grabbed a paper and started scanning the classifieds for a place to stay when she came back... during my interview Mr. White had asked her about this mood piece she was supposed to be working on. She said, and I quote, ‘I’m not in the mood.’” Clark paused as Rachel giggled, “She told me to write it up and present it to Mr. White... so I’m going to go out there tomorrow and see if I can come up with anything...”

“What was it about?”

“They’re tearing down a theater on 42nd street?”

Rachel’s eyes widened, “Oh! I’d heard about that... it’s too bad... it’s a really neat old theater and they’re tearing it down to built some more offices or a parking lot...”

Clark nodded, “Yeah... hopefully I can come up with something...”


The next morning Clark breakfasted alone. Rachel was starting her ‘field training’ with the MPD and CJ was at the University for a lecture and several meetings.

After he ate, he headed for 42nd street. As he got close to the address of the theater he noticed a crowd had gathered and moved closer to investigate. The crowd, a mixture of protesters, construction workers and a few curious bystanders, was converging on the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre. A wrecking ball was set up to begin its demolition at any moment.

Clark entered the crowd and took in the signs of the protesters. After a few moments he noticed a woman searching through the crowd. She turned in his direction, “Where’s Beatrice?”

A woman standing by Clark shrugged, and the first woman began to look panicked.

Clark tipped his glasses down his nose and peered at the theater wall. The wall faded before his eyes and he saw a woman inside performing in full costume to an audience that existed only in her memories.

<What in the world?>

<I thought you were busy on campus today, Jay...>

<I’m bored... shoot me...>

Clark sighed inwardly, <Like that would do anything...> and inched over to look at the wrecking ball. As the engine turned on he squinted and the engine began to spark and then flame. The crowd began to cheer as the driver scrambled out of the cab.


Clark quickly snuck into the building. He approached the woman as she reached a crescendo in her monologue. As the dialogue peaked, she paused and Clark began to clap.

“Who... who’s there?”

Clark moved closer into her line of sight, “Just... a fan.”

<What are you up to?>

<Shut up Jay...>

She watched him warily, “I’m not leaving... not until I finish.”

“Mind if I watch? I’ve always loved this play...”

“...you know it?”

““The Cherry Orchard,” by Anton Chekhov.”

She relaxed again, “His finest, don’t you think?”

“Definitely. And, a machine broke down outside... we have some time...”

<Why Clark, you sly dog you...>


<I didn’t know you were such a charmer!>

<Hush Jay...>

Beatrice smiled, glad to have found an unexpected ally in this young man. And as she confided in this sympathetic ear, a story began to form in Clark’s mind.


Clark stood in Perry White’s office that afternoon. Jimmy lounged against the desk and Perry read a piece of paper aloud. The words evoked nostalgia for the now lost theater and shared the mourning of one lone actress for a place she loved.

As Perry finished the article Jimmy turned a look of admiration on Clark, “Smooth...”

Perry stood and smiled at the young man who had the nerve to return after being turned down only the day before. He flicked a glance at the woman watching with apparent disinterest while leaning on the door.

Lois said grudgingly, “Yeah...” Clark glanced over to at her, “if you like that sort of thing...”

Clark raised a brow at her and she winked as Perry looked back at Clark, “You know, Kent, there’s one attribute I value as mush as experience and that’s initiative.”

<And he runs this paper?>

<Hey! He’s one of the best editors in the world! And are you bored *again,* Jay?>

<Um... yes?>

Perry extended a hand to Clark, “Clark Kent, welcome to the Daily Planet!” Clark’s face exploded in joy and he reached for Perry’s hand, only to have the editor clamp his wrist warily.

<Congratulations Cal!>

<Thanks Jay...>

Clark opened his mouth to thank the older man when noise began to filter in from the pit. The office rapidly emptied as the four rush out.

The rest of the staff is gathered around a TV monitor. The screen showed a launch pad being readied for ignition.

<Oh my...>

<Is that *fire*?!>

The gathered crowd watched in growing horror as the rocket exploded into a ball of fire.

<...I wish...>

<I know, Cal...>

<I could have...>

<I *know*... but think of the threat of exposure...>

<Yeah... but... the crew...>

<...I know...>

Near Clark, Lois turned to Perry, “I knew it... I *knew* there was something to Platt’s story...”

“Lois... just because one madman’s rant came true doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy to sabotage the space program.”

“Maybe not... but with more than one hundred colonists going up in the next launch are you willing to take that chance?”

Clark watched Perry’s expression harden.

<It *won’t* happen again...>

<What could you do?>

<...I don’t know...>

Clark escaped to look through some papers and eat a donut while he fought his guilt. Movement in Perry’s office caught his eye, and he decided to tune into the conversation. Lois’ scornful voice filled his ears, “...a hick... from *Smallville*, I couldn’t *make* that name up!” Clark instantly tuned out.


<Yeah... she’s not impressed with me, is she... even after yesterday...>

<...maybe especially after yesterday...>

Clark looked down, his heart heavy.



<You ok?>


Footsteps drawing near him cause him to look up, a smile plastered on his face, which faded as he was faced with Lois.

Lois glared at him before saying, “Let’s hit it,” and lightly smacking his shoulder. She continued on her way.

Clark grinned before following her. “Mind if I ask where we’re going?”

“To interview Samuel Platt. He was convinced that the Messenger was sabotaged. I’ll brief you on the way.” Suddenly she halted. Clark stopped and stared at her.

<Why do I feel like I missed something?>

“And let’s get something straight. I didn’t work my buns off to become an investigative reporter for the Daily Planet just to baby-sit some hack from Nowheresville.”

<...somehow that’s worse... and she’s saying it to your face?>

She started to move again and Clark followed behind, his grin still in place. Then, she whirled on him again. “And another thing, you’re not working *with* me... you’re working *for* me.”

<Oh really? Um Clark? Usually you’re at least paying attention to me...>

“I call the shots. I ask the questions. You’re low man. I’m top banana. That’s the way I like it, comprende?”

“You like to be on top, got it.”

<...Clark! I can’t believe *you* said that!>

Lois froze and then sneered at him. “Don’t push me Kent, you are *way* out of your league.”

Clark finally followed her into the elevator, a slow smile gracing his lips as he suppressed a chuckle.

As they exit the elevator Lois elbowed him, “You think you’re cute, huh?”

Clark’s smile widened, “You started it...”

A giggle escaped her, “Sorry if I came off weird in there... I have an image to maintain... have to keep the others in line...”

“Right... maintaining your place on *top* of the food chain...”

The giggle turned into a laugh, “Right... farmboy...”

<I missed something... *how* did I miss something? Cal... you know I hate being out of the loop... what am I missing?>

<Well Jay... guess you just have to spy on me some more...>

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