Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 06:34 AM
FDK goes here smile .

Next scheduled post:
Wednesday, Chapters 76 and 77, probably 10-11am ET


Chapter 76

"We have to go now."

I looked up at him, fear beginning to fill my stomach. "What is it?" I asked, turning back to my desk and shutting down my computer with a few keystrokes before grabbing my purse.

"Not here," he said quietly.

"Is Christopher okay?" Tears filled my eyes.

"As far as I know."

That wasn't good. He should have said 'yes'. We hurried to the stairs and ran down them.

"You're scaring me, Clark."
Chapter 77

He chuckled. "Oh, I know I'm right. It was your mom who put me onto all this and you know how often she's wrong."


"Less than that, I think."

I smiled at that.

"What's the problem?" he asked. "She's a beautiful young lady. She's the mother of your son. She's your *wife*. The only thing she's not is Lana."

I didn't say anything.

"Are you still in love with her?"
Thanks smile !
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 06:53 AM
I know I've been quiet on this story but I am still reading... it's definitely a roller coaster fic =P

I love the Independence Day jokes...

Scary chapter coming.

And then? Who's Clark talking to in the second preview, Jonathan? What will Clark say in response? Will Lana give up on him, or will she snap and try to kidnap Christopher after the threat from Navance is finally taken care of? Will Clark finally let her go and focus on this beautiful woman who is his real wife and is the mother of his child? (I know what he thinks, but too many people say Christopher looks like him.) How long will he be a lunkhead? And how long will he make Lois build that safety wall around her heart?

It's good to see Clark and Lois as friends again. The best marriages are between a man and a woman who are also good friends. I'm not sure they have to be bestfriends, but if they aren't friends to start with, they won't share their real feelings as easily, nor will they be as willing to put the other person's needs and desires before their own. And a marriage which lacks both of these characteristics tends to be a sham marriage, the kind Lois and Clark are just now working out of.

Too bad we didn't get to read about Lois' reaction to that dip. I'd think that Clark would have heard her heart speed up if only he'd been listening. He doesn't think that Lois really loves him, and I believe that's part of the reason he's still hanging on to that Lana fantasy. In his still adolescent mind, he thinks that Lana is the only woman who will love him as he is. Of course, she doesn't know everything about him, and Lois does, so he should be able to figure it out before too much longer.

Excellent story, Carol. The "bumping into" Lana at the ATM might have been completely innocent, or Lana might have seen Clark on the street and decided to initiate the encounter to see if there was any spark left between them. I'm glad she saw the pictures in Clark's wallet, and that he answered the way he did.

Rosebud. Brrrrrr!

Is it tomorrow yet?
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 08:35 AM
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 09:21 AM
Okay, I absolutely loved the family reunion bit. It reminded me of my yearly reunion. We teach the kids early who to get in front of in line if you want any food, because there's a couple of guys that will eat *everything*.

I also liked how Clark and Lois are growing so much closer. Much, much better. laugh

And *EEEK* at the last bit!
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 09:52 AM
ACK! I knew I should have waited until tonight to read...I caved. I shirked all my work this morning. laugh

Loved the family reunion! Reminds me of my gigantic family.

Back for more comments later; the dog has decided it's not time for me to be typing LOL.

ETA: Thank God Lana didn't see her photo in Clark's wallet. That was my horrible fear of that scene! It's amazing how doltish people like Clark can be; it reminds me of this guy I dumped because even after two years of utter crap from his ex, he became convinced that they'd work it out one day or something.
Wonderful Smallville stuff. And they're such great platonic friends who cuddle laugh

you know, with the lighthearted preview in 77 you basically told us nothing bad was going on much past the first post tomorrow. huh So now the biggest question is *what* is going to happen and not is LnC's biggest issue still whether or not they cuddle tonight blush

Did any of Clark's cousins talk behind their back?

Michael jump
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 11:05 AM
"I'm not quite sure where the little guy is right now
Carol, do you know how much you scared me with that? It suddenly occurred to me that the shindig would be the perfect time and place to kidnap Christopher - just send in a handsome young man or woman and let them pretend to be somebody's new boyfriend or girldfriend! And then they could just calmly carry little Christopher away!!!! rotflol

And how lovely is this?

Clark was lying right behind me, one arm wrapped around my stomach holding me close to him.

He *never* did that.

Well, not *never*, but never on nights when I was wearing a nightgown.

We'd found ourselves waking up closer together more often – once every other week or so. I refused to think about what that might mean except that we didn't hate each other anymore. A few times, I'd even found myself behind him, his back against me, my arm around him, holding him, my hand resting on his stomach or his arm.

I sighed and forced myself to stop thinking about what it was like to feel his warm skin...
They are spooning!!!! Aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! shock

Loved your story - as usual. clap
And now even evil-Mr.-A-plot is rearing his ugly head again... eek Can't wait to see how Lois and Clark deal with Navance.
Posted By: In4Adventure Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 02:13 PM
I just came home from vacation. Thank you so much for the medication you sent me so I didn't have to suffer from withdrawals. laugh

I had to check to boards as soon as possible and was delighted to find several more parts, which I read at once.

I am so relieved that Lois and Clark finally had that conversation. Clark really needed to hear what Lois had to say (even if she didn't tell all) and it is good to see that it helped and they are both friends again. I am not giving up hope that eventually they will be more than just friends. But for now I am happy they are at least that. thumbsup

The family reunion was great! Too bad that wasn't a real kiss, would have been perfect...

I am relieved that Lana didn't see her picture in Clark's wallet when they ran into each other. It was time they met again. I can't believe Clark is still holding out hope to get back together with Lana. She is with someone else, she believes he is in love with Lois. He really needs a good slap on the head to come to his senses. :p

Maybe that letter will do it. I had almost forgotten about Navance. Yikes! Thankfully I won't have to wait long to read the next parts. wave
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 02:26 PM
And then? Who's Clark talking to in the second preview, Jonathan?
No, that would be Tim.

who loved the Arkansas cousins
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 04:19 PM
Well Im back.... Whew i was relived that nothing else happen between Lana (ms thang) and Clark. Where is the nail bitting icon when needed.
Very good parts Carol. thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: AmyPrime Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/25/08 04:23 PM
I empathized with Lois on the parade of complicated relatives. The Smallville party was definitely enjoyable.

Jonathan had a brother named Harry, if you like that better: http://tinyurl.com/5co9n4 (had to use tinyurl because the original link has parentheses in it)
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/26/08 02:04 AM
Hi Carol,

I'm glad that Clark has finally come to his senses, and that he and Lois are now friends.

I just hope that soon he'll realize they could be more than just friends. smile

But Navance is back, and perhaps a scare about Christoper's or Lois' safety might just give him the wake up call he needs.

Yours Jenni
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/26/08 03:58 AM
I'm also glad Lana didn't see her photo in Clark's wallet. Are you going to get Lois to see it? frown Although Clark claims to have hidden it well, hmmm

So what's in the threat letter?

I loved Lois and Clark's flying adventures smile

After Lana's encounter with Clark... I'm feeling very sorry for Lana... for no fault of hers, she's suffering so much. I hope she finds happiness and Clark gets to see her happy with *someone else*..? That might be a good thing...or...

loving it... thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 74 and 75/? - 11/26/08 07:41 AM
Hey guys! Look for the next two here pretty soon smile .

Lieta - hehe I thought those were fun wink .

Terry - we'll see who he's talking to - obviously. You're right - without being friends marriage can be very hard, if not near impossible. I think her heartrate would have sped up regardless or that Clark would have taken it to be just excitement from the whole thing. And yes, it's tomorrow now wink .

Lisa - hehe!

Karen - the family reunion sounds so fun, doesn't it?! I wish I had a family like that...

JD - Don't shirk your work... The Lana photo is very well hidden - only those with x-ray vision can see it.

Michael - I don't know that I'd call it 'light hearted' and it could be conversation within the midst of bad stuff...

Ann - I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. The bodyguards are there and are keeping a very close eye on the little guy so Lois and Clark can enjoy themselves. I giggled at the cousins too. And hey - there's no siblings coming *any* time soon...

Mellie - thank you smile .

Natascha - Glad I could help smile . There were a few small changes that I made after I sent it to you, but nothing big. Glad you had extra when you got back - hope the trip went well!

Elisabeth - hehe - I still did too!

Lovesuper - Ms. Thang... May have to use that...

Amy - thank you for the link. May have to use some of that [and since we upgraded our internet, my computer can do wikis again!]

Jenni - so glad to still have you!

AnKS - it's very well hidden... I do feel sort of sorry for Lana too - none of it's her fault - except for being cruel to Lois [which is understandable I think]...

More on the way...
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