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Posted By: anonpip FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/21/08 04:59 PM
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/21/08 05:11 PM

I loved that little ending =)


And congratulations on a completed fic!
Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/21/08 05:24 PM

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/21/08 06:14 PM
Nicely done. I enjoyed the story. It was a fun read during the entire run. Your characters remained true to who you designed them to be. They were Clark and Lois, but not quite, yet easily recognisable.

At first I thought that Lois 'came to' her Clark a bit too easily and quickly, but then I realized that this was a Lois who wasn't quite as 'damaged' and who was saved from some of the confusion and conflict by not having to actually deal with a two-sided triangle. There really were two men in her life and she just needed to figure out which one she wanted without the subliminal confusion of falling for two versions of the same guy.

The fact that the man she chose will now become a Superman in reality is just a bonus for her.

All in all, a good story, I look forward to more.

Tank (who only has one real problem; that this worlds Clark's off hand comment about liking Lois' hair long might interfere with his Lois' achieving her most attractive state)
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/21/08 06:29 PM
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/21/08 06:45 PM
Hello, Nancy.

I admit, your final chapter addresses some of the concerns I had.

But I would still like to write a squeal based on Superman's universe.
There are lots of things to address

- missing the other Clark's friendship

- his guilt over his infidelity. Like Lois and other audience said, it's believable. But Clark has a very big guilt complex and I think it would take him a lot longer than that to FORGIVE HIMSELF. (I understand this because I also have a very big guilt complex.)

- getting back to his normal life. Even though he missed it, he is now used to being Superman full-time. Now he has to start being Clark again (in front of other people besides Martha and Jonathan and Clark)

These are the issues I'd like to address in a squeal. I won't be working on it until I'm done with "A Box of Swiss Chocolates," but that should be in about a week or so.

Would you like to beta it to makes sure I honor your characters, Nancy? Or like you said before, you'd rather not because your tired of them?
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/22/08 03:20 AM
What a great ending, Nancy! And Superman got to be lunkhead till the very end and Lois told him exactly what she thought of it. And while it was perfectly sweet how she explained to to Clark's Lois why she forgiving him and stuff, I can't help but imagine her telling Lois: "And get rid of him after all the effort spent in housetraining him?" laugh

BTW: if I assume a 20K average, you story will be among to 10 longest fics in the archives, so not that many other, longer stories out there clap

Thanks for the awesome ride, Michael
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 62 - 11/23/08 12:42 PM

I have to admit to being a little afraid of getting responses telling me that this was an awful ending, I'd missed a bunch of stuff, etc. So thank you!!

Tank - I have to admit - I must have such a strong inner parellel between short haired Lois and you that I thought of you when I wrote that part of the story.

My thought is that, at least in my experience, there is a tendency during the early part of a relationship to like just about everything about the other person. In a good relationship, that fades (well, I guess it fades in all relationships), but it does mean that right now, Clark likes Lois with long hair for no good reason except that Lois has long hair. He may change his mind later.

And let's face it - if Lois decides she wants to cut it later, she's not the type of woman to decide not to just because Clark once told her he preferred it long.

Sara - Definitely feel free to write a sequel. I'd be happy to beta it - I'm over writing this universe, but I'd certainly want to read a sequel, so I'd be happy to beta as well.

And interestingly, the one sequel idea my husband mentioned I think would still fit after your sequel, so perhaps by the time you finished yours, I'll have written another. (Of course, this requires me to finish Breaking Up at some point and since I haven't written a word of it for days now, that looks unlikely...)

Michael - the housetraining comment made me laugh. I so wish I had thought of it!!

And thanks for letting me know that about the length of the story (your length estimates appears to be about right). It makes this feel like a bit more of an accomplishment. Sad, isn't it?
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