Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mishmishat Family Tree (1/?) - 11/19/08 12:00 PM
Hello!! wave I've got this story in my head for a while, and I just decided to write it an hour ago.. so this hasn't been beta-read, so all faults you find are my own.

This story is next generation, and I hope you like the way I made the characters to be.

Please dear reader tell me what you think and tell me if I should continue with this. I'd really appreciate feedback with this since I'm really hesitant in posting this. plus I don't know what I think about the title...

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and the like, yada yada yada. please don't sue me.


Family Tree (1/?)

"Now Herb caught me to the punch, didn't he? Bringing one of the kids here," says Tempus while bending over him so they can see each other from eye level.

"Which one are you?" he asks him again. I look at him with concern and try to move a little, but they've got me pretty tight. Five men are holding me with a couple of men hovering over them with guns pointing at me. He's not being careless anymore.

"You've got the wrong guy; I don't know what you're talking about." He was always good at hiding it. He got it from his mother. I turn my head to look at her and they've got her tied up in the corner on the floor with one man standing nearby.

"Is that so? Well, I just have to check for myself, if you don't mind." He says casually as he walks to one of the twelve men standing behind him and taking a gun from one of the mens' hip.

Oh god, I know what he's thinking. I've been worried about this the whole time. Please don't do what I think you're doing. I squirm trying to loosen their hold on me so that I can do something, anything to stop what's about to happen.

One shot goes off. Another shot goes off. I'm screaming silently, and my body quivers with every echo of a bullet till there's only silence. When I hear a sigh, I lift my head to see the reactions.

I see him still there, sitting in the same position he was sitting on, behind him there are two men on the floor, and obviously they got hit when the bullet bounced off. They're being taken away groaning of pain while being dragged off somewhere. Good riddance I say.

I look at Tempus trying to see his reaction, but he has his back to me with his gun at his side.

"Definitely got the right guy..."

I've heard all the stories, but when I look at him. He seems like such a normal guy. There's nothing evil about him. Maybe that's what makes him dangerous. Plus I've heard that he's very smart and calculates every move and every consequence that might happen.

He turns around and walks towards me, with a pleasant look. Like this is just an ordinary day and that life is full of rainbows and kittens. I feel sick.

"Hello," he says as he stops a few feet away from me. He gives the guy holding my left arm a nod, when all of a sudden everyone lets me go. I give the guy a glare and turn to Tempus waiting for him to start.

"I'm really sorry about this, but if you cooperate with us and make no trouble. Then everything is going to be fine and dandy." he gives me a friendly smile.

"What do you want?" I demand. I don’t want anything to do with him; I just want to get this over with.

"I just came over here to introduce myself. I'm Tempus" he says while holding out his hand.

"I know who you are," I say not taking his hand. This is all part of his plan to get something. I'm not stupid and he needs to know it.

"Yes, I'm sure you do, but I don't believe I know your name…" his hand still out waiting for me to tell him my name with a friendly smile which I'm sure is fake.

"It's Amy." while looking at him in the eye. He's not the only one who can lie and fake his way to knowing things.

His smile falls and looks at me with steely eyes, "No it's not." He tells me matter-of-factly.

He walks to me until we're inches apart with a glare and whispers fiercely, "Mrs. Kent, I would like to make this easy for you, and I don't want to use physical violence to get what I want. So please tell me what your actual name is, so we can move on."

After a brief pause I say, "Amy,"

Blinking a few times he takes a few steps back. At the corner of my eye, I can see that he sat up straight in his chair with a look of alarm in his eyes. He's always been protective of me. It's probably one of the reasons that made me fall in love with him.

"Very well," says Tempus and looks at a man standing near him leaning on something on the table.

"Open it." These two simple words would be the death of me. When I see what he was referring to, my blood turns cold.

Holding his gaze I try to figure out what he's thinking. After a few seconds he breaks eye contact and turns to look at him, where he's still sitting in the chair angrily staring at him.

"Ahohoh! Well Herby wasn't playing fair when he brought you here, was he? Don't you think Nicole?" he asks while turning to look at me again. He must feel really happy now that he knows who we are. He must've been really bored if he'd studied us this well.

"Tie him." he says while giving me a dismissive look. In front of me I can see one guy going to him hesitantly and taking his hand, while another goes and takes his other hand behind his back. He sits back and looks at them with amusement. "Don't hurt yourself."

They do some things for a couple of minutes until they're satisfied with their work, and the whole time he's looking at me with a look I know well.

I turn my head and look at his mother. She's definitely shocked; first he shoots him, and he doesn't die, next he calls me Mrs. Kent. Then the punch line comes and he brings out the Kryptonite and he's not writhing in pain. I'm surprised she's not having a nervous breakdown at this moment.

All this time, Tempus is standing over him waiting for the henchmen to finish their job. After they're done he thanks them and squats in front of him.

"Now that we've got out of the way, it's nice to finally meet you CJ"

CJ scoffs and turns his head to look at the TVs hanging on the wall. They all have news networks on, and half of them have superman on it where he's currently on a rescue that looks like it's going to take him a while to fix. He probably knew that so he would have us all to himself. What a rat!

"No, it's true. I've always wanted to meet the strongest son of the Kent clan. I'm a huge admirer. To be honest, I'm quite nervous." says Tempus.

"Oh? Well, how about you tell me what I can do for you to make you comfortable. I wouldn't want you to be nervous and doing something you'll regret when you have my family hostage." That's another thing he inherited from his mother.

"How about we skip the pleasantries and start the show?" says Tempus while standing up and not waiting for an answer. He turns to me and gives them a nod.

"Let's rock and roll."

All of a sudden the ground falls beneath me and I'm being held by the men. Everyone's holding either an arm or a leg or my neck. If I just relax then I wouldn't fall only if they let go; they're holding me securely. Mind you, that doesn't stop me from thrashing around and trying to get away and shrieking.

They're all holding me. One takes my neck and another one put something over my mouth and nose. I realize instantly what it is and hold my breath. It's a type of tranquilizer that will make you pass out for a period of time when you inhale. As I keep thrashing and moving my limbs trying to get away, I lift my neck upwards and see CJ pulling on his ropes with a look of panic on his face.

I can't inhale. I need to not inhale. I don't know what to do.

I look at him to tell me what to do "eeeeeaaaaaaay" comes out my muffled cry. I can't breathe.

"Just take a deep breath. It's okay." One of the men starts telling me with a soothing voice.

I twist my head again to look at CJ, and I'm starting to black out.

"Baby, breathe. Please. It's okay. It's gonna be okay. I promise."

I hold my breath a little while longer, but then I realize they are ready to stand like this for ages. Giving up the battle I take a deep breath.

Then everything is black.

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