Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: anonpip A Triangle with Three Sides (57/62) - 11/15/08 02:51 PM
A great big thank you to the best betas ever – Beth, Mark, and Carol!

From Chapter 56

What if he was supposed to be with the Lois here? He supposed that might lead to Utopia, too. Would it ruin Utopia in his universe for him to disappear? Or was it just the ideals and progeny that were important so he was not needed there anymore?

How could that be, though? How could he meant-to-be with this Lois now? It felt so forced and…. But that was a lie. It did not feel forced with her. It felt more real with her than it ever had with his wife when he was Superman. He had let this Lois see him as a person. He had been a person around her.

So, it felt natural and right with her. More than with his wife? He just did not know. He wished he could remember enough to know the answer to that, but all the memories he had left were snippets and most seemed to feature this Lois now anyway.

If he was supposed to be with this Lois, what would that mean for this Clark?

With a sigh, he turned east. It had been awhile since he had looked for cracks in the touristed sections of the Great Wall.

Chapter 57

“Is he here?” Clark asked as he entered the farmhouse.

“Superman?” Martha guessed. “Not yet.”

“I don't think he's coming,” Clark said as they made their way into the living room where Jonathan was already sitting reading the paper.

“Why not? We haven't seen any big Superman rescues,” Jonathan said motioning to the television which was on mute, but showed LNN footage.

“I think he's avoiding me.”

“Why would he do that?” Martha asked.

“He kissed her.”

“He kissed who?” Jonathan asked.

“Lois. They're dating now,” Clark said bitterly. “Am I supposed to be happy? She's not with Luthor – she turned down his proposal. And that is a good thing, but… this?”

“Oh, honey,” Martha said, getting up from her seat to join Clark on the couch to put an arm around him.

“Do you think he did this in his universe?” Clark asked. “Dated Lois to keep her away from Luthor? But why wouldn't he tell me? I mean he told me about the clone and the Planet break-in. How could he not tell me that he was going to date Lois to keep her away from Luthor?

“Actually, he couldn't have done this in his universe. He said his Lois accepted Luthor's proposal. Lois turned Luthor down.” Clark continued. “And how can he date her and not tell her about himself? How can he date her when he's married? I just don't understand.”

Martha and Jonathan exchanged a look. “What?” Clark asked.

“Well, when Superman told us about his life he definitely mentioned dating Lois for a little while before he told her about the dual identity,” Jonathan said carefully.

“He dated her as Superman without telling her he was Clark?” Clark asked, incredulous.

“Ah, well, no,” Jonathan admitted. “He dated her as Clark without telling her he was also Superman.”

“But that's not what he's doing here,” Clark said. “If that was what was supposed to happen then I would be dating Lois. And it's pretty clear she's not interested in that.”

“It wasn't now,” Martha added quietly. “It was in about a year.”

“What?!” Clark asked. “So, you're saying he said he dated her, but that was a year from now?”

“Now, Clark,” Jonathan said. “He also said it nearly killed him to watch Lois prepare to marry Lex. Maybe he was trying to spare you that.”

“Spare me?” Clark asked. “Spare me? Dad, do you think this is fun?”

“Less miserable than watching her date Lex?” Martha suggested.

“No!” Clark said. “Less worrisome, yes. But… it's more painful. I trusted him, Mom. I admit, I was suspicious of him at first. But then he seemed like such a nice guy and like he sincerely wanted to help. I thought he was my friend. Apart from Lois, he was my best friend. How could he do this?”

Martha rubbed Clark's back slowly, soothingly. “I don't know, Clark,” she whispered.

“But maybe it was a mistake,” Jonathan said, exchanging another glance with Martha. “Superman's been pretty lonely. He misses his wife terribly.”

“I know that!” Clark exploded, getting up from the couch. “And I feel badly for him. I do. And I appreciate all he's been doing for me. But does that mean I need to sit by and watch him date Lois?” Clark asked.

Neither Martha nor Jonathan seemed to have a response to that.

“Maybe it's time I took over as Superman full time,” Clark said.

“What?” the non-sequitor caught Martha off guard.

“Are you ready for that?” Jonathan asked.

“I don't know,” Clark answered honestly. “But I am ready for him to go home.”

“Don't rush yourself because of this,” Martha cautioned him. “It could have disastrous consequences.”

“Son, I know you don't want to hear this, but that isn't completely your choice,” Jonathan added. “If he and Lois are happy and he wants to stay…”

“I just need to stand by and watch it happen?” Clark asked.

Jonathan sighed.

“That's not quite what your father is saying, Clark. Just that you need to be prepared for the possibility,” Martha said.

“Do I have to let him keep living with me?”

“Of course not,” Jonathan said.

“I should go,” Clark said. “He's clearly not showing and Perry is on his way back to Metropolis.”

“Coming out of retirement all ready?” Martha asked with a smile.

“Well, the one good thing about Lois dating Superman is that she's not marrying Lex. She said he gave her a look when she said no that scared her – in addition to a few other things that happened while they were dating. So, she decided to look through my notes.

“She believes me now, or sort of. She still is not convinced he's one hundred percent evil, but she thinks it's likely he's not the good, beneficent man he claims to be.

“So, she suggested we call Perry to help us mount a full-scale investigation.”

“I bet Perry was happy to have a reason not go to Florida,” Jonathan said.

“Yeah,” Clark responded with a smile. “I think so, too. Anyway, I really should get home before he gets there.”

“Honey, we're so sorry,” Martha stood up to give Clark a tight hug.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said before giving his father a hug as well and heading back to Metropolis.


“Lois?” Clark asked as he came up the walk. He had seen her from the air and decided to land in an alley nearby.

“Let's nail him!” Lois said hotly from the doorstep.

“Excuse me?”

“Let's nail Lex. I want to see him come crumbling down like the Saint Francis Dam.”

“I take it something happened at LNN?” Clark asked as he unlocked his door.

“Yeah, you could say that,” Lois put her purse on the counter and moved over to the couch.

“Did Lex rescind the job offer?” Clark asked.

“No. He wouldn't do that. Too obvious. It just got changed to a different job,” Lois said with a smirk.

“What job was that? Janitor?” Clark asked with a grin.

“You know, you should go work for Lex. You could give him ideas,” Lois groused. “No, not janitor. Although, not that much better. I was moved to the editor of the news stories for the evening news. Oh, and not the first editor. The third editor!”

“They have three different people edit stories at LNN?”

“Not now they don't. They normally have two – one is a fact checker, but he checks language at the same time. They created this job just so I'd have an excuse to quit.”

“I'm sorry, Lois,” Clark said, putting a hand on her arm. “I really am.”

“I know,” Lois said. “Besides, it just adds fuel to the fire. I'm ready to get started. When is Perry getting here?”

“I'm right here, darlin',” Perry called from the doorway.

“Perry,” Lois ran towards him. “It's so good to see you.”

“It's good to see you, Lois,” Perry gave her a hug. “You too, Clark. Any word on Jimmy?”

“No,” Clark said with a shake of his head. “I haven't been able to find him yet.”

“Who you lookin' for?” came the voice from the doorway.

Clark looked up. “Jimmy!” he exclaimed. “I've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?”

“Well, first you should know that I'm not alone and the person with me should probably come inside.”

“Who's with you?” Lois asked.

Jack came out of the bushes.

“Jack!” Clark admonished. “What are you doing here?”

“I broke out of Juvie,” Jack said. “But I had to.”

Clark moved over to the door to put an arm around Jack and led him inside. “Somehow I doubt that, but please come in and explain.”


“The guy's name was Pete Black. His brother's name's John,” Jack explained. “He was bragging about planting the explosives in my apartment.”

“Anything about who hired him?” Lois asked.

“Just someone called the Boss. But I have to say a lot of the kids in Juvie seemed to know the name.”

“You still think it's Luthor?” Perry asked Clark.

Clark sighed, “I do, but I'd hate to miss the real culprit if I'm wrong just "cause we're looking in the wrong place.”

“Right,” Perry nodded his head, clearly agreeing. “So, Jimmy and Jack – find out whatever you can about this John Black. Clark and Lois – try to find out more about this Boss.”

“And you, Chief?” Jimmy asked.

“I'm going to start looking into Daily Planet finances.”

“You two can stay here tonight,” Clark said, looking at Jimmy and Jack.

“No, they can't!” Lois said.

“What?” Clark looked at her confused. Then she made a slight motion with her head towards Superman's bedroom and he realized she was right. While Superman had not come home in a few nights, he might tonight. Although, Clark doubted it now that he knew why Superman was avoiding him. “You're right, Lois. I don't know what I was thinking.”

Jack and Jimmy gave him a funny look, but Perry just got up. “That's okay. You can spend the night at my place. It'll be pretty quiet without Alice there anyway.”

“Good night,” Clark said as they headed out the door.

“I'm going to head home, too,” Lois said.

“Okay,” Clark said, wanting her to stay, but also afraid that Superman would come back while she was here and he would have to watch them together. “Good night.”

She came over to give him a hug. “That's for not saying "I told you so' all day,” she smiled at him.


This time Clark heard him landing on the balcony. He had been in the living room watching LNN – noting the lack of Superman rescues.

“You're back,” he said, looking at Superman coldly.

“I'm guessing you talked to Lois,” Superman said, his voice soft.

“Yeah,” Clark said. “She told me. So, I guess congratulations are in order. Is this what you're really here for?”

“No… Clark, I am so sorry,” Superman said.

“What?” Clark asked, getting up. Was he just supposed to tell Superman that it was okay? That he understood? “Was it a mistake? Did you just happen to fall on her so that your lips touched hers? Did you mean to say something other than "I love you'?”

Superman sat on the couch with his head in his hands. “I didn't mean to do that.”

“Well, you did,” Clark said coldly. He felt like he might be being unfair, but he could not calm down his anger. It did not matter how miserable Superman was. Did he have to understand why he would kiss Lois? “Lois thinks you're dating now. Are you?”

Superman looked up, his eyes wide with alarm. “She thinks we're dating? We're not. I… it was a mistake, Clark. Really.”

“Well, it was quite a mistake!” Clark asked coldly. “I'm sorry. I get that you miss your wife. I even get that this Lois is a lot like your wife. And I can see how you could have gotten carried away or something and kissed her. I don't like it, but I can understand it. But then not to talk to her for two days? What did you think she was going to think?”

“Did she tell Luthor we're dating?” Superman asked, his eyes showing panic.

“No,” Clark said. “She's not stupid.”

“I know she's not. But she is a little blind when it comes to Luthor,” Superman said.

“Not anymore. You're little stunt meant she called off the wedding,” Clark said.

“I know. I saw them talking. That's a good thing, right?”

“What? Am I supposed to thank you for that?” Clark asked. “Was that some sort of favor you were doing for me?”

“No,” Superman said, hanging his head again. “That's not what I meant.

“I need to go talk to her. Let her know we're not dating.” He stood up and moved over to the balcony.

“That's it?” Clark asked.

“I need to fix this,” Superman said. “Then I can come back here and you can hate me some more.”


“Superman,” Lois said in pleasure when she heard his arrival at the window. She got up and walked over to where he was standing in her entryway. “Where have you been?” she asked him.

“Lois, we need to talk,” Superman said.

“I know,” Lois smiled. “Come in.” She moved over to the couch and sat down. Superman stood near the window awkwardly for a moment, but then joined her.

“I know we didn't talk about telling people,” Lois said, snuggling up to his side. Superman stiffened, but did not seem to move away. “And I realize I can't go around telling everyone, but I did tell Clark. I mean, I figured as your roommate, he'd find out anyway.”

“He's in love with you, Lois,” Superman said softly.

“I know,” Lois replied. It was so sweet of Superman to care about Clark's feelings, but he clearly did not know Clark as well as she did. “And I feel badly about that, but I know Clark will understand. He's friends with both of us. He'd want us both to be happy. And he knew I loved you. I'd told him. I'm guessing if you knew he was in love with me, then you had talked about it?” Lois asked, but speaking before he could answer, she finished, “So, you must have told him that you're in love with me, too.”

For a moment Lois thought about that. Clark and Superman were both in love with her. Plus, even if she was not sure he was sincere, Lex had pretended to be. What had happened with the universe? When had she gotten so popular?

“I didn't tell him,” Superman said, drawing her out of her thoughts. He moved his arm gently out of her grasp and got up. “Lois, I…”

He looked so sad, she was sure he was feeling sorry for Clark. Getting up she moved over to him and covered his lips with her own before he could finish his thought. “Let yourself be happy,” Lois whispered. “Clark will understand.”

For a moment, neither spoke at all while lips caressed lips, but then Superman pulled himself away. “I have to go,” he said, his voice a ragged whisper.

“Okay,” Lois said. “Come back when you're done.”


What was he doing? If there had ever been a hope of Clark forgiving him before, it was gone now. He had meant to go there to let her know they were not dating. That had been his only intention, but he could not seem to get any words past hers and then when her lips had met his…

He was an awful person. When had he turned into this? How could he have let himself do this? Even if he was ever allowed to go home, his wife would not want him anymore. How could she? He was only a hollow farce of the man she had fallen in love with.

“Is she okay?” Clark asked, and in astonishment Superman realized he had gone back to the apartment.

Superman nodded his head. “I didn't tell her…”

“What?!” Clark asked, and the compassion that had been on the younger man's face disappeared in an instant. “How could you not tell her? Were you lying to me?”

“No,” Superman insisted. “I meant to tell her. But then she kept talking and I couldn't… It was hard to do. And then when she kissed me…”

“What?” Clark asked quietly, his voice full of recrimination. “When she kissed you, what?”

“I forgot myself,” Superman answered in a quiet voice.

“You kissed her again?” Clark asked.

Superman nodded.

“Well, that certainly is not the same as letting her know you're not dating, is it?” Clark said. “You know, I was trying to understand before, but I can't understand this. You are not at all who you made yourself out to be.”

With that, Clark moved to his bedroom, slamming his door shut behind him.
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