Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 06:34 AM
FDK goes here smile .

Posting schedule [ET]:

Saturday: Chapters 58 and 59, 10-11am

Monday: Chapters 60 and 61, 1-3pm

Wednesday: Chapters 62 and 63, 1-3pm

Thanks smile .

Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 07:39 AM
Noooooooooo! Get back here right now with additional chapters. These chapters were way too short. In light of that I think you should post the next 2 sections
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 08:06 AM
*wince* Ouch. This isn't good.
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 08:34 AM
ahhhhhhhhh! you had me soooo excited, carol, you trying to kill us?
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 09:43 AM
What's the matter with him? [Linked Image]

He looked me in the eye
Careful not to rest his full weight on my stomach, he lowered himself until he could kiss me
He didn't say anything as he shifted to lie next to me and he ran his hand over my abdomen again
He looked at her, he was conscious enough to know that she's pregnant and still he called her 'Lana'? [Linked Image] Does he sleep with his eyes open? Is he a sleep-walker (or sleep-talker/sleep-kisser)? In the cabin he was in a kryptonite-induced delirium. What is the excuse now? I didn't get it. razz I thought that finally he'd decided to get over his crush on Lana after her spiteful email and would try to be nicer to Lois. But the light at the end of the tunnel was a train in the wrong direction. [Linked Image]

Is it Saturday yet? [Linked Image]
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 09:57 AM
Give me some additional gremlins of frustration! Or otherwise these will have to do:

razz mad razz mad razz mad

Clark deliberately forgot Lois's birthday? Out of spite? He was just all grumpy, but then he started kissing Lois, and I thought, wow, that was a quick change of heart on his part, but who am I to complain? And then he calls her Lana!!!! wallbash

Lois told him to leave her bed. Good for you, Lois. Except it wouldn't surprise me if Mr. Clark Narcissus Kent is going to leave you all on your own just when Navance turns up, and that way you will be kidnapped!!! Or maybe Navance will wait until your baby is born, and then your wallowing and sulking husband will have his baby kidnapped! Gaaaahhhh!!!!!! splat

Give me a kryptonite-reinforced boot so I can give Clark's butt of steel a good firm kick!!!

wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

"I said that feels so good, Lana."

I stilled completely and the arm he wrapped around me pulled me closer. "What's the matter, baby?"

I pushed against him with all the strength I could muster. "Get the hell out of my bed."
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Here I was going to post all good and meaningful FDK about birthdays and Lana-pictures and using heatvision to get rid of it and why Lois wouldn't just ask Clark to, well, you know and then you pulled that stunt and what's going on and you'd better get right back here, Missy.

Michael laugh
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 10:53 AM
I didn't know how many times I'd committed to do better; to be her friend, to help support her and the baby, to be a better husband even if we weren't a 'real' couple behind closed doors. I was still failing miserably.
This isn't particularly eloquent but the first thought out my mouth was, you're being a LOSER, bro!

moved to the chair before I opened the wrapper and then the box. I stared at it. "Is this a first edition?" I reverently picked up the copy of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.
...I'm shocked. Do I sense some kind of peace treaty coming?

"I said that feels so good, Lana."
Oh my God, and Jesus. I'd kick him out of my bed, too. Man, I was going to be all nice and BS, too. How cute, Lois got him a present, how cute, Clark is bonding with the baby, but nooooo.

Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 10:54 AM
You can't actually leave it there. I agree with Michael. Get back here and post some new chapters. Saturday is so far away... dizzy

Prior to this "event", there was a huge gap between Lois and Clark. After visiting Smallville, it seemed to widen. Now, after this, I have no idea how Lois can ever trust Clark again (and frankly, she really shouldn't).

Given how things are turning out, I'd say Lois is better off dealing with this wacko on her own and dumping Clark.

For a person who's normally puzzled about Lois' behaviour, I'm really puzzled with Clark's behaviour. Can't wait to see how you get us liking Clark again. I wonder if that's possible.
Posted By: In4Adventure Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 10:58 AM
Ouch! <wince>

You know it seemed a little out of character or at least like a very sudden chance of attitude but still I was hoping that maybe Clark would finally follow through with his promises to be there for her. I was hoping it would be his birthday present for her after she so thoughtfully came up with a late one for him. But NO! No such luck. mad

You have 30 hours before I am leaving for vacation, please put this right!!!!

BTW, you forgot one Jeremy in there.
I decided that I needed to move another direction with my thoughts or I'd be back to thinking about Lana and Jeremy.
I still don't understand why he is no Jeremy anymore. I think it fits...

Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 11:37 AM
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smile1 and...and...you eek and then evil person you!

Posted By: sjp Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 11:39 AM
Argh!! You can't leave it like that, getting my hopes up, dashing them and then just leaving us hanging. No fair!!! mad dizzy
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 12:23 PM
Yeah - I'll admit to being kinda pissed at him too when he decided that's what he was going to do.

He [and I] waffled on whether to go with Lana or Baby [which he always called Lana] again. Ultimately, went with Lana.

That said... Nano is progressing VERY well [though I won't have much time today to write] and as soon as it's done, I'll get this thing finished and up the posting schedule. Until then, however, you must wait till Saturday wink .

Oh and the Jeremy thing... Alisha protested violently over Jeremy wink . So I told her to rename him. She came up with about a million names and we settled on 'Tim' earlier this week laugh .

Yes, I protested very violently - I chained myself to railings and everything! wink But, on a slightly more serious note, I apologise if my request to change the name 'Jeremy' has caused anyone any problems and heartache, this was never my intention.
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 01:03 PM
First of all, I highly doubt Clark was meliciously calling Lois Lana. He was probably half asleep and called her that because he was thinking of Lana.

Of course whatever the case, it had to hurt Lois terribly, so I completely agree with her telling him to get out.

And all WAFFs aside(which I like as much as as the next reader, especially about Lois and Clark)I'm glad that they didn't start to solve their problems this quickly. It would have seemed forced to me. (Like "I have to love the baby, so I suppose I should try to love Lois, too.) And that is not the right way to go, particularly with so little thinking about LOIS on Clark's part earlier.
Ouch. What else is there to say? Did I mention 'ouch'? grumble
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 02:00 PM
*shakes head*

That's my only reaction to Clark's behavior because I'm speechless. First the birthday thing, and then the 'Lana' misnomer. Not good, Clark. Not good at all.

They are still acting like strangers, or at the least acquaintances who don't like each other very much. This type of relationship is not helpful, even from Navance and would-be kidnappers. Let's say Lois does get in trouble... Clark would probably be off sulking on an iceberg at the time.

While I'm glad he's thinking about his behavior, he's not acting on his musings enough for my liking. His 'woe is me' act needs to either put up or shut up. There's only so long that one can live in the past and dwell over choices made. Lois was the first to breach the divide with the (very thoughtful) birthday gift. Petty, indeed! At this rate, Lois should just make him the nanny since that's where he's likely to be sleeping.

I know the kissing (et al.) was too fast/early to have been meaningful, but it would have been nice for them to have the added problem of intimacy. Tangible proof of compatibility, maybe?

That was a nice place to end the chapter... but not a nice place to leave us hanging!! We need chapter 58, stat!

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 02:40 PM
I think Clark or at least a part of him is blaming Lois for this situation - being married, working, being forced to tell someone one's biggest secret, Lana and Tim...etc. etc. There's no other way I can explain Clark's actions and reactions...

While dreaming of Lana in bed is to a certain extent understandeable, though very wrong (and BIG minus points for him) ...I don't understand his pettyish b'day gift thing. I hope he too buys Lois a belated present.

I just wonder what kind of a lunkhead is he who thinks that there is still a future with Lana after his "my baby" speech. Although to be fair Lana's email says enough to give him hope... "I won't wait, but we can still be together if you divorce Lois." At this point Clark and Lana deserve each other. mad

You know I was thinking... if it turns out the baby is Clark's he's going to have one helluva guilt trip. I just hope his Lois avoidance does not extend to the baby, irrespective of whether the baby is his or not.

Also I am a bit afraid after this incident... it seems that Lois is willing to give "them" a chance but Clark is living in the past. It could be that by the time Clark comes to his senses and decides to invest in his relationship with Lois... it might be too late.. Lois could either have given up or moved on. Although once again to be fair, Clark's previous relationship was a lot more serious than Lois' so it follows that he wuld take more time... assuming ofocurse that Lois and Clark end up together in this story thumbsup

(am sad... away without Internet for 10 days... but then I'll get atleast 6 parts at a stretch when I return laugh )
Posted By: AmyPrime Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 03:17 PM
Dang! I figured Lois was having a fantasy dream, but nope, that's going to be a nightmare... especially for Clark. smile
What is WRONG with Clark???

ARGGHHHHH!!! wallbash

I don't think I've been ready to slam my fist into the computer after the ending of so many parts. How can you do this to us Carol??

Why is Clark holding on so tightly to the idea of Lana, even when she herself has sent an email saying she is moving on???

I was a little taken aback by how petty he was over not getting Lois a present... that was just.... weird. Is there something about Clarks insecurities you're not telling us?

I am also surprised Clark hasn't offered to whip Lois away to Smallville or Thailand or something for the week Navance visits.... I doubt even a new security system is going to stop a facist dictator from getting what he wants.
Did Mindy really just roll over and leave that easily? I'm finding that pretty strange too....

I just have too many questions....
And Saturday is only in 15 hours here.... *evil grin*
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 07:14 PM
Well, you know I've read the Bible, so let me quote the Bible now!

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
This is from 1 Corinthians 13, and Paul the apostle is talking about how faith, hope and love are the three things that let a person into the Kingdom of Heaven. He also praises love as the greatest of these three 'keys to Heaven'. But let's imagine that Paul was talking about love between a man and a woman here on Earth. Note the significance that this statement takes on:

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.
Well, Clark is still being childish, isn't he? He hasn't been able to give up his Lana fantasy - and it is a fantasy. How often does a boy end up happily married ever after to the girl he fell in love with when he was six? I'm not saying that it has never happened, but it must be a rare occurrence indeed.

Now let's look at this:

For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
Clark, you keep prophesying to yourself and to Lois too about how you will leave her in five years. Well, you only know in part, Buster.

but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears
Well, here is where Clark remains stubbornly knowledge- and sight-challenged. Perfection, at least the kind of perfection that comes along on this Earth, has already come to him in the shape of Lois. But he desperately hangs on to the dream of the imperfect, Lana.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror
That is what Clark does! He is seeing Lois and Lana as if he saw their reflections in a fun house mirror:


The distorting mirror makes Lana look perfect, but Lois comes out looking wrong, precisely because she isn't Lana.

then we shall see face to face.
Clark is unable to really see when he is looking at Lois and Lana face to face. He can only see their funhouse reflections.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
But one part of Clark already knows in full, and that is his heart. But Clark won't listen to his heart.

Listen to your heart

Clark is a very strong-willed young man, very principled. His mind keeps insisting that he is in love with Lana, and he keeps wallowing because he believes it. But sometimes his mind is stilled, and his heart can see clearly. And that is when he loves Lois so much.

Apparently, she'd decided that this was the night to do the whole 'we're married' pajama thing. In that second, I noted that she was wearing a black satin gown that fell to nearly the floor and that she had a matching robe wrapped around her. She was reaching for her bathrobe and she put that on as well. She was probably as uncomfortable with it as I was, but it was necessary.

Was it possible that she was expecting some reaction? After all I'd told her that it was possible that we'd... I made myself think it. Make love someday.
Clark's mind is unimpressed with Lois's 'married pajamas'. But his heart is not.

I headed towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.
The young husband, so in love with his wife, has just seen her in a stunning new nightie. He goes to the bathroom to take a shower. And then we know what must follow next.

It made sense they would think that Lois and I would have our own... celebration later, an... initiation of sorts for our new room.
Clark even knows that others expect thim to make love to Lois on this particular night.


I hadn't let myself think about her like that in a long time, but a sudden vision of her in front of a fireplace came to me. She wasn't wearing anything then as I looked down at her. I closed my eyes and tried to will the image away. When I opened them again, instead of Lana in front of the fire, it was Lois lying there with me.
Clark has thought of Lana, imagining her before a fireplace, all naked. And then he opens his eyes and sees Lois.

But something happens inside him when he is longing for Lana and looking at Lois. His mind doesn't know that it is Lois he really longs for, but his heart knows it.

And as for what almost happened at the end of part 57, I feel you just gave us a glimpse of what really happened that night in the cabin, Carol. Clark's heart saw Lois lying naked next to him after having saved his life. His heart overflowed not only with gratitude, but also with love and with a soft, gentle, but growing desire. And he kissed her sweetly, unaware of what he was really doing, just as he was unaware of what he was really doing now in part 57, even though he wasn't suffering from hypothermia. And then as now, Lois's love for Clark made her respond to him.

Please make the lunkhead see face to face soon and know fully!

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 11:29 PM
Delightful end point. The end of this section hit me much the same way the second part of Crimson did, sucker punch.

Protest all you want it is clear this is the Clark Kent of the Smallville mythos.

Originally posted by TOC:
Well, you know I've read the Bible, so let me quote the Bible now!
If you are going to quote scripture than I think it fair to do it back.

“The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

This Clark is fixated on loving Lana and protecting Lois and as a result is screwing up both. He is clearly limping upon two opinions.

“How long will YOU be limping upon two different opinions?" (1 Kings 18:21)

Regardless of what he might feel for Lois he is going to beat himself up about Lana and anything that happens to her.

So what bad thing is going to happen next?

Oh and I take back any bits about Clark finding out the baby is his. Now I think it would be better if he finds out when the kid begins to develop powers.

Knowing it is Clark's child would only add one more barrier at this point. Besides there is no way he can dig himself out of the hole he's dug in less than a decade.
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/13/08 11:31 PM
I think I had a dream that the baby was his...my mind is working way too overtime with finals...

Knowing it is Clark's child would only add one more barrier at this point. Besides there is no way he can dig himself out of the hole he's dug in less than a decade.
I agree. I think he'll be grey–haired before he can make amends, BUT, he might stop being a loser and be more interested in the baby and Lois' health if he had a genetic tie to it...

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/14/08 07:55 AM
I have to take you to task on this one. There are some things in this part that don't match the character of the Clark that you have formed for us. I'm not saying that he doesn't match the Clark of canon; I'm saying that he isn't acting like the Clark you have portrayed for us.

So far your Clark has never lied. He might have omited things, but he has carefully never told lies, even though it makes him sound smart alecky.

While I understand that people act differently sometimes when they're depressed, normally they don't exchange one set of values for another. Your Clark values honesty more than canonical Clark. I can't see canonical Clark as telling a lie without at least crossing his fingers and being swamped with guilt. I find your Clark telling a lie as being even more out of character. Not only do you have Clark lieing about the birthday present, but you also don't have him feeling anything but mild embarassment about it. I don't buy it.

PS You know that I only cricize stories that I like. If I don't like it I just quietly quit reading. However, I think this one has enormous potential.
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/14/08 11:54 AM
Hi Carol,

I'm sorry, but I've lost all patience with Clark.

He's not just acting like a teenager, he's acting like a sulky five-year old. He really is blaming Lois for all his problems, yet, as I said before, she didn't ask him to marry her.

Not only is he spiteful in not buying her a birthday present, he commits the cardinal sin of insulting her by attempting to make love to her and then calling her Lana! The fact that he's asleep doesn't excuse him, in my opinion, because his subconscious is only acting out what his conscious mind is brooding over.

He has to get over himself soon and start acting like a responsible teenager, if he can't be an adult.

Of course, what I'd really like to see in the next part is that the whole episode was Lois' dream and Clark really didn't act like a total lunkhead ... actually, in this case, lunkhead doesn't quite cover his behaviour.

As you see, Carol, you've really got me involved with this story, but I hope that fairly soon, I'll be cheering for Clark and not wanting to shake some sense into him.

Yours Jenni
Okay, the whole kicking theme got me going...

/jumps up and down

May I kick Clark, too? Please? Pwetty Pwease? jump
[Linked Image]

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 56 and 57/? - 11/15/08 10:22 AM
Okay - I just posted the next two and then remembered I hadn't fully responded here smile .

Robinson - um they're posted now wink .

Karen - Yep. Ouch...

Sarah - so sorry. No, not trying to kill you... wink

Andreia - Sleep kisser /giggle/ Yes it is Saturday. /whistles innocently/

Ann - How do you really feel? wink Found the I Cor. 13 stuff interesting too [think it's the first time I've Bible quotes in a FDK thread...]. Clark will grow up. I promise.

Michael - love the shoes... And I'm not Missy. Though I did talk to her for like 45m yesterday...

JD - Clark is being a loser and he does realize that - but, as my pastor says, 'in order for change to happen, the pain of staying the same has to exceed the pain of change'. Often, change hurts. Often, staying the same hurts. If staying the same hurts more than changing, then change happens. Clark's not there yet frown . Though I think Michael [and Alisha really wink ] might find some Kryptonite that would make the changing seem real appealing... [from farther down] I've had fic dreams before. I think ML's last one caused several...

Grinch - As for why... some of it's coming up in what I just posted.

Natascha - Have fun on your vacation! But you're already gone! Hope you're enjoying your present [that's really for all of you so you know that she got a bit of a preview since she's OOT and she probably won't read this since it'll be on like page 3 by the time she gets back... /runs for cover/]

James - I love you, too.

sjp - aww... sorry... not really...

FYI for the rest of you, Alisha has threatened Clark with Kryptonite repeatedly too...

Sara - no there was no conscious maliciousness there. He didn't realize what he said. I think he made a conscious choice to kiss her etc, but he didn't realize what he said. We've all done that, I think, when the wrong word or name or something slipped out [heck, I call my kids the wrong name 2/3 of the time, I think] but that was an especially bad time for that to happen...

Lara - /hands her a bandaid/

Sonia - See what I said above about the change thing. /whistles about the nanny thing/

AnKS - /just whistles and then moves on/ See you when you get back!

Amy - nope, not a dream, and you're probably right about Clark.

Lisamaree - No, I don't think so. I think Clark's just feeling rejected by Lana [who is, very understandably, rejecting him] and annoyed at life in general and being petty - 'the 'real' marriage thing doesn't extend to birthday gifts since she didn't get me one' kind of thing. Mindy will be back eventually.

Patrick - Um, I've seen like 3 eps of Smallville... maybe. As for the paternity revelation... that'll be a while, either way. Decade? May be long enough...

Elisabeth - yes, I know that. I hope I addressed that in the next section. I think he felt a bit on the spot and am not sure what he could have said - maybe that it 'wasn't in yet' or something [without mentioning, of course, that 'it' wasn't ordered yet...] I don't think he felt he could say he didn't get her anything and the first thing that popped into his head was that he'd left it in their room to give to her later... If you see another work around there, please let me know.

Jenni - /waves/ He will grow up and start being [at least somewhat] responsible before too long. Promise. You do know you have to hit him over the head pretty hard [with that bat of Michael's] to get any sense into him, right? Waiting [semi?] patiently [?] for more of 'My Wife'.

/points to boards/ There's more for you...
Originally posted by carolm:
And I'm not Missy. Though I did talk to her for like 45m yesterday...
Make you a deal: You stop doing those nasty cliffhanger-bits (as in: posting the whole thing continuously) and you get back to being Queen of Evil blush wink

Michael, who gently points out that torturing your prisoners isn't appropriate at all. spider
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