Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sara K M A Box of Swiss Chocolates, Part 12 - 11/12/08 03:31 PM
Thanks to those who gave me feedback. And thank's to rkn for betaing.

Here's part 12.

A Box of Swiss Chocolates

Kiley relaxed the next morning, as she ate her breakfast. She liked to have toast and orange juice for breakfast. It was actually the only meal of the day where she did not touch milk.

Mom and Dad had made good progress on their city hall corruption story, with her help. She felt good about that, although she really wished someone hadn’t attacked Dad with Kryptonite as a result. But they still got the story they had been working on for the last two months, even though they were still having trouble finishing part of the story with the illegal casino. How did that man make bail? But the city council seemed to appeared to being fixed. In fact, the voting for new council members was starting today.

Dad was okay as well. By the next morning, his powers were fine, he had told her. In fact, he had gone to assist with an oil spill clean-up on the coast. It was nothing she needed to worry about; it wasn’t that serious. But they were glad to have one superhero’s assistance.

She still had yet to get in touch with Larry since his phone call, though. Kiley was glad that they were together again, but she wasn’t quite ready to see him yet. Still, it was nice to know their relationship seemed to be on a good note. Or as good a note as it could be, considering Larry still thought Superwoman was egotistical.

Speaking of Superwoman, her hearing snapped on. What was that? “He’s crazy!” someone screamed. “Someone help!” It was coming from the city council building. What on earth was going on there? She’d better find out, she said to herself as she spun into her Superwoman costume. Especially since Dad was busy with the oil spill.

When she arrived at the city council building, everything was in chaos. People in charge of the voting attempted to get their materials together. Other people screamed. And in the center of all the action was a man with a gun. “The city council needs to be wiped out!” he cried as he shot the gun randomly.

Kiley caught the bullets in mid air and then went for the gun.

“If they’re going gamble our city funds, they should be done away with!” he continued to cry as she took his gun away from the man. She sighed. Didn’t he realize the people here today weren’t involved in the scandal? They were trying to help Metropolis find a new city council.

The police arrived and attempted to calm the people down. But the man with the gun continued to cry, “This city is better off with no government! All should be done away with!” Kiley sighed and flew him to the police station, even though he struggled against her. It sounded to her like this man needed serious mental help, but he had committed a crime, so she’d let the police decide that.

After he was taken care of, she flew back to the city council building, just to make sure the police had everything under control. Fortunately, they had. So Kiley flew home. She shrugged. Usually the people she dealt with as Superman were either victims or criminals that had little interest in obeying the law. But every now and then, she got a few that were out of touch with reality. Well, luckily, the man wasn’t her problem anymore.


A week later, Kiley thought about seeing Larry again. She wasn’t nearly as angry at him for his misconception on her family’s self-centeredness. It was something she was sure she could correct in time. And she missed him. The way he smiled at her. The way he kissed her. How well he understood and supported her artwork. How much fun he was to talk to. How great his cooking was. And let’s not forget the chocolate, she added to herself.

In fact, she didn’t have any of his chocolate left. She’d fly over to get some today, Kiley decided. That way, she could have some more Swiss chocolate and hopefully more Larry as well. Furthermore, since she knew where he lived, if he wasn’t working today, she wouldn’t need to blow up at his innocent employee, she added to herself with a chuckle.

As she spun into Superwoman, she remembered her parents’ warning about flying in Europe. She might want to take a different route, so people wouldn’t notice she was flying in the same areas all the time. But that was the best she could do. Kiley certainly wasn’t going to ignore people in trouble.

So Kiley flew off, soaring over Spain and Italy, instead of England and France. Ten minutes later, she strolled into the familiar chocolate shop. She had missed this place! The chocolates were great, she thought to herself as she picked up one of the boxes of assorted chocolates. But what she really missed about it was Larry. Everything about the Choco Bean reminded her of Larry, including her favorite chocolates.

Kiley glanced at the counter quickly. To her relief, Larry stood behind it. She smiled and walked toward him. “Hi, I, ah, got another craving for Swiss Chocolate,” she told him as she put her chocolates on the counter.

Larry’s face lit up when he saw Kiley in front of him. “Kiley! I’m so glad you’re back! Even if it is just for the chocolates.”

“Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m picky about which chocolates I buy. I’d never get them at any other store.”

“Well, remember, my store always has fresh Swiss chocolate,” he replied as he rung the chocolates up.

“That’s right, you get them in every three days at 7:00AM,” Kiley commented, remembering their first meeting.

“So, since you’re back, do you think we could see each other again soon?” Larry asked with pleading eyes.

Kiley smiled. How could she say no to him when he looked like that? “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“Hey! I’ve got a great idea! I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Zurich Street Parade, but it’s a big deal around here. It’s in another three days. Do you think we could watch it together?”

Kiley grinned. That would be a nice way to spend a date. “Yes, I think I’d like that.”

“Okay, how about we meet at my house at 9:00 AM?

She nodded, making a note to get up at 2:30AM in Metropolis so she could meet him at 9:00AM in Zurich. Then she picked up her chocolates and left the store happily. When she got home, Kiley made sure to add Larry’s wonderful sense of humor to his portrait.


Three days later, she got up at 2:30AM, right on schedule. It was a bit early, but she needed to take a shower, eat breakfast, and everything before she left.

Twenty minutes later, she was all set. She had a nice bright blue shirt with sparkles on, since she figured she may as well match today’s festive outlook. And her outfit was finished with a new par of jeans. She’d brushed her hair thoroughly and put it up as well, deciding it might be a good idea because it would probably windy.

Spinning into Superwoman, she took off happily. Hopefully there would be no appearance of her in costume today. She didn’t want to ruin the mood. But just in case, she made sure she took a different route again, this time flying past Africa.
Landing near Larry’s house, she spun back into her regular clothes. Fortunately, there had been no emergencies that warranted Superwoman’s attention. Then she happily walked over his door and knocked. Larry came to the door in seconds and grinned at her as he opened it. “Hi Kiley! Come in.”

“We should probably take something to drink with us,” Larry told her as they walked into his home. “It can get pretty hot out there with all those people. Do you want water, or soda, or lemonade or something? I have to say, this is one time where milk would probably not be a good option.”

Kiley smiled back at his teasing. “Yeah, I know what you mean. And this isn’t meal time, so milk doesn’t have the same value for me, anyway. I’ll take some water.”

Larry nodded and handed her a bottle of water, after getting out a bottle of soda for himself. “So, looks like we’re all set.”

Kiley shook her head. “No, there’s something important we need to do first.”

Larry looked confused. “What’s that? I thought I remembered everything.”

“This,” she replied, leaning over and kissing him.

Larry grinned after she finished. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. That’s important. In fact, I think we might need another one before we leave.” He leaned over and kissed her, longer this time.

Kiley laughed when they finished. “We better go or we won’t be able to get a good place to see the parade.” They grabbed each other’s hands and their beverages and set out. They walked because Larry only lived about fifteen minutes from the parade route. Furthermore, it was a relatively nice day.

They soon found a spot on the street where it looked as if they would be able to see the attractions easily. Without the addition of telescopic vision, Kiley added to herself. Looking around, Kiley wondered if she dressed too conservatively for this occasion. Many of the spectators dressed in tube-tops, halter tops, bathing suits, or even full costumes. Maybe she should have gone dressed as Superwoman. Thinking of what Larry’s reaction to that costume would be, though, she shook her head.

Larry noticed her shaking her head and asked her what was bothering her. “Well,..um…just wondering if I should have dressed differently.” That was mostly true, she thought to herself.

Larry nodded, looking at some of the other spectators as well. “Kiley, a lot of people will dress like that to get attention at an event like this. Some of them dress that way in everyday life. You don’t have to worry about looking out of place. You dressed the way you feel comfortable. And,” he added, “You already have my attention. Besides, I dressed the same way I always do, too.”

Larry was wearing a green top and a pair of jeans. Kiley grinned at him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks.”

The parade began about forty-five minutes later. The theme this year was “freedom”, so all the floats featured that in some way. Floats of local businesses, charities, and governments came down the street. Others featured Swiss folk culture, such as Hansel Gretal. Some also included pop stars. People dressed in costumes.

Around noon time, Larry mentioned there was also music available at the parade. Would Kiley like to hear it? She nodded and the eventually found one of the stages. Several singers sang about the importance of freedom, using electronic music background. It was very different, but Kiley decided she liked it. This was really a great way to spend the day, and she enjoyed herself once she relaxed. She was, however, definitely glad Larry had given her a bottle of water before they left. It came in handy. Even though heat didn’t really affect her, she still got thirsty.

They picked up a traditional Swiss salad at one of the food vendors for lunch. Kiley was really getting a taste for Swiss German cuisine, although she still enjoyed American food as well. Particularly considering when Larry cooked, he usually used American recipes. Still, she munched happily on her salad, as she continued to enjoy the festivities.

By the end of the day, Kiley was really glad she had decided to give Larry another chance. It looked like things would work out between them after all. Larry had even invited her to tour his bakery in a few days, remembering the promise he had made to her a couple of weeks ago. Kiley accepted, eager to see how her favorite chocolates were made and to learn more about Larry. They agreed to meet at The Choco Bean this time, as the bakery was the building right next door.
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