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Posted By: Lieta FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (3/30ish) - 11/10/08 08:18 PM

Very different universe we've stepped in to! I can't wait to see where it goes!
Posted By: Squirky Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (3/30ish) - 11/10/08 08:45 PM
whinging Lois Andrews . . . I quite literally yelled at the computer!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (3/30ish) - 11/10/08 11:51 PM
Wow! Lois Andrews! That's a shock, I have to say!

And yet... I like this happily married Lois and her adorable husband Chad. And I feel hopeful that Clark will be happy too, maybe with Rachel, although I agree that Rachel belongs in Smallville and Clark does not.

Goodness! I love the fact that Clark and Lois are becoming friends here, but I don't think I want to see Clark as a home-wrecker!

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (3/30ish) - 11/11/08 05:15 PM
Yeah, I thought some people might be a bit surprised by this. I'm sorry for upsetting you with the Lois Andrews bit - particularly you, Kelly. You cried? Hadn't you read this part before?? huh

And yes, Sara. This is a VERY different universe.

But Ann, I have to agree with you. I really like this Lois. By being with Chad all these years, she's sidestepped some bad experiences and is much softer for it. You'll see some things which I think are intrinsically Lois that are still the same, but lots of other things change primarily due to Lois' outlook on the world. It doesn't just change her, but also how others around her react to her.

I can promise you, I do not like the idea of Clark as a home-wrecker and so there is narry a hint of that in this fic.
Nancy, I don't know what I expected, but certainly not this. Perhaps a college story that has Lois slowly separating form Chad or what ever. And then you dropped the bomb on us. shock Lois Andrews? It's interesting to see how you mellowed Lois with marriage. I really thought I'd misread when she handed Perry the theater-piece.

And now I have no idea where you're going to take this. All I'm thinking is Twilight Zone. Twilight Zone. Twilight Zone. Twilight Zone.

/must not read part 4 right now.


PS: LnC2 are sweet together blush and apparently still eagerly in love.
Posted By: Squirky Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (3/30ish) - 11/29/08 10:52 PM
Naturally, Nancy! But I needed to express that emotion in more than just the beta-text to you! I actually yelled at the computer in the school's computer lab next to all my classmates, which was slightly embarrassing and hard to explain . . . blush I'm now betaing exclusively at home for that reason.

Surely I'm not the only one who's yelled at the computer at school/work over a fic, right?!?
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (3/30ish) - 12/01/08 09:35 AM
Michael - I know, this Lois is a bit of an unknown quantity, isn't she? I like writing her as I can get into her head better than our Lois, but she's a little less funny - I mean, sarcastic and mean, but those traits are funny on Lois.

I'm glad you like Lois and Chad together - that is what I'm going for.

Kelly - No, I doubt you are the only one to scream at your computer in the computer lab. I have a couple of embarrassing moments of doing that when I was in college and since that was before the days of real internet, it didn't happen that often (only in response to emails). Now that I've upgraded to an office, I can scream at my computer all I want. This is one of the reasons why I'm anti-social at work and keep my door closed all the time. smile
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