Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: anonpip FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/09/08 02:00 PM
Comments? Thoughts? Musings? Just about any kind of feedback will do... wink
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/09/08 04:14 PM
Wow.... interesting outcome to Vatman with the 'two' clones... and Clark wants to stop trying to hid the shift from Lois... even more interesting...

Also, nice shortcut through Fly Hard =P

Finally... poor Superman =( He's been in there at least 6-10 months, right?
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/09/08 08:35 PM
The fact that Superman is confusing this Lois with his wife is creepy. How far will that go?
What will happen to their marriage when he gets back?

Your making me nervous, Nancy! cat
Yes, the fact that Superman's memories are merging is worrisome. Is he assimilating to the current universe? Can he go back to his own, or will he be able to go back? Why is he still in Clark's universe (aside from narrative necessity, of course?) Is this going to be of significance, where Superman won't be able to go home because he won't be able to remember the way? (figuratively speaking)

As a previous poster said, he's been there for six or seven months now - it's a lonely existence. He can't be Clark Kent and have the day job at the Daily Planet because there's already a Clark Kent in that position in this universe. So he just has to be Superman (and how lonely is that?)

No wonder why his visits to the Martha and Jonathan of this world are so vital to him. What he's going through is really a deprivation experiment - deprived of his family, his love, his work - what's there for him?

Come on, Clark - get off the stick! Get moving at becoming Superman because the alternate-universe Superman needs to go home.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/10/08 07:12 PM
Thanks guys!

Sara - I think I told you Fly Hard was short. It was just more fun to write this than repeat the episode. Plus, it fits as Superman is becoming less and less interested in keeping the timeline.

If I use air dates for times, Superman has now been in Metropolis for seven months. But as air dates show no episodes shown in April (which makes sense given May sweeps), I think I may move Fly Hard to April and then he's been there for eight months.

Sara - all valid questions re: Superman's Lois/Lois confusion. Sorry, no answers from here, though. wink

IolantheAlias - Interesting theories. Aside from narrative necessity, I guess there's no real need for why Superman is still there, but then, that's the only reason he was there in the first place, right? smile

These weird memories are definitely leading to a complication. While I won't say what it is, I think you'll know it when you see it.

And I hadn't considered it before - how much of a deprivation this was for SM. I obviously see that to some degree, but you make it sound so sad. Now I feel even worse for him...
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/10/08 07:36 PM
Great part. I love how you are taking the episodes and changing them .

It is interesting that Superman is starting to ignore, somewhat, the preserving the timleline thing. I am also starting to wonder about this Superman and whether he is not quite who we think he is. More questions than answers.

Looking forward to the next part
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/10/08 07:44 PM
Robinson - I love your suspicions. You guys all have such creative ideas for what might be going on...

Well, as Michael pointed out, we're nearly done and all questions will be answered.
Nice how Superman prevented Luthor from getting hurt or causing Lois feel sympathy for him.

I'm not convinced that a mere superposition of the Loises in Superman's life is all that causes the confusion It would be too easy laugh

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 50 & 51 - 11/11/08 05:17 PM
I have to admit, Michael, it never occured to me that by saving Luthor, Superman saved Lois from sympathizing with him, but you're right. Sorry to say, I'm not sure it hurts their relationship too much...
*sigh* oh well smile Already started with 52 jump

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