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Posted By: anonpip FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 44 and 45 - 11/03/08 06:56 PM
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 44 and 45 - 11/03/08 08:16 PM
lol makeup... good idea though =)

it'll be interesting to see how this Lois and Clark's relationship weathers the aftermath of Rival... and I'm really looking forward to Vatman...

Makeup on a man? rotflol

Although I have to say I disagree with Martha's comments that Superman will "get used to it." Whenever I wear makeup, it makes my face itch and is never comfortable. That's one reason why I don't wear it anymore. It's probably just me though, because I've never heard anyone else having that problem. And Superman wouldn't have to worry about itches because he's invulerable, anyway. Whatever.

Canon Lois's treatment of canon Clark in his flashback bothered me. I'm sure this was near when she just found out, so she would still be hurt and angry. But I still don't think it was a good idea for Clark to tell her back then.
Not just for his sake but for her's too. I think one of the reasons why Lois was interested in Superman in the first place was because he was "unattainable." (Remember in "Ordinary People she says she gave her Superman crush up because he was a fantasy.) Until she was ready to persue someone attainable (Clark), she wasn't ready to know. I really think it would make her run in the other direction even harder (and longer) than she ran from Clark.

Okay, totally unpopular opinion. I know that. But I'm glad I finally got a chance to say it. smile

On the other hand, I understand Clark's desire not to tell Lois about his "undercover" plans, especially since Perry told him not to. But this is one instance where I really wished he would have told her earlier in canon. And even though things are a little different here, I think he should have told her in this case as well.

Good story. Keep it coming.
Thanks, Sara and Sara!

Glad the make-up thing made you laugh. I wasn't sure of it when I thought of it, but I needed something to make them look similar.

Sara - I think you're right, make-up won't make Superman itchy, but I think it may still bother him just cause he's not used to wearing it. (Itchy makes it sound like maybe you're allergic.) I'm thinking that while he's happy to not have to wear it when this is all over, the bothersomeness doesn't last long, though. I haven't worn make-up for years on a day to day basis and it always sort of bothers me when I put it on for special occasions the once a year or so I do. But that doesn't usually last that long before I forget it's on.

I agree with you somewhat on when Lois deserved to find out the truth about canon Clark. I've never determined when the right time would be. My thoughts vacillate between TOGOM and right after she gave up Dan (so basically right when he was planning to, except I think he should have done it rather than let the silly phone call from Jace derail his plans). No question in my mind, she should have been told before he froze her to save his parents.

But since some part of me believes that TOGOM was the right time and this is Lois Lane we're talking about here, I see her anger as expected. And because while the when is questionnable, there's no question in my mind that when he did it was too late, I see him as being pretty repentant for that.
Fun stuff laugh

I bet Clark would never have expected make-up when when he signed on.
Lois was annoyed to see Linda give Clark a glare pretty similar to the one she gave him. Only she was allowed to look at him like that!

And Chad is still alive and comparatively well. Wonder what that will mean...

Looking forward to parts 46/47, Michael

PS: I think this might actually end with House of Luthor and a revelation. Don't ask me why, I just have this feeling.
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Triangle with Three Sides, 44 and 45 - 11/05/08 10:49 AM
Forgot to post this earlier:

Originally posted by anonpip:

“Remember when I fell during that rock climbing trip with my dad? I'm indestructible, baby,”
That line made me really worried for Chad... does he actually believe this or is he just trying to comfort Lois?
Thanks, Michael!

I can confirm that the last LnC episode I cover is House of Luthor although things go pretty off track sometime during Barbarians at the Planet so a lot of the end of that episode and House of Luthor doesn't really happen in the same way at all. Additionally, the last thing taken from House of Luthor is still three or four chapters from the end. As for a revelation... I'm not saying.

And yeah, I can't see Clark agreeing to this if he had known he was going to need to wear make-up.

Sara - Chad isn't delusional per se. It's sort of a mix of trying to make Lois feel better and the feeling of immortality that's common in boys in their twenties (girls, too, I think, but not as much). He feels fairly well for someone who was still hit by a car and so he doesn't see a need for Lois to worry as much as she still is.

Look for 46 and 47 in a few minutes...
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