Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 10/31/08 01:15 PM
FDK goes here smile .

Posting schedule [ET]:

Sunday: Chapters 46 and 47, sometime after 3pm

Tuesday: Chapters 48 and 49, 1-4pm

Saturday: Chapters 50 and 51, 10-11am


Neodesha/Smallville, KS:
[Linked Image]
Looks like Clark is getting into this "it's my baby" thing. Good for him and Lois. smile And although I did feel bad for Lana before, this comment about Lois being a whore has changed that. Looks like Clark finally starts to see Lana the way she really is. (Although I still wonder if your Lana is a bad person. I mean, she does feel badly betrayed, and with good reason, so it's understandable that she lashes out at Lois.)

I also loved the way Lois shared the first (obvious) kicks of her baby with Clark. I guess that might have been a major factor in him standing up to Lana. Somehow, feeling the little one move does make it that much more real.

Waiting for Sunday...
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 10/31/08 02:36 PM
GO CLARK! clap I feel bad for Lana, I really do, but that needed to be said. And, damn, he said it well.

Forgot to leave FDK on the last set of chapters, but I loved that Lois reads fanfic. smile
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 10/31/08 05:01 PM
I'm glad your son's doing well, Carol.

I feel really sorry for Clark that he had to hurt Lana like that. (I'm very pro-Clark in this story, in case you haven't noticed. smile ) But I have to say I'm glad he supported Lois as well.

I also feel bad for Lois, because she feels so guilty about this situation.

I hope Clark still plans to tell Lois about his secret, soon. For a second, I thought he was going to tell her WITH Lana in the hotel room, with the idea that he was going to tell her anyway eventually. I'm glad he didn't, because Lana doesn't need to know. Although it certainly would be a good way of finding out what she would think...?

Keep it coming.
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 10/31/08 05:51 PM
Originally posted by MrsMosley:
GO CLARK! clap I feel bad for Lana, I really do, but that needed to be said. And, damn, he said it well.
Ditto. Yes, Lana's verbal jibes came from a place of pain and betrayal, but Clark was due for some damage control. Maybe Lana will feel less need to interfere now and move on to someone else. I don't think your Lana is a bad person, she's just caught up in a whirlwind not of her making. I think she should find a nice guy and continue her life. That would be hard for Clark to come to terms with, but it has to happen eventually. Life waits for no man.

Also enjoyed the baby feel. It seemed as if it provoked some protective feelings in Clark, and considering a few chapters back that he was questioning if he even wanted to defend Lois, it was a relief that he finally did. I'm looking forward to some Martha/Lois face to face time. If Martha is as intuitive as we think she is, I'm hoping that intuition hops over the 'not my baby' issue. I don't like that the Kents are being lied to, but I don't want Lois to feel like an outsider with them either.

Can't wait!
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 10/31/08 08:19 PM
The trip could have gone much worse than it did. Clark is right; cat fights are for the dogs.

I'm glad that the baby is moving. The first time I felt a baby shift their entire body inside of me was when I was having chocolate chip ice cream while laying in bed. I used my stomach as a table and a cold rearend moved out of the way. James hurried over, and he and I tortured that child, delighting in her every move... or lurch might be a more accurate term. We had ice cream a lot after that.

Anyway, back on topic--or actually off topic to your off topic. You may not have cried when they didn't weigh your son, but I sure did when I read about it. That same daughter we tortured with ice cream was a failure-to-thrive baby, but only for the first ten weeks. I know how all-consuming it is, and how you feel like no one in the world understands. I can't imagine trying to take care of older siblings and hold down a job at the same time. She's as healthy as an ox now, and I'm praying the same for your little guy. Fifteen months is such a delightful age. I'm so happy for you.

who is sure if you read that post deeply you might notice a touch of feedback here or there
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 11/01/08 12:31 AM
GO CLARK! I feel like he's getting into this family and baby thing, and I couldn't be happier. Lana's a character that I usually love to hate, but I just dislike her these days. I'm sorry she got hurt, but nothing justifies vengeful words in any form, so Lana needs to pipe it.

I'm very happy for your family, Carol!! We've had a few scares in our family (3 preemies over the years with complications), and it's just beyond golden the first time you don't have to worry about something.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 11/01/08 12:46 AM
First, thank you for telling us about your son again, Carol. The significance of the fact that he didn't need to be weighed this time didn't immediately occur to me, but when you told us about it - and when you told us about your own reaction to it - my eyes teared up, too.

I liked the fact that Lana was not so unbelievably witch-like as I had feared in these chapters. Bottom line, I so rarely love to hate characters. I'd rather not spend time with characters who are so awful that I can't help hating them. I don't mean that I want to like Lana - because I don't and I don't! Well, like her and want to, I mean. laugh But I was glad that I could really feel her pain. Moreover, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Lana seemed to be more brokenhearted than angry. In other words, she didn't seem to be plotting any kind of unimaginably horrible revenge on Lois. (I'm not saying she may not do that eventually, though - there are many chapters left to go, I'm sure....)

I, too, loved that Lois wanted to share the feeling of her baby's movement inside her with Clark, and I loved that Clark seemed to be so strongly affected by it. I agree with several others here that Clark felt more connected with Lois and the baby because of it, and that is why he stood up to Lana and told her off. I did feel sorry for her, though, because of the way that Clark compounded his betrayal of her by telling her that he had lied to her earlier. If he previously denied out of hand the possibility that he might have made love to Lois, he now seemed to almost take pleasure in torturing Lana with hints of how much he and Lois had sex. I do feel sorry for Lana, and I don't really like what Clark did to her. But for all of that I think that Clark's harsh brush-off of Lana was necessary, and I still sympathize a lot with Clark, because his situation is so very, very difficult.

Looking forward to more!

Hi Carol!

Glad your little one is doing so well.

I absolutely loved these parts. Clark finally confessed to what he doesn't yet know he did. clap I could almost feel sorry for Lana. but as you mentioned, this is a LnC board, so huh

Michael, who got home safe, sound, and with all his luggage laugh
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 11/01/08 06:56 AM
Hi Carol,

I totally loved Clark standing by his wife, though I did feel sorry for him, believing he was breaking the heart of the woman he loved.

Hopefully, he's going to realize soon that Lois is the right woman for him ... and Lana isn't!

I'm sure the baby really is Clark's in every way, but I could be wrong. wink

Meanwhile I'll enjoy finding out as you write.

Yours Jenni
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 11/01/08 08:31 AM
Very cool chapters and very cool developments!! thumbsup

I know Lana is in a really miserable place and we must sympathize with her etc., but I think there is some delibertation in her actions after all. For example, I think Lois and Clark can hear her sniffles (especially in the hotel room last night) because she wants them (esp. Clark) to know she's crying. Maybe that's why after Clark has made his position clear (and he did it so well... it's my baby and stay away from Lois etc.), she no longer wants Lois and Clark to know she's hurting and therefore hides her face beneath the blanket in the car. Good!

Atleast now she won't be actively causing mischief or would she? It's all well and good for Clark to lie to Lana that he lied wink but the big question is which lie does Lana treat as a lie?

Another thing worrying me is Lois' bouts of guilt. Lois wouldn't be Lois if she doesn't overthink. But maybe her guilt over severing Clark and Lana's future wouldn't allow her to accept that she's falling in love with Clark. This of course assumes that your Lois falls in love with Clark laugh thumbsup
Thanks for sharing the good news on your DS. I know how much it means.... as a mum who hasn't have to take her son to a hospital of any kind in 3 whole months!!! (That's a record for him)

Anyway... back to the story at hand.

Lana is finally showing her cards... and Clark is starting to realise things about Lana he hadn't thought about before.
Sharing the movement of the baby is such a magical moment... it's a bonding process that, whether he is the biological dad or not, hold significance.
I'm still undecided on where Lois's mind is currently sitting in all this...

However I loved the flying line.... oh - if only she knew.. and what will she say when she knows????

Looking forward to more!
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 44 and 45/? - 11/02/08 02:46 PM
Hey guys smile .

Thanks again!

No time for long fdk to fdk - lots to do around the house but am going to be getting the next two posts ready in between laundry folding and room cleaning...

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