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Posted By: TOC FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/24/08 01:06 PM
Awww, DJ, you know how to tug at our heartstrings, don't you?

How could she make him understand? “There's really no reason for me not to go, but I can see so many why I should,” she explained, trying to read the expression on his face. Did he want her to stay?

How pathetic was it that part of her wished he would ask her to stay - for him?
Yes, please ask her to stay for you, Clark! Please do that! thumbsup

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/24/08 09:42 PM
Somehow I was hoping this would be a short fic. Couldn't they patch things up in just two parts, just once. But of course it's more valuable if you have to fight your way to it.

Posted By: Squirky Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/24/08 10:03 PM
I have to agree with Ann; I actually yelled out loud at the computer in anger when he said "as partners," which is slightly embarrassing when only your cat can hear you, hehe.

Please, pretty please post sooner! I'm on the edge of my seat! dizzy
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/24/08 10:31 PM
DJ, let me just say that I hate that you have the power to make me grovel for a new chapter. You couldn't just come back with a bang and leave it there. You had to go and write one of your awesome stories, and well...the rest is history!

Why can't they just admit their feelings for on another? That was a rhetorical question. I felt so bad for Clark when Lois left but I understand her point. Now, Clark just has t prove that he really does love her and get her back.

Well done, and please post more frequently than weekly though I'll take what I can get. Loved it!

Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/25/08 07:00 AM
I love the story. The more i read it that song "have a little faith in me" comes up. Keep posting.
Posted By: Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/25/08 07:24 AM
ahhhhh..... wallbash

*shakes head at Clark*

I wanted Martha to tell him to just go to Lois.

I am beginning to wonder if Superman will have to be the one to "try again" with Lois, since Clark is now out of the loop.

Interesting.... looking forward to the next part.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/25/08 07:31 PM
Nice chapter. I am looking forward to reading more soon. Laura
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/25/08 11:19 PM
I totally get it, and it's going to take a lot more than Clark to bring her back.

“But you know, sometimes it’s not about other people’s faith in us, but about our faith in ourselves that’s important.”
Bingo. Yahtzee. Whatever you want to call out.

Last year, I left my graduate department for a good 6 months to do busy-work in other areas. I completely lost my mojo after an important family member died, and I wasn't cutting it anymore. But it's never that you turn into a terrible worker. I didn't turn into a bad artist overnight, and Lois didn't suddenly become a bad reporter over the Luthor fiasco, but she needs her mojo back, and I wouldn't expect her to find it at the DP surrounded by people who saw what she didn't.

Lois' impending crisis, though? It's good to get away from some of those people you work with for a while, but Lois' double-edged sword is that the people she's getting away from are also the people that are most important to her, and that's going to bite her in the ass eventually, IMO. So either she's going to meet and become best friends with the greatest French staff in her existence, :p or she'll be ready to come back after a spell. You can only lock away past mistakes and the people that surround them for so long.

Great part,
Posted By: MetroChumpy Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/26/08 05:03 AM

You've got to love how thoroughly these two mess up in their attempts to do what they feel is best for their relationship. wallbash

At least it makes for great fic!

And thanks for the trip to Martha and Jonathan, I love those two. laugh

Can't wait to see more!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/26/08 09:33 PM
Awww, Ann! Thanks for the fdk. smile I loved your reaction to Clark's revelation. Hee hee... And, yes, you have to love Martha... you just have to. smile Thanks for the fdk. I'll try not to pull on those heartstrings too hard.

Hi Elisabeth. Yeah, sorry, not a 2-parter... at least a 6 or 7 parter. Not sure how long yet at this point. Sometimes fighting for something is how you realize how much it means to you... sometimes.

Hi Squirky! LOL!!! I've done the same thing - except with my dogs. smile I'm sorry to leave you hanging on the edge of your seat... find a footstool and prop yourself up till I get back wink

Hi Sheila! Groveling, huh? I didn't realize I had that power either... is it some kind of superpower of it's own? Cool! LOL. Awwww, but thank you! What sweet things you said! I'm glad you're loving it! Thanks.

Hi lovesuper! Thanks. Awww, it's song inspiring? Cool. smile Glad you like it.

Hi Lisamaree! Hee hee... I must admit it makes me giggle to see the headbanging icon. smile Glad you're enjoying it.

Hi Laura! Thanks for stopping by and glad you're still enjoying it.

Hi Jen! Ding, ding, ding... you totally get it. laugh I loved your comments. Hope you enjoy the ride. smile

Jessi! More headbanging... hee hee. Yes, what would we write about otherwise. :p Hah. Me too, I just love Martha & Jonathan. Thanks for the fdk!

Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you're all enjoying my little trip back into (greatly-missed) familiar waters. Have I told you all that I missed you? Well, it never hurts to say it again. See you all soon with another part!

-- DJ
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/27/08 04:31 AM
Just caught this update. It has to kill Clark that Lois has to do this alone.

Can't wait for more.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 10/29/08 06:34 AM
Hi cp33! Thanks for the fdk!

Thanks again everyone. I should have part 3 up sometime later today? Okay?

-- DJ
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 11/08/08 03:29 AM
DJ, how can you so quietly crush the heart of an innocent reader. Each of them is scared and Lois is actually hoping people will tell her what *they* expect of her instead of supporting her crazy schemes. You really twist the rusty, blunt dagger in there, you know that, right?

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Forget Paris - 2/? - 11/10/08 06:29 AM
I'm a heartcrusher? Wow... what a compliment. LOL. smile Glad I could affect you so well. Blunt, twisty dagger? Well, that sounds a bit extreme... maybe.


Thanks again for the fdk.
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