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Posted By: Lieta FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (33/62) - 10/22/08 06:13 PM
Interesting conclusion... you had me hoping Superman would blow his cover to Lois =P

However... Clark and Superman REALLY need to have a talk... Clark's unaware of so much that he'll never make the jump to put on the cape at this rate... great expose at the end though.

Witness should be fun...
“What do I have in common with a superhero?” Clark asked.

Lois remembered the first time Clark had told her he was friends with Superman. She had thought the same thing – what could out-of-this-world Superman have in common with Smallville Kent.

“A lot, actually,” she told Clark now.
I loved this. Lois is really starting to see that Superman and Clark have the same qualities.

I'm glad they weren't mixed up. I'm a little confused why Superman still had his clothes when he got to Germany, though. Maybe because there were two of them, so his clothes didn't burn as badly? But it still doesn't make much sense.
Still, I have to agree that he needed a way to realize who he is.

Loved the lack of faith in themselves at the end. Lieta's right, they need to talk.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (33/62) - 10/23/08 09:52 AM
Thanks, Lieta and Sara!

Lieta - Superman can't blow his cover to Lois just yet. There's still 30 chapters yet! smile

Sara - Okay, here's my reasoning for why Clark was found naked and Superman was not. I'll admit it's not consistent with the show, but I think it's supportable.

Clark was wearing regular clothes, dark, but normal clothes that would be somewhat loose on him. Superman was wearing the skin-tight suit.

My argument is that Superman's suit was protected by his aura, but that Clark's clothes (which were further from his body) were not.

And while I honestly can't remember for sure, I think we're pretty far from a conversation between Clark and Superman of the type the two of you are speaking.
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (33/62) - 10/23/08 10:19 AM
hehe.... but that could have been so much *fun*...:

"Lois... sweetheart... my beautiful wife..."

"Uhhh... wife?!"

And I am a firm believer in having fun with a Lois who *knows* =P also... even if she did find out... the larger picture is Clark... it could be played that just cause Lois knows the truth he doesn't have to automatically don the suit... however, its also fun to watch the three of them bump along in all these situations made so awkward by Lois' ignorance...

Also... they need to talk... yes... but it fits our favorite lunkheads that they won't...

aside to Sara M K- ironically my real name is actually Sara, Lieta was my name on World of Warcraft and is one of two online 'nicknames' I use, ~.^
Niiiice update, Nancy.

I believe acted a little different in here then in the show, less top banana.

Superman's journey was so funny and then Lois jolted him back to reality.

Looking forward to the next parts, but might not be replying much (OOT for the next week), Michael
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (33/62) - 10/23/08 04:48 PM
You're right, Lieta/Sara. That would have been funny! Still sticking with it as is, though. wink

Michael - This Lois does seem to vacillate between being softer and harder than the original. Harder as she has had a harder life and softer as she's closer to Clark than the original was at this point.

Hope you enjoy your trip!
Superman's suit.

Hmm, maybe Visiting's suit is more hightech fabric by this time in his career? Somewhere along the line you'd expect him to upgrade to something easier to keep clean, less dependent on being inside his aura and so forth?

Originally posted by Lieta:
Clark and Superman REALLY need to have a talk... Clark's unaware of so much that he'll never make the jump to put on the cape at this rate
Hmm second guessing the author alert
I don't think they're ever going to have that type of talk. I think it is going to be Lois who has that type of talk with Clark after something happens to Visiting.

I think the author is going to force Lois, this Lois to re-invent Superman after Visiting either leaves or becomes powerless or dead.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (33/62) - 10/25/08 03:13 PM
Patrick, I have no idea what you're talking about. wink

Seriously, your guesses on where I'm going with this always make me smile.
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