Ahhh happy birthday, CrazyBabe!! (I see the little cake by your screenname!) And right?? that tension!! And um... the next part will be posted shortly so you can read and find out where they're getting takeout from... peep

Blueowl—EEEE!!! Thank you!!!

Toomi—lol angsty-licious is an awesome word! Glad you're enjoying!!

SuperBek—I um... I mean, Socomama... um... peep But YAY!!!!

Bakasi—Thank you!! This and the next part...were like our favorite bits to write!! So we're glad they're getting such an awesome reaction! laugh

LauraHex—Yay!! Socomama and I have a hard time remembering who wrote what at this point, since it's been a while, and we both went through it with multiple revisions! And eeee!! I love to hear you were grinning like a fool! I love it when fics make me do that! As for how?? I dunno... I just write down what they're doing in my head!

Thank you everyone so much!! Next chapter coming soon!

Sara and Socomama love