Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Saras!

He couldn't believe he hadn't actually planned what to do or say if she'd said yes!
Lois’s influence!

He was going on a date. With Lois. His best friend and love of his life.
He’s so gonna hide heart outlines made it capital H in his article.

. But, honestly, he was beyond frustrated with himself that this, of all things, he hadn’t planned ahead for.
To be fair, statistically speaking, her saying yes was about as probable as a flying man showing up and saving the space program.

Where the heck was he supposed to take the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world on a date?
Paris. Rome. Chocolate tasting in Switzerland…

In his dreams, it had always been a moonlit walk and dinner in Paris under the stars.

Or he'd make her a delicious home cooked meal and they'd just eat and talk all night at his kitchen table.
They normally don’t *talk* all night in this scenario.

He wanted to dazzle her, sweep her off her feet.
/hands Clark banana peel/

There—David, that guy from last year's conference in New York! He'd said he was some sort of ticket broker, and he worked the bigger East Coast cities like New York and Metropolis.
This means he was either a loan shark or gauging tourists on heavily overpriced tickets.

That was it! He could take Lois to some show, like an off-Broadway play or a concert.
There’s a “Captain America and the Avengers Save New York” musical in the works …

for the perfect event to rock someone's socks off with, to really impress a gal.
PJ are a rock band, aren’t they?

David was, for all appearances, a cultured guy; surely he'd understand his need to impress Lois on their first date.
They’re one if the hottest Rick tickets in town. They’re also available to do Church weddings and bat mitzvahs.

All his imagined yes's from her hadn't even come close to how it'd felt when she'd actually uttered the word.
/Suggests he think about over yonder and another ‘yes’ uttered breathlessly/

He wished he could reassure her that he would always be her friend no matter what; he couldn't imagine his life without her.
/Takes Clark to Alt Universe/ does that help?
CLARK: whinging help grovel

And most importantly, come up with a plan for their first date before she had time to get nervous and reconsider.
He can always go and take her to the barn and have the date there. Home cooked meal. Relaxing Smallville atmosphere. No cops for 2.7 miles.

"Lois, this ticket broker's got two of the last Pearl Jam tickets for the concert tomorrow night. Would you like to go?"
Aaand we’re at the title!

"Just for you, I'll knock off some of the fees. Make 'em $100 even for each."
That’s not too expensive. A good professional caregiver would charge more for the evening.

"I just thought you'd like to know I have that research you wanted, Clark." He took the folder from Jimmy and thanked him.
Seventeen ways on how to please a career woman during a romantic interlude. Ranked from least likely to offend Lois to don’t even try it.

than seeing her fawn over Superman.
So, bright colors?

He tried to picture what she might look like when he picked her up,
Bright blue streak in her hair. Nose ring. Leather jacket. Black skinny jeans with steel spikes and strategically placed holes.

"Sure thing, CK. What do you need?" "Advice," he admitted. "I think I'm in over my head.

/gets popcorn/

See you after ficlet Friday!

wave Michael

Ha ha ha! Some of your Clark observations are spot on lol. He's ordering the tickets and planning the wedding at the same time ha ha! Thanks!