Clark and Lois – Two Universes - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7 15/32
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ “denotes telepathic communication”/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

As always comments are welcome. (


“The fire cast an eerie red/orange glow over everything. Superman opened the door of the closet and Carrie cowered back into a corner, like she was afraid of Superman.”

“Superman knelt down and said, ‘Hi Carrie. I’m going to take you away from here.’”

“Carrie cried, ‘My Mommy told me never to go anywhere with strangers!’”

“Superman was stumped for a second as to how to handle this before he said, ‘Your Mommy is very wise, but what did she tell you about the police?’”

“Carrie thought for a second and then said, ‘The police are good and they help people.’”

“Realizing he was on the right track, Superman said, ‘Just think of me as a policeman and I’ll take you to your Mommy.’”

“Carrie still hesitated for a second, processing this thought before she said, ‘Okay. What about Scrappy?’”

“Who is Scrappy?”

“With a don’t-you-know-anything kind of tone she said, ‘My dog, silly.’”

“That was the first that Superman noticed that there was a dog curled up on the floor. He had been behind Carrie so he was out of view until he picked her up. He said, ‘Oh, okay. There he is.’”

“Superman picked her up and she clung to his neck with all of her might. She buried her head in his shoulder and closed her eyes tightly. With his other hand he picked up Scrappy. He wrapped his cape around both of them and flew them out.”

“When they landed he removed his cape from her, but she still clung to him eyes closed. He put Scrappy down and the dog stayed as close as he could to Carrie as she was carried to her mom. Scrappy was barking happily as he followed his little mistress. Superman carried Carrie over to her mommy and it still took a few seconds for her to realize just who it was and let go.”

“Superman finally got a good look at his passenger. She was about six with brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes. She looked like what I imagine you looked like at that age.”

Clark said, “She looked like she could be our child.”

“Scrappy had been bounding along as Superman carried Carrie to her mother. When Superman stopped Scrappy started sniffing at his legs.”

“Once Carrie was in her mother’s arms she first looked down at her dog and made a downward gesture with her hand and the dog immediately quieted down and sat watching his little mistress attentively then she pointed at me and said, ‘The nice man brought me to you. I know you said not to go with strangers, but he said he was like a policeman so I trusted him. He promised to bring me to you and he did.’”

“Her mother asked, ‘Carrie, do you know who the nice man is?’”


“’Carrie, the nice man’s name is Superman. He isn’t a policeman, but he helps people just like the police do. It was good that you trusted him.’”

“I said, ‘Carrie, it was good that you trusted me, but you still need to be careful who you trust. Listen to your mommy. She is very wise. She loves you very much and wants to protect you.’”

“Carrie said, ‘When I grow up I want to help people too.’”

Clark continued the story, “It almost felt like I was talking with you in some ways. I reached over and pushed a stray lock of her hair behind her ear and then gave her a kiss on the top of her head. I said, “You do that sweetheart. It would be good if everyone wanted to help others.”

“I turned to Carrie’s mother and said, ‘Send me a note care of the Daily Planet in Metropolis. I’d like to help her help others.’ Her mother said that she would. I’d like to encourage her.”

Lois could see just how this chance meeting had affected him and said, “I’d like to meet this little heartbreaker. I want to help her too. I hope her mother sends the note.”

She moved into his arms and gave him a hug and a kiss, lingering, more than a few seconds in the kiss.

And Now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 13 – Carrie
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt2

On one of their trips to Lois’s home universe she and Clark went to visit her mom. They arrived at her door and Lois knocked.

Ellen Lane came to the door and spotting Lois as soon as the door was open she said, “Well, well, well. Look who it is. My wandering daughter. It has been a few weeks since you visited. Actually, I can understand, newlyweds, you’re in your own world. That’s the way it was with me and your father. Come on in, don’t stand outside the door. Make yourselves comfortable.”

They all moved into the living room and sat. Ellen Lane asked, “Would you like some tea or coffee? Sorry, I don’t have anything stronger, but with my job I have to be ready to go back to the office on a minute’s notice. You know, if we have a major trauma event, I have to be there to coordinate the nursing staff, call in off duty personnel, that kind of thing. I’ll be glad when I’m old enough to retire.”

In a light tone, Lois said, “Don’t worry about beverages, we’re fine. As to your retirement, that won’t be for a long time yet, Mom.”

Ellen replied, “It can’t be soon enough for me.”

With a derisive laugh, Lois replied, “You love your job and you know it. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you retired.”

“I could find things to keep myself busy, knitting, crocheting, cooking …”

“Like that would ever happen.” Turning to Clark she asked, “Do you want to know what her real passion is?”

“Sure, what is it that Ellen Lane is passionate about?”

“Writing! That’s where I get it from. Dad wanted me to be a doctor, but Mom always encouraged my writing. You can see who won that tug-of-war. She has been working on a manuscript for a book on Nursing Administration. Not the stuff of best sellers, but as a textbook for a nursing school it should top the charts.”

Ellen said, “Yes, well, enough about me, what have the two of you been up to. I’ve seen article after article from the two of you. You finally brought down Lex Luthor of all people. Who would have thought that he would have been behind crime here in Metropolis? That must have been quite a feather in your cap.”

“That series of stories has been nominated for some awards.”

“Ahhh, more trophies for your cabinet. Will these be yours, his or both of yours?”

Lois laughed, “This will belong to both of us, jointly. We did it together.”

They spent a pleasant hour with Ellen Lane, although Lois didn’t find an opportunity to tell her about the powers, that was okay. There was no rush.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A couple of days later Clark was going through his mail and he saw a letter addressed to Superman c/o Daily Planet and it was postmarked Chicago. It was on his desk because Superman had made the request for all mail to him be screened by Clark. When he opened it a snapshot dropped out onto his desk. He picked it up and turned it over to look at it and saw the smiling face of a beautiful 6 year old girl with brown eyes and hair. After looking at the picture for a time he opened the letters, there were actually two of them. The first, written in a practiced feminine hand read:

“Dear Superman,

My name is Phoebe Harris. My daughter Carrie was the little girl you rescued from the fire a few weeks ago. I wanted to take a minute to thank you for what you did for me and my family. Carrie is a special little girl and very precious to her father and me.

In your brief encounter with my daughter you would not have known anything of her background.

It is not apparent, but Carrie suffers from a form of epilepsy. Her seizures can come on very suddenly and can be very violent. Until we got Scrappy they would be totally unexpected. We are very grateful that when you saved Carrie that you saved Scrappy as well. Scrappy is a working or companion dog. You had already left when Scrappy became very agitated and started barking which is the way he alerts us that he has sensed the onset of one of Carrie’s seizures. Thanks to Scrappy and his alert we were able to properly care for Carrie and have her protected from injuring herself during the seizure. Normally her seizures are controlled through medication; however, they still do occasionally occur. In this situation, since the fire had destroyed her meds she suffered several seizures before we were able to renew her prescription. Scrappy was able to warn us each time. I don’t know what we’d do without that dog.

Her epilepsy is a result of an inoperable brain tumor. Because of it we are not sure just how long Carrie will be with us. So far we have had her with us for six wonderful years.

Because of her affliction we have been homeschooling her. Because of the attention she receives she is already approaching grade level two even though she is just at the age for kindergarten.

Carrie wanted to write you her own letter and I have included it.

Thank you for what you did for my special little girl.


Mrs. Phoebe Harris”

Clark just sat there re-reading the letter a few times before he picked up the second letter. This one was written in a child’s scrawl.

” Mister Superman,

Thank you for saving me and Scrappy from the fire. Scrappy is my special friend and I would miss him. He helps me and helps my mommy and daddy take care of me. He lets them know when something bad is going to happen to me.

He helps me like you help other people.

When I grow up I want to help people too.


Clark was near tears as he folded both letters and placed them along with the picture in his inside pocket to show to Lois when he joined her in the evening. After doing this, he sat there, thinking about how he could help. He decided that two heads were better than one, and four heads were even better so he would discuss it with Lois and his parents when he got home.

By the time Lois returned to her desk he had composed himself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They were visiting with the Kents later that evening. After a dinner prepared by Martha, Clark brought out the letters. “Remember, I told you about the little girl I saved from the fire.”

Lois replied, “Let me see, you mean the one you saved while you were ‘killing some time’ so that Martha could get a good night’s sleep?”

Smugly he replied, “Yeah, that would be the one. Well, I received letters from her and her mother today. Before I read them, let me show you this.” He pulled out the picture and handed it to Lois.

As soon as Lois saw it she gasped and said, “You’re right! She looks like she could be our child. Here Martha, take a look.”

Jonathan looked over Martha’s shoulder as Martha looked at the picture.

Martha gushed, “Is this a preview or what? She sure looks like she could be yours. The coloring is perfect and that mouth. It’s shaped very much like yours. Her big doe eyes are just like yours too. She’s an absolutely beautiful child.”

When they had finished Clark said, “Let me read you her letter.” He read Carrie’s letter first.

When he finished Martha said, “That’s so sweet. She wants to help just like Superman. How can we help her do that?”

Lois said, “I have one idea right off the bat. I had been saving for a trip to Tahiti.” She smiled as she continued, “Since I won’t have nearly the expenses now, I’d like to use some of that money to pay for her schooling.”

With a downcast expression, Clark said, “Let me now read her mother’s letter.”

When he was finished, Lois picked up the picture again and stared at it for a long time while Martha wept silently.

Finally, in a subdued tone, Lois asked, “Is there nothing we can do? Isn’t there a doctor we can contact to help?”

“I’m not sure. But, we have access to the resources of multiple universes. If we were able to contact Herb, he might be able to find a doctor in one of the other universes or even the future that could help.”

“Let’s start with the two we have direct access to. She looks so much like she could be our child … I just want to hold her … to somehow make her better. Clark, we have to do whatever we can to save this child.”

“I don’t know if we can do that. What if, in this universe, she is destined to … die? We could be changing history.”

“So what if we are? Look at her! That could very well be our child! We have to do whatever we can to save her.”

“Lois, what if her death was the start of a chain of events that are supposed to have a positive effect in this universe and her survival disrupts that chain? By playing God we could be starting a negative chain or at least preventing a positive one.”

“Clark, what happened when you went back to save ‘your’ Lois in the Congo? Were you able to save her?”

With a look of introspection, Clark replied, “Yes and no. From what Herb said, when I saved her she continued with me in another universe while I remained without her in the universe where she didn’t.”

“If I recall what you said correctly, the history of your universe wasn’t changed. She was meant to die in that universe so she died. No matter what you did, she would have died. Who’s to say that if we can save this little girl that it isn’t just history playing itself out because it was meant to be.”

Clark asked, “I wish there was some way to be sure.”

Martha had stopped sobbing and wiped her tears on a hankie that she had pulled out of her apron pocket as this conversation had been going on. She replied, “There’s one way to be sure. Do everything you can to save this sweet child. If you can, it was meant to be.”

Happy for the support, Lois spoke up, “Martha’s right. We have to do whatever we can to save this child. We need to check in both universes.”

Clark had a thoughtful look as he said, “I wonder if her parents would trust me to take Carrie for a little flight. If they will, maybe I could bring her here so that you could meet her.”

“Oh, Clark, please, check and see if they will. I need to meet this little girl.”

“The address is on the envelope. Tomorrow is a day off for us. In the morning I’ll go see.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Superman knocked on a door in the Chicago suburbs. After a few seconds it was answered by Phoebe Harris. She said, “Superman, I wasn’t expecting you.”

He replied, “Clark Kent saw to it that I received your letters.”

She said, “My, where are my manners? Won’t you come in?” She stepped back and opened the door to admit him. As she did she called, “Carrie, there’s someone here to see you.”

Carrie came running in with Scrappy on her heels. She stopped as soon as she saw Superman and shouted, “Mr. Superman! You came to see me?”

Kneeling down so that he was on Carrie’s level he said, “I sure did. I wanted to see how you are doing. Your mommy sent me your letter. I wanted to thank you in person for it.”

“Did you really like it? My mommy helped me with it.”

“It was a very nice letter. I will treasure it. Tell you what; I need to talk to your mommy for a couple of minutes. When I finish, we may have a surprise for you. Could you and Scrappy go back to your room for a minute?”

“Sure Mr. Superman.” She turned and with Scrappy at her side headed down the hallway.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Mrs. Harris invited Superman to have a seat on the sofa.

Once they were settled, Superman turned to her mother and said, “Your letter was very touching. What has been done to find a cure for Carrie’s condition?”

“We’ve had her to some of the best neurologists and neurosurgeons in Chicago. They tell us that her condition is inoperable and that it is only a matter of time.”

“Mrs. Harris, I and some friends of mine have taken a personal interest in Carrie. I’d like your permission to find the best neurologist and also neurosurgeon in the world to examine her to see if there is anything that can be done.”

“My husband and I couldn’t afford that.”

“Mrs. Harris, it would be my pleasure to pay whatever it would cost.”

“Superman, that is very generous of you. I just don’t know what to say.”

“Please allow me to suggest the appropriate answer, yes.”

“Well, yes, yes, thank you, yes, you can help Carrie.”

“Now, before I start on that project, would you give me permission to take Carrie to meet some friends of mine? I promise to bring her back safe and sound after a short visit.”

“Who would that be?”

“Do you read the Daily Planet?”

“Of course.”

“Okay then, the reporting team of Lane and Kent. Clark Kent brought your letter to me. Lois Lane is his wife. They have asked if they could meet Carrie.”

“Where are they?”

“In Kansas visiting with his parents. It will take me about two minutes to fly there with Carrie. Can I take Scrappy too?”

“Only two minutes? Wow, uh, of course you can take Scrappy. She doesn’t go anywhere without him. Let me call her. Does she need a coat or anything?”

“That shouldn’t be necessary, my aura will protect her.”

Mystified about what he was saying, but accepting it she called, “Carrie!”

A few seconds later Carrie and Scrappy came around the corner into the living room. Phoebe said, “Superman has asked if he could take you to meet some friends of his. Do you want to go?”

“Is it okay?”

“Yes, Carrie, it’s okay. Superman is somebody that you can trust. He wants to help you.”

“I want to help people too when I grow up. I’d like to meet your friends. Can Scrappy go with us?”

Superman knelt down in front of Carrie and said, “I wouldn’t even think of leaving Scrappy behind. He’s your friend and protector.” Standing up and taking Carrie’s hand, Superman led her to the front door, Scrappy following at her heels. Scrappy was yapping, expressing his concern at this unusual happening. At a gesture from Carrie he settled down and simply followed. Once they were outside, Superman stooped and picked up Carrie and Scrappy. The last time Scrappy had been confused by the smoke and frightened by the fire when Superman picked him up. This time he yelped in concern, but Carrie spoke to him and hearing her voice he settled. With a nod to Phoebe he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her and I’ll have her back before you even know that she’s been gone.” With that he took to the air.

This time Carrie wasn’t frightened by the fire and didn’t bury her head in his chest, but looked around inquisitively uttering the occasional “Ooooo,” and “Wow!”

A few minutes later they were landing in the yard of the Kent farm. As soon as they were on the ground, Superman put both of his passengers on their feet. Scrappy started sniffing around; however he never strayed far from Carrie’s side.

Superman led Carrie up onto the porch and knocked on the door. When the door was answered Martha stood in the opening. Superman said, “Carrie, I’d like to introduce you to Mrs. Kent. She’s a friend of mine. I’d like you to go on in for a few minutes. I have something I need to do. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

Carrie looked up and said, “If you say so, Mr. Superman. I trust you.”

Kneeling down Superman put his hands on Carrie’s shoulders and said, “That means a lot to me Carrie. You can trust everyone you meet here the same way. They all want the best for you.”

Martha held out her hand to Carrie and said, “Why don’t you call me Miss Martha. Come on in. I have some more people for you to meet.”

Carrie placed her hand in Martha’s and entered the house, Scrappy on her heels. Scrappy took his time sniffing Martha before accepting her and following.

The first person she saw was Jonathan. He was in his favorite chair and seeing Carrie he held out his hands to her. Carrie looked up at Martha with a questioning glance. Martha said, “It’s just fine. He’s my husband. Go on over and say hello to Mr. Jonathan. I think you’ll like him.”

Carrie walked over to Jonathan and he patted his lap asking her if she wanted to sit there. Scrappy preceded her and sniffed around Jonathan. Apparently he approved of him because as Carrie climbed up Scrappy curled up at his feet.

As Carrie climbed up in his lap he said, “You know what? I haven’t had someone this small sit on my lap since my little boy.”

Carrie brightened up and asked, “You have a little boy? Can I meet him?”

Jonathan laughed and said, “He’ll be down in a minute, but he’s not so little anymore. In fact he’s all grown up and has a wife. He and his wife are getting ready to have a baby, so it won’t be too long before I’ll have another little one sitting here again, but until they do anytime you visit, you can sit here, okay?”

Carrie nestled herself into his lap and leaned against his ample stomach. She said, “This is comfortable.” She was jiggled as Jonathan laughed at her comment.

Just then Lois came downstairs and Carrie’s looked closely at this pretty lady.

Lois came over and knelt in front of Carrie giving her a very close appraisal. As Lois was doing this Scrappy was checking Lois out. Apparently he was satisfied because shortly he lay back down.

Seeing both of them together, Martha said, “He was right. She looks like she could be a younger you or your daughter.”

Clark then came downstairs. Scrappy went over and sniffed once at Clark and then trotted over and lay down next to the chair that held his mistress.

Lois held out her hand and said, “Hi Carrie, I’m Lois Lane, you can call me Miss Lois,” looking back over her shoulder she indicated Clark and finished, “and this is my husband, Clark Kent, Mr. Clark.”

Carrie surprised everyone when she asked, “You’re married to Mr. Superman?”

To say that Lois was startled would be understatement and Clark was shocked.

Carrie continued, “Why did you change clothes, Mr. Superman?”

“Uh, Carrie, why do you think I’m Superman?”

“Scrappy already knew you. You have to be Mr. Superman.”

Clark knelt down and ruffled Scrappy behind his ears and petted him, before he finally said, “Dogs aren’t fooled as easily as people. They have a sixth sense and a very keen sense of smell.” He looked at Carrie and said, “Carrie, do you know what a secret is?”

“Yes, that’s where you know something, but you can’t tell anyone else.”

“Yes, Carrie, that’s what a secret is. It is very important that the fact that I’m Superman be kept a secret. Can you do that?”

“Can I tell my mommy?”

“I don’t like to ask you to keep anything from your mommy, but this is very important. Why don’t we do it this way, if you mommy asks you if you know what my real name is you can tell her, but only if she asks. Is that okay?”

“Okay, only if she asks.”

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Last edited by KenJ; 04/29/14 02:20 PM.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
