Clark and Lois – Two Universes - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7 14/32
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks.

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ “denotes telepathic communication”/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

As always comments are welcome. (


Later that evening alone in their bedroom Clark and Lois were cuddling on their bed. Clark said, “I’m surprised that that brief exposure, even to crystalline green Kryptonite hit you so hard. There has to have been something else. We both know it wasn’t the sun.”

Lois snuggled deeper into his arms and said, “I think it happened in Hawaii that time after the safe incident.”

“What, what happened? I don’t remember anything. Did something happen while I was asleep?”

“No, remember what we did after you woke up?”

“Yeah, we had pizza.”


“And … we made … love.” Suddenly he pulled back so that he could look her straight in the face as he asked, “You mean?”

She nodded in mute agreement as a smile slowly formed on her face.

“I’m speechless! How long have you known?”

“I couldn’t be sure. I tried one of those home test kits, but they are based on Earth human hormones. Every time I tried one it came back negative. All I know is that I’ve just missed my second period.”

“So, you think you are what ten or twelve weeks?”

Lois nodded, “Yes, between ten and twelve weeks now. That’s why I asked you to go a little easy on my breasts the last time. They’re kinda tender.”

“What are you going to do about an OB/GYN?”

“How can I go to a regular doctor? She would find out I’m super.”

“But, what if there are problems?”

“I’m going to trust you, my husband, to study up on how to deliver a baby.”

“I’ve been meaning to take an Emergency Medicine course. Because of all the injuries I have to deal with, I’d feel better if I knew how to handle injured people without aggravating their injuries. I think delivering babies is included in those courses.”

“I’d feel better if you could help in some real deliveries.”

“Pick an OB/GYN and I’ll approach them and make arrangements to do just that. I’ll just be honest. I want to learn so that if I’m on a rescue and need to do a delivery, I’ll know how to do it right.”

Lois smiled and cuddled back into his arms with one hand on his chest before she asked, “Did you ever think that one day you’d be a Papa?”

He replied with a question, “Remember the canoli? You told me then that you were willing, I just didn’t know it would happen this soon, if ever.” She couldn’t see his face because she had snuggled into his chest, but if she had been able to see his face she would have seen the biggest grin ever. He said, “This is incredible! I’m going to be a father. I’m going to have a family, not just a wife that I love.” He pushed her upright so that he could look into her eyes as he said, “You are incredible; stupendous … there aren’t enough superlatives. I can’t tell you how much I love you.” He had started weeping.

Lois cuddled back against him as she said, “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome. I love you.”

“You’re going to be one terrific mom, a super mom, in more ways than one.”

Lois murmured, “I hope so. I’ve never done this before, but, I have two good role models, my mom and yours. I couldn’t ask for better. I just hope I can be half as good.”

“Any idea how soon?”

“No, we’re in uncharted territory. We don’t know how long a Kryptonian woman carries a baby. It could be shorter or longer than an Earth mother. At this point I’d guess longer. I mean, look at me. I’m possibly twelve weeks and I’m not starting to show yet. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

“So, you think it was because of your condition that the Kryptonite is hitting you this way? Obviously the baby is drawing on your body’s resources as it grows. That must be why. This green K today was the crystalline form and it knocked you out immediately. How were you able to handle the Kryptonite at the house?”

“I don’t know. Somehow it didn’t affect me the way that crystalline form did. What is the difference?”

“Well, that piece started out as a different substrate. I remember that when Tempus used it on me, I was in a lot of pain, but it didn’t knock me out the way the crystalline form does. I guess it did hit you harder than it did me. When you were finished with it you were out. It *must* be related to your condition. It must make you more susceptible. We’re going to have to be more careful. Besides, we don’t know how it would affect the baby.”

“I don’t think we should tell anyone. There’s no need in worrying them unnecessarily.”

“Yeah, Pete feels bad enough as it is. We need to make a trip back to see my folks. We need to let them know. Mom is going to be thrilled.”

“I think Jonathan will be happy too.” As soon as she finished this statement she yawned.

Clark cradled Lois in his arms until she finally fell asleep. He continued to lie awake with thoughts of Lois and their future child. Since he had lost the Kents at age ten he had almost given up on the thought of family. Then he had started dating Lana. That was unsatisfying, but it still represented family and the fulfillment of his desires. Then Lois had entered his life. Her drive and energy and especially her acceptance of him and what he was, taught him what he really wanted and needed, but then she had left. He had searched for and finally with Herb’s help he had found his Lois only to have her die, almost literally, in his arms. Then Herb had proposed this mission, to find this Lois and he had finally found true fulfillment in her arms. When they had wed he was the happiest he had ever been and didn’t think it would be possible to be any happier, but now … now they were going to have a child! Not an adopted child, but flesh of his and Lois’ flesh and blood of his and Lois’ own blood. Now he knew the ultimate joy. He drifted off to sleep with that thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day Clark ferried Sam home before picking up the luggage and taking it to the brownstone. He took Lucy first, then Jack and Denny. Before they had locked up the house Clark took James back. When he returned Lois flew under her own power. They flew high enough to be out of sight from the ground until they were near Metropolis and then Lois smoothly flew into his arms and he carried her, the rest of the way to a landing.

And Now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 12 – Killing Some Time
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

Everything returned to normal on Monday except for the interruptions Lucy experienced as word got around that she had become engaged over the weekend to Mr. Olsen. Word even made it down to the IT department and everyone wanted to see her ring and she was happy to oblige.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile across town, in the penthouse of the Plaza hotel Smythe entered to find Luckabee watching LNN. He picked up the remote and muted the sound. Luckabee looked at him with a question in his eyes.

In answer to his unasked question, Smythe said, “The purchase of MiraLabs has gone through. Your first act as the new owner has been to direct the lab to acquire that sample of the green rock from the lab in Wichita. You just got word that they are shipping the sample immediately. They are very interested in seeing the results of our analysis. It is such a shame that the sample is going to be lost in shipment. The next order created a division dedicated to research and development of energy weapons.”

“We caught a break on that one. The person I, uh, you have chosen to lead that division is one Nell Newtrich. Do you have any idea just who that is?”

“No, should I?”

“She is the one that built the laser that killed my father. She had been working on the Quantum Disruptor project before my father fired her in his misguided attempt to staff the brothel. It is fortunate indeed that she is there.”

“Why is that such a good thing?”

“She is going to head up the project to recreate the Quantum Disruptor.”

“What is so special about this weapon?”

“It could conceivably be the one weapon that could kill Superman.”

Luckabee voiced his unease, “When you first approached me about this lurk, nothing was said about murder. I done some things, but nothin’ like murder. You go away for a long time for murder.”

“Only if they catch you and can prove it. With this weapon, there will be complete destruction. All of the evidence will disappear.”

“So, if she creates this weapon, you will forgive her for killing your dad?”

With a look of sheer evil Smythe replied, “Oh, quite the contrary. She and her sister will be the first test subjects to prove the weapon works.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clark had already decided, after some persuasion by Lois, that it was time to do some on site investigation on Leslie Luckabee, so after giving the keys to the car to Lucy and letting James know what they would be doing they headed for the roof and with Lois in his arms they took off for Smallville.

The trip to Australia was going to be delayed slightly because they were making a side trip. When they arrived in Smallville, the first thing that they did was pull out the TaDT and open a window to the other universe.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt 2

Lois and Clark stepped from the living room of the farm house in one universe into the living room of the farm house in the other universe. They stepped through the window, hand in hand, and found the Kents in the living room, right where they had left them on their previous visit.

Martha was on the couch knitting and Jonathan was in his favorite easy chair looking at the Farmer’s Almanac. They both looked up at the sound of footsteps and both started to smile. Martha started to put her knitting away and Jonathan set aside his book. Clark said, “No, no, it’s just us. We just thought we’d stop in for a quick visit. We have some news.”

Martha, with a look of understanding asked, “Can I make a guess?”

Lois looked surprised and said, “Sure.”

Martha picked up her knitting project and displayed a yellow, red and blue baby bootie.

Lois broke up in laughter. When she was finally able to say something coherent she asked, “How did you guess?”

With a sly look Martha replied, “Right from the start we knew that the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off one another. I don’t know about Jonathan, but I had my doubts about the efficacy of condoms on super powered individuals and I didn’t think that hormone pills as contraceptives designed for Earth human women would work on Kryptonian physiology, so … how soon?”

Doing a quick calculation before responding, Lois said, “The way this works, anytime between now and about five hours from now, depending on how many trips we make back here between now and when I deliver.”

Martha was startled and asked, “Did you say five *hours*? You didn’t mean five years did you?”

“No, you heard right. Five hours, of course it depends on just how much time we spend in this universe.”

A new thought occurred to Lois and looking directly at Clark she asked, “That brings up the question, how are we going to handle this? If we go back and forth too often and spend too much time in one universe or the other, it will look like I have had a very short pregnancy and people will start to ask questions. Plus people in both universes will be expecting to see a child.”

Clark thought for a moment before he replied, “I think we are going to have to decide which universe we want to have this child in and only make short visits to the other until after the baby is born.” Looking at the Kents he said, “We are in the middle of a crucial investigation right now in the other universe and we are between investigations here. What do you think Lois?”

Lois thought about it for a few seconds before replying, then she said, “I think that since there is no Superwoman in the other universe then Lois Lane can be pregnant without Superwoman having to excuse her absence in some way. I’m sorry Martha, but we can come for short visits while it remains quiet here.”

Martha smiled and said, “That will be just fine. This way I won’t have to wait for nine months to see my grandchild. It could be as soon as … tomorrow!?!?!?!!!” Picking up her knitting needles she started furiously clicking away as she said, “If I’m going to have these and a baby blanket finished in time I need to get busy. Jonathan, could you make me some coffee? I think I have a long night ahead of me.”

Jonathan couldn’t resist chiming in with a smile. “Well, fortunately babies are small. Less to knit.”

Martha looked over at his teasing and just said, “Oh, you!”

Then Lois sat down next to Martha and drew her into her arms and hugged her as she laughed lightly. She said, “Martha, I really love you.”

Martha smiled and said, “No more than I love you. You are a very special woman and I’m glad my son found you ... both of them. I couldn’t have hoped for a better daughter-in-law.”

With tears in her eyes Lois said, “Martha, I just hope I can be half as good a mother as you. You are my inspiration and role model.”

Martha hugged her even tighter as she said, “Lois, Honey, you’ll do just fine on your own. There are three basic rules that you need to follow if you want to be a good wife and mother. Rule number one is: be your husband’s best friend. Rule number two is: love your husband and rule number three is: love your children and make sure they know it. If you follow those three rules you won’t go wrong. Personally, I don’t see you breaking any of those rules, ever.” As she finished up Martha realized that the side of her face was getting wet from Lois’s tears. She pulled a hanky out of the pocket of her apron and handed it to Lois and said, “Here, dry those tears before you make me start.” As Lois was drying her tears she started to smile at Martha. Martha clasped her shoulders and said, “There, that’s better. Now, I think that the two of you need to get out of here so that you can come back after some adventures over on the other side of that doorway. When you come back you can tell us all about it and we’ll have that much less time to wait for this grandchild of ours.”

Lois looked at Martha and asked, “Do you get that kind of wisdom by being a parent?”

Chuckling, Martha replied, “No, I think *that* kind of wisdom comes only with *age*.” She was quiet for a few seconds before she continued, “Lois dear, what are you doing for an OB?”

“Well, you see, I can’t trust a regular OB because they would find out that I’m super, so Clark is planning to take a class and work with an OB to deliver some babies.”

Turning to Clark, Martha said, “Oh Honey, you don’t need to do that.”

Clark said, “I don’t? But, I want to. Really I need to. I’d been planning to take a course in Emergency Medicine so that I could better handle injured people when I pull them out of wrecks and fires.”

Turning back to Lois Martha said, “Clark doesn’t know this, but back in the early ‘60s, before we found him, Jonathan and I knew that we couldn’t have children and I decided that I still wanted to be doing something with children. I had been an office manager for a heavy equipment company in Wichita before we were married and I really wasn’t in a position where I needed to worry about medical issues, but after we were married, being a farmer’s wife put me in a position where I occasionally had to help deliver calves. That gave me an idea. At that time Dr. Harrison was the only doctor in Small County. Well, the name is Small but the county sure isn’t and there were times when Doc Harrison was away on a call when a woman would go into labor. That’s what happened with my best friend, Nellie Irig. When she went into labor, there was no one to help with the delivery and it killed her. That made up my mind for me and I took classes to become a midwife. It seems like I have delivered hundreds of babies, although the number is probably only around forty or so. It has been a while, but I think I still remember a thing or two about delivering babies.”

Lois looked at Clark as if asking permission and after getting a nod asked, “Martha, would you please deliver your grandchild for us?”

Martha was laughing as she replied, “What took you so long to ask? I’d be delighted to as long as Clark will be your coach.”

With a distinct look of relief Clark said, “I’ll be the best coach around. Thanks, Mom.”

Martha stood and said to Lois, “Lois, why don’t you stretch out and let me have a look see.”

Lois did as directed and Martha knelt next to the couch. She said, “Pull up your top for me.”

Lois complied and then Martha started by laying her hands on Lois belly feeling for activity. When her sensitive fingers felt movement she got a satisfied expression and said, “Well, we’ve got a lively one here. That is promising. How many weeks along are you? I’d guess perhaps seven or eight weeks, maybe as much as ten.”

Lois looked at Clark and said, “That’s what I thought I would be if I were Earth human. No, it’s actually longer.”

Martha raised an inquiring eyebrow, so Lois explained, “We don’t know just how long a Kryptonian pregnancy lasts. I’m actually between ten and twelve weeks. It looks like a Kryptonian pregnancy is longer than an Earth human pregnancy.” A thought suddenly occurred to Lois and she said, “Clark, since that is the case we could spend more time here visiting. In fact we need to do that so that my carry time is the same as an Earth woman’s. Once I start to show we should probably spend one week here to every two or three weeks we spend on the other side of the door. What do you think?”

Clark looked at Martha and asked, “Would you guys mind us spending a week at a time here with you?”

Martha’s face lit up with a smile at the prospect of having that much time with her kids and she asked, “Are you kidding? We’d love to have you guys here with us.” Turning back to Lois she said, “Let me check something else.”

By applying some pressure on various areas, Martha with her experienced hands was able to tell almost as much as a physician with an ultrasound device. She said, “You can pull your top down. Everything looks to be right where it’s supposed to be. I don’t think we will have any problems. If I’d had my training before Nellie went into labor I might have been able to get the baby turned by manipulation and prevented her problem. I might have saved her life and that of the child. Such a shame. Well, the good thing is that I can do this for you. Now, you guys are going to have to come see me regularly so that I can keep tabs on development. It will be good that you will be here for a week at a time.” She patted Lois hand and then stood. With a look of confidence she said, “When the time comes, we’ll be ready.”

Clark had an idea and after a round of hugs Clark led Lois outside. The Kents followed them out. Before he pulled out the TaDT to open the window he said, “Mom, go get a good night’s sleep. I’m going to use the TaDT to go back and forth until it’s tomorrow morning. I’ll do it out here so that I don’t disturb you.”

Martha looked at Lois and said, “You see how he is … so thoughtful. I hope he takes as good care of you.”

Looking at Clark, Lois said, “He does, every bit as good.”

With a final farewell and a promise to see them the next day Clark triggered the device and they passed through.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

After they had stepped through he turned to Lois and said, “I just had a better idea. I’ll go back and do a patrol, a long patrol. Maybe I can find something interesting, like a mud slide or an earthquake to handle.”

“That sounds a lot more productive than you just crossing back and forth. I guess I’ll see you in five minutes.”

Just like a businessman going off to work, Clark gave her a kiss and said, “Be back shortly.”

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Common name – Alt2

While Lois packed for the trip to Australia, Clark went back. He started his patrol in Metropolis. He stopped two muggings and a jewelry store burglary.

Then he headed west, following the sun. In Chicago he stopped a high speed chase and helped with a high rise fire, rescuing a dozen residents, six of whom were children and one very important dog.

In Las Vegas he stopped another high speed chase, delivering the fugitives to the Vegas Police.

In San Diego he rescued a surfer that had wiped out and hit his head on his board as he did, knocking himself out.

In Hawaii he diverted the flow of lava by using his freeze breath to solidify the magma forcing the flow which was threatening a scientific observation team to stay where it was supposed to be.

In Shanghai in response to a silent alarm, he interrupted a robbery at a diamond merchant’s.

In Indonesia he used his speed, flying back and forth underwater to disrupt a tsunami generated by an undersea earthquake.

In Tibet he used his invulnerable body to divert a landslide, the boulders bouncing off of his chest, preventing the destruction of a small village.

In the Italian Alps he used his heat vision to turn an avalanche into steam saving the lives of a climbing team.

In Holland he shored up a dike that was giving way under the pounding surf from a channel storm.

In the English Channel he prevented an overloaded ferry from capsizing in that same storm.

By this time it was early morning when he returned to the farm and standing on the porch he triggered the TaDT and stepped through into the living room of the farm house.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 - Local designation – Alt 1

Lois heard him return and called down from their room, “How did it go? Any big rescues? How long were you gone?”

“It went well. I killed some time, waiting till morning then I returned. I hope Mom got a good night’s sleep. I’ve been thinking.” He pulled the TaDT out of his pocket and looked at it as he spoke, “We could really use some control over this thing. I hope Herb shows up soon on a visit. I’m going to ask him to change something on this. We need to be able to change the time we arrive. If we could do that I’d have just set this for eight hours so that it would be the next morning.” After saying that, he thought of all of the rescues he had just made and all of the lives he had just saved. He thought particularly of the six children that were suffering with only minor burns and smoke inhalation that could have died if not for him and thought better of his statement. He recanted, "Actually, I don't think I will. Now that I think about it, I think we'll leave it just the way it is. A world without Superman could go to hell in a handbasket in a lot less than eight hours."

Lois picked up on this change and asked, "You did a lot more than just kill time, didn't you?"

With the children on his mind, thinking about the child that they would soon be having and thinking that if it had been his child in that fire ... he would have wanted him rescued. How could he if he was AWOL? He replied, "Yeah, I guess I did.”

After a few seconds, he continued, “There was this high rise fire in Chicago. I had pulled out eleven, six adults and five children. Suddenly one of the mothers started yelling for Carrie.”

“I went up to her and she said, ‘Superman, my daughter is still missing.’”

“What’s her name?”

“Carrie, Carrie Harris. Please Superman, please find her.”

“I’ll do what I can to find her.”

“I went back in and found her on the top floor. There were flames all around, but the room was not fully engulfed. She was hiding in a closet crying and calling, ‘Mommy! Mommy!’”

* * * * * * *

"The fire cast an eerie red/orange glow over everything. Superman opened the door of the closet and Carrie cowered back into a corner, like she was afraid of Superman."

"Superman knelt down and said, 'Hi Carrie. I’m going to take you away from here.'”

“Carrie cried, ‘My Mommy told me never to go anywhere with strangers!’”

“Superman was stumped for a second as to how to handle this before he said, ‘Your Mommy is very wise, but what did she tell you about the police?’”

“Carrie thought for a second and then said, ‘The police are good and they help people.’”

“Realizing he was on the right track, Superman said, ‘Just think of me as a policeman and I’ll take you to your Mommy.’”

“Carrie still hesitated for a second, processing this thought before she said, ‘Okay. What about Scrappy?’”

“Who is Scrappy?”

“With a don’t-you-know-anything kind of tone she said, ‘My dog, silly.’”

“That was the first that Superman noticed that there was a dog curled up on the floor. He had been behind Carrie so he was out of view until he picked her up. He said, ‘Oh, okay. There he is.’”

“Superman picked her up and she clung to his neck with all of her might. She buried her head in his shoulder and closed her eyes tightly. With his other hand he picked up Scrappy. He wrapped his cape around both of them and flew them out.”

“When they landed he removed his cape from her, but she still clung to him eyes closed. He put Scrappy down and the dog stayed as close as he could to Carrie as she was carried to her mom. Scrappy was barking happily as he followed his little mistress. Superman carried Carrie over to her mommy and it still took a few seconds for her to realize just who it was and let go.”

“Superman finally got a good look at his passenger. She was about six with brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes. She looked like what I imagine you looked like at that age.”

Clark said, “She looked like she could be our child.”

“Scrappy had been bounding along as Superman carried Carrie to her mother. When Superman stopped Scrappy started sniffing at his legs.”

“Once Carrie was in her mother’s arms she first looked down at her dog and made a downward gesture with her hand and the dog immediately quieted down and sat watching his little mistress attentively then she pointed at me and said, ‘The nice man brought me to you. I know you said not to go with strangers, but he said he was like a policeman so I trusted him. He promised to bring me to you and he did.’”

“Her mother asked, ‘Carrie, do you know who the nice man is?’”


“’Carrie, the nice man’s name is Superman. He isn’t a policeman, but he helps people just like the police do. It was good that you trusted him.’”

“I said, ‘Carrie, it was good that you trusted me, but you still need to be careful who you trust. Listen to your mommy. She is very wise. She loves you very much and wants to protect you.’”

“Carrie said, ‘When I grow up I want to help people too.’”

Clark continued the story, “It almost felt like I was talking with you in some ways. I reached over and pushed a stray lock of her hair behind her ear and then gave her a kiss on the top of her head. I said, “You do that sweetheart. It would be good if everyone wanted to help others.”

“I turned to Carrie’s mother and said, ‘Send me a note care of the Daily Planet in Metropolis. I’d like to help her help others.’ Her mother said that she would. I’d like to encourage her.”

Lois could see just how this chance meeting had affected him and said, “I’d like to meet this little heartbreaker. I want to help her too. I hope her mother sends the note.”

She moved into his arms and gave him a hug and a kiss, lingering, more than a few seconds in the kiss.

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Last edited by KenJ; 04/29/14 02:20 PM.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
