Clark and Lois - Hope Realized - Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 5 01/25
By Ken Janney
Rating PG-13
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

Authors note:
This is a work of fiction however certain characters and incidents contained in this work are based upon real people and actual incidents which have been fictionalized to a certain extent.

This is the fifth part of a multi part saga and a direct sequel to Clark and Lois – The Lost Years – Matchmaker Chronicles Volumes 3 and 4. If you haven’t done so as yet, please read the previous Volumes. You will have a better understanding of the fundamental premises of the set if you do. I wish to express my thanks to my Beta readers Ray Reynolds and Artemis for their invaluable help. I also wish to especially thank Datasprite12 for her invaluable help in correcting my elementary French. This was a VERY rough draft when it first landed in their hands.

By trade I have been a scientist for 30 years and now have been involved in Computer network admin for 10 years. I try not to use ‘techno-babble’. I will attempt to substantiate the science I cite although there may be some cases where I need to extrapolate for future discoveries. I promise that I will not simply try to ‘snow’ you with a bunch of hand waving and gibberish. My ‘hard science’ as much as is possible is just that science fact.

One absolutely critical point: In this entire series I will be dealing with time travel and multi-universe travel. It is therefore critical that you have the concept of alternate universes and be aware of which one the story is currently in at all times. I try to make sure you know where you are by using the “Universal Locator Designation”. Some of the differences in ULDs will be very slight, changing only at the Tau value. If you don’t keep this in mind you will easily become confused as to what is happening and think I am simply changing the story already presented in an earlier volume when it is actually another universe. As far as times, I will attempt to insure that time markers are always present.

This particular story takes place after Lois and Clarks and also before the series started. In some cases I will, of necessity, be going ‘between’ the episodes. In this Volume, I am using a number of flashbacks. In most cases the flashbacks are actual transcriptions of the dialog from the show.
These are all volumes of a single story loop. I expect to be publishing a goodly number of volumes so hang on, it’s gonna be a fun ride.
* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
(#) footnotes
/ denotes telepathic communication/
[ playback of a recording or TV Commentary]

For reference purposes the following will hold true throughout.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 - Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Canon Alt Clark universe also called – Alt 1

As always comments are welcome. (

OK, so you’ve already read a book and you haven’t even started the story yet. Thanks for your patience. Now, without further ado I present for your enjoyment:

Clark and Lois – Hope Realized - The Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 5

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What is past is Prologue
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In Volume 4 of this set, Herb Wells had approached Alt Clark with a request. TTEMPO had been checking many of the universes in the multiverse and had discovered numerous instances wherein the presence of a second Superman had been necessary to the survival of that universe’s Superman or Lois. Herb’s request was for this Clark to be that second Superman. Thus Alt 1 Superman had performed his own version of the twelve labors of Hercules.

Once he had completed these twelve missions he had one final mission ahead, the mission which would unite him with an unattached Lois Lane.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In a remote section of the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, a portal opened in the air. Unnoticed, Herb stepped through the portal and proceeded to the area around the Tomb of the Unknowns. Arriving there he spotted Clark, dressed in his normal business attire, and walked over to him. His arrival was timed perfectly and he walked up and greeted Clark just in time to watch the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. Standing side by side they silently watched the very moving ceremony. When it finished Herb turned away and indicated that Clark should accompany him, so he and Clark strolled away together.

Herb asked, “Well, how did it go, my boy?”

Clark related the story of his latest mission and then finished up with, “Another success, another Lois and Clark together, another universe on the path to Utopia. Herb, how many more of these missions do I have to go on? I mean, yeah, it’s rewarding saving them and bringing them together, but, it’s not helping me. I’m still as alone as the day Lois died.”

Herb replied, “I know my boy, I have known that this was going to be a strain on you, but, it was necessary. You have performed marvelously I dare say, you have gone above and beyond my expectation. As anticipated in each mission, you have saved and brought together the Lois Lane and Clark Kent of that universe. The number of universes which through your direct effort are now on the path to utopia that would not have been otherwise is significant. You have done yeoman’s work my lad. The good news is that there remains just one final mission. Can you do one more mission?”

“Yeah, I guess so Herb. What’s the situation this time?”

Herb said, “Let’s continue our stroll, I have a lot to tell you. This is truly your last mission because this mission is to unite you with Lois.”

Herb gave his last statement a few seconds to sink in. He was rewarded by the grin that spread on Clark’s face.

Clark, still wary asked, “Really? You have found a Lois without a Clark?”

“My boy, let’s go over there and sit on that bench. We have a lot to discuss.”

After they sat down Herb proceeded with his explanation, “My boy, our understanding of the multiverse is improving all of the time. Recently I was in a universe which was created by the fact that the Lois in that universe had her life extended by exposure to the Kryptonian aura. Do you remember Schrödinger's cat? At the time that her life was extended there were two possible outcomes. First there was the possibility that her life would be extended and, second, that it would not. In the first circumstance the universe continued. That is the universe that you first interacted with and the Lois that taught you how to be Superman. You see, the inflection point which created a new universe was the point at which Lois ceased to age. In the normal course of her life she would have aged as a normal human. When that ceased being the case a new universe was created wherein she aged at the rate of an Earth human while in the original universe she lived many lifetimes.”

Herb turned on the bench so that he was more directly facing Clark and gestured with his hands, placing them just a few inches apart palms facing in. “The second possibility turned out to be the cause of the creation of a new universe wherein her life span was that of a normal Earth human. She had a long, happy life with her Clark; however, while she aged Clark did not. When she passed away her soul moved to a new vessel and I was able to reunite them in the future. But, unfortunately, that was not the case in your universe. If it had been, I could have done the same thing for you and simply moved you ahead to be reunited with the Lois soul; however, in your universe when your Lois died her soul ceased to exist. That is why her passing affected you so. The other half of your soul ceased to exist, at least in this plane of existence. Usually at the passing of the current vessel the soul passes to a new vessel. In the case of your Lois I was unable to detect her soul in another vessel. It is, I suppose, possible that her soul passed into another universe. We have no way to tell at this time. As it stands, to all intents and purposes, her soul has ceased to exist and you lost half of yourself.”

Clark’s expression remained eager, as if looking for an answer.

“In view of this I had to send out a number of field agents from TTEMPO to search for a universe where the same situation pertained, only on the other side. One of the agents finally found a circumstance where a new universe is created when a Clark is in a situation wherein he might or might not die.”

“In the second, he is seriously injured, but survives and is united with his Lois. However, as I said, there is an alternate outcome; a universe is created wherein in that particular plane of existence his soul failed to move to a new vessel within that universe. When he dies, his soul in essence ceases to exist as with what happened to your Lois.”

Because he had personally experienced this situation Clark understood completely what would happen and knew that if there was any way he could help prevent that from happening to any Lois he would.

“The timing on this trip is crucial. We must arrive so that Lois does not experience the depths of despair that you were put through. You will need to do whatever you can to promote your relationship with her as quickly as possible. We have nothing to go on as we have no prior experience in these circumstances. We theorize that as soon as you arrive in her universe the connection between your souls will manifest and prevent her descent into the depths of despair.”

“Herb, you’re a time traveler. Tell me, do I succeed?”

“My boy, I must fall back on my motto at this point. Too much information too soon is not good. I will say this, there is a time constraint. Due to the death of Clark, in order for you to take his place, you must act quickly in order to prevent Clark’s disappearance from becoming general knowledge. I will be dropping you off as close to the time of his death as is feasible so that first, Lois will not be thrown into the depths of despair and second, so that Clark’s demise can be covered up.”

In an attempt to convey his understanding of the situation Clark asked, “Would it be best to drop me off before he dies or immediately after?” Thinking more on it he answered his own question, “I think after, that way Lois won’t be offended that I didn’t save her Clark. How am I to explain to her that her Clark had to die? I mean, it’s obvious that we can travel through time and it would have been just as easy to get there before he died as after.”

“This is a truly unique situation. We haven’t seen this previously. This universe has some of the character of Prime; however an incident happened in the past which changed the path taken by the Lois and Clark of this universe. You’ll have to simply work out what needs to be done once you are there. Are you ready?”

Clark had been obviously getting more and more anxious as Herb had been briefing him. Unfortunately, he had allowed that to distract him to a certain extent and not everything that Herb had said had sunk in. He responded, “I guess so, the sooner the better.”

“Alright, my boy, here we go.” Herb pulled out the TaDT and entered the coordinates. The portal opened and they stepped through onto that street that had become so familiar.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190
Common name –Alt2

They proceeded to their usual convenience store to check the headlines. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

Herb said, “It’s 7 PM, February 14, 1994. We’ll extend this trip. Let’s meet Sunday, May 8th in the mall in front of the Alamo at 10 AM. Good luck my boy.” Herb extended his hand and Clark took it and shook it.

Clark said, “Thanks Herb, for everything you’ve done for me.”

“Don’t thank me yet, Clark. Wait until you have succeeded in this mission.”

Herb exited the store and headed for the alley he always used as he entered the time and space coordinates into his TaDT. The portal opened in front of him and he again stepped through.

Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190
Common name –Alt2

Herb checked the display and it read, May 8, 1994. He was relatively near the Alamo so it only took a couple of minutes to walk there. Herb, seeing that Clark was alone started the conversation, “Truly, I was not expecting to find you alone this time, my boy. Can you tell me what happened? Did you succeed in this mission as you have in all of the others or did you fail? Are you and Lois Lane of this universe together? I must admit, this doesn’t correspond with what I know about this universe’s future history.”

Clark had turned as he had heard Herb approach. He gave his question a few seconds consideration and started to walk away from the Alamo before answering, “Well, Herb, in a manner of speaking, yes, we are. Would you be willing to take a little trip? We’d like to have a meeting.”

“My, my, that would be unusual. Are you sure they want to meet with me?”


“Well, okay, if you insist. Where are we to meet?”

“At the Kent home in Smallville.”

“That makes some sense. Shall we use the TaDT?”

Clark’s stroll had taken them to a secluded area where he spun into the Suit before he said, “That shouldn’t be necessary. I can fly us.” Before Herb had a chance to object Clark picked him up and took off. Herb hastily grabbed his derby and held it in place as they took off. The flight only took a few minutes and they landed in the front yard. Clark spun out of the Suit as he led the way to the door.

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To be continued in Chapter 01 – Superman and Superwoman

Last edited by KenJ; 04/30/14 03:35 AM.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
