Nightfall Honeymoon TOC

Author's Note: Just a reminder, this story is PG-13.

Where we left off in Part 11G...

“Trust me,” Lois told him and she continued unbuttoning his shirt. When she had finished, she flung it open so that the Superman shield and blue suit seemed to visually pop out. “You are Superman, correct?”

“Yes.” That was the one fact he knew for certain.

“The man I married wore this exact suit…” she said, resting her hands on his chest. “Well, not this exact suit, because that suit burned up on reentry during the first Nightfall mission – but a suit exactly like this one, under the grey suit he wore when we got married. It was our ‘something blue’.”

Kal gazed at her, still not knowing where she was going with argument. His brow furrowed as he guessed, “I’m your good luck?”

“No, Kal,” she stated and then smiled. “Well, yes. You have always been my good luck charm.” She caressed his cheek. “I wouldn’t be alive it weren’t for you. What I meant was, when I married Clark, because he was wearing this suit, I also married Superman. You are my husband as much as he is.”

His eyes bugged. He was?

“So, you may share this bed with me – sleep with me – with a clear conscience. We won’t be cheating on my husband, because you are my husband. Now, will you please stop beating yourself up about coveting me?” Her smile grew larger. “It’s okay to want to make love to your wife.” Then she winked and with a soft nudge, told him, “Besides, I’m pretty irresistible.”

Kal blinked. Irresistible? That was an understatement. It was okay to want to make love to Lois because he was married to Lois? He gulped. What should he do now?

Part 12G

“No pressure, Kal,” Lois said, removing her hand from his chest. “Your suit bag from the honeymoon is in the closet. I haven’t had a chance to do laundry; so, no guarantees on cleanliness. I’ll clear a couple of my drawers out for you tomorrow. I’m sure everything in your duffel is clean.”

Duffel? Oh, right. Jonathan Kent’s old army bag. Kal turned his head and saw it still sitting where he had dropped it when he came in.

“I’m finished in the bathroom, so why don’t you go get changed,” Lois continued as she got up and went to the closet where she removed sheets and pillows.

Kal really didn’t want to wear anything of Clark’s from the honeymoon, so he retrieved his duffel bag and took it with him into the bathroom. He felt it was a little early to be getting ready for bed; he would much rather stay up and talk to Lois. Hear more of her memories of him.

Well… maybe the phrase ‘much rather’ wasn’t entirely correct – not by a long shot. But even though she had convinced him that they were essentially married, Kal still did not feel right making love to her so soon. He wanted to, obviously, but he had just met her several hours before. And he shouldn’t let his cravings rule their relationship. As Jonathan had said, “There is more to a marriage than sharing a bed.”

Kal went through the clothes in the bag. T-shirts, jeans, slacks, button-down shirts – both long and short sleeve – sweatpants, sweatshirts, underwear – briefs, hmmm? – and socks. He had also found a few pairs of silky boxer shorts. Were these his pajamas? But there weren’t any matching shirts. Did he sleep only in shorts? No, that would never do. He picked out a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt instead. Not as romantic, but he wasn’t looking to seduce Lois. Dreaming of it? Fantasizing about making love to her? Most definitely. But he wasn’t expecting it. It wouldn’t be fair to Lois. He packed the rest of his clothes back into the duffel bag.

He shrugged out of the button down shirt, which he had never re-buttoned after Lois had opened it, folded it neatly, and added it to the rest of the clothes in the duffel bag. Or should he drop it into Lois’s dirty clothes hamper? He did live here now. He sighed. He still felt like a guest though. The shirt was basically clean, as he had only worn it for a few hours, so he put it into the duffel bag with his tan pants.

Kal stood before the mirror in his blue suit now. He almost wished he could sleep in this. It was comfortable, nearly a security blanket for him. He had woken up in a suit like this one – he had changed into one of the clean ones hanging in Martha’s closet. Taking it off… he gulped. Would it make him feel seem less super? No, even he knew the blue suit had to come off. He unfastened the cape, folded it, and set it in the duffel bag with the red shorts. Would it be too weird, if he slept in just the blue suit? Yes, he told himself and finally took it off. He stood in front of the mirror naked. Like this, he could almost be Clark Kent… well, except for the missing memories. He reached for the blue suit again, but stopped himself, forcing his hand to move on to the sweatpants. He could do this.

Jonathan had given him a new toothbrush, which he used to clean the taste of tomato sauce out of his mouth. Plus, if he did end up kissing Lois – just kissing – it would probably be best not to taste of garlic. He had washed the gel out of his hair when he showered at the Kents’, but he combed his hair again, making sure he had dried it thoroughly when he had heat visioned it after his head dunking. Then he looked to see if he needed to shave again. Okay, that was just a stalling technique, he admitted. He had shaved right before coming over to Lois’s.

Kal took a deep breath and picked up his duffel. He could do this. He would just tell Lois he was tired. After all, it had been a long, emotionally-draining day. Maybe she would understand. He hoped she would understand. Because if she touched him… Kal exhaled. His body wasn’t as well hidden under these sweatpants as it was under the blue suit, the red shorts, and a pair of slacks. If she – who was he kidding? – when she turned him on, she would know it. He opened the bathroom door.

“Lois, I…” he didn’t finish. There was no point.

Lois was sound asleep, curled up in a ball in the center of the bed. How long had he been in the bathroom? It didn’t matter. He exhaled in relief. He now knew he could survive the night. He set his duffel down next to the closet and walked to the bed. He gently lifted Lois up and tucked her under the comforter with her facing the edge of the bed. He figured he would get more sleep himself if he didn’t have look into her serene, beautiful face all night.

Maybe he should put a wall between them. For Lois’s safety. He glanced around and decided his duffel was probably the best choice. He placed it up against Lois’s back and realized that this bed was smaller than he expected. With the duffel in the bed, it left him barely a foot of space in which to sleep. He nodded. That would be okay. He was Superman. If he fell out of bed, he wouldn’t suffer more than a cold floor. Maybe he should sleep on the floor anyway? He glanced at the floor and then back at Lois in bed. He would much rather sleep on the bed. And with the duffel bag there… Yes, that would work.

Kal returned the brownies to the kitchen and washed the dishes. He covered up the left-over casserole and stuck it into the fridge before turning off the light. He wiped down the dining table. Found a broom and swept the floor.

He looked at Lois asleep in the bed again with yearning. He was exhausted. He really wanted to go to bed, cuddle up next to her, and sleep. No, he mentally kicked himself. The duffel bag would remain between them. For Lois’s safety. He swallowed and sat down on the bed in the small sliver of space afforded him between the duffel bag and the side of the bed. He glanced back at Lois and his heart filled with love.

Tomorrow would be a better day. At least, he would wake up to Lois’s company instead of a dirt hole. He laid down and let his thoughts drift off to dreams of his incredibly sexy wife.


Friday – Early morning

A tingling feeling woke Lois up. For the brief moment she opened her eyes, she could tell it was still dark, very dark. Middle of the night dark. She felt that tingling sensation again and realized there was a hand caressing her. Under her shirt, caressing her. Was Clark awake? Did he know what he was doing to her? She exhaled as his fingers continued to touch her.

Oh, God! That feels good.

Lois could feel his hot breath blowing over her neck. Clark’s body was warmly snuggled up against her back. She sighed. He felt so good. She shifted her bottom and bumped into him. She smiled.

Hello, husband.

Clark’s hand was so warm against her chest. She pressed her back more firmly against him and she heard him murmur the groan she had stifled. She decided not to chance waking him – if he was truly still asleep – and just savored cuddling with him.

Soon, even that wasn’t enough. She needed more. Lois wanted to turn over and kiss him, but she still was afraid what would happen if he woke up and realized exactly what was going on. She took the hand that was caressing her chest and slowly glided it down her body. Lois smiled as Clark moaned again.

Chancing discovery, Lois reached back and gently tugged on the soft material of Clark’s pants. He moaned again with approval. She felt his lips kissing her neck as his body tucked itself against hers.

Oh, God! She wanted this man. Her hand went back to his against her stomach as he pulled her more tightly to him. Lois gasped with surprise. Clark seemed to take over as he kissed her neck.

Lois could no longer hold in the moan of desire that radiated through her. And as quickly as it was there, it disappeared. Clark’s warmth, his kisses, his hand, and the rest of his body were gone, leaving her cold and alone. Lois flopped onto the bed in frustration as she heard the bathroom door shut.

Oh, no, he didn’t!

Lois sat up. Oh, yes, he did!

Are you going to let him get away with that?

Absolutely not! Lois thought, jumping to her feet. No more games. This was war!


Clark stood in the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom sink, trying to catch his breath and get a grip of the guilt that was overtaking him. He couldn’t believe that he had done that to Lois. What happened to his duffel bag? How had he ended up pressed up against his wife?

Oh, God! He was out of control. He had to leave. Where he would go? He didn’t know. But he had to leave. She wasn’t safe with him around. But before he left he needed to take a shower… a very hot shower and relieve this ache that was as close to pain as he could remember feeling. Of course, since he had no memory that wasn’t saying much. He hoped that Lois hadn’t woken up. Perhaps she would never know what he had almost done to her in his sleep.

He heard the doorknob rattle and was glad he had thought to lock it when he had come in.

“Kal!” Lois demanded. “Open up this door. Now!”

Oh, crap, she knew. And she was angry as hell about it.

“I’m sorry, Lois. It won’t happen again,” he murmured, not knowing if he spoke loud enough for her to hear him. He quickly stripped out of his clothes and turned on the shower.

“Kal, if you get into that shower without unlocking this door, I swear…” She pounded on the door with a sob.

He stopped with one hand on the shower door, his foot about to step inside.

“Please,” she pleaded softly.

X-raying the door, he watched her wince and heard her cry before sliding down the doorframe in misery.

“Open the door, Kal, please. Don’t do this to me.”

Maybe she just needed to use the toilet. Against his better judgment, he quickly – super quickly – unlocked the door and jumped into the shower with his back to the rest of the bathroom.

He couldn’t concentrate as he heard the door open and then, a few moments later, the toilet flush. The water went from hot to scalding, surprising him, but luckily not burning his tough skin.

Then the door to the shower opened and there stood Lois, glowering at him. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

Kal was about to ask her the same question, but swallowed it, figuring he didn’t deserve a rebuttal. He kept his back to her as he watched her over his shoulder, trying to hide as best he could from her gaze.

“Do you think it’s fair to turn me on like that and then leave?” she snapped, her hands on her hips.

He gulped. That’s what she was angry about? “I should never have…”

“Don’t give me that self-pity crap!” Lois said, stepping into the shower and slapping him across the face. “You know I want you as much as you want me.”

Kal just stared at her as the water from the shower soaked through her pajamas, causing them to cling to her body as a second skin. He gulped. He was a goner. There was no way he could escape.

“There’s no need to turn away from me. I know what your body looks like; I’ve seen it all before,” she continued to holler at him. “Do you think it’s as easy for me to …?” Her voice caught with emotion. “Because I can guarantee you that I’ve never been… never…” Lois’s voice dropped off as a brief expression of embarrassment crossed her face.

He decided that it was his time to speak as he turned to face her. “So, you want me to give you pleasure?”

“Yes!” she insisted with relief.

Kal nodded, determined to fulfill his promise to himself to do whatever he needed to make her happy. And if this was what she wanted, so be it. He turned and faced her. “Well, okay. Pleasure it is then.” He pressed his lips together.

“What’s the matter?” she asked as they continued to stand there without touching.

“I’m figuring out the best way to give you pleasure,” he admitted. “I’m sorry. Did you want to ask twice?” He started to panic, but then pushed that emotion aside. He could do this. True, he couldn’t remember the first thing about giving pleasure to a woman. Well, except for what that article had said. And, although Lois said that he could tell her the truth, he wasn’t sure he wanted to share that with her.

Her jaw dropped open, but she didn’t speak. When she still didn’t respond after another moment, Kal shrugged and knelt in front of her, pulling her shorts down. He accomplished that in the span of approximately two seconds. Then he stood there a full minute, trying to remember what he had read in that magazine on the best ways to pleasure a woman.

Lois’s voice shook as she asked in a higher pitch, “What are you doing?”

“Well, I read in Love Fortress International this morning…” he told her, sitting down on his feet and gazing up at her face. “That the best partner for a man is a happy woman…” He licked his lips as he tried to remember exactly what the article had said. “And the best way to keep a woman happy… was to give her pleasure …” Remembering the details of the article actually turned out to be more difficult with her standing there half naked. He cleared his throat. “And the best way to pleasure her was…” His gaze moved from her eyes down to the wet, t-shirt clinging to her chest. And the focus of his thoughts went away.

“Kal,” she said, her voice a hoarse whisper. “What… What are you doing?”

He glanced up at her again and saw surprise written all over her face. “I am going to give you pleasure.” His brow furrowed in confusion. “Why? Am I doing it wrong?”

Lois smiled weakly down at him, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. “Frankly, Kal, I have no idea.”


“No one has…” She swallowed, blushing. “Ever…”


She shook her head.

His eyes opened widely as he realized ‘never’ included Clark. “Ever?”

“Stand up,” Lois requested.

“I was going about it all wrong, wasn’t I? Oh, I’m so sorry…” Humiliation flooded him.

“Kal. Stand up,” she repeated, bending down and tugging him up to his feet.

“I just wanted to make you happy, give you pleasure, and I failed…” he said, standing.

“Kal!” Lois snapped. “Shut up!”

He closed his mouth and looked at her.

She pulled him into a hug. “I don’t know if you were doing it right or wrong. All I know is that I would never be able to keep standing if you did that,” she whispered against his chest.

Relief overtook his humiliation. It wasn’t him. It was positioning. “Would you like to lie down?”

“No. If you want to try again another time…” Lois took a breath. “I think for our first time – the first time that you can remember – you should just kiss me and see what happens naturally. Okay?” She glanced up at him.

He liked that idea. He could handle that. “Can I do something else first?”

“What?” she asked warily.

“You said that you know my body. Well, I don’t remember yours. Can I have a minute to just look at you?” he inquired hopefully. “Before I kiss you and get distracted?”

Lois smiled with a wink. “I think I might be able to handle a minute of pure voyeurism.”

Kal grinned as he pulled the hem of Lois’s soaking wet sleep shirt up and over her head. He dropped her shirt on the shower stall floor on top of her shorts. She now stood in front of him completely nude. His gaze focused in on the perfection of her chest. He didn’t know if he had seen other naked women before he lost his memory, but he knew this body was sure to distract him from any others that might pass by him. He reached out and caressed her arm down to her hand. Lois leaned against the shower wall, closing her eyes with a groan.

“Are you done?” she asked hoarsely.

He smiled. “Just getting started,” he replied, raising his other hand to touch her stomach. Her smooth, wet skin was almost his undoing. He almost pulled her to him and kissed her lips, but then his voyeurism minute would be gone and he really did want to see her entire body. He knelt down beside her and kissed her belly-button.

Lois made a little noise like a sigh, but didn’t speak. He sat back on his heels and let his hands glide down over her hips and down her legs to her feet. Her sweet little unpainted toes practically begged for him to kiss them. He lifted up one of her feet and brought it to his mouth.

Lois whimpered. “Kal.” Her breath was ragged now. “Not while I’m standing, please,” she begged.

Kal smiled. Not a ‘not ever’, just a ‘not now.’ A promise of future gratification and bliss brought him nearly as much happiness in the present. He set down her foot and she sighed. He turned her around, so her back faced him.

This time, he glided his hands up her legs to her bottom. As he stood back up, Kal couldn’t resist and started to kiss up her back.

She moaned and Kal gently turned her around so that they were facing each other once more.

Lois wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her naked body to his. “Time’s up,” she announced before kissing him.

This kiss was unlike any other kiss he could remember. Naked, wet Lois made a wonderful kissing partner. The way her skin glided against his in the water made his body sing with joy. Her hand slid down his chest and over his stomach leaving a trail of tingles. He sucked in a mouthful of air and it was full of the frangrance and taste of her.

“Lois!” This woman was driving him wild.

“I need you.” She released her mouth from his long enough to speak. “Now!”

“Lois?” Kal knew he was going to ruin the mood by speaking these words, but they had to be said. “Lois, are you using any precautions?”

She leaned her head against his chest. “No,” she admitted with a sigh. “My father wanted me to start on the pill, but I’m always forgetting to take it and… if you don’t take it daily, what’s the point, right?”

“I don’t know if it’s even possible…” he began.

“It’s possible,” she told him.

Kal gazed into her eyes. “How do you know that? Do I…?” He gulped. Was he already a father? Were there others out there like him? Was she already pregnant with his child? Was that why they had gotten married so quickly?

“Well,” she said with a slight chuckle. “You aren’t going to believe me when I tell you this, because really you had to have been there, but…” She laughed again with a shake of her head. “You really aren’t going to believe me.”

“Try me,” he implored, hating that there was another mystery out there he didn’t know about.

“About a month ago, I was visited by two men from the future…” Lois said, pausing with a glance up at him.

She was right, he wasn’t going to believe her. This was crazy. He raised a brow.

“One of the men tried to convince me to marry him – in the psycho’s defense, he had been drugged by pheromones. Anyway, he wanted me to marry him because he said I was destined to fall in love and marry…” She pressed her lips together and he waited anxiously. “A super strong, super fast, flying alien called Superman.” She shot him a grin.

Great. Lois was insane. “Why didn’t he want you to marry me?” he asked skeptically.

Lois bit her bottom lip in a way that instantly reminded him that they were standing naked in a shower. He was tempted to press his lips to that slightly pouting bottom lip and hear about this so-called time-traveler another time, but he really wanted to know why this man didn’t want them to get married and how she knew he could father children with an Earth woman. Darn his curiosity.

“Because our love is so great and pure that together with our children, we create a utopian society that is so boring he had to come back into the past and break us up.” Lois shot him another huge and nervous grin.

“So, what you’re saying is that precautions are a good idea?”

She looked at him with a stunned expression. “You believe me?”

“Absolutely not. Do you need me to run out and get some?” he asked, dropping the subject of the time-traveling men altogether. “Or did you want to go?”

“I thought he was crazy too, Kal. But you’ve got to remember that this was before I knew you existed. Back when I thought that the man who saved me from falling into the street was a figment of my imagination. This was before you saved the colossus plane… Do you know about that?”

He nodded. They were getting way off track from the reason for this conversation in the first place. “Do you still want to make love? Or do you want to convince me that you’re right?”

Lois crossed her arms and took a step back, her jaw tense and her lips pressed together. “You really don’t remember me at all, do you?”

Uh-oh. He said the absolutely wrongest thing to say to this woman at this juncture, didn’t he? He gulped, knowing Lois wasn’t going to want him to give her pleasure after all. “I’m sorry, Lois.” He smiled helplessly at her.

“I’m not making love to you until you believe me. It’s snowing outside, remember?” she snapped with a flick of her wrist gesturing the great wide world outside their apartment. Then she grimaced with a sigh. “No, I guess you wouldn’t.” She set her head on his chest in defeat.

His brow furrowed as he gently caressed her hair. “It’s snowing? In late September? Really? It didn’t seem that cold outside today, either, huh? Wow! Strange they didn’t say anything in the paper about a snowstorm. Does it always snow this early in Metropolis? Are you cold, Lois? I don’t want you to catch a chill. Should I turn up the hot water?” He was rambling, so he turned towards the shower knobs, only to be pulled back into her embrace.

Lois’s entire face was lit up with so much happiness. She pressed her lips to his and thoroughly kissed him. “This! This is why I love you,” she told him. “Why I married you.”

Kal wasn’t quite sure what he had said or done to cause this turnaround, but he wasn’t going to mess it up by speaking again. He had learned his lesson. Do not talk while making love to Lois! He even put it on his internal notepad in permanent ink, bold letters, and, for added emphasis, underlined it twice. If he ever lost his memory again, this was the one thing Kal hoped he would remember.

*** End of Part 12 ***

Part 13G


Last edited by VirginiaR; 07/16/14 02:37 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Links

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.