Nightfall Honeymoon TOC

To Read Part 3G

Part 4G

Monday morning – very early

Lois and Clark strolled hand in hand back to the Lexor Niagara from the Falls. It was a beautiful night, and neither of them was in a rush. It was late enough that any celebrations from Superman’s rescue of Earth from the Nightfall Asteroid had died down to sporadic enclaves here and there. Clark still wore Lois’s Jackie O. sunglasses and now donned her baseball hat as well. (And her panties – backwards for more coverage – not that he would admit that ever to another living or dead soul!)

The stars seemed extra twinkly, and Clark was married to the most wonderful and kinky woman in the universe. He didn’t mind that he walked barefoot – Lois had forgotten to grab him a pair of shoes as well as a pair of briefs – or that he had almost been arrested for trespassing. He still counted this as one of the best nights of his life. He had just guaranteed that not only would there be a tomorrow, but also a next week, a next month, and a next year.

He was debating whether or not it equaled or beat the night that included both Lois kissing him for the first real time and his very first official Superman rescue. This day equaled that previous day in pure joy factor alone. He grinned. Tonight he had made love to his wife twice and in a public place. Nothing could ever beat that.

Clark stopped and pulled her in for another kiss. It was just a soft, tender, and short kiss. Despite the temptation to deepen it, he really was ready to return to their room and sleep.

“I love you,” he whispered.

Lois smiled. “So you told me. One block ago. And two blocks before that,” she teased.

Clark liked it when she teased him. He liked everything about this woman. He especially liked that she had suggested that they get married this weekend.

“Did I mention that I love that I’m married to a genius?” he asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

She winked at him. “Me too.”

Clark rolled his eyes. “A humble genius,” he mumbled under his breath sarcastically; not softly enough for Lois to forgo an elbow to his ribs before she wrapped her arm around his waist. He kissed the top of her head as an apology.

Finally, they returned to the Lexor. Clark wanted nothing more than to rush through the lobby to the elevators. The fewer people who saw them out and about, the better.

Lois kissed him just inside the doors and slipped the key-card to their room into his hand. “Go on up. I’ll meet you there.”

He was curious, but too tired to question her at the moment. He gladly moved on to the elevators.


“My husband and I would like to stay for another day or two,” Lois told the man at the front desk. There was no way they would be up on time to catch their mid-afternoon flight the next day – or more accurately, later today. Plus they had a whole day of honeymooning to make up for.

Didn’t you make up for it tonight? asked her inner voice, which had been unusually quiet since the cave.

“Probably for the best, Mrs. Kent,” said the man behind the desk. “The FAA only allowed westbound flights to depart today and no arrivals except from the east in anticipation of Nightfall. You know, get as many people off the coasts as possible. The airport is going to be a mess tomorrow trying to straighten out all those missing flights. And your return flight to Metropolis was probably canceled. I recommend calling the airline first thing in the morning to rebook. We had a bunch of cancellations here at the hotel, since all non-essential travel was canceled as of last night, so it wouldn’t be any trouble to have you and Mr. Kent stay as long as you like.”

Lois hadn’t thought of the snafus that Nightfall must have caused the travel industry. It almost sounded like a good article for the Daily Planet. “I might need to get in touch with the office, if we’re stuck here. Where’s a good place to get online?”

Perry’s letter had included all his new contact information at the new Daily Planet offices, including fax number and e-mail address.

“We have a business center on the second floor, next to the gym. There is a computer there with Internet. It’s only thirty dollars an hour.”


Maybe Lois would file any stories she and Clark wrote via the telephone instead. She glanced at the bespectacled man again, about to thank him and return to her room, when she focused on that one little detail. “Glasses!” she said, staring at him.

“Excuse me?” the front desk clerk said, confused.

“My husband lost his glasses today while at the Falls. Where would be the best place locally to get him a quick replacement pair?” She couldn’t have Clark going around in her Jackie O. sunglasses for too long.

“Oh, Mrs. Kent. I’m so sorry,” apologized the clerk, pulling out a phonebook. Quickly, he jotted down a several business names. “I’d check these places first.”

Lois smiled at him, sticking the note into her bag. Her stomach grumbled with hunger. Luckily, she had saved the two sandwiches she had ordered from room service for her husband’s lunch and dinner in the mini-fridge. She hadn’t wanted anyone to guess her husband had been AWOL from their honeymoon during the same time Superman was in space in case the tabloid industry had followed them to Niagara Falls.

Her stomach rumbled a second time in the elevator as she went back up to their room. Had she really burned off all the calories in that half-gallon of ice-cream during tonight’s love fest with Clark?

Or maybe your metabolism is changing because you’re pregnant with Clark’s child.

Lois blanched and placed a steadying hand against the wall of the elevator. That was ridiculous. She and Clark had only made love once without precautions.


It had only been an hour ago! Lois wanted to scream at her wayward mind. There was no way she would be having any signs or symptoms of pregnancy yet.

Right. Because pregnancies between Earthlings and Kryptonians are well documented and commonplace.

No! No! No! Lois grabbed her head as the elevator dinged, causing her to flatten herself against the side of the box in surprise. What in the hell had she been thinking?

You weren’t thinking. You were just feeling. And let me tell you, he sure felt darn-well-tooting good!

Lois stumbled out of the elevator and into the hall, leading to her room. That Clark did feel darn-well-tootin’ good, Lois had to concur. Clark was simply the best lover in the history of men.

Yeah. Like your three – or was it four? – previous bouts with men would make you a fair judge in this contest. NOT! You want a good judge, you’d have to lend your husband to someone like Cat Grant, who’s been around a man or two – or thirty-seven – in her life… Or possibly, just this year alone.

Not ever happening, Lois growled at herself.

Okay! Okay! Her inner voice backed off defensibly. Just a joke.

Lois found her room and raised her hand to knock.

Are you going to tell Clark you think you might be pregnant?

Absolutely not! He would think she was nuts thinking such thoughts so soon. What was she thinking? Of course, she was nuts thinking these thoughts so soon after their unprotected love fest. No, she would not be mentioning these crazy thoughts to Clark.

Clark opened the door before she had gotten around to knocking. “Everything okay?” he asked. “Your heart is racing.”

“Fine,” she replied a tad too sharply. Then she covered it with the desk clerk’s information about the airports being a mess. Clark seemed to buy this excuse full of malarkey for her elevated heart rate.

Clark pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry, Lois. I know today couldn’t have been easy for you.”

How had he known?

Lois had only been five minutes behind him, but in that time he had taken a shower, changed into his sexy sleep shorts and straightened up the room, since Lois hadn’t let housekeeping in to clean.

Gone were the dregs of her half-gallon of ice-cream and the remnants of the box of tissues she had left scattered around the room. Oh, she hadn’t meant for him to see that.

Lois decided not to put up a false front this time as she returned Clark’s hug. “I was worried about you.”

“I’m okay. I’ll always be okay,” he reassured her, running his hand over her hair. “One of the great things about me. You never have to worry.”

She held him tighter. “Sorry, Clark, but you see that’s in my job description as your wife. To have and to hold, love, cherish, and worry. I’m sure I’ll get used to the small stuff, eventually, but the big stuff – like today – I’ll always worry about. You wouldn’t want me to think you were invincible or something, would you?”

Clark kissed her cheek. “No, I guess not.”

“I’m starving,” Lois announced, stepping out of his embrace. “How about you?”

He shrugged. “Strangely enough, I’m okay. I could eat or not. You’d think I’d be starving after the day I had. I don’t think I’ve eaten all day.”

She went to the mini-fridge and pulled out two sandwiches. “I’ve got your lunch and dinner here.”

“Wow!” he said, impressed, and followed her to the table where the strawberries had been when Mr. and Mrs. Kent had arrived into the honeymoon suite.

“And you thought I couldn’t cook.” She winked at him. “I had to keep up the appearance that you were still here, in case the tabloids tracked us to Niagara,” she explained.

“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to lie for me,” he said, sitting down next to her.

Lois shook her head. “What? You want me to call Leo Nunk and announce to him that you’re Superman and I’m your wife? Ain’t happening. I’m not lying for you. I’m protecting you… us.”

Clark covered her hand with his. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Clark! Stop apologizing, please,” she demanded.

“I’m…” He grinned and took a bite of a sandwich to keep the word from escaping.

They ate in silence for a few minutes before Clark reached over and took her hand again. “Lois, there is one thing I do need to apologize for.”

She raised a brow and waited.

“That kiss with Linda…”

Lois waved off his concern. “Think nothing of it. She ambushed you. I know it wasn’t your choice,” she said, squeezing his hand. “I know you love me, Clark.” A naughty grin slipped onto her face. “You’ve proved that tonight, twofold.”

Hey, great opening to tell him you think you’re pregnant.

Clark blushed slightly and swallowed his bite of sandwich. He leaned over and rested his head against hers. “Lois, making love to you is the most amazing feeling. When we’re together, I feel whole.”

“When we are together, I am whole,” she amended.

“But I’m never wearing your panties again,” he informed her with a very serious expression. “Never.”

Lois grinned and slipped into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Never is an awful long time, Cowboy. And you looked so cute in…”

“Never, Lois,” Clark repeated, his lips pressed together. “I mean never as in forever never.”

She licked her lips. “Didn’t the material feel nice against your skin?”

“Lo-is.” He laughed, rolling his eyes and lightly kissing her smirk. “I plead the Fifth.”

Lois giggled, standing up. “I’m going to hit the showers.” She ran her fingers over his bare chest. “Do you want to join me or…?”

Clark cleared his throat, gazing up at her. “Lois, it’s been a very long day. Would you mind terribly if I just went to sleep?”

She placed a smile on her lips. “I understand,” she replied casually.

Yeah, right.

He was at her side a moment later, kissing her. “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. Promise.”

“Okay,” she said, kissing him again. “Of course you’re tired.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I just thought you’d like to know that I’d be wet and naked in the next room, hot water dripping down my body. You know, in case you were wondering where I was or anything.” She walked away slowly and started dropping her clothing onto the floor as she went. She started with her shoes. Next came down her sweatpants with nothing underneath. Then finally her sweatshirt.

“Oh, woman! You are going to be the death of me,” Clark groaned, picking her up into his arms and pressing a deep kiss onto her mouth. “Tell you what. You take your shower and I’ll wait for you in bed.”

Lois bit her bottom lip. “Deal.”

Think he’s going to make it?

She wiggled her hips as she walked into the bathroom and left the door open. Not a chance.

Not if you have anything to do with it.

Bingo! Lois turned on the hot water and stepped inside. She closed her eyes and let the water cascade over her flesh like a lovers hands. “Mmmm.” She turned and leaned her arms and head against the cool tiled wall of the shower, letting the hot jets massage down her back. “Aaahhh.” Her eyes started to close. It had been a long day. Maybe she was more tired than she thought. Perhaps it would better if Clark were asleep when she got to bed. “Mmmm.”

Suddenly she felt a man in the shower with her, his hands and lips kissing down her spine.

Or not.


Monday morning

Since Clark had been awake almost twenty-four hours the previous day, Lois didn’t wake him when she got out of bed at nine the next morning. By ten she had ordered room service breakfast, taken a lonely shower, gotten dressed (in lingerie and a robe in case Clark woke up), and opened the curtains to flood the room with brilliant recharging sunlight.

Lois watched the sun’s rays dance along her husband’s back. Clark still lay naked on his stomach across the entire bed, save the comforter that Lois eventually pulled up from his hips and draped over the rest of him, so she wouldn’t be so tempted to wake him up. His hair was disheveled and he looked entirely too delicious.

She was on the phone with Perry when the food arrived, explaining the plane situation with her boss and why she and Clark would not make it into the Daily Planet offices the next day.

The waiter who pushed the cart of breakfast into the room, glanced over at the bed where her husband was still sprawled – and whose face was thankfully turned away – and gave her a knowing look as Lois signed the check.

“Exhausted, huh?” the waiter commented with a nod towards Clark.

Lois smiled innocently. “He had a busy day yesterday,” she explained, shooing the man out and shutting the door.

“Who was that? Clark?” Perry asked over the telephone with a chuckle.

“Room service,” Lois corrected, pouring herself a coffee. “Clark’s still asleep.”

“Still?” Perry teased.

“You push an asteroid the size of Metropolis off-course and see if you make it into the office the next day,” Lois snapped.

“Right. I guess I can allow the two of you an extra day or two due to the circumstances,” her boss amended.

“It will take them a day or two just to iron out the whole airport mess here in the Northeast. I was on the phone with the airline before I called you. The earliest flight I could get…”

“Is when your husband wakes up?” Perry inquired.

“Wednesday.” Lois pressed her lips together. “Do I need to remind you that I’m married to Clark? And Clark does not fly.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Anyway, the suit burned up…” She coughed at her mistake. “… was damaged on re-entry, so no flying until we get back to Metropolis and can get it replaced.”

The Chief cleared his throat. “Really? Was he flying…?”

“No comment,” Lois replied, wishing she hadn’t brought up the subject.

“Let’s hope there aren’t photos of that popping up anytime soon.” He chuckled.

“Let’s hope,” Lois agreed, picturing her naked husband flying through the air. She turned and stared at him again, biting her bottom lip.

Entirely too delicious.

“You want me to write up the story about the airport situation…” Lois said, shifting her gaze elsewhere.

“Honeymoon over already, honey?” Perry teased again.

“Honeymoon’s on hiatus while hubby’s asleep. I could make some phone calls from here. Of course, it’s thirty dollars an hour to use the hotel computer…”

“I’m not expensing your honeymoon, Lois,” Perry told her. “If you have a story, call Doris in copy to type it up for you.”

“Gotcha,” Lois replied. She didn’t want to pay that hotel fee either.

“Do you think Clark will be able to get official confirmation about Superman’s return today?” he asked her. “Should I leave space on the front page?”

“Do you want a story without photos?” she asked. “No suit, remember.”

“Right. Does he have any replacement suits in Metropolis?” Perry inquired.

Lois had no idea and told Perry as much. “I’ll let you know when we can get the interview, okay?”

“Okay. Lois, honey, got to go. Ralph’s beating down my door with some mayoral call-girl hooey. We’re keeping some desks open for you,” Perry said before hanging up.

Lois finished her coffee and a sweet roll as she continued to watch her husband sleep. Laying there on the bed he looked so innocent, so charming, so… Clark. He made sleep look good. She stood up and dropped her robe and slid into bed, next to him, snuggling her face next to his. She definitely could get used to this.


Monday Afternoon

The phone rang once, twice, three times. Clark turned his head and, there, in front of his face laid the most sweet-smelling pile of hair. Was that lavender?

The phone continued to ring a fourth, fifth, and sixth time. He didn’t want to move. He snuggled against her hair. “Mmmm.” Lavender and Lois. Soon to be his two favorite scents.

Bright sunlight shimmered on Lois’s hair, making it shine in the light. “Mmmm.” He continued to bury his head in her warm hair. Sunlight and Lois, the two things in the world that gave him energy, gave him the power to do anything.

The phone finally stopped ringing. Who would be calling them on their honeymoon? he wondered, glancing at the clock. 1:37pm. Really? Had he slept that long? Of course, his resources had been low before the third and fourth times he had made love to his wife the night before.

“Mmmmm.” Love. Lois. Wife. Possibly his favorite words in the English language.

Had Lois slept all this time as well? Clark saw the remnants of the breakfast tray and knew she had not. He still wasn’t hungry… although the other day when they had fed each other chocolate dipped strawberries while in bed… He had never tasted a better combination: strawberries, chocolate, and Lois.

The third time had been the shower. Oh, my! Lois wet and naked. Definitely the favorite tactile experience of his life so far. Just contemplating making love to his wife made Clark’s juices simmer. If he kept thinking like this he would be going crazy with desire in no time. His hand caressed her leg and slowly moved up her body as he remembered touching her in the shower. Her body shifted under his hand and quickly that “no time” boundary line had been passed.

He kissed her shoulder and she made a soft meowing sigh. He was reminded of the sound that she had made in the cave the night before. He hadn’t been joking when he had thought to himself that he could survive on that sound alone. Just thinking of that sound made it difficult to continue lying on his stomach.

Clark moved closer to his wife and kissed her shoulder again, noticing the strap of a black teddy he hadn’t seen before. She turned her head towards him, still half asleep, and smiled at him. That was one of his favorite smiles. The one where she looked at him like she was still dreaming. He returned her smile. There! That was his most favorite smile, when her dreaming smile grew larger as she realized he was real and she wasn’t asleep.

“G’morning,” she murmured, scooting towards him. “Was that the phone?”

“Mmmm,” he replied with a kiss to her lips. She tasted faintly like coffee.

Her thigh brushed against him. Skin to skin. He realized he had never gotten into his PJs after they had made love after the shower. Third time had been in the shower. Fourth time last night – this morning – had been after the shower when they had finally reached the bed. How had he had the energy to make love to Lois so many times when he could hardly fly straight, returning from space? Of course, truth be told, she had tackled him in the bed and had done all the hard work.

“How are you feeling?” Clark asked. After all their lovemaking, surely “sore” would be her answer.

“Mmmm,” she murmured. She slid her leg over him and pulled him closer. “Better.”

Clark opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t. Finally, after pushing out a guttural, animal sound that brought another smile to his wife’s face, he was able to say, “I love you.” It sounded rough and hoarse as if he were parched for a drink.

Lois’s fingers danced across his chest. “I love you more.”

His nerve endings sang in joy. He could play that game. Clark kissed down her neck. “No, I love you more.”

Her arms went around his neck as she pressed her chest against his, murmuring, “I love you more.” Her voice shook with the words.

His eyes rolled back in his head, as he was unable to contain the desire she was creating in him. “I love you more,” he corrected her, running his fingers playfully down her side and “accidentally” caressing the side of her breast as he did so.

Lois whimpered in approval. “You win.”

Clark ran a hand over her head, kissing that luxurious hair. “I sure do.”

She softly kissed him. “I could get used to this.”

Clark doubted he could. Every time she touched him he had a rush of excitement. He could never picture this feeling becoming old. “But maybe we should stop tempting the Fates,” Clark suggested. “If I get you pregnant on our honeymoon, I’ll never hear the end of it from your father, especially after he sent us all those condoms.”

She laughed again and Clark saw beautiful spots of color dancing around the room.

“It’s bad enough that you married an alien…”

“Clark, don’t,” she whispered, kissing him and pressing herself closer.

His voice cracked. “Me? Don’t?”

“Stop calling yourself an alien. It’s such an ugly term. And you are anything but ugly.” She took hold of his bottom lip and gently nibbled.

“But… I… Am… Oh, Lois!” he groaned, placing his hands on her waist.

She smiled. “Do you like that?”

“Minx,” he gasped.

“Relax and let me do all the work. You’re tired,” she teased in a whisper as she rolled on top of him.

Relax?” Clark stammered, trying to let her be in control. “Impossible.”

“More?” Lois inquired, gazing down at him from her position of power.

“Yes!” He was her prisoner. If she kept torturing him like this, he would promise her the moon. And deliver it with a big red bow.

Afterwards, she collapsed on top of him, both of them sated. Clark held Lois to his chest and reveled in this feeling, in the joy of them floating together. He laid them back down on the bed. “I love you, Lois,” he whispered, when he found his voice again.

“And I love you, Clark,” she repeated, snuggling against his chest, her voice soft. He listened as her heartbeat slowed and her breath became regular. She fell asleep and he continued to hold her, his own eyelids drooping.

*** End of Part 4 ***

Part 5


Last edited by VirginiaR; 07/16/14 02:15 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Links

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.