Part Sixteen

Aykira decided to treat this meeting with Dr. Scott like any other conference; organized with the proper tools, such as a miniature recorder in her purse and a 9mm Browning, strapped to her right leg. Her recent knowledge of how he had acquired the crystals for LexSolar made such precautions necessary. Dealing with the brains behind the Shackleton hijacking meant the man was not to be underestimated. Besides, who knew what underworld characters might be behind such a man?

For once traffic to LIP was very light for early morning. The administrative assistant drove up to the main entrance displayed her ID badge, than parked her car in the nearest visitor’s spot.

The lobby was quiet, only Cheryl the receptionist was present, sitting behind her console, and finishing up a phone call. Looking up and seeing Aykira, her features became puzzled.

“Oh, Ms. Hallick! Good Morning! We were not expecting you.” Cheryl’s voice boomed out.

“Please do not concern yourself. I shall not be here long. Where is Dr. Scott’s office?”

“Room E-258. Let me call Cliff as your escort.”

Aykira began to object but then thought better of it. Refusal to follow LexSolar security protocol, especially after the recent break-in, would only raise red flags. It also bothered her to be accompanied by one of the guards who had failed to apprehend the thief. Somehow the other guard - Todd inspired greater confidence. However, she had a strong idea who actually broke into the building, yet right now her only objective was to contact Dr. Scott.

“Right this way,” the hulking man rumbled.

The administrative assistant and her escort retraced the steps she had taken only a few days before. She listened half-heartedly as the guard made feeble attempts at small talk, but the responses were terse and matter of fact.

Presently they halted in front of E-258. Cliff knocked on the door and a gruff voice remarked from within. “Go away! I’m in the middle of a meeting!”

The guard turned and shrugged his massive, but sloping shoulders, “Guess he don’t want to talk right now. I’ll take you back to reception. Maybe Cheryl can make an appointment for later.”

Aykira looked up at the man, completely incredulous. “I think not. Excuse me.” Without another word, she placed a firm hand on the doorknob, gave it a brisk turn, and walked inside.

Looking up from his computer, an angry Dr. Scott glowered at the security guard as if he were a particularly distasteful insect, completely ignoring Aykira. “What is the meaning of this?!”
Cliff again shrugged his shoulders, but hesitated to step inside the office. <Perhaps it’s the only movement he really knows.> Aykira thought acidly.

“She wants to see you.” The guard grumbled, as he jerked a thumb at Aykira. “I couldn’t stop her.”

Dr. Scott looked at her as if she too were an insect. “Hallick? Why are you here?”

Ignoring the terse comment, Aykira turned to the security guard; a hard glint in her hazel eyes, she spoke in authoritative tones. “Dr. Scott and I will have our meeting. Once we are through, he can escort me off the premises.” Without another word, she stepped into the room and closed the door firmly in Cliff’s face.

Aykira turned to see Scott’s face, his mouth agape. “All right *Ms.* Hallick, what the hell is going on here!” he shouted. “First Luthor calling me in the middle of the night and now his assistant shows up.”

“Oh? Aykira said feigning innocence. “Mr. Luthor did not mention that this morning.”

“Humph! I’m sure Luthor didn’t tell you *everything*.” Scott snarled. Although his voice had lowered considerably.

“My dear Dr. Scott, Lex has taken me into his complete confidence. “Especially regarding,” she hesitated a beat, “the crystals.”

The scientist’s entire body suddenly went rigid with apprehension. When he finally spoke his voice had returned to its normal tone, without a trace of condescension. “That’s impossible!”

<Careful,> she thought furiously. <Scott, may be egotistical, but he is not stupid. Everything hinges on the next few moments.> With ease of movement she did not feel, Aykira sat down, crossed her long legs, leaned backed languidly and began speaking. “I dislike prattle so allow me to get to the point. It is no wonder General Zeitlin, the Metropolis Police Department and even Superman could not locate the crystals. Here they are quietly ensconced in Luthor’s industrial park. On April 7th the freighter Shackleton was hijacked of several containers. The majority were microprocessors from the British firm Barontech. Two of those containers held a shipment of crystals - very special crystals originally slated to be used to power the solar panels for Space Station Prometheus.”

“It was your task to hire an experienced out-of-the-country hijacker crew to pull off the heist. Since one of the few things LexCorp does not have its hand in are marine submersibles. It fell to you to bribe a certain submariner, a Captain Bowers, into ‘lending’ a mini-sub for the job. I understand Captain Bowers retired from the Navy shortly after the hijacking and has gone away to parts unknown.” Aykira’s eyes flashed. “That must have been quite a retirement package. Do I have your attention?”

The scientist’s face registered shock, but he managed a stiff nod. Of course, he was not aware she had discovered all of this from his purloined computer files. Aykira watched coolly as his white-knuckled hand gripped the chair’s armrest. With amazement bordering on stupefaction, he waited for her to continue.

“For the past three months two teams have been working on projects to perfect a power source for the solar panels. Dr. Amundsen is the temporary head of the legitimate team; working with the government and from all accounts might create the perfect battery to power the solar panels. Meanwhile, ‘the crystal team’ of whom you are the leader have worked late, evenings and weekends on creating solar panels powered by the harmonic crystals. Am I correct?”

“Yes,” he bit the word out. “You know the whole story, now what brings you here?”

“Mr. Luthor has requested a dozen crystals.”

The short man stood up from his desk. “Has he gone completely ‘round the bend? I gave him *two* last night. How is my team supposed to finish it’s experiments if he continues to deplete the supply? What does he need them for?”
Looking contrite, Aykira shook her head. “Now that, Dr. Scott, he did not tell me.”

“So perhaps the relationship with him is not a close as you would like me to believe.” The arrogant man stepped closer, staring hard at the visitor.

She brought together her hands in a contemplative gesture, returned the stare with equal hardness, and responded in a chilly barbed tone. “*His* name is on our paychecks. We do what he requests. Give me the crystals. Otherwise your life, not mine will become… unpleasant.”


Dr. Scott drew himself back forcefully. <Those were almost the same words Luthor had used last night.> he thought. Obviously, his request had to be taken seriously. Aykira was the only one he would trust to pick them up for him. It would not do to upset Luthor, otherwise he might send over someone less agreeable, like Asabi. Besides, after tonight he needn’t concern himself with Lex Luthor’s whims, there was no reason to arouse suspicions.

Scott was getting tired of the manipulative power game Ms. Hallick was playing. Surreptitiously glancing at his watch, it occurred to him he needed to leave for the conference immediately. Intergang preferred promptness with all their associates.

Cursing internally, Dr. Scott returned to his desk, picked up the phone, contacted the lab and snapped orders to a thoroughly confused lab assistant. “Set aside twelve of the harmonic crystals and bring them to my office immediately.” After putting the phone down, Scott looked at his visitor with a cool grimace on his face. “There. I hope you and your precious boss are happy! Say, what would you have done if I refused?”

“If you had gotten any closer to me… shot you.” Aykira replied unruffled.

Sweat broke out on Scott’s forehead. For a brief moment, this quiet ‘fashion plate’ reminded him rather uncomfortably of Angelica Cox. Several tense minutes passed. The room’s occupants did not participate in polite conversation. Both glanced at their watches, each had pressing business elsewhere.

Finally, they heard a hesitant knock at the door. Dr. Scott told the person to enter and a young man nervously walked into the room with a large black metal box under his arm. He laid the box on Scott’s desk and departed as noiselessly as he came.

Without asking, Aykira stood and touched the box with trembling, reverent hands. She had sacrificed and worked so hard for this moment. Finally, it all came down to this. Lifting the lid she glazed at the contents; twelve beautiful white and lavender crystals. Keeping the raised lid between herself and Scott, she removed the ubiquitous metal ring from the index finger of her right hand. With deft movements, she held it against each crystal, verifying its authenticity. She whispered to herself, “Lex, we have the genuine article.” Whether she was referring to Alexander in her own world or Lex Luthor here, even she did not know.

After a time Dr. Scott snapped. “What’s taking so long? Don’t you trust me?”

“No. But I do thank you for these crystals. Now please, escort me out of LexSolar.”

“Maybe I should call Mr. Luthor… let him know you’re on the road?”

Her heartbeat faltered for a second. If the scientist reached Lex before she did, the plan would be in a shambles. “Do not concern yourself,” was her flat response.

“Fine,” he growled. “Let’s go.”


“You got them! The council is going to be shocked and pleased. Aykira Hallick you are a great Heroine!” A euphoric Bern stared at Aykira over the interdimensional link as she displayed the opened box, laden with its long awaited treasure. “But how? Yesterday you said it might take more time.”

“Someday my friend,” she sighed, “over dinner and a chilled bottle of wine I shall tell the entire story from beginning to end. Please set up coordinates on the interdimensional transport for the crystals.”

“Certainly. Certainly. I trust you tied up all loose ends over there?”

“No.” She bowed her head than raised it. “Not exactly.”

Bern stopped working the transport device’s instrumentation and stared at the beautiful woman, a touch of sadness played across her visage. A quizzical look came upon his long face. He hesitated than queried slowly. “What do you mean by ‘not exactly’?”

Taking a deep breath, she responded. “The crystals are coming over just as we all planned. However, after some consideration I have decided to remain here.”

The gentle scientist looked directly into the monitor, his face stricken with dread. “But you just… can’t! The average life span on our world is different… twice as long as theirs! My dear your lovely appearance does not match your age… early sixties is it not? In another five years it will be impossible to conceal the fact that you have not aged. Eventually the oddity shall be impossible to conceal.” With considerable effort, Bernard Klein took a moment to compose himself, than continued. “Alexander’s impending marriage is driving you to an extremely rash decision. Please come back. Resume your life and career on *this* world.”

Eternity passed as the two colleagues… friends stared at each other across an immeasurable gulf of displaced time and space. On her part, there was so much gratitude, Bern - and to a lesser extent Alexander were her closet ties to the planet that saw her birth. The enormity of her mission, forced those too few communiqués to be tantalizingly brief. Yet those times reinforced in her mind the importance of the undertaking.

For himself, Aykira seemed the ultimate scientist, sacrificing her personal desires and life to save a loved one and a world. Over the months – on his side - of her departure, he strived to rework the mathematical error that had cast her adrift on an ‘alien’ shore. The incredible weight of that error for all those months taunted him.

“Yes. Alexander has a great deal to do with this decision. But my dear friend, I have built a life here, one which has obligations waiting to be fulfilled. Hence I shall remain for another two, possibly four years.”

“But why?”

“I promise to return someday. But now it is time for me to truly *live* my life here.” Her lips drew into a tearful smile. “Hold me to that dinner.” She placed the box on the floor, removed the ring from her right index finger, and laid it atop the box. “Send the beacon back after you retrieve the crystals. Oh, and Bern - one last favor?

“Name it.”

“Please tell Alexander - I hope he and Toni are happy together. Good-bye for now my friend; be well.”

Further words were useless. Bern watched as Aykira quit her study, shutting the door firmly behind her.

When the long sought after crystals arrived in Bern’s world, Aykira Hallick had departed for her meeting with Lex Luthor.


Lois threw up her hand in frustration. “That’s it! If another egghead talks about fossil fuels using ten dollar words I will scream! Let’s get back to the Planet!”

Her partner had to admit, the past two speakers were so dry and deathly boring they nearly put him to sleep. Between them, there were enough notes and recordings for three articles. With the evening edition deadline looming, it was time for them to head back to the Planet and write up the story.

Gathering their belongings, the reporters stepped over a number of disgruntled seated attendees and made their way out of the Reeves Venue. Upon exiting the venue, they passed through the main Exhibition Hall towards the escalator. Lois strode through the crowds purposefully her partner walking beside her, his hand resting easily on the small of her back. Clark looked admiringly at his beautiful, but determined partner. This might be a routine story, but she had every intention of giving it her all, it was one of the many reasons why he had fallen so deeply in love with her.

The escalator ride from level three to level one was uneventful; Clark’s vision took in the vast numbers of people walking about the Coates Center. Unconsciously he tried to listen out for any potential rescues, but the noise intensity of the busy place made it difficult. As they stepped off the escalator, Clark took in the delicious aromas wafting over from the food court, which was adjacent to the coat, check area. He wondered if Lois was hungry when suddenly his partner stopped and nudged Clark with the sling. “Look, over there by the coat check! It’s Dr. Scott!”

“Dr. Scott? Who is Dr. Scott?” Clark asked while adjusting his glasses.

“It was his printer at LexSolar which provided all that information about the hijacking. Oh my, the guy with him is Cameron Axelrod, Solar Energy expert.” She nodded toward the tall, rugged looking man standing beside his shorter colleague. “He’s one of the shady scientists in Jack’s report. This Axelrod guy is definitely not in the same league as Bernie Klein. According to the background check, he is not above corporate scientific espionage purely for profit. Clark, listen in to their conversation, maybe it’ll lead to something.”

“Hey Lois, this *is* an energy conference and they are scientists who specialize in solar energy. Maybe they’re talking shop?”

“Yeah, when pigs fly! Come on, listen in for two minutes?” She pleaded. “Then we can head back to the Daily Planet.”

Clark was about to focus his super hearing toward the two men, when suddenly, a surprising third party walked up to the group. Both reporters gasped to see Lucky Leon talking quietly with the others.

“Isn’t he supposed to be in jail?” they both chimed in at once.

“Last I heard.” Clark muttered as he looked at his partner.

“We can talk to Inspector Henderson about this later. I say we tail them. Who knows who else might crawl out of the woodwork? Hear anything interesting?”

Clark face wore a mask of intense concentration, than shaking his head in disappointment he replied. “No, there’s a lot of background noise. It’s kind of hard to single out one conversation. Closing the distance between us and them should help.”

In such a crowd of people, it was easy to move closer to the trio; still they had to be cautious. Lucky Leon might spot the reporters and warn his companions. Lois quickly grabbed a couple of free caps from booth vendors and placed them on their heads. The caps provided excellent cover as similar ones worn by other men and women wearing business attire similar to Lois and Clark’s.

“Solar Energy Sails?” Clark said as he looked at the title written across the cap’s brim than donned it.

Lois smirked than said, “Come on Clark, *this* is an energy conference, the caps will help us blend in. Come on I’ll get my jacket, it’ll give you a chance to listen!”

Guardedly, the partners eased over to the far side of the coat check, while Lois handed her token to the smiling attendant, Clark focused on the trio’s conversation.


“What do you mean the crystals are fourteen short? The deal was we get *all* of them.” Cameron Axelrod spoke in a thick Bostonian accent with clipped, harsh tones.

Dr Scott, looking very uncomfortable, but endeavoring to hold his own with Axelrod responded. “Yeah, well Luthor’s money footed the bill for the original theft. If it had not been for him, we wouldn’t have any crystals at all! When he and that irritating assistant of his requested them I couldn’t refuse, it would be suspicious. Besides Cam, there’s plenty to go around! When and where do we meet tonight?
Cameron, only slightly mollified for the moment pointed his chin to Leon. “First you tell us Luthor has nothing to do with this then you say he wants the crystals. Get your lies straight! As long as we get the bulk of the crystals, understand?” Jerking his thumb towards Leon, he said. “This is the man with the answers. Where and when does the ‘exchange’ take place Leon?”

“Best place possible…tomorrow night Metropolis Harbor’s Pier 17.” The Russian responded without his usual effusive enthusiasm.

The short man glared up at his taller companion, “But that’s where we robbed the Shackleton! Are you crazy! What’s with the change of plans? It was supposed to be tonight!”

“Relax, Frederick! A *slight* change only! Friend Cameron has arranged special transportation for the crystals. Why worry? Police aren’t going to be looking for us. The robbery was months ago. Be there with *all* the remaining crystals at nine o’clock sharp tomorrow night. Dr. Cameron and the rest of us will be expecting you.” Leon placed a beefy hand on Scott’s shoulder and smiled. “After all, there is much money on the table. Once the crystals are in our possession, Scott will be free of all gambling debts and can travel anywhere he wishes, no longer held back by men like Lex Luthor.”

Dr. Scott’s bland face slowly took on the appearance of a man who feels justified for all his actions. “Thank you Leon. It’s good to know someone understands.” He looked coldly at Cameron, the last comment aimed at him.

“Fine. Fine. We see you tomorrow night.” Leon slipped back into his role of a friendly Russian teddy bear. He smiled broadly and shook Dr. Scott’s hand, than sent him on his way.


“Quick Clark! Scott’s getting away.” Lois had been anxiously watching the exchange after retrieving her jacket and was ready to follow the errant scientist.

“Wait a second! There might be more to the conversation.” Her partner strained to hear more than gave up, the two men had drifted into the sea of humanity.

Clark looked around for the scientist, but could find no sign of the man. He lowered his glasses and proceeded to scan the building. Anxious moments later he looked into Lois’ questioning face. In a disappointed voice he said, “Dr. Scott got away, all the doors in this building are coated with lead.” He proceeded to fill Lois in on the conversation among the three men

“Great! But at least now we have a link between the crystals, Lex and his assistant Aykira. I told you she had something to do with the theft!” Her brown eyes twinkled with triumphant.

Clark looked down at the excited woman before him, ignoring the multitudes of people excessive noise. Bending down he whispered softly, a smile in his husky voice. “Score another one for Lois Lane’s sharply honed reporter instincts.”

“Yes! Now help me into my jacket please, we have to get back to the Planet before Perry starts screaming, ‘Great shades of Elvis’!”


Lois and Clark bounded out of the elevator and walked briskly down the ramp. They passed a surprised Eduardo who nimbly avoided the partners as they raced to Jack’s empty cubicle.

“Jack!” Lois’ voice bellowed into the newsroom. “*Where* is that kid?”

Diane looked around from behind her monitor and piped up. “He has to be about somewhere, its late afternoon. Maybe he went to get a snack?”

“Thanks Diane.” The reporter said as she put down her briefcase and booted up the computer. Rolling her eyes, Lois groaned inwardly <The biggest story of the year is demanding to be written and that kid is taking a break? Wait till I get my hands on him!> Outwardly, she replied, “Right. This story for Perry needs to be written up, let’s compare notes, check our facts, and knock it out!”

“Yes Ma’am!” Clark smiled with his signature heartbreaking grin.

She wanted to melt whenever he did that, but right now was the time for pounding out the article. Sitting at their desks the reporters started their separate writing preparation rituals. Lois removed a fresh pencil from her box of supplies. She always felt more like a writer with a razor-sharp No. 2 in her hand. Clark removed his jacket and laid it over the back of his chair. He rolled up his sleeves, turned on the computer, and started working on a rough draft.

They walked back and forth between their desks, looking over each other’s shoulder, double-checking the names of various speakers and the names of their speeches. Like a well-oiled piece of equipment, the newspaper journalist team of Lane and Kent bent to the task of producing a first-rate article, regardless of how unimportant the subject matter was to them. In the back of Lois’ mind, she pondered. <If these crystals were recovered and their abilities properly harnessed the fear of global warming would become a thing of the past.>

In the midst of their writing, Jack came over clutching a thick manila folder in his hand. “Hey, Miss Lane! Here you go; more information on Frederick Scott, physicist. Man, I have more money in the bank than he does! Guess that’s what happens to gamblers.”

Clark took the folder and scanned its contents. “This is great… and scary. No wonder Scott is playing fast and loose with Intergang.”

His partner read over the material and very slowly a smile, the sweetness of which only a cat with a canary could appreciate, spread across her face. “Oh boy, this story is getting bigger every minute! Let’s finish this other one Farmboy! Than we can start drafting an article about Scott and company that’ll take the Planet’s circulation through the roof! Thanks Jack! You’re out of the doghouse.”

Nonplussed, the young man replied. “You’re welcome. I didn’t know I was in one.” His mouth quirked into a half smile, than quickly caught the ‘Mad Dog’ expression on Lois’ face. Jack wisely did an about face and beat a hasty retreat.

A scant twenty minutes after the partners had strode down the ramp; the story arrived in Perry’s inbox - with a full forty minutes to spare before the evening edition’s deadline. This despite Lois’ insistent determination to peck out the story one handed on her keyboard.

“Whew! The article is done.” A pleased expression of satisfaction spread across Clark’s face. “Let’s hope Perry doesn’t give us another assignment like that for awhile.”

“Yeah.” Lois responded after grabbing a handful of M&M’s out of the candy jar. “With this new information the investigation into the Shackleton hijacking *and* those blasted crystals ought to get a jumpstart!”

At that instant, Clark’s desk phone rang out, causing the duo to jump. Clark walked over to his desk and picked up the receiver.

“Clark Kent. Daily Planet.”

<<Good Afternoon Mr. Kent. It’s Captain Maynard, General Zeitlin’s adjutant. Since we cannot get in contact with Superman, I once again need to call you. Anything new about the crystals?>>

“Captain, Superman talked to me only a few minutes ago regarding a lead. He plans on following up and getting back to us.”

<<I see. That’s all well and good Mr. Kent, but I am sure you are aware of the military and possible terrorist applications the crystals have. Those of us at the Pentagon would sleep easier knowing they have been returned where they belong.>> The captain’s voice was tight with strain.

A heavy sigh escaped the reporter’s body, “Yes. I can pass that message onto him.” The two men exchanged closing comments and ended the conversation.

Clark rotated his shoulders in an attempt to release the tension built up from the discussion. His partner noticed and came over. Without a word, she began a one handed massage on his tight back muscles. “Poor baby,” she murmured, “your back feels like a pile of rocks.”

“More like steel.” Her partner deadpanned.
Instantly the reporters both began to giggle like a couple of school kids sharing a ridiculous joke.


Jimmy, carrying his beloved camera, having just returned from assignment, looked over to them and smiled. <Looks like life is back to normal for the ‘Hottest team in town’.> The newsroom had not been the same without the easy banter between Lane and Kent. He noticed ever since CK had arrived at the Daily Planet, Lois seemed to have softened. It was a welcome change.


At that moment, the elevator doors slide open revealing a disgruntled Perry White and close on his heels, Inspector Bill Henderson. Lois, seeing the lanky, laconic police officer, was about to shout out a witty greeting, when she noticed the man’s face was more dour than usual. The remark died undeclared in her throat. He nodded a brief acknowledgement and continued following Perry into his office.

Lois, grasped the pencil tightly in her right hand, faced her partner and said. “Um, this *cannot* be good.”

The words had barely escaped her mouth, when Perry stuck his gray head out his office and called. “Lois. Clark. Can I see you for a moment?” The two exchanged looks shut off their respective computers and walked into Perry’s office. As soon as they entered, Perry closed the door and shut the blinds. A sign to all in the bullpen - the occupants were not to be disturbed.


Jimmy sauntered over to Jack’s cubicle, now cramped with the two of them occupying it. The photographer looked at his protégé and spoke softly. “I don’t like that look on Chief’s face, I’ve seen it before, and it’s never good. Plus Inspector Henderson’s in the office.”

“Do you suppose it’s got something to do with the article their working on?” Jack said.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned since those two partnered up. You’ll never know what to expect next from Lois and Clark! Come on, I’ll help with that last piece of research for Diane’s article.” Consequently, the two young men bent to the task of finishing Jack’s research, putting out of their minds whatever was taking place behind Perry’s office door.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.