Part Six

The next day at the Planet started out quietly enough. Lois and Clark again arrived separately and went about their early morning routines without acknowledgement of the other’s existence. They made a monumental effort to ignore each other and yet appear as if nothing was amiss. Despite sincere conversations with family who dearly loved and supported them, they were both too stubborn to bend.

The rest of the newsroom staff awkwardly circumvented them, afraid to approach either one, fearing the other might construe it as ‘taking sides’. Even Jimmy stayed in his area of the bullpen or hid in the darkroom. Everyone in the bullpen realized neither he nor Clark paged Lois about the Metropolis Harbor story and she was definitely not happy with him.

It was becoming a touchy situation for everyone. Well, everyone except Jack; he freely talked with the estranged duo – busying himself by assisting with research requests, getting copy, and whatever else they needed without stepping into either combatant’s ‘war’ zone.


From the confines of his office, Perry White watched the whole farce. “Judas Priest!” He muttered aloud. “Those two are headed the way of Billy Nordcross and Serena Judd. Back then ol’ man Krebs was Senior Editor and ran a tight ship. Krebs wasn’t afraid of anything - except stickin’ his nose into romantic entanglements on the job. Blast it, he kept quiet back when they had their problems and look were *they* ended up” Perry shook his head mentally erasing unpleasant memories. <No siree. Not this time. Not on his watch. These two were *special*; Lois was like a daughter and Kent - another son.>

He eased out of the comfortable wooden chair, walked across his office, opened the door and was about to call Lois and Clark in for a conference, when a tornado in the form of Cat Grant burst out of the elevator.

“Attention and greetings civilians! Meet the future Mrs. George Amundsen!” Cat’s face effused with pleasure, as she walked - not slinked - down the ramp and held out her left hand for the entire newsroom to see.

Perry came out of his office and watched with mixed emotions as ‘the cat’ eased over to her desk and smiled happily. “Great shades of Elvis! What has that woman done now?” He muttered aloud.


A passing Steve and Eduardo watched as several female reporters rushed over to Cat Grant’s desk, eyeing her ring and emitting squeals of sheer delight.

“Cat Grant engaged?” Steve shook his head in bemusement.

“It’s about time,” Eduardo countered. He had known about Cat’s relationship with the gentle scientist for months and had watched her personality slowly change for the better. “George is good for her.”

Jimmy Olsen, hearing all the commotion, came running out of the darkroom. “What happened?” he asked Diane, who was sipping the last of her morning coffee. Tilting her head in Cat’s direction, she responded with a half smile. “Ms. Grant is engaged and she’s letting the whole world know it.”

“You don’t say?” Jimmy said eased his way down the ramp, narrowly avoiding hitting the USP delivery man.

“So, cousin Cat. What’s up?”

“Oh, look at my little ‘cousin’ trying to get the scoop.” A genuine smile of happiness spread across her face as she playfully pinched his cheek. “Take a look at this.” She extended her freshly manicured hand, displaying the sparkling diamond and emerald ring.

A broad smile of happiness equal to her own made its way across his face. “Smooth,” was the young man’s sincere reply.


Perry watched the newsroom atmosphere shift from quiet morgue to jubilant party with Cat’s flamboyant entrance. It happily turned the spotlight from Lois and Clark onto her. He thought while chuckling, <Say whatever else you want about Catherine Grant, but the lady has *style*.>

Only two people were unaffected by the tumult surrounding the gossip columnist. Lois and Clark sat like two ancient Chinese stone soldiers, working hard on their individual stories in an attempt to ignore each other no matter what happened. The editor knew this time was the best to sit down and discuss whatever was bothering them… their pride be hanged.

Walking over to their desks, the brief nod of Perry’s head indicated he wanted to see them both in his office. The older man turned and walked back to his sanctum and stopped at the door. He watched as the twosome walked grimly toward him, reminding him of a couple of grade school kids’ desultory approach to the principal’s office.


After shutting the door, effectively cutting out all newsroom noise, Perry asked without preamble, “So what’s this ‘silent’ routine all about? Is there something you two aren’t telling me?” He observed them closely. Clark sitting on Perry’s old red plaid couch and Lois perched uncomfortably in the leather visitor’s chair; uncertainty spread across their faces. Neither one spoke; Lois looked off into the distance, fighting to keep a sneeze under control. Clark suddenly found solace in the ancient carpet’s faded pattern.

Perry, frustrated with the prolonged silence began talking. ”Listen, you two are the best investigative reporters hands down I’ve ever seen in this game. The byline of Lane and Kent has taken the Planet’s circulation through the roof. So giving each other the cold shoulder ain’t going to work. Hell, everybody in the newsroom smells blood! So whatever it is that’s happening between you two needs to stay *outside* the bullpen. Go on, git to the Java Perk, sit down, and iron this mess out.”

“Perry! I have the Stone and Mercantile story to finish.” Lois said, again trying to suppress a sniffle.

“Chief, my ‘Rhapsody Knits’ article for the weekend edition is almost done. The human-interest angle should have a great impact on our readers. Lois’ Uncle Mike is looking forward to reading about it this weekend.”

Lois turned away from Perry and for the first time in days stared directly at her partner. “Hey, two days ago you said it *was* finished? What happened! I want to read what you’ve got. Grace is such a caring person; her story needs the right touches.”

“Oh, so *now* you’re speaking to me? Before, you didn’t want to write anything ‘touchy feely’ not even for Uncle Mike. Remember two days ago you tore into the bullpen and pulled me from my desk to work on this Shackleton hijacking! Then we got that call from the Mayor’s office…”

The editor watched as Lois warming to the battle, forged ahead. “That’s different! Just because I won’t write it doesn’t mean that I’ll let some hack from Nowheresville do a third rate job! Uncle Mike is a close friend of Grace’s; he would be terribly hurt if the story wasn’t the absolute best! She means the world to him.”

“Just like Lois Lane means a lot to me. I don’t want my partner putting herself in a bad situation,” his voice softened. “Especially, if I can’t be there to help out.”

Stunned into silence for the second time in as many days, Lois looked sheepishly at Clark, realizing what he had actually said. “Oh. Clark, I’m sorry about the fight,” her voice squeaked.


Perry smiled at the young people as they stood up, took a hesitant step toward one another, than hugged. He was relieved to see them continuing to argue about Clark’s article as they exited his office. The tension between them evaporated; Clark’s hand gently touched the small of Lois’ back.

<Ha!> Perry exclaimed to himself, <Maybe I should take over writing the advice column. Who knows, if I had been around, Elvis and Priscilla would *still* be together.> Chuckling, the editor sat back at his desk, pulled out a blue pen and dove into editing Ralph’s City Hall article.


Another pair of eyes watched from her vantage point. Despite a number of well-wishers still coming to her desk, Cat observed carefully the scene playing out in Perry’s office. She was relieved to see Lois and Clark resolve their differences, whatever they may be.

“Good for you, Lois. Now make sure you tell him how you feel - once you figure it out for yourself,” she murmured softly; then turned to another well-wisher.


The rest of the day in the newsroom was business as usual. Lois and Clark went back and forth over each other’s articles. Perry publicly chastised Ralph for his poorly written City Hall piece.

Steve had to do an emergency re-write about the Metro star, Roy ‘the shuttle’ Burns, apparently, the pitcher was leaving the team for a spot on the Denver roster. Diane was stuck covering Lacy’s department store yearly flower show. Eduardo was out tracking down leads on a story about the possible renovation of Suicide Slum by LexCorp.

Cat pored over wedding magazines… in between talking to sources for tidbits to be included in ‘Cat’s Corner’.

Jimmy and Jack concentrated on their own duties and responsibilities. For once, all was right with life in the Daily Planet bullpen.


“Miss Hallick, could you come in for a moment?” Lex called from the intercom.

Aykira frowned, than glanced at her watch; it was only 8:15 a.m. She really needed to complete the progress reports on the replacement shipment of microprocessors from Barontech. Computer orders were backing up; they would need to offer incentives to their customers to keep them happy.

<Ah, well, best to see what the situation is, then jump back to work.> she thought then looked hungrily at the sumptuous low-fat peach muffin she had purchased that morning. <Knowing his perchance for long meetings, this muffin will be part of my lunch.>

In preparation for the meeting, Aykira pulled three floppy diskettes containing the latest information on her current projects from a case next to her computer. She placed each one into a secure travel folder and then tucked the travel folder into her organizer. Years passed, she had neglected such pain staking preparation, and it almost cost her life. Aykira blamed the lack of preparation on ‘youthful’ inexperience, but promised herself never to walk into a meeting without carrying all the necessary tools and in some cases – weapons.

Coming out of her office, Aykira informed Jane where she was going and walked down the corridor to the staircase leading to Luthor’s office suite. As she walked, her mind ran over each project and outstanding articles of business while her stomach gently rumbled. She entered climbed its winding, elegant wooden stairs. Reaching the heavy oak door, she smelled tantalizing aromas of freshly baked biscuits, salmon and roasted coffee. <Luthor is having an early morning meeting… with a full-scale breakfast?> She knocked and heard his voice call out, “Enter, Ms. Hallick.”

The administrative assistant opened the door and stood stunned and yet pleasantly surprised by the welcome sight of a white linen-covered table, generously spread with a sumptuous breakfast for two. Nearby, the stolid figure of Chef Andre stood at the ready, preparing a white spinach omelet.

“Ah, Ms. Hallick, a hearty good morning to you!” The words rang out, accompanied by Lex’s -Mr. Luthor expressive hand gestures and unrestrained smile.

“What is all of this?” She asked, deciding not to hide the surprise in her voice.
His smile reached dancing obsidian eyes; Lex approached and beckoned her into the office suite. “I should think that was obvious my dear, breakfast is served. Would you like orange juice or a mimosa?”


A pleasant, delicious time later, the two settled down on the comfortable settee, lingering over their final cups of coffee. Aykira did not quite believe Luthor’s reason for the occasion. He wanted to ‘celebrate’ her two and a half years of employment with him. They had spent time in easy conversation about the latest Italian art exhibit at the Greystroke Museum. Aykira found herself enjoying – even relaxing- in the man’s company. Oh, she knew the billionaire could be charming, even courtly, but she understood the charm was all part of a calculated act for businesspersons and the public at large. Glimpses of Lex Luthor’s true nature were few and far between; this, she suspected, was one of those rare times.

“Thank you again for such an unexpected surprise. But tell me, why not wait until it’s a full three years?”

“What, and be predictable? Perish the thought!” he teased.

Aykira, warming to their banter, countered by saying, “Mr. Luthor, if there is one thing you are *not* it is predictable!”

She watched his lips curl into a very attractive smile. “From you, I take that as the highest compliment. In the spirit of exchanging compliments, please accept this small token of my appreciation.” So saying, he walked to the desk and picked up a slender box covered with silver paper and violet ribbon. He returned to the settee and gently placed it in her hands.

“Please, open it.” Lex’s eyes fairly danced with excitement.

Thoroughly puzzled, Aykira stared for a moment at the beautifully wrapped box. Her heart beat rapidly inside her ribcage. <Earthsea. What is this?> she thought. Hands trembling, she delicately removed the ribbon, pulled apart the silver wrapping paper, and opened the box. Inside, a glorious steel and gold Rolex woman’s watch gleamed up at her.

“It… it’s amazing,” she breathed. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

The billionaire removed the watch from its confinement. As he removed her old watch and slipped its well-dressed replacement around her wrist. He said, “‘Thank you Lex’; would be sufficient.” Again, he smiled at her.

Her mind contemplated rapidly, logically, despite any outward discomposure she displayed. <What is he doing? Part of me wants to ‘let whatever happen, happen’.> But to Luthor she said, “A Rolex watch is too much. I cannot accept this… even as an anniversary present. It’s too much…” she repeated.

Luthor’s lips spread into that ‘killer smile.’ “Then, my dear Aykira, let us not play games. In the past few days, you have consistently proven your worth as my assistant and media liaison during this damnable ship hijacking business. Any other executive who did just as good a job might receive stock options or a bonus. A cold ‘business’ token of esteem. Hopefully, in the years to come, this present will encourage warm memories of our - relationship.” Luthor watched her carefully and for a few tense moments, neither spoke.

Aykira tilted her head at an angle smiled and said, “Lex. Thank you for the watch. It is lovely."

He blinked, surprised. “You called me Lex.”

She leaned over and placed her hand on his knee, “No one is here.”

They both laughed, dispelling any nervous tension between them.

“Since we are now on a first name basis Lex, please let me return the favor of ‘gifts.’ Why not accompany me to the Greystroke Museum on Saturday and see the new Italian drawings exhibit? The Daily Planet Weekend section states it is quite breathtaking.”

“Aykira, I think that would be delightful.”

“Excellent. Shall we meet at the museum around say… 2:00?”

“Wonderful; let me check my calendar to see if I’m free.”

“You are. I run your business *and* personal calendar… remember?”

Speechless, all Luthor could do was nod his head.

“Good.” Aykira stood up and straightened her long, burgundy knit dress. “Now, as much as I have thoroughly enjoyed this delightfully grand breakfast, I must get back to work. My employer is a demanding man.” She gathered her organizer and walked toward the door. Whirling on her toes, she glanced back, mischief dancing in her hazel eyes. “Oh, and one other thing, Lex.”


This is time spent between two *friends*, please meet me on the steps of the Greystroke Museum without a limousine and… wear a pair of jeans.”

“As you wish,” he said, flourishing a bow.

“I do.” With a brilliant smile, she departed the office suite.


Lex sat down and leaned back on the cushions of the settee, smiling triumphantly, “She is woman, to be wooed and therefore to be won!”


Saturday, on the stairs of the Greystroke Museum, a nervous Aykira sat anxiously waiting for the arrival of Lex Luthor.

<This is an insane idea, but fighting my feelings has been a wearisome and lonely battle. As soon as the crystals are located, my assignment here is over and done with. What harm can come of spending time with a man I shall never see again?>

Aykira’s musings went no further, from her vantage point on the wide marble staircase leading up to the museum’s main building, she could see a familiar figure walking down Tenth Avenue. She gazed at the tall man with a head full of wavy black hair. He was handsome, debonair, and thoroughly dangerous wearing a black leather jacket, black turtleneck… and blue jeans… Lex Luthor had arrived.


His eyes searched the busy Saturday afternoon throng, looking for the one face he wanted to see. Museum Mile was always crowded on the weekends, especially after a particularly long brutally cold winter. Metropolis residents now craved equal parts sunshine and a bit of culture. Lex had decided to have his limousine driver drop him off a couple of blocks from the Greystroke. He was prepared to change life a little in his pursuit of Ms. Hallick, but riding the Metro was pushing it. Maybe she did not want to use the limo while they were together, but he was not about to hail a cab.

Waiting on the sweeping, staircase of the Greystroke Museum stood Aykira, wearing a wraparound white cashmere sweater and crisp blue jeans. She had swept her luscious black hair into a sweet, long ponytail and adorning her ears was a pair of sterling silver elongated hoop earrings. Of course on the index finger of her right hand was the ubiquitous silver etched ring. Lex had seen many a beautiful woman, but she was special, different. Mounting the steps and drawing nearer, he breathed in her floral perfume and filled him with a sense of delight. The only thing marring the day was *another* of his cursed headaches.


Aykira spoke first as they approached each other, “Lex, you should wear jeans more often; they suit you.”

“They are worn only for you Aykira. Come along now, I’m eager to see this exhibit.”

They entered the massive building, stood in line in the entry lobby for their membership tickets to the exhibit, An Italian Journey: Drawings from the Siegel Collection, da Vinci to Tiepolo. After a brief walk to the exhibit gallery, Aykira and Lex stepped into another world, an age gone by.

Striking in its range, the subject matter included figure studies, historical and mythological narratives, landscapes, botanical drawings, motifs copied from or inspired by classical antiquity, and designs for painted compositions.

The seventy drawings were so powerful and sensual in their expression; the couple so taken by their sheer beauty, words, mere words need not be exchanged. Shyly, almost like an innocent young schoolgirl, Aykira allowed him to take her hand. Another threshold altering their relationship had been passed.

Lex uncharacteristically did not try to control their progress through the exhibit. He gave way to taking pleasure in his time with a woman whose intelligence and wit matched his own. In short, the billionaire was certain he had finally found a suitable mate.

After the museum, Aykira and Lex strolled easily and aimlessly through Centennial Park comfortably taking in the late afternoon. They sat near the fountain and ‘people’ watched as numerous young couples held hands, parents walked with their children and one old couple wearing antique clothing sat quietly on a bench sustained by their deep and abiding love for one another.

As the day drew to a close, Lex suggested a light supper at Bouley, an intimate French bistro, not far from her apartment building. They dined on chilled Maine lobster, mango, fresh artichoke, and Serrano ham in a passion fruit, fresh coconut and tamarind dressing. For a final delicious touch, dessert, acai berry and vanilla sorbet in chilled glasses. Neither could remember a time when they were both so content to be in another person’s company.
As the evening descended slowly on Metropolis, wrapping the city in a slightly chilly, dark velvet of a spring evening. The couple walked leisurely arm in arm to her high-rise, neither wanting the evening to end. All too soon, they discovered themselves at the front of the Lucerne condos.

“Thank you for a day, the type of which I have not enjoyed for too long a time,” Lex commented with genuine sincerity.

“My feelings exactly, kind sir,” she whispered shyly.

Lex lightly touched her hair, his voice slightly roughened with desire. “I would like to do this again… soon.”

Her hazel eyes looked intently into his dark ones. “Do you not think it rather awkward being seen around town with your assistant?”

“I have no concerns and neither should you. We are colleagues, true, but friends - yet more than friends.” Lex bent down and gently kissed her lips. It started softly, slowly, but a surge of emotion passed between them too strong for denial. Aykira grew bolder, pressed closer, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and indulged in a sensuous full body embrace. She racked eager fingers through his hair, feeling its texture and weight. His tongue teased and played with hers, strong and demanding. A curious heat, only imagined in fevered dreams surged from the back of her neck to her toes, leaving her breathless and terribly vulnerable.


Lex felt the blood rush to his ears, inhaling delicious floral notes of her scent. He was very practiced in the gentle art of seduction, there had been women in his life – all too many women. However, touching Aykira was different, he sensed she was… innocent. That innocence drove him to want her beyond sensual desires. Something deeper, more binding than a single night’s pleasure.

All too soon, the kiss – with all it entailed - ended. They pulled away from each other, quite frankly taken aback by its stark intensity.

“Oh….” she breathed, “Lex, we need to talk. Please… come upstairs, I can make us some espresso.” She searched his features to know if he felt more than mere erotic desire.

His obsidian eyes smoldered and a voice roughened with unconcealed passion spoke. “If I come up there now, I’m staying with you…for breakfast.”


Frightened and overwhelmed at the powerful physical thrall Lex held over her. Aykira was at a loss for what to do. Her mind screamed against giving in. The consequence meant finally saying good-bye to the man she loved. But, she eagerly wanted to feel this man’s powerful yet gentle hands to know her intimately.
Common sense - after a strong adamant mental shake won this round.

“Lex,” she breathed, “I…I need time. So much has happened today and there is so much more for us to explore about each other… not just physically. Please let us wait for a little while longer. The waiting will only make the time together sweeter.” She took his hand and kissed it tenderly.

He gazed into her beautiful face and lightly touched her cheek with his fingers. His voice when he spoke was roughen by restrained passion. “I am not a patient man when it comes to lovemaking. But for our time together in my bed it will be worth the wait.”

Her mind snapped up, as if an icy bucket of water had dashed over her, the ensnaring thrall cruelly torn asunder. With no small amount of heat in her voice she said, “I am *not* Miranda, Antoinette Baines nor any of your other former playmates. For me, making love is an intimate commitment, not a *business transaction*.”

Drawing back from him physically and emotionally she concluded in arctic tones. “Goodnight, Mr. Luthor. If my job is still at LexCorp on Monday morning, I will see you then.” Turning her back, she walked fiercely into the building’s lobby.


He was taken aback by the rapid turn of events; one slip of the tongue and his plans lay in utter disarray. This battle lost, he could only regroup and try again. He called after her. “Very well, as you wish. Monday it is. Goodnight Aykira… Ms. Hallick. This last sentence he spoke in quiet hushed tones.”


Scant moments later Aykira was on her bed, head buried in a plush satin-covered sage pillow crying so hard her stomach hurt. There was no reason to spend precious time berating herself for the lapse of judgment. <I am very lonely, plain and simple.> she thought. <If Lex had not made that comment about his bed, it is this bed *we* would be occupying now! I only wanted to spend some time with him, pleasant memories to cherish quietly in the future.> Taking deep breaths, she gradually calmed down and let the cool wisdom of logic resume control.

<My actions were foolish. Have I not seen the number of women he’s dated and bedded over the past two and a half years? Earthsea, *I* was the one who made the dinner reservations for half of those women! Many of them beautiful… strikingly so, with the desired social status and business connections Luthor could use to his advantage. What could possibly make me think this man would condescend to having a serious relationship with one woman… me?>

<I must admit to myself that there is more than physical attraction for Lex. My heart is involved. Why else would I risk my mission and chance of discovery to spend some time with him? After all, we cross paths each day at work?> Sighing internally, she thought about that other man. So many years spent apart had dulled her feelings. She held onto those diaphanous emotions as a secure lifeline to her past life, a life that was slowly becoming more unreal with each month she remained here.

<Be honest. On a personal level, if it were not for your biological differences, you could happily remain forever. But my - mission - comes before all else… even my happiness.>

“Those thrice cursed crystals must be located… soon!” She spoke aloud into the air.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.