Part Four

Grateful for the end of a long working day at the Daily Planet, and the clandestine conference with General Zeitlin still on his mind, Clark was relieved to arrive at his apartment at 344 Clinton.

After depositing his business suit into the dry cleaning bag, he dressed in comfortable gray sweats and turned the TV to the Metro’s playoff game. Clark entered the well-stocked kitchen alcove and began preparing dinner. He pulled out Idaho potatoes, salad fixings, and a thick marinating NY strip steak, with mushrooms, red peppers, and onions. He placed the steak and vegetables into a grilling skillet and waited for it to cook. Heat vision was good for a number of things, but not for cooking an expensive steak!

Ruefully, he thought of Bobby Bigmouth while slicing the vegetables. <The snitch would probably move faster than me when it comes to food.> With super speed the potatoes were sliced, placed into a shallow pan and drizzled with pungent oil olive laced with Rosemary and oregano, then the Asian salad was tossed and everything was laid on the small kitchen table.
Glancing at his wine rack, Clark thought, <All I need now is a proper glass of wine to accent the meal.>

Abruptly, the evening’s quiet mood was broken by insistent knocking on the front door.
<At times like this, I really love x-ray vision,> he thought gratefully, lowering his glasses while looking through the door. His rather agitated landlady, a middle-aged woman by the name of Gloria Harper stood holding a pet carrier. Sighing, he crossed his small living room, strode up the stairs, and opened the door.

“Good evening Mrs. Harper what can I do for you?”

“Mr. Kent, thank goodness you are home! There is an out-of-town family emergency and I need to be gone for a week. Could you look after Pepper for me? He really likes you and everyone else is unavailable or allergic. The last time I took him to a kennel it was not a good experience for either of us.”

“Huh um…well”. He didn’t know what to say. Besides work, his duties as Superman commanded a great deal of his time. A cat needed feeding, attention, and a frequently cleaned litter box…urgh.

“Oh, he can stay in my apartment,” Mrs. Harper said. Feed him in the morning and when you arrive home. Talk to him…maybe a little petting? To cover for any inconvenience, this month’s rent is dropped by two hundred dollars. Please Mr. Kent!”

Suddenly a quiet meow was heard from within the carrier. Clark looked inside to see a sleek black, white and light brown cat; the feline stared gently up at him with sparkling green eyes. Reaching a gentle paw through the grating, Pepper patted Clark’s arm to emphasize his desire to stay. “Meow”?

“It’s Okay.” He spoke gently to the little animal. How could he resist those pleading eyes? “Pepper can stay here with me *not* in an empty apartment.” Taking the carrier from the relieved landlady, several minutes were spent discussing the cat’s habits and food needs. A grateful Mrs. Harper gave Clark the keys to her apartment, a phone number for emergencies, than she departed for Metro airport.

After letting Pepper out of his confinement, the inquisitive feline proceeded to explore Clark’s apartment. It was hilarious watching him poking around corners and attempting to open doors. He even reached up to touch the wine rack’s bottom row. Bored with the main room, Pepper walked to the open door of Clark’s hidden closet where his extra Superman suits were stored and started sniffing, scratching and then plaintively yowling, anxious to solve the elusive mystery by walking around inside.

“Smart cat. You know something about me Lois *doesn’t*.” Smiling at the cat’s antics Clark went back to preparing his dinner, wondering in the back of his mind what his partner’s reaction to the little animal might be.

An hour later, dinner eaten and the dishes complete, Clark lay comfortably on his couch continued watching Game 2 between the Metros and Denver Nuggets. Another tight athletic contest was in heated progress.


Looking down he noticed a pair of bright green eyes staring up at him expectantly. Leaning against his couch the cat stretched its lithe body upward and meowed again.

Patting the couch cushions, he invited Pepper up. Without hesitation, the cat leapt up, touched his nose to Clark’s then proceed to walk over the top of the couch until he found the ‘perfect nesting spot’ close to Clark’s head. Smiling, Clark returned his attention to the game and listened to animal’s gentle purring in companionable silence.

The evening’s tranquility was broken again, this time by the shrill ring of his phone.


“Clark, it’s me Lois. Do you have any more oolong tea? Achoo!”

Listening to her stuffy nose and slightly scratchy throat, he responded. “That cold is getting worst. Why don’t I pack up dinner and come over instead?”

Her voice sounding soft, tender, and not a little tired she said. “No just the tea. I’m finally getting a chance to watch my… ah nature show.”

“It’s Okay. I am coming over there, see you in thirty minutes.”


Finally, the last e-mail of the day was sent, Aykira leaned back and shut down her computer. Today had been long and tiring, yet triumphant. Finally, after many years, a difficult and dangerous mission was drawing to a close. Her mind needed a break from LexCorp, the media and most important of all Lex Luthor.

Time to shake up the routine; her body needed a vigorous, workout and Carrie’s kickboxing class was the answer. Glancing at her watch she thought, <If I hurry to the gym I might make it before the room gets packed.> Quickly, she gathered her laptop and briefcase and then walked out the office. Jane was still hard at work on another PowerPoint presentation.
<The woman is a marvel, but she needs a break.> Aykira thought.

“Jane. Pack up your computer and go home. Scott and the family come first.”
The red haired assistant looked up from the monitor. “Not a problem! Give me only two minutes! Have a pleasant night; are you going to the gym?”

“Yes. If Carrie can squeeze me into her kickboxing class.”

Waving good night to her assistant, Aykira departed the building as quickly as possible. Hailing a cab, she endured a ten-minute drive uptown in congested ‘rush hour’ traffic towards Healthlife Gym.

[Jab. Jab. Uppercut. Right cross.]

Sweat poured profusely down Aykira’s face and neck soaking her hair and the front of her cream spandex clad body.

Her mind thought furiously back a few hours to that mangled, yet revealing interview. <If I stood my ground with Lex and refused an interview with Lois Lane this precious information, regarding the crystals wouldn’t have been discovered. One does not compete with one of the most intuitive minds in the journalistic world unprepared. It is a recipe for disaster. Still the near disaster yielded unexpected fruit. Fruit I came to Metropolis for and hopefully can soon depart for home with.>

[Lifting a nine pound bar she brought it into position to ‘mock strike’ her opponent in the head than move rapidly, to the solar plexus.]

She had crossed a universe and three continents hunting down those wretched crystals, the manufacturing team in Leeds created them when Bern’s chronometer indicated they would. Sadly due to a mathematical error she was stuck in this universe. Also, when she did attempt to enter the heavily secured complex far exceeded her talents. Hiring professionals for the job was out of the question; they constituted loose ends. Aykira hated loose ends.
So the waiting game commenced; working as Lex’s assistant was the perfect position to monitor Barontech’s progress reports on the crystals as well as LexCorp’s microprocessors. In time, she developed a reputation for understanding the process of creating the latter while keeping an undercover surveillance on the former through her contacts at Barontech. Whenever EPRAD requested the crystals shipped, she intended to be notified and in position to acquire a dozen of the crystals.

[Left Knee up…kick!]

Her opponent narrowly avoided another ‘mock strike’.

Unfortunately, her extremely well paid contact at Barontech failed to inform her about the shipment.

If Lois Lane had not mentioned anything, her ignorance would have continued and more time, perhaps another year would be lost. Remaining here an additional two years would put her entire mission in jeopardy; eventually her ‘unique’ biology raise questions. Her time, as well as *his* was running out.

[Lift bar. Strike left, smooth upward movement, keep arms loose, elbows unlocked.]

Lois kept asking questions about microprocessors, personnel schedules, physicists working overtime. What is she and her ubiquitous partner working on? It sounds like a bigger story than just the Shackleton theft. Some questions were easily averted, others she answered truthfully, while the remainder no sufficient explanation was forthcoming.
Smiling inwardly Aykira thought <Excellent intel. Some of those Daily Planet researchers need to work for us.>

Considering Lois Lane, the investigative reporter would return, this time, with her partner is tow. Facing one was bad enough, but *both* of them? Her facts needed to be impeachable and no evasive answers to any of their questions. Again she mused, <Why did Lex want her to face this morning’s media barrage rather than himself? He *thrived* on sparring with reporters, many of whom were on LNN’s payroll.>

Lex Luthor the man was another problem. For two and a half years she battled a relentless emotional and physical attraction to him, but lately her efforts had been faltering. Aykira was living in a world not her own; interacting with doppelgangers of associates, close friends and loved ones. The strain and absolute isolation was beginning to take its toll.

<What happens if I return home and this whole quest was a failure?>

The world will have its desperately needed energy source, but he who is most precious to me will be a mere shell.

Her mind traveled back to her conversation with Luthor early that morning.

“Consider it an instant promotion,” he said over the phone at 5:30 a.m. “Your manifold abilities should not be wasted as my mere assistant. This is the perfect way to begin your media exposure.” She could hear the smiling in his voice, but there was definitely something amiss.
Than after the press conference, she was in his office suite, arguing against having an interview with Lois.

That argument culminated with the subliminal mental, physical and emotional exchange between them which began with his touch. Her body responded instantly, craving more contact, she had no right to yearn for. Could Lex sense her desire? Utter loneliness? Did he want her for more than a moment’s pleasure?

Aykira was no fool, she knew how charming he could be when he desired something, Earth knows, the man could have just about any woman he wanted. Still his behavior around her had always been different in a number of subtle ways. She reflected briefly on the scientist Toni Baines. She was a thorn in her side here as well. Her immediate attention would be focused on that particular matter upon her return home.

If his affection was real, could she abandon her quest to satisfy long denied emotions and needs? What if after all the deception and struggle she had caused, the lives she had altered, she could simply send the crystals to her home and remain here… by Luthor’s side?
No. Remaining here meant definite exposure.
Exposure yes, of the kind best diligently avoided. This kind only brought her in contact with persons she dreaded like Lane and Kent…the hottest investigative journalist team since Nordcross and Judd. If she did not step evenly, six years of patient planning and waiting would be brought to an abrupt end.

Strike! A jolt of pain shot through her shoulder. Her sparring partner shouted, “Heads up Aykira! Caught you that time!”
<Caught indeed.> She thought bitterly.


“Partner; thanks so much for tea and the dinner! It was a lifesaver! Achoo!”
“From late night stakeouts; to early morning interviews and little or no rest in-between. Lois, your body is telling... no, demanding some down time and you want to compare notes about our interviews? In the first place, what makes you think I got an interview with General Zeitlin?”

“Oh, please Clark, Superman had to have told you *something*.”

“Maybe,” he said standing up. “I’m making us some chamomile tea; it should help let you sleep.” We can go over your interview notes. While you’re sipping a fresh cup… and yes, we can discuss what Superman told me about the crystals.”

“Yes!” She squeaked triumphantly and pumped her fist. “The big fella, never let’s us down!”
Clark smiled as he pulled out a jar of honey and two packets of Chamomile tea from his carry sack. Lois had a coffee maker, and blender on her kitchen counter - between the two was a small teapot. Swiftly he set out mugs, spoons and napkins, and while waiting for the pot’s water to boil, they chatted amicably. Both of them always enjoyed spending time with each other. Eventually Clark brought two steaming mugs over to the couch and handed Lois hers. He sat down on the opposite couch. Savoring the delicate herbal blend as it turned over his tongue, he began speaking.

“One of these days, you need to learn basic cooking survival skills. Bobby was right.”
Rolling her eyes in exasperation, his partner shot back, “We are talking about the investigation, *not* my culinary skills, or lack thereof. Now come on, what did General Zeitlin tell Superman?”

It was just like her to avoid any uncomfortable subject by getting back to reporting. Honestly, the woman’s blood was probably newsprint ink. Her need to be the best, no matter the cost, was one of Lois’ traits he found attractive, yet was at odds with. He began explaining about where the crystals came from, stating it was a joint research effort between the United States and Great Britain. He moved on to their military, energy and amazing medical properties.

“Dr. Klein was brought in to study them?” Lois asked. “Why? He’s not a medical doctor.”
“No, but he is a renowned authority on brain mapping, along with a couple of other talents he possesses.”

Lois smiled, “Does he *ever* leave Star Labs?”

“Apparently, it is not very often.” Clark replied drily. “He’s been helpful to scientists in several different fields. Kind of a Jack-of-all-trades, Master-of-none sort of thing, but his research yields results. Since coming to Metropolis, Superman has benefited from his expertise many times.”

“Not to mention the Daily Planet. It’s a good thing Jimmy’s old friend introduced them, otherwise where would we or Superman go when really thorny scientific questions require an answer?”

“Lois, that’s all Superman told me. General Zeitlin and EPRAD needs his help tracking down whoever stole those crystals and it’s a sure bet they stole the microprocessors as a smoke screen.”

“Yeah well, the one piece of research I could get from Jimmy this afternoon was those crystals were not on the Shackleton’s manifest or the Harbor Master’s list.”

“Hmmm, amazing what a quick ‘pitstop’ at the Harbor Master’s office yielded.” Clark said ruefully. “You really shouldn’t have sneaked in there and stole those papers. What if someone saw you?”

Ignoring his comment, Lois continued. “EPRAD and Barontech probably took the precaution of omitting the crystals’ presence onboard ship. As you mentioned earlier, besides the prototypes, that was the entire world’s supply. So more can be created, but leaving such a powerful energy source unaccounted for is frightening.”

“Agreed; all the more reason for *Superman* to be looking for the most likely criminals, not you and me.”

Lois took another sip of tea, allowing the gentle herbal ‘notes’ to tease her tastes bud. Her voice felt stronger she began. “I’m not so sure about that. Anyhow, let me tell you about Aykira Hallick. Much as it pains me to admit it; Cat’s right about her talents as Lex’s assistant. She has a wide range of interests, which doesn’t hurt when it comes to working with a bunch of technicians, physicists and businessmen.

“How do you know about these interests, she told you?” Clark asked.

“No silly! Her office bookshelf has a wide variety of publications; physics, accounting, finance, math theory and travel. I did not just sit around waiting. I thumbed through a few; each one had her handwritten notes over the pages.” She grinned happily, warming to the subject.

“Wow! Talk about research.” She laid everything out there for you.”

“Jimmy needs to run a deep background check on her education and whatever else he can dig up. I could not trip her up on any questions regarding the manufacture of the microprocessors. She defended Lex’s decision to have her handle the media and his absence at this morning’s news conference. She even messengered over a copy of the contracts between Lexcorp and their main manufacturers of microprocessors.”

“Seems to me Lois, you have run into a brick wall. Could it be Ms. Hallick has nothing to hide?”

She hesitated to answer because another sneeze was tickling her nose again. “Achoo!” She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. “Urgh! I need more cold medicine. Yeah well, she might not have anything to hide, yet she was definitely surprised when I mentioned solar panels for Station Space Lex *and* she nearly fell out of her chair when Harmonic crystals came up. I don’t understand it Clark, it seemed like she was angry to hear about it from me, but also relieved. My journalistic instincts are screaming there’s a story here…a big one.” Looking suddenly uncomfortable Lois continued. “Plus there’s something else about Aykira.”

“Oh, what’s that?” Clark cocked his eyebrow curiously.

“It’s the oddest thing, but I feel we have met before and were friends…good friends. Yet for the life of me where we met does not come to mind.” Lois lapsed into a contemplative silence.


Clark looked at her gently, she was fighting sleep and a cold, but she was still determined to get the story. With such resolve, no wonder she had gotten three Kerths at a young age. However, right now she needed rest otherwise that cold was only going to get worse.
Nevertheless, she still steadfastly ignored his comments about breaking and entering, taking risks of all sorts. It was beginning to worry and annoy him at the same time.


Breaking into his thoughts Lois started speaking again. “There’s only one way to get to the bottom of this whole thing. I need to make an ‘unauthorized entry’ into LexSolar’s manufacturing and shipping files...on site.”

“What! Her partner shouted. “A break-in? Lois, that’s crazy! This is not an old disused warehouse for Bureau 39. This is a high tech state-of-the-art facility, secured to the teeth.”

“Yeah well, if we hadn’t broken into that warehouse, Superman would have never gotten his globe thingamajig back. He’s a friend of mine… ours.” She snapped. It was worth the risk!”

“That’s just the point Lois, you take *too* many risks! By jumping into the deep end of the pool, the consequences could be worse than a bump on the head! Look what happened with Prof. Winninger, his old colleagues nearly killed you!”
Lois’ eyes grew wide and angry. Despite never seeing Clark this passionately determined, she refused to back down. “The story, meant everything, it’s how I get the job done! Somebody has to go in and stop the bad guys. Maybe I can’t fly like Superman, but by writing about corruption and the ones like Aykira Hallick who hide important knowledge regarding a major crime…”

“Wait a minute, Lois show me one shred of evidence against this woman, more than just ‘your reporter’s instincts’?” This said while making angry quotation marks with his fingers. “Without proof, you could be dragging the Planet into a lawsuit!”
His partner’s voice turned cold with fury. “I have *three* Kerths, Mr. Kent. All of them started out with big potential for lawsuits…nothing happened!

“Yes. I have one Kerth. A good solid story; based on firm research *and* where my life was not constantly endangered while writing it. If you expect to nab a Pulitzer by raking someone - possibly innocent - over the coals, I want no part of it!”

Lois realized her partner would not capitulate, changed her tactic, and pleaded. “Come on Clark. See it my way.”

“We *always* see it your way. In a partnership there’s supposed to be give and take.” He fired back.

“What? Like in a marriage? Thanks, farmboy, but I’m *never* adding Kent to my name!”
Hurt and angry Clark stood up answering. “I would never ask you to and at this rate, no one else would be stupid enough to either!”

“Oh yeah? Lois stood up as well from the couch, trying to stand on her toes, looking Clark in the eyes. “Fine! Get out!” She stormed in the kitchen, grabbed his carry sack, walked back over to him and tossed the sack. Clark nimbly caught it while putting on his jacket. “Take this stupid tea with you!”


The evening’s previous harmony was shattered. Clark was so despondent after leaving Lois’ apartment building; he walked home rather than flew, his ears still ringing with her words. What was he thinking, yelling at her like that? He was only trying to protect her. Some of the stunts she pulled were downright dangerous. Okay, it was true about the Bureau 39 break-in. Without her unorthodox methods, he would still think of himself as a ‘Russian experiment gone wrong’ and not as the last surviving son of Krypton. Just for once Lois needed to listen to reason. The story is not always the main thing. Human lives were behind the headlines; occasionally she lost sight of that.

His mind continued along the same lines as he put the key into the lock. “I should have flown home; since the terrace is right next to my bedroom.” He thought glumly. Suddenly a scratching sound interrupted his gloomy thoughts. Using infrared vision, he scanned the living room. “Show yourself! He barked, surprised at the harshness of his tone.

“Me..Meow?” A tiny frightened sound reached Clark’s ears and he was suddenly deeply ashamed of himself. Swiftly he turned on the lights. <First I yell at Lois, then at a defenseless cat. Who was going to be my next victim? A little old lady?>

Slowly he walked through the apartment, calling gently. “Pepper. Come here little cat, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Peeking around one of the kitchen chairs the animal stared at him wide-eyed with trepidation. He meowed piteously again, hoping his sitter was not upset with him.
Bending down the reporter rubbed behind the cat’s ears and spoke to him consolingly. “Come on buddy, how about a saucer of milk? Then I need to go on midnight patrol.” He contemplated work at the Daily Planet and dealing with a certain prickly female reporter. “Tomorrow is going to be a very long day.” So saying, the dejected young man picked up his feline charge and walked into the kitchen alcove.


“How dare he tell me what to do! I’ve been breaking into places long before he showed up! Achoo!”

As soon as the words escaped her lips, Lois felt deep regret. Fighting with Clark was not how the evening was supposed to go. They were enjoying each other’s company, without a video and pizza. Yes, it was chatting about work, but she would have gotten him to start talking about them, as more than working partners.
Slowly she picked up the debris of the evening; cups, saucers, napkins and carried them into the kitchen. In a desultory manner, she straightened the living room, turned off the light and walked into her cool and calming bedroom. Her limbs moved slowly as she prepared for bed. Sleeping tonight was not going to be easy. <Oh great.> She thought sadly while crawling under the covers. <Tomorrow at the Daily Planet is going to be one very long day.>


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.