The Kryptonite had been easy enough to steal back from the police. Lex Luthor smiled at the thought that anyone could be bought, just some people caved quicker than others.

Lois Lane, on the other hand, was a different matter. He had won her once before… was it less than a year ago, already? She had been so enthralled by his power and wealth that he had easily won her affection. Had he loved her, ever? Maybe. Though what love was, Luthor couldn’t define to himself. He had distanced himself from all affection many years ago, instead seeking out beauty and pleasure. And he had found both, plus a startlingly sharp intellect in Lois Lane.

But had he ever loved her? Or was she simply another possession that pleased him?

She was his again, and though he had no power or wealth to win her, perhaps now he would try to love her. She owed him the chance, after all. He had brought her back to life! And now, they had a second chance to explore what they could mean to each other.

Lex had won again. He had the Kryptonite back and he had Lois Lane.


Henderson shook his head, contemplating the evidence file he was to hand over to the prosecution. The odd Japanese knife found at the crime scene had come up with fingerprints from Kent and Lex Luthor. He was baffled, as he remembered as well as the rest of Metropolis; the megalomaniac had jumped to his death from the roof of LexCorp towers. Either Kent had stolen the knife from Lex's collection or Lex was alive and had killed Ms. Lane. He was worried at first that Clark was just delusional, broken hearted over losing his partner. But as the days passed, and the more he talked to him, he was convinced that Lex Luthor somehow lived and had turned to being a menace in a much more tangible sense. Doing a little research told him that LexCorp had gone under and all of Luthor's assets had been liquidated. He couldn't imagine the man having a billion dollar stack of cash somewhere, so he assumed that the money had been distributed or even stolen, and he thought that probably hadn't pleased someone who had been the third richest man in the world. But still. It was crazy to think he lived. After all, the man had *jumped* to his death.

Henderson shook his head, taking another sip of his black coffee to focus.

And then there was the puzzle of Superman. He had completely disappeared. Henderson knew the man of steel had a soft spot for Ms. Lane, and he felt sorry for the guy to think of him mourning her in some dark cave somewhere. But still, he thought the superhero had more backbone than that. And if anyone could find a guy like Mr. Luthor who had supposedly died, he imagined Superman could do it.

He flipped again through the file, his eyes landing on a picture of the strange green rock they had found at the crime scene. None of the forensics guys had ever seen anything like it, and analysis came up inconclusive as to what it was.

But, whatever the evidence, Henderson was certain that Kent had not done the job, that it was possibly even a frame up. But chasing after a man who to all was known as dead was a hard idea to push.

The inspector’s phone rang and he answered it, “Henderson.”

“Inspector, we finally got access to the chip inside Lois Lane’s camera. I sent you copies of the pictures. They are definitely something you’ll want to see,” said the woman with emphasis.

“Why’s that? What did they reveal?”

“Lex Luthor is definitely alive, Inspector. If you find him, you’ll have all the evidence you need to lock him away for life.”

“Thank you, Ms. Dawson,” he said. “Anything else?”

“Well,” she swallowed, not sure how he would take the news. “That green rock? Well, it’s gone missing.”

“What! How is that possible?” he demanded.

“Well, uh, we don’t know sir,” Dawson answered lamely.

“I want to know every badge number that has been near it! By this afternoon, on my desk!”

“Yes, sir.”

Henderson slammed down the phone and sighed.

Well, at least that was partially good news. But still, alive or not, Luthor was so elusive. His men had been combing the city for over a week and had found nothing.

The bottom line was he needed Superman.

He had questioned Kent about the Man of Steel several times, and every time it made Kent uncomfortable. Henderson had puzzled over it for a while and he had some theories. One of his theories was a long shot, but then, it might just make everything else make sense.

But one thing was for sure. He needed Superman and he was convinced that Clark Kent had the answer on how to find him.


Clark paced his cell for the hundredth time, fighting the urge to bust the bars open and find Luthor. It had been over a week, and for a man who was used to embracing clouds, the tiny cell was hard to deal with. He was tormented by thoughts that maybe, just maybe Lois was alive, even though he knew it was impossible. He felt like his was going crazy, trying to talk to her ghost in the silent hours of the night. But the fact that her body was missing---who would steal it? And why? That simple fact had been enough to pull him just barely out of his depression and made him eager to act.

His best guess was Luthor. That he had orchestrated the whole thing.

Henderson suddenly came to his cell door.

"Kent? I need a word with you."

Clark stood up, hopeful that they'd at least move to another room so he'd have a chance to stretch his legs. He almost sighed in relief when Henderson opened his door and gestured him to follow him.

They went into an interrogation room and had a seat. Henderson gestured for the guards to wait outside. He didn't want anyone overhearing his conversation with Mr. Kent.

Clark waited patiently while Henderson gathered his thoughts.

"I believe that you were right, that Luthor is out there somewhere. I have the pictures from Ms. Lane’s camera, and it was definitely him. And besides, one thing I know for sure, Kent. You did not kill Ms. Lane."

"Thank you, sir. I've only told you exactly what I know," Clark said, relieved they had some more hard evidence to go on.

Henderson nodded. "I know. Which is why I am puzzled about one thing."

"What's that?" Clark asked.

"I think you know how to contact Superman. And we need him to get you out of here."

"What are you saying?" Clark asked carefully.

"I'm saying that I think you have a connection to Superman. He hasn't been seen since you were taken into custody and since Ms. Lane... well, I think he may be your only shot of getting out of here. Luthor is hiding somewhere in the city, I’m sure of it. He’s a clever man, and has eluded my team thus far. So, I think Superman may be our only chance of finding him. And possibly finding out about what happened to Ms. Lane's body."

Clark thought a moment, mulling over what Henderson had said. Clark had been ready to toss away Superman a few short days ago, lost in his guilt. But if there was even the slightest chance that Luthor had Lois ---*did* he have her alive?--- he had to know, even if he was crazy to think so. That moment in his cell when he had sensed her had charged him with an inexplicable hope that he would see her again. He didn’t question it, because to do so would send him spiraling back into despair. He was sickened by the idea of searching for her body, but if by a miracle she was alive and needed rescuing, then Superman had to exist to rescue her. Clark chose his words carefully. "You're right. I --can contact Superman. But, I can't do it from here."

Henderson nodded, assessing what Kent was telling him.

"And why is that?"

Clark shook his head. "I promised him I would never tell his secrets. But I can assure you that Superman won't be able to hunt down Luthor while I'm behind bars."

"Well, I have this other theory. Several actually," Henderson said thoughtfully, eying Clark carefully across the desk.

"Go on," Clark gestured.

"Well, that green rock that was found at the crime scene? I've done some digging, and it appears that rock is not from this planet." He leaned over the desk as if imparting a secret to Clark. "I think it's from Superman's planet. And, from the information the forensics department gave me, I think its radioactive properties may be harmful to Superman," he finished, not hinting that the damn rock was missing.

"That's quite a supposition," said Clark, guarded.

"Hear me out. I think Superman may have been exposed to it. Hurt by it even, which could be another reason why he's laying low. Still recovering, as it were."

Henderson sat back in his chair, waiting for Clark to digest this information.

"And I have one other theory," Henderson began slowly.

"Yes?" said Clark, anxious, shifting in his chair.

Henderson looked him dead in the eye. "I think *you're* Superman."

Clark laughed uncomfortably. "Right. What makes you think that?"

Henderson shrugged. "Well, you were awfully ill when I arrested you. Yet you've made a marvelous recovery with no medical treatment, and all of your scrapes and bruises have healed in record time."

Clark felt his adam's apple move thickly as he swallowed. "Well, I--just have a natural good disposition."

"Dammit, Kent!" he said, slamming his fist on the table. "I'm trying to help you! Don't *lie* to me. I won't tell anyone."

Clark considered a moment. Lois had been the only other person he had wanted to tell his secret to… He never imagined someone else needing to know. But, for her sake, even if it was only to bring Luthor to justice, perhaps he could trust the inspector.

Clark looked into Henderson's eyes. "Yes. I'm--I'm Superman."

Henderson let out a low whistle.

"I swear I won't tell... But can you tell me more about what happened that night?"
Henderson asked curiously.

Clark nodded, gathering his thoughts. "You were right about the--rock. It is dangerous to me. But, I've told you everything else. So, how am I supposed to go after Luthor from here?"

"I think you know. You can leave and look for him in middle of the night. I'm scheduled for the graveyard shift for the next week. So you will have the next five days. You can leave at midnight, but you have to be back before 8 in the morning. Before sunrise, if possible, just to be safe. Will that give you enough time?"

Clark smiled for the first time in days. "Yes, sir. I'll bring him to justice. I owe Lois at least that much."

Henderson shook his hand, “But be careful out there, Superman. I think Luthor stole back the Kryptonite.”

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink